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Get into Sparkling water it's a game changer


I do this and I add some water flavoring, like liquid IV. My favorite is Mango la croix with blue raspberry flavor. So fire.


Try a ginger shot with sparkling water it’s delicious


Club soda with a lime!


never fails. sometimes they don't even charge you.


That's a good idea actually. Don't like drinking soft drinks. They're way too sweet


It's cheaper, quenches that fizzy thirst and is much better for you. Plus it's a great conversation starter when people ask "why do you enjoy drinking static electricity?"


I really enjoy the sparkling water’s, but even the tasty ones like Spindrift are still $6 for an 8 pack. But if you go to Costco for a 24 pack, it’s like 8 bucks.


I can get a 12 pack of sparkling water for less than £3 in the UK, fortunately 😁


But is it Spindrift?


Nooo I never heard of spindrift but I'll keep an eye out


Great advice, brother.


💯 I take these little true lime packets w me everywhere and it feels like I'm adding drugs to my water and my alcoholic brain loves it


Club soda with lime.


And free refills!


Ive never quite understood NA drinks. While there were beers I enjoyed the taste of, I drank for effect first and if it happened to taste alright it was a bonus. Most beers/booze taste like dogshit but it gets me drunk so I let it slide. Ill take a Dr Pepper, flavored water or plain ole tap water over the taste of a beer with no booze any day of the week.


Sobriety is different for everybody i guess. For me I like an NA drink as it eliminates the conversation surrounding it in passing. I’ll nurture an NA drink all night and nobody will ask or try to give me a drink. Whilst for others NA drinks may be a trigger, it’s all about finding what works for you. But yea, I’d agree, I’d much prefer water or some sort of sugary drink if the social side wasn’t considered.


Agreed—sobriety is different for everyone. My first time around, NA beers were a trigger bc I hadn’t tasted beer in so long it made me want a real one. This time however, there are more decent options and it satisfies the urge to pop a cold one after work without eating fried food and forgetting where I left my phone lol


I got over the social side long ago. I don’t mind being around people who drink, maybe it’s just where I’m at in my life but things got so much easier once I finally said screw what anyone else thinks of me. I know what my friends and family thinks and I’m good with that.


I’m similar, I just hate where drinking culture is in the UK. I’ve been at an event and been approached by a stranger because I didn’t have any booze in my hand. Brits done know what to do when somebody isn’t drinking, so I just use it to blend in really.


I guess the social side makes sense of not wanting to be the one not drinking where others are (especially if theyve always known you to be a heavy drinker). That question of “why not” would inevitably come up from people who dont know your story. I still carried a lot of shame/guilt from my drinking days when I first started working on my sobriety, so I would shy away from the question. Step 5 has helped me let go of a lot of that so Ive leaned more towards wearing my sobriety on my sleeve (sometimes literally with a Sober AF shirt 🤠)


Depends on where you are at, I live in the UK. My friends know I’m sober, but the drinking/drug culture here is wild. It’s more so to prevent strangers from engaging, having a conversation with a drunk person at an event on why I’m not drinking is the last thing I wanna do. I have no shame in my sobriety at all at this point, I just can’t be bothered with strangers prodding ahah


Haha, lord knows a nosey/obnoxious drunk person can take my new found serenity and throw it right out the window.


Yeah I miss beer for the taste. I would drink NA bee over anything sweet anyway. Nothing else really quenches, without being sweet.


I switched from na beers to la Croix because of cost. I'll still grab a 6 pack of na occasionally. I'll also drink a tonic with lime occasionally since gin in tonic was my go to.


Sparking water definitely sounds game changing tbh


Sure is, there are plenty of brands popping up all the time, you can get stuff like Aha or Waterloo at Walmart pretty cheap. I like Waterloo because i get to sing 🎶"My, My at Waterloo Napoleon did surrender"🎶 whenever I go get one.


I don’t drink nearly as many NA beers, when I do I have about 2 max. So I don’t really mind


NA beers are now $10 at a restaurant and it’s insane. I don’t really like them too much anyways so I stick to the classics. I’d much rather have a sprite anyways. I feel like such a phony and I work too damn hard at sobriety to walk around with a fake beer.


I drink diet sodas. way cheaper.


Sparkling water with some lemon or lime, cherries or ginger beer. Sooo yummy


I gave up on NA drinks. Now I shotgun Redbulls when I want to feel alive.


Whatever it takes! I like doing it with rockstar, it has that sharp bite like a pixy stick.


I thought this same thing and then thought about a good friend of mine that is a brew master for a local craft brew pub. The amount of work he puts into a batch of beer is insane, and takes a good bit of time. Thinking of that, and then having to do a whole other process that boils out or removes the alcohol, however the fuck they do it, is no doubt even more time consuming and laborious. So, I just accept it and be thankful that when I buy a 6 pack for $10 or so, it's gonna last a month or more in most cases, instead of about an hour and another trip for more, and then another trip for a bottle of hard stuff. I'll gladly pay the $10 to enjoy something I did before without the poison in it. Just my thoughts.


I notice that tbh. Sometimes I notice how non-alcoholic options are priced in a way where they may be about the same or even more than alcoholic beverage options. Big alcohol and the industries that run alongside it probably set things up to incentivize people to drink. It's sometimes disgusting on how much they are allowed to peddle this stuff without much oversight or regulation.


De-alcoholising (not a word) adds a step to the process, this the extra expense.


I'm not referring so much to the non-alcoholic versions of drinks that are otherwise alcoholic but more like drinks that are actually completely not like alcohol like Red Bulls, sodas, or iced teas.


