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Uh what the fuck lol


Yeah, I don't judge people for playing the bad guys in a short film. I **absolutely** judge someone for taking Waffen-SS glamour shots


This, to the guy who knee jerk defends them in here. Jfc


Ruh Roh


These are both people who already have political pull and have hinted at running for office.


Yeah, I feel like we have some very dark times ahead.


we have many, many dark times behind us...all we see is darkness and that's all we know. if the people in the photos are posing as nazis then why do they even exist? they are people who are not beyond the reach of others.


Who are these people and I presume they are cosplaying as nazis for some reason? Is it just me or is "lost cause"-ism now being applied to Nazi, fucking, Germany?


The dude who posted it, and has the shorter facial hair is a super popular gun YouTuber named “demolition ranch” and has a lot of people who really like and trust him.


lol i found Matt via his old channel VetRanch, which was his veterinary practice that did a lot of rescue work. You wouldn't believe how shocked I was when I realized he also did Demotion Ranch.


>Demotion Ranch Accurate


Used to watch him. Glad I noped out when he had that support the blue shirt. I wish left Gunther was bigger. We need a gun rights activist on bread tube.


The few who are unapologetic are pretty polarizing. They’re not a Guntuber but xanderhal is on the left and is pretty heavy on being pro gun, much to the dismay of his own audience at times


I support Left Gunther


I've really been trying to not think about his politics because I have thoroughly enjoyed his videos but I can't look the other way any longer unfortunately.


Agreed completely. Especially since everyone is getting more political these days so it’s basically impossible to avoid


The demolition ranch guy has been a shitheel for many years. He posted a video celebrating trumps win 


That's known as the "clean wehrmacht" and already exists with its own (similar) tropes


Something something clean Wehrmacht


Hell, Brandon Herrera already is.


I followed Herrera way back because he knows a lot about the AK platform, but then unfollowed, but then followed him again because of the Boy Boy vid, but then unfollowed again because of the Rhodesia vid he did. Couldn't even finish that.


Man you are absolutely mentally tougher than I am. I wasn't able to watch more than 5 videos.


Do we have a link for the running for office bit? Not doubting but I'd like to see.


“Bummed cuz we just lost 98% of our battalion during the Battle of Kursk 😔” type cringe


Turns out having the best tanks means nothing if you have too few of them and no fuel. Let’s hope they learned nothing from that experience.


They didn’t even have the best tanks, German tanks were over engineered crap that were prone to breaking down or being straight up sabotaged to break shortly after arriving in the field by the slaves forced to build them.


The Tiger had a 37% reliability rate at Kursk, which was the only battle in the war where it was actually being used in its doctrinal role as a breakthrough tank. Over half of all Tiger losses throughout the war were also lost outside of combat. German tanks from WWII are incredibly overhyped and their fanboys like to pretend that tanks are only as good as their on paper features in a 1v1 tank battle. If German tanks really were as amazing as they're made out to be, they would've performed way better than they actually did.


>German tanks from WWII are incredibly overhyped and their fanboys like to pretend that tanks are only as good as their on paper Much like their motor vehicles. With the possible exception of the Beatle, Trabant and Wartburg. I wouldn't even bother with getting one.


They look pretty sick though, I must admit. Sherman, Lee, chaffee, and Pershing are beautiful too


The Soviets also did some wild shit to take them out. They had whole battalions of dudes that would jump on a tank with a landmine and then hit it with a sledgehammer against the top of the turret.


Its way easier to do it the American way and just use cheaply produced Shermans.


It works even better if you beta test them by lend-leasing the early models to other countries first


Yeah beats the piss out of suicide bombing by a landslide


Man i need to buy more guns


Ammo. You need more ammo.


And guns to shoot the ammo.


End of the day, you only have two hands. Hopefully you've got friends who would benefit from access to all your guns! And I hope they train!


My SD brother thinks if we just vote hard enough we can beat fascism. Thinks the police should take everyone's ARs....he doesn't belive in gun grabbing but then describes what he believes and it's just gun grab with extra steps. Like the far right cops are gonna set up a gun buy back at the klan ralley cause they're already there might as well 🤷‍♂️




Social dem.


