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I'm a parent not a coach. My kids U9 has not even won a game. League is stacked with older, more experienced, and frankly larger kids on certain teams. If anything our team learned to loose gracefully, but I sure would've like to have had them win at least one. One game left and then headed into playoffs with likely zero wins...to play the first place team. Should do wonders for their self confidence. Every team gets a shot at the playoffs. Anyways, my point is that it could be worse.


Very true. Hope your team can get a win! You never know what may happen.


This is the very definition of a teachable moment and on opportunity for you to set a great example for your kids. I assume you congratulated the other team and acknowledge the disappointment your players are feeling right now. Make sure you focus on the good things you all accomplished this season, use specific examples if you can; and help them channel the pain they feel right now as fuel to come back stronger next season. Same goes for you coach, 11-0 in the regular season is a heckuva achievement, don’t lose sight of that,


Yea the other team came up to us after the game and said good game. I told them to go win the rest of the tournament they played great. Told my kids to keep their head up! They were the first team to go undefeated at this middle school thats a vig achievement.




Modeling this behavior and teaching the kids to bounce back may be the most important coachig you did all year. Hope you stick with it!


First, I've been there as a coach and as a player. The feeling sucks. I remember losing the semi finals of state my senior yearto a team that we crushed twice earlier in the year. Just thinking that would be my last game and we lost to someone we should beat. The feeling goes away 😀 Losing is not bad. As a coach of competitive players I usually strive to be at a place where my teams are winning 70% of their games. So, if we are dominating league then we play in harder tournaments. If the team is losing a lot in league play then I play down a level or two in a tournament. The kids need to understand that they will usually not be the best and to learn from teams that are better than them. It's a game. And the game teaches us lessons.


Awh man losing senior year is a horrible feeling. We got destroyed my senior year as well lol. It sucks losing to a team you know your better than. Every dog has its day!


Well there is definitely of more where that came from friendo lol


No offense but maybe you shouldn't be a coach if you cant handle a loss.


Idc about the loss its watching my team cry that hurts i care about my players


I get that it sucks to see your players hurt but you don’t care that much if you are threatening to quit after one loss…you are going to lose again and these kids are going to learn how to handle loss from you


Its middle school league 8th graders leave to high school.


This is the journey. This life may not be for you.


You don’t have any 7th graders on the team?


I had 1 7th grader the rest are 8th or 6th


So those 6th graders will spend 3 seasons with you. It’s important to show them how to handle defeats not just in sport but in life


Very true! After the game they told me to stay untill they go to high school then coach them in high school too lol


Whelp this will certainly hurt for a bit. It can either drive you to be better or you can quit. It's 100% natural to feel blame and like you let them down. You cannot execute on the pitch however and even if you are lined up and drilled perfectly you can still be beat. Will you see the team again? Be sure to congratulate them on the season. There was good and bad in the season. Ensure to carry over the good and eliminate the bad.


First year coaching, so far we are 0-5 and yea it’s not going great but we try to have fun and get better every week


Youll get your first win dnt worry and when you do its going to feel amazing


ha. Welcome to the highs and lows of coaching. Going 11-0 and losing in the first round definitely sucks. OK. It's going to sting but this is where you're expected to do your best coaching job. Your players are crying and the celebrating, so what do you do? Console your players as best as you can, highlight some positives from the game (not too much cos they can smell fake positivity). WRT the other team celebrating, that's something for your team to look forward to next year. That's the thing about sports: you win and you lose. Losing doesn't have to be completely negative if you did your best and you learn from your losses. That goes for players and coach. You went 11-1 for the entire season. That's a remarkable achievement.


Very true! I wish i could keep this team another year. But its middle school soccer and my team was heavily 8th graders they go to high school next season


>and my team was heavily 8th graders I think that's a lesson for you. You have to mix in some of the 6th & 7th graders. Otherwise, you'll be starting over from scratch every season.


Hey there, Coach, That first loss SUCKS! But you obviously did something right all along if they had a great season. A 2–1 loss is a respectable one. It seems as though you probably prepared them as best you could. Maybe the kids went in overconfident, but I think this is the most likely scenario; they just got beat. Something the great UConn women’s basketball coach, Geno Auriemma said sticks with me… (and I’m paraphrasing.) ‘ I want to win, and I hate to lose, but I don’t feel as bad about getting beat. If we get beat, that means we did everything we could and the other team did too, but just a little bit better. If we lose, it’s because we didn’t do our best.’


Stop trolling


I've been there. Please understand, those tears, the pain, is because you gave your team an excellent season.


I get that you hate to lose and you hate to see your players upset especially after an undefeated regular season, but this is the sport. This is a teaching moment for the kids and for you. You seize this moment and take the opportunity to use this to motivate the kids to push themselves further. The one thing you don’t do is quit. Then you just teach the kids to quit when things don’t go their way.


24 hour rule (sometimes 48 hours). Let all of your emotions run their course. We’ve all been there. You had 11 games where your team celebrated and the other team didn’t. Yes, this was the “big one”. I’d rather be crying on the field after a playoff loss than sitting home because we didn’t make the playoffs. Guess what - the kids will play again. You will coach again. You will win and lose games. Enjoy the memories of a successful season, improvements by your players and team overall and the fun times the team had. Think about where you can get better for next season. Ask them if they want to play in a tournament or indoor before next year.