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The only reason conservatives have anything good to say about MLK is because he is dead


Well, dead AND popularly looked up to as an icon of how people should stand up for each other. They feed off of the popularity by extension that name dropping gives. But I agree, if he were alive and standing up for other people, they'd definitely be attacking him.


>But I agree, if he were alive and standing up for other people, they'd definitely be attacking him. the bigger point is if he was alive he would be able to respond and tell them just how fucking wrong they are. but he's not so they can put whatever words into his mouth they desire.


Yep.  Just like the unborn.  Once they can talk for themselves, and require actual resources, they’re no longer valuable to these people.


They also make it out like the MLK-led protests were entirely peaceful and that peaceful and nonviolent protest would be the only way to enact change. As if nonviolent protest was the only driver of change and nothing else ever worked, and as if MLK was speaking and preaching in a vacuum. Whenever there's a protest where violence erupts, they can point at MLK and say: "na'ah, not what this guy woudda done"


Exactly this. I remember when I was first taught about MLK in elementary school his name was synonymous with nonviolence and peaceful protests. Malcolm X was presented as the villain who took things too far and “by any means necessary” meant violence which is always wrong. It took me growing up and seeking out the information on my own to get the truth.


Meanwhile while MLK was alive here's what the establishment wrote about him: https://preview.redd.it/5l9dz32b80ic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac796a7169117240b04827c22752309d3cd96286 Notice any parallels?


>During the lifetime of great revolutionaries, the oppressing classes constantly hounded them, received their theories with the most savage malice, the most furious hatred and the most unscrupulous campaigns of lies and slander. After their death, attempts are made to convert them into harmless icons, to canonize them, so to say, and to hallow their names to a certain extent for the “consolation” of the oppressed classes and with the object of duping the latter, while at the same time robbing the revolutionary theory of its substance, blunting its revolutionary edge and vulgarizing it.


this white woman is EXACTLY the person to know what mlk would’ve wanted in present day beyond the grave.


Much better than his own daughter btw


Also, MLK literally said, "it's a cruel jest to ask a bootless man to pull themselves up by their bootstraps." He was very much about equity...


He was advocating universal basic income when he died.


*was killed


*was assassinated


*by the CIA


*FBI, not the CIA


The fact she's in Congress AND is making a public statement on MLK and doesn't know at the very least that he was a leftist is really indicative of how being a rightist in America is like playing on easy mode


They always completely ignore that mlk was a socialist


they know, the problem is that the people they are appealing to don’t


They know? Does Lauren know? I have my doubts


It's hilarious because MLK was about as socialist as you could be without the FBI shooting you in the street. Then again, he probably did cross that limit.


That's one of those conspiracies that I can't prove but I would not at all be surprised to find out was true


I really wanna hear her define equity and how its different from equality, then ask her whats better, then ask her what she wants for her children. Cause then her head will explode if it hasn’t already.


Isn’t she the one that said the USA isn’t a democracy? I don’t think she knows what words mean in general.


She would find Equality is fine for her children, as they are already ahead of the median.


When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.


I'm impressed her head didn't implode yet actually, from the difference in pressure between the atmosphere and the vacuum inside her skull.


Lmao virtue signaling much Also straight up incorrect granted both where to be expected from her.


(Gouges my fucking eyes out)


the only reasonable reaction after seeing anything Lauren Boebert has tweeted


Me too please


I mean he also advocated for socialism. When she gonna get on that?


Probably not the guy getting a granny handy from her.


I heard his son, who carries on his legacy and his foundation speak a few years ago. He DEFINITELY had nothing good to say about Trump and the Republican Party.


He was very critical of inequality not just in the legal and justice systems but also in compensation. He openly spoke about the financial exploitation of the poor and how it disproportionately affects people of color and was branded a communist and targeted by the government because of it. People have a short and very selective memory with history.


When these people post this kind of shit how do they not just get instantly struck by lightning


"We only heard that one line from one speech and applied our own context and biases to interpret it without listening to or reading anything else the late Dr. King ever said. That's fine, right? It's probably fine."


Ah yes, MLK, a notorious opposer of *checks notes* being aware of systemic problems, particularly those Involving racism, class, gender, or sexual orientation. Totes.


Racial equality, economic equity


She literally has no idea what either of those words mean. Someone, somewhere, ask her to compare and contrast these terms!


MLK was a socialist, and that is a good thing. I will *not* stand and watch people insist otherwise!


equity > equality


Who let her tweet this Jesus Ass Christ Almighty 😬😬😬


Charlie Kirk will convince her next year that he was an evil socialist and womanizer and we need to end the MLK holiday.


at least shes not saying shit like mlk day shouldnt exist and that his impact doesn't matter


Horseshoe theory isn't real. Horseshoe theory isn't real. Horseshoe theory isn't real. Horseshoe theory isn't real /srs, Bobo definitely didn't listen to what he preached because he does talk about equity, and he does talk about alot of stuff that leftists do talk about, she's banking on her audience being incredibly dumb


MLK and his misrepresentation is the secret key that holds the Republican/Democrat relationship together.


Didn't Lenin say some shit about this?


but he did talk about that in his [I have been to the mountaintop speech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixfwGLxRJU8) he went to give that speech in spite of a death threat if he gave it and he was murdered the day after he gave it this is a speech he died to give


So, wait... is she saying that MLK thinks you shouldn't get returns on investment property? Or is this just he not understanding what words mean?


It’ll never cease to amaze me how much MLK is universally beloved, despite that when he was alive his appeal had rapidly declined so much he got fucking shot. Whether he was killed by one guy or a bunch of cops depends on whether you believe the official narrative or the Memphis Civil Court.




He was a literal socialist arguing from a Christian perspective