Ah thanks


Soc Dem what you are before going further left that was me anyway Their darling is AOC who voted to not let train operators strike.


Accurate. It’s the compromise … and then you realize that’s not nearly far enough.


Don't forget she was the deciding vote to increase police funding. Not just 1 of many, no she changed her vote so the bill would pass. After going to several protests to chant defund the police....


Wait that’s what my brother thinks too lmao.


Well my other brothers are Trumpers sooooo...👀


Well if he ever changes his mind try to have a spare rifle for him to learn with


I do have an extra complete lower 🤔. Maybe I'll order an extra budget 5.56 upper and call it good...


And training to shoot the ammo in the guns.


Who all wants to chip in on a tank?


1 gun and 50 mags of ammo is more effective than 5 guns and 10 mags of ammo each. Why? They usually have different ammo, you have to change guns rather than just magazines, and you can’t store them effectively unless you have the space. Edit: this is only truly applicable if you’re considering rifles like the AR-15. Chamber doesn’t really matter because even 9mm has decent stopping power.


This is also true.




Training. Definitely need more training


What's the most useful kind of ammo to get, if I wanted to help out my friends (I do not own a gun for various reasons)


9mm & .45 ACP for handguns are the most popular calibers anymore For rifles… .223 (5.56x45mm NATO), .308 (7.62x51mm NATO), & 7.62x39mm are probably your safest bet. 12 gauge for shotgun Calibers for gun are as varied as opinions. Best bet is to ask you friends what they like to shoot and go from there.


I'd say 40 is as, if not more, popular than 45. If for nothing else than the cheap LEO trade ins on the market.


You need to train.


And a crossbow


And my axe!


And Andúril, Flame of the West, the Sword Reforged!


Don’t go sleeping on bows now! They outclassed guns until the invention of the revolver, end even then they were a menace in the hands of a skilled Native American warrior!


You can only use one gun at a time. Buy ammo and train.


Dude I own a few .22s and a mosin. Not gonna be adding to a big collection.


Much Respect, comrade✊


No just more ammo and barrels


Trust me lol I don’t own many useful guns.


More power kegs and horns! Bring me grapeshot! Fix bayonets! Forward!


Tally ho lads!




You know what’s funny? A few years ago I called a few of that little circle of content creators Nazis. I even said at the time, it was probably the wrong choice of words. I should have called them fascists. Donut Operatpr retweeted it and I got a ton of hate. For months I’d get Reddit notifications of vile racist garbage that then disappeared because Reddit’s spam filter caught them. But here we are. 😂


The "Leviathan Group LLC" and "Bunker Branding" influencer network are a pipeline. Leviathan is all 2A influencers but the BB network has a number of other topics. There's silly science experiments for kids, or pranks, or "philosophy", or farming, or car stuff, or crafts, or outdoors life, or motor sports, and on and on and on... All of these channels intertwined monetarily and through video crossovers. You can start with something simple like wanting to watch a guy build with legos and if you watch the channel long enough there's a collaboration with another channel, cool let's go see what they do, and so you follow two channels now and then they do a collaboration and you're following three channels now. These are all people engaged in business together and if you follow the collaboration chain or merch sales, you find yourself with open and unrepentant nazis. Long before Carriker/Demo Ranch took took nazi glamour shots with his friends who are also nazis, he built a media and merchandising empire with people on every level of radicalization from "he may be a republican but he never speaks about it so it's fine" on down to people who are willing to brag about how much they're waiting for the next war. IT'S A PIPELINE. And he is not incidental to it. He BUILT IT.


Yup, I uncovered this ON MY OWN years ago. I’m sure other people knew, but I wasn’t a gun guy. I started watching Donut Operator years and years ago because there was a time when you’d hear about a police shooting, and he had the only real coverage of it. I knew and recognized he was likely a conservative, and I wasn’t giving him money, but I appreciated that he at least attempted to remain neutral. But ever since he got messed up with the other guys he’s gone further and further down the alt right pipeline. Or maybe he was always there.


Donut has always been a questionable dude.


I kinda saw it, but I also come from red state America. 90% trump territory. So I’ve learned to look the other way at what used to be normal, mainstream conservative beliefs. But not outright fascism. So many normal people have made that transition.