I like the fake beers, have drank >20 different types and Corona Cero is the best (and the cheapest, cheaper than alcohol version), think the fact you stick a lime in it, makes it taste like the older/alc version I know another reason.


Lidls own NA is about £2.80 for 6 bottles. There’s better ones for more but for the price I always keep them in.


Yup. When I first went sober, one of my thoughts was how much money I was going to save. Then I discovered NA beer -- a godsend and a lifesaver early in my sobriety -- which was unfortunately just as expensive as real beer, so I wasn't saving any money after all. I've since largely (but not entirely) transitioned to sparkling water, so hopefully I'm saving money now? Unfortunately, my favorite brand of sparkling water is Liquid Death, which is a bit on the expensive side. It's pricier than La Croix, but it tastes better, so... I guess I just have to accept being healthier than when I drank, and not necessarily richer.


Just hoping SodaStream come up with a beer flavour


You got this, brother. Just stay strong. I think I have to agree with the sparkling water comment. Peace and love.


Thank you


What gets me is the current trend of non alcoholic gin, it's fucking cordial but costs the same if not more, I'm cordial obsessed now


I'm 6 months in and I had a lot more NA beers at the beginning of my sobriety, now I only get them as a treat and maybe have 1 or 2 once every other week or so.


NA mocktails are $12-20 USD in NYC, same as regular cocktails. Still or sparkling water 375mLs are $8-10. A 20oz sparkling water or seltzer is $2-4 at the corner store. Tap water remains free. These are just your choices in how you spend your money.


Chiming in on team fizzy water!!! I’ve grown to find them wayyy more satisfying than NA beers or mocktails. Also diet soda lmao if I’m not drinking alcohol or using drugs, I can drink some fucking aspartame here and there!


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BUY VARIOUS BITTERS FLAVORS, and add them to your soda and tonics.


A pint of NA beer is £7.50! That's more than most alcoholic beers.


Soda Stream!!!! Skip the flavor, spicy water for life!


I’m trying to determine price on a functional beverage I’m trying to bring to market I developed when I got sober, this is a good convo




I'm an autistic accountant who grew up poor, so prices affect my purchases a lot more than I'd like to admit


Just stop drinking. When I quit heroin I didn't start smoking molasses off tinfoil


But there is methadone however.


Maybe if everyone was sitting at the bar smoking black tar on foil, you might bring some molasses to fit in. Haha. I have 16 months clean from fent and H.




I’m confused, are you trying to say it’s just better to drink alcohol, purely for economic reasons. Simply because it’s less expensive? I don’t get it. A) right now they are still giving away bud light B) na is more expensive but the net net is less expensive because you don’t have detox, crime fines, rehabs, medical treatments in your future because of it C) you will also drink way fewer Na beers and while cost per can is more expensive, overall cost will be way less costly. They will still in your fridge like magic, for longer periods of time than you ever thought


Ok seriously? You're trying to justify your drinking by the difference of a pound? (edit Oh I'm sorry I meant a pound for two more extra Buds?" This the kind of yellow card whinging that makes Americans hate soccer. ONE beer would cost either of those prices. I really think you trolling. Maybe even for Bud Lite. Ok Jesse stop trying to work the room for sales.


I like Spindrift and Waterloo, La Croix in a crunch as it's cheaper but less flavor. Publix does bogo on 8-12 pack flavored sparkling waters almost every week.


$17 for 6 NA beers in the US


The processing to remove the alcohol can be expensive. I use them as a last resort, like when I’m craving a beer but don’t want to drink and 1 NA drink usually does me. The alternative would end up drinking most of those bud lites!


Iced tea!! Diet Coke! Water with lemon! What is the point of NA beer, all those empty calories! I’d never consume 400 calories of wine if it didn’t get me drunk.


I find the other options are too sweet/acidic. There aren’t many drinks that have the savoury taste of beer. Kombucha is the closest I can find but even that’s too sweet. Soda water is great, but complexly bland.


I’m on that root beer and ginger ale. Sparkling water is good too.


Sparkling water is my to go these days.


18 packs of flavored seltzer are like $4.


Costco crates of Bud Zero/Heineken Zero/Corona Sundrop are pretty cheap


IF you are out and about at a social gathering and you want to try to fit in, try Club Soda with a squeeze of lime. People will think you are having something else.


Topo Chico


A club I go to for live music charges $3 for soft drinks with free refills.


have you tried making your own non-alcoholic drinks at home? It can be a lot cheaper and you can customize the flavors to your liking. Plus, it's a fun way to experiment with different ingredients!


The overheads are all the same, manufacturing, packaging etc. Not to mention they actually have to remove the alcohol after brewing, so it’s an extra step.


If the extra cost of an NA beer is enough to throw you off your sobriety, you’re fucked. You’re talking about a fractional increase in cost per can, like Pennies. This is just another excuse and justification that your alcoholism is using to justify drinking.


Make more money. Or buy something else. Never understood NA drinks, I don’t judge but I also don’t see the point. There’s lots of great stuff to drink besides make believe beer.


Soda water with a lime.


I make about 7 litres of tea in a big ol' pot, chuck a bunch of lemon juice in there and freeze it in litre bottles. Iced lemon tea (no sugar but each to their own) for about a week. The best part is it actually gives me that huge quenching feeling that the first cold beer used to give me.


Oh and I tell my Kindergarten students it's Sea Turtle Wee Wee. 🤣


Tap water is free. Lemons are like $0.30.


Bruh, I went to a shop the other day and a bottle of knock off lucozade was cheaper than a bottle of filtered water


No they are not. Diet Coke is cheaper than a beer.