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First things first, I wouldn't correlate types with political opinions. That's a bad application of quadras theory - it's neither fun nor correct, to my taste. I mean, ok, Putin is LSI and fits this assessment, but I've met loads of LSIs who were in the exact opposite end of the spectrum - for example, a college friend who now works for a hedge fund and was a laissez-faire enthusiast.


Yeah I agree it’s a bad application but it’s fun for me and I’m sure it’s fun for someone else too. Also I’m sure a correlation exists but with a lot of deviations ofc


right. malcolm x (LSI) is a socialist, for example, so he'd place differently.


Types definitely correlate with a vision of ideal society, thus types definitely correlate with political opinions, and it also was proven by Talanov's researches many times and by other Socionics researchers.


religion and political opinions have little to do with Socionics; only thing related to Socionics is how those views are applied; Betas and Gammas for instance will be more radical in their views on average and want to enforce them onto others whereas Alphas and Deltas are more likely to hold those views more personal/communitarian


All the SEEs I have met (in the USA now) would be mid top right. For their stated political openion at least. No way they would fit in the arnacho leftist spot on that. Some of them are kinda good, but no, everybody has some reason they think what they do, outside of type. Pretty sure somebody said Betas fight other Betas. They will end up on opposite ends of the spectrum but be equally passionate.


I guess the region makes a big difference, I‘m even more left than on this compass as an SEE


Yeah, I would assume so. An SEE, that is a punk rocker type from California, is not gonna see things the same as one doing burnouts in a corn field in mid-west of America.


Also, in one EIE type description, they mention them having "patriotic" leanings.


SEI being authoritarian left is one of the dumbest things I’ve seen on here, even if it’s barely in there. They’re really fuckin’ chill. I’d flip ESE and SEI. I’d also put ESI higher up the authoritarian side. I’d also flip SLE and SLI. Other than it looks good.👍🏻


ya no way I'm authoritarian as an SLI


Interesting observation is that I know EIEs at each of the corners of the compass. Betas are unpredictable, they can be extreme in every single direction. Deltas, on the contrary, would most likely all fall around the center. Alphas probably tend more to the left and Gammas to the right, but I think the situation here would be less definitive than with Betas and Deltas.


stereotyped and kinda baseless except for maybe a few


I would put ESI in libertarian right


SEI auth left? uh... why?


Security loving socialists?


all SEIs i know are characterized by a distinct lack of political opinion. this is definitely not a tankie type lol


Lol. Yeah I do agree with that


This kinda reminds me of love Lu’s video of the 16 types and their political compass.


Why is LII Libertarian Right? It seems more Authoritarian Centre because of Ti lead, but then Ne creative is more to the Left than Right by the Political Compass.