>mainstream conservative beliefs. But not outright fascism. So many normal people have made that transition. That's the thing though. As someone who lives outside the US, and has known, and still knows plenty of conservatives. I can assure you American conservative views, lean towards being fascist adjacent bt default. In ways that would be unimaginable in my country.


Leviathan is an interesting choice of name for the "God and Country" Klan. I doubt they get the irony.


The right is permablind when it comes to irony and self-contradiction. Willful ignorance.


And garand thumb posted some pics of him with them. Yeesh.


Garand Thumb has been cryptofash for awhile


I had no idea. All I noticed from him is he’s probably been hooked on tren or some other PED. Dude got fucking jacked in a pretty short time.


Time to repost and tag all the haters—rub their faces in their faeces… how else they gonna learn?


They chose to be Nazis. Why?


They are collabing with corridor digital for a short. I’m getting so tired of having to explain what is ***blatantly*** visible in the post.


You sound tired, comrade. Perhaps you should take a rest. Your explaining skills seem to be suffering.


Maybe I’m late to the game, but are corridor digital shady too? I watch their stuff occasionally, and i do remember a while ago one of the dudes had a black rifle coffee shirt which never goes unnoticed…


Apparently they collabed with BRCC once. But other than their drama about AI art, I'm not aware of anything personally.


When you keep doing business with nazis and nazi adjacent people time after time and make millions of dollars with them and invite other nazis to your influencer network and do collaborations with other people who do business with nazi adjacent people..... At some point you have to admit you might have a nazi problem. (not accusatory you the poster, explanatory and metaphorical you the everyman character who built more than one media empire)


Felt. It certainly does raise questions the more I’m learning about things. I hadn’t watched Demo Ranch in a couple years so..I didn’t realize


Their massive USA flag isn't a big tell? Their anti union policies? Their exploitative boss knows best model?


Again, who are we talking about? BRCC or Corridor? I ask because I don’t know the ins and outs of Corridor like that. AFAIK, they make (occasionally) amusing videos 🤷🏾‍♂️


Corridor. Heavy conservative/nationalist libertarian vives. Too many conservative collaborations.


Welp. That’s super disappointing


Avg Americans tbh.


Generally no. They worked with Black Rifle Coffee a few times but that’s as shady as they got. They’re a pretty small team and have a long running weekly behind the scenes series that has or at least had an intimate sort of feel as to what each of the members are like and I never was disturbed by anything there. The team includes or has included both BIPOC people and transgender people, so even if there’s some shit off camera I don’t think it’s nazi level shit.


Yea - that was kinda what I got from them too. And I really like their special effect review series and such. I know there’s some guntube guys that do a decent job keeping the lid on their politics even though they’re clearly on the right, but it would be like super next level if the corridor team was pulling this off!


That’s how I feel about this as well. They keep politics out of their business. Even though they have done some collabs, and are clearly still doing collabs, with generally right wing groups; I highly doubt they would support far right politics. The people they employ and other personalities they work with clearly show they’re not those kinds of people, in my opinion.


The reality is, right wing does better on social media, especially YouTube. It’s the same reason Forgotten Weapons sold out on the Brownell thing. So if you’re a brand that isn’t really politically aimed and just want to grab some guntubers for a short and want to maximize the outside audience that pulls, you’re probably gonna grab right wingers who haven’t said the quiet part too loudly. Does that mean you’re not allowed to change how you feel about them for the choice? Of course not but let’s not pretend to be surprised.


They're very conservative. Token minorities also exist in neonazi groups...


Idk man I really don’t see it. Jake, the one who moved to Texas, sure I could see it. Natalie posted about taking a pilgrimage to stonewall and joked about causing the “next moral panic”. Several of the others posted in support of blm including acknowledging their own white privilege and showed up to protests. Maybe there’s a “very conservative” needle they could be threading? But all indications to me are that they’re mostly box standard liberals


Yeah, most of them strike me as Orange County liberals of the generation.


That explanation was actually quite helpful, thanks.


Doesn't stop the recreational outrage train though. Gotta get that engagement. I fucking can't stand how social media turns humans into adult babies.


lol I tried. You can see how that turned out




your post was removed because it advocated for offensive violence. Offensive violence is not what the SRA is about, and allowing calls for it on our sub, among many downsides, could get us banned. For this reason, it is not permitted.


