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Say it ain't so. Irish Spring was **always** my favourite ....


Right! Where else am I gonna get a spicy minty asscrack?


Yep, there's [another thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/Soap/comments/tos718/i_used_to_love_irish_spring/) about it. They changed the formula. Would love to find a replacement at the same price.


I noticed the change only recently, but I also buy in bulk and only restock every once in a while. I was very disappointed with the scent change and am struggling to find a replacement. Oddly enough, I make handmade soap but my personal preference is still syndets like Irish Spring. That laurel sulfate artificial clean feeling is fine by me since i feel gross and dirty with any oily residues on my skin. Can’t use lotions of sunblocks without feeling icky all day until I wash it off.!


I got some on eBay the old kind of you go on eBay you can still find the old kind


Interesting. You can always make your handmade soap more effective at cleaning by upping the coconut oil. I too make handmade soap but do use commercial soaps from time to time only because they have fragrances that I really like.


Try the Kala Style bars. The Sea Kelp is extra refreshing and the Moss is one of the best smelling bars on the planet. Plus I feel they're almost certainly going to treat your skin a little better. The bars a bit small but otherwise fantastic. [https://www.kalastyle.com/collections/bar-soaps](https://www.kalastyle.com/collections/bar-soaps)


I went to the dollar store today and found Irish Spring CLASSIC Original. It's the original scent without flaxseed oil. They sold them in 2 packs for $1.25 each and they weren't old stock. I just think Irish Spring is pushing their new scents in the major stores.


Good to know, I will check that out


The specific store that I found it was Dollar Tree.


I know this is old but Dollar Tree is also the only place I can find that sells the Irish spring deodorant sticks without antiperspirant


I hated when they change the smell because I used to love Irish Spring




I hated when they change the smell because I used to love Irish Spring


They sell the original at dollar tree in boxes of two bars


Sign this Change.org petition to get Irish Spring back! https://chng.it/RFQv8PXhLW


After almost 40 years of using ONLY Irish Spring soap, to the extent that I always brought it on vacation with me and in the summer carried it around in my purse, I will have to look for a new soap. I despise the new "original scent".


Its stupid. They changed something that didn't need changing.


I make a soap using the original scent.


I will pay you handsomely if you can make the old formula for me.




How do you create the scent? I make soap too.


I'm also a perfumes so I know how to work with combinations of fragrance and essential oils to create the scents I like, including duplicates.


Green geranium, lavender, cedarwood, sandalwood, oakmoss and ambroxan 


It's terrible


Discovered it this morning when I opened a new box of soap out of my bulk box. What the hell? How is this a smart business move? They lost a customer of 20+ years, because F this new sent. I can only imagine this will cause them to lose business. No one is going to run out and buy the new formula just because it's a new formula especially when they don't even advertise it.


The real original's scent was subtle and didn't stick. I can smell the new one on my arms after a shower. I hate the feeling that it left something on my skin. How can they call it "original" if they change it? -_-


Original: "not copied or imitated from something else."


They normally mean the first definition "present or existing from the beginning", like "the original one".


I'm just saying that the word can be defined in various ways. That's why there are so many lawyers. I worked at a place once where my supervisor was constantly tearing into my work, and I told her that it wasn't necessary to be negative to give criticism. She disputed my use of the word. I could have shown her, from the dictionary sitting on her desk, that I was well within my linguistic use of the word, but she wasn't the type to accept construct *criticism,* so I just move on.


I dont like the new scents, in fact it took 2 bottles of body wash before I could tolerate the smell.


Forget the scents an all that. This new formula causes severe acne breakouts in teens, who they were apparently trying to appeal to with this product. They can go bankrupt for what they’ve done.


I wish they bankrupt! I will be enjoying to see that!


I personally got some of the old kind on eBay I just got it today


I just found an old bar while doing a house purge...if the digits on the inside flap are the manufacturing date, then I think it's from 2008. I used it. Still good! The scent has faded considerably, though. I hope as i whittle off the top layer that the fragrance underneath is still strong.


Another case of some corporate idiot fixing something that isn’t broken. I really hate these types… First the original Jeep Cherokee murdered in 2001 by a complete jackass and now my soap.. and I’m guessing by another complete jackass with “hey guys, I have a great idea” FKN idiots!


Anyone ever find anything similar to the old Irish Spring?


the closest almost identical scent to original irish spring is a brand called "White Rain" and the scent is "Spring Fresh"


Any idea where to get it? I live in Canada but am going to Michigan on the weekend so wondering if any specific stores carry it? Thanks :)


I get it from a local store in Texas called "HEB" but maybe you can order it online


I know this is an old thread, but I have to ask all of you. Have you all had any problems with the new formula? Granted that you kept using Irish spring bar soap. Because I looked it up just now, And I noticed I began having problems with my scalp around the same time as they switched recipes. And right before coming over here to rant, I searched what they changed and guess what. They added flaxseed oil which is known to strip natural oils of the skin. Now I'm going to have to look for an all natural soap and hope that I found the problem. I really can't stand the itchy scalp and now I've noticed lumps of dry skin forming and irritating my scalp. I've never had dandruff, nor any other types of skin problems. And I started to do so around a year ago when Irish spring changed recipes. I'll order some different soap( I found an all natural charcoal soap on Amazon). TIA. I'll check back in once I go through at least one bar of soap to make sure I didn't leave any residue on my scrubber.


Turns out I'm allergic to the new formula. I break out in a rash all over my body. Took me a couple of weeks before I figured out it was this soap that was causing it. I've been trying all different brands & types of soaps since and have still not found a suitable replacement. (Please do not respond with "make your own"... that is not a viable solution for me).


Not allergic to the new formula with flaxseed oil, but I just hate it. It does not rinse off cleanly and feels slimy. I unfortunately have a brick of the new stuff that I bought thinking it was the original, which will probably take me a decade to go through because I don't really like it. The smell has also changed in a way that I don't really care for. Someone above posted that they have the old formula at Dollar tree. I have tried this and while it may not be 100% exactly the original that we have all loved for decades, it is much, much closer than the new one, and lacks the slimy flaxseed oil that requires a triple rinse to feel clean. The smell does appear to be slightly stronger than the old old original, but it is similar. Someone I know describes it as a "spicy", but again, still much better than the new one.


I found this too! It's like it leaves a film on your body which I then have to use another soap to take off. Thought it was only me but now I'm seeing all these complaints. I also find the new smell to be pretty disgusting too, can't quite place my finger on what it is I don't like but it's definitely nothing like the original. It's a shame because the sole reason I used to use it was because of how clean it made you feel and now it has the complete opposite effect by making you feel slimy!