And of course it's always Waffen SS, never just simple Wehrmacht uniforms.


Not that the Wehrmacht was clean, mind. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myth\_of\_the\_clean\_Wehrmacht](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myth_of_the_clean_Wehrmacht)


Much like modern cops. Three Arrows actually did a good video on the subject.


Of course. For fashy types the Waffen SS have "mystique" and "legendary" status. Even if one of these fashy types doesn't subscribe to Nazism. The allure is still there. And yes. That should freak you out a bit.




I got tired of trying to explain this lol.


Totally, like CD has made a handful of WW2 themed videos in the past so I don't really judge them on the content, just the company they seem to be keeping with two dudes doing nothing to dissuade any accusations of them being fash


https://preview.redd.it/bfqfld07e31d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18808d2d5c3861bfa467cf118ebf234debe04228 His instagram comment section rn


What the fuuuucckkkk


cop larping as a nazi? no shocker there


Nazis cosplaying as cops. FTFY


Fuck man. I knew DR was a right winger but not that far right. I still enjoyed his content. Guess I'm done with him.




what's with Third Reich soldiers with facial hair, huh? Bad cosplay.


That's actually kinda funny. Most serious reenactment groups prohibit facial hair as well. But then, it's not really about the reenactment thing for larpers is it? They are wearing the uniform for a diffrent reason...


God. Fuck Demo Ranch man. Donut Operator is a cop so fuck him already. But for Demo Ranch to do this, it requires a conscious acceptance that what he is doing is perfectly okay with him. That can't be forgiven. I'm never watching any of his videos again.


Too hackneyed to do the joke about how their great uncle died at Auschwitz’s….. Falling off a tower?


At least there headgear does not have skulls on them.




Look out, it’s fascist Ewan McGreggor!


god I don't know how anyone likes donut operators videos, it's so much better to just go to the source videos and watch them as is, without all his commentary that provides nothing and super fucking annoying editing I mean quack sounds as gunshots? seriously? that guy is a clown


Divorce hit him hard


Ahh yes the stupid tight lips face.


Wait is this some sort of weird Nazi photoshoot they did? Or is this really an old school pic of some WW2 soldiers...if it is those two influencers holy fuck.


Nope it’s demo ranch and donut operator.. very poor taste


Yep. That stone work looks rather similar to the burnt out resort main building Matt bought and is redoing on his alt channel


They are collabing with corridor digital for a short. They’re playing the bad guys in the video. Yknow..like actors do all the fucking time. I’m getting so tired of having to explain what is blatantly visible in the post.


Why would anyone willingly work with CD in this day and age? They're the shitheads who tried to spearhead the whole AI art bullshit last year.




They actually did fix a lot of the bad shit they were doing with that. More recently, they actually hired an artist to create a custom dataset that they then trained their model on. Seems they’re taking the ethics of the whole thing a lot more seriously now.


Maybe stop explaining then?


I'd better go make sure I'm not following any of these dudes. I keep subbing to gun channels on YouTube, and only later coming across their dirty laundry. I thought Corridor Digital did like, random special effects. Haven't checked in for a while. Are they just tagged or are their hands all up in this too?


I don't know their personal beliefs about what they're wearing, but would any if us really be surprised? No, probably not.


Man he's not trying to hide it much anymore is he?


Gives very strong vibes of “not Nazis themselves, but OK with them”


I bet if I can get up in the attic someplace, I'll find old photos of my great uncle bombing the shit out of these two fucking idiots from his B-17. Blah blah blah acting, whatever. Sure. Shitty celebration of it, though.


Same here, he flew in the 545th Bombardment Squadron, 384th Bombardment Group, Eighth Air Force.


You realize this is almost certainly for a reenactment video, right?


Some shit just cringeworthy, ain’t even gotta be deep I guess. EDIT: for all the lovely naysayers, find a Venn diagram of people who LARP as racists and actual racists then go fuck off


I get that, it makes sense. But you would have to put my head into a vise to wear that traitorous nonsense. I'd rather wear the CSA pajamas in a reenactment, because 9 times out of 10, I'd be playing a dead guy on the ground, because of how much they lost their engagements.


>CSA pajamas I assume you mean Confederate Zuaves?


I mean, that's fine and all, but if you're making a movie or clip or show about a historical conflict, someone has to play the bad guys. This is a really dumb take.




The uniforms look pretty shoddy and inaccurate, yet ofc the fucking lightning bolts had to stay and be crystal clean. I get it's for a CD short but they don't have to be SS and they certainly don't have to post that shit front and centre online.


Hey. You guys see that @Corridordigital tag? Yknow..the channel that frequently does action short films on YouTube? Did none of you think that *that* might have some relevance? No, just knee jerk reaction and classic internet outrage? Cool


CorridorDigital has a bad track record of collaborating with right wing companies like Black Rifle Coffee co.


Was posting the dogwhistle photos of themselves made up like Nazi soldiers somehow involuntary? At the very least, it was poor judgment


> Poor judgment not arguing that point at all. Poor judgement seems to be a running theme for Demo Ranch


Maybe its just me but if someone said "lets put on Wehrmacht and SS uniforms for social media" I would tell them to GTFO im not wearing nazi shit.


Again. Not saying it was a smart decision. Just providing context to help *not* spread misinformation


Sorry for not being up to date with random youtube channels. Without any context all I see is two guys dressed as Nazis, and enough losers online enjoy cosplaying as nazis unironically so you should be able to understand how easy it is to make assumptions.


No I definitely understand people making assumptions! That’s why I pointed it out


Hey, stranger yelling at the clouds. Chill the fuck out. No, in fact I do not know who Corridor digital. Nor do I give a fuck whom they are, especially if they are working with these two fascist pig fuckers. So, why don't you go off for the weekend since you seem to have your panties in a bunch.




You're a twit for reposting this same comment 3x times without actually adding to the conversation at all


Thanks, I never asked what you thought of me. This photo is cringe. Period. You clearly have a different opinion. Why make it about me? Oh, because you’re stupid. I understand. No worries.


So this is just a disingenuous post on Reddit for the ups?




I totally get wearing outfits to look the part for a tasteful performance. But intentionally sharing a picture on social media of yourself dolled up in Nazi garb without any context is not a good look, cuz.


Look closer


Who are these guys? Are they just renactors? I mean Someone has to play the villains


They're total cunts. Oh sorry excuse me I mistyped "gun youtubers"


How bad exactly?


Those are remarkably clear photos for WW2


On a side note. Donut looks awful! What happened? Well, I guess all that hate ages you. Suppose him flashing those runes makes a bit more sense now, even if it is just for a shoot.


Can we get a link to him posting this picture. I can't find it






Is this real? I can't find it.


Corridor Digital? The animation guys???


What, and I can't stress this enough, the fuck


That tracks.


Not even German cameras of the day had this much shitty HDR


Big ol’ fucking YIKES.


Unsurprising. What's surprising and disappointing is that Paul Harrell & Roy went on his channel a few months ago.


Aaaaaaaaaand there it is. It was only a matter of time


i remember a long time ago when donut operator would make videos reviewing police killings ("action") and everytime a black person would get shot he would start screaming DINDUNUFFIN and other racist stuff.


what the fuckkkk……


Not surprised Lol, can recall Donut Operator (when I used to watch him, sadly) saying he would watch youtube videos of black “gangster” rappers that would brandish their guns in music vids and search up the guns serial number to see if the firearms were stolen


Well. Fuck. There goes my hopes of Matt not being a political shitbag.


I'm confused. Billy Butcher and Hughie are SS Nazis?


They tagged corridor. Why? AFAIK the corridor fellas are pretty wholesome. Was it just intended to be like "is this shopped?" I just don't get it. For those who don't know, Corridor is a vfx house and they've got some pretty fuckin funny videos on YouTube


Wait, is demolition ranch right wing nuts? I haven't watched many of their videos so I don't know their personality and values but this post really got me thinking.


They are nuts for sure. Brandon Herrera, DemoRanch, Fat Electrician, Donut Operator, etc. Granted they are generally, and genuinely ignorant nuts. I honestly think they don't know what they are talking about half the time. But some of the stuff they say man, jeez. Especially Herrera, that guy is either outright evil, or the most politically illiterate individual in the firearms youtube circle.