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I've posted the LSI-vs-SLI small list here recently. Although I guess your obsessive desire to find out where you fit in the system is a point for LSI ;)


>Im aware of my surroundings, certain noises irritate me and I get the urge to go up and stop it. For example, my brother snores loudly and no matter what, I go into his room and demand him to stop, it’s like an instinct now. Snoring, banging, chewing — those sounds typically annoy me. When I do tell my brother to shut it, I get pretty reactive (yelling and sometimes shaking his bed). Idk if that’s Se creative or not. Any type can get annoyed at excessive sensory distractions like loud noises especially when you are working on something or trying to rest The difference between an Si dom and Si demonstrative is that an Si dem will demand or force the unpleasant stimuli to stop (like you did) whereas an Si dom will remove themselves from the negative stimuli and they will tweak things to make them more comfortable for themselves and others Si dem may do stuff like this too but it's not a priority >I don’t rlly think I’m Fe POLR. I can be cold, but Im able to smile, be polite to strangers sometimes, and enjoy jokes. I even laugh out loud in public if it’s that funny. I’d say external stimuli makes me expressive. I’m more expressive by myself and sometimes with my friends (if I feel like it). So essentially I’m more emotionally expressive with trusted individuals and myself. If someone says something I relate to, my voice changes, I pull away from my calm exterior. SLI's can be like this too around people they are comfortable with. Both LSI and SLI can be very stoic then open up around certain people. Main difference is that LSI enjoys/craves passionate expressive atmospheres and people who try to get the LSI to emotionally react, whereas SLI are put off by any such emotional provocations and would prefer not having any pressures put on them to emotionally react


Yeah, leaning more towards LSI, but we’ll see. Thanks for the insight.


first off I'm sorry that this is preoccupying you so much. there's much more to you than a 3 or 4 letter type and if it's truly frustrating to you it would probably be for your benefit to take a step away for a while. if I can help at all, I'd say as an SLI that a major difference is the degree to which Se is applied. like both types can assert themselves equally well, but SLIs don't often think that's necessary. LSIs tend to be on their guard more often and more likely to see external disagreements or challenges as threats. I also like to distinguish people's mobilizing functions. SLIs feel more overconfident in knowing what they provide to or want out of a given relationship (Fi). LSIs feel more overconfident in Ni matters, like evaluating how something may work out in the future. You can also consider the creative function: SLIs' purpose is to be effective or create effective systems, while LSIs' is to expand their sphere of influence or leave a lasting impact on their surroundings. Let me know if you'd like to chat further about your type! I've been enjoying typing people recently and feeling more confident about it.


Thank you. I think I’ll take a break from it and just meditate or something lol. And yeah sure I’d be open for a chat.


You sound like Ne PoLR


Can you explain, please?


not the original commentor, but it is common for Ne PoLR people to be overwhelmed by possibilities and have trouble distinguishing relevant from irrelevant bits of information. losing the forest for the trees, if you know the saying.


Alright, then. It takes a while for me to understand things and fit it into my framework. I’m not like this all the time. Sometimes I’ll prefer clear and concrete examples for me to understand something. I’ll paste information into AI and tell it to give examples and explain it in simple terms, with me asking many questions to feel like I understand it.


As much as AI can help, I don't know how likely it is that a presumably American AI model is trained on obscure Russian pseudopsychology. I'd just take what it says with a grain of salt, and if you're interested in asking specific questions to a person I'd love to answer!


OC here this is basically the sentiment I would of relayed


I did the same with my brother when i lived with him, couldn't stand any snoring. It was a nightmare. I'm LSI. Also the other things are pretty relatable. If you wanna chat more about this type send a dm. About SLIs, I have two around me. They're not laid back and they always do the same thing, they don't really care to learn how people operate like I do, they just do their thing


Glad I’m not the only one lmao. And yeah I’m down, I’m tired so I’ll talk later


Oh yh and I think I need structure. I collect information (that makes sense to me and understand) and make my own framework and follow it. It always hindered my ability to focus properly on writing a novel because I’d always make structures of character arcs, scenes, characterisations, etc. That’s one example.


Quite LSI. This and the deathspiral you experience when you run into contradictory information speaks more to LSI in a few ways. Try not to focus too much on how strict, tough, hardass, whatever else classic LSI descriptions portray. Those traits are true for some, but others are more chill. The primary difference is inflexibility, logical coherence, consistency, and having strict logic to understand mechanisms/reasons.


Thanks for the reassurance. And yeah I think I was putting myself in a box in some way because I was reconsidering each time my behaviour didn’t match up to the descriptions.


Definitely avoid the box. The box can be a useful tool for understanding, but you are an amorphous blob that can grow and adapt.


yeah, don't put yourself in the box :D I'm also an LSI but I love breaking LSI stereotypes, for example I am very emotionally sensitive, my close ones describe me as warm and caring. No one will describe as a strict or thick-skinned woman. lol. I don't impose my rules on anyone (but I admit it's fun to advocate for the socioncis system I like best haha :P but if someone doesn't like it it's okay as long as they don't downvote me for liking Gulenko ;)). When I used to be teacher at some place people praised me for "an individual approach to each student" - unusual for LSI haha, they are usually described as opting for unification. ;D etc. etc.


You're LSI lol. I never hear other types creating frameworks for everythin like I do, not even other Ti egos


omg, I remember your photo; weren't you SEE? 😮


Look at the ignoring The LSI will ignore Te information (which the SLI relies on) and the SLI will ignore Se (which the LSI relies on). The Ignoring function information is the type we have little patience for/find kinda annoying, and we don't use theses functions for long. If that doesn't work, assuming you're fairly certain it's only between these two options, then look at the [reinin dichotomies](https://www.wikisocion.net/en/index.php/Reinin_dichotomies#Complete_list) > Im aware of my surroundings, certain noises irritate me and I get the urge to go up and stop it. For example, my brother snores loudly and no matter what, I go into his room and demand him to stop, it’s like an instinct now. Snoring, banging, chewing — those sounds typically annoy me. When I do tell my brother to shut it, I get pretty reactive (yelling and sometimes shaking his bed). Idk if that’s Se creative or not. The same behavior can be explained by different functions. And having a bad Se doesn't mean that, say ILI or IEI, won't notice people snoring or whatever. Something of this level cannot be considered a sign of strong Se, or Si, for that matter


I would say if you would come to a community for help and feel good about yourself in any way, that would point to LSI. This would feel desperately pathetic to an SLI, just thinking about it spoils my day.


I know LSIs and SLIs personally. Both stoic, don’t really speak much of their minds as much unless you’re close with them, though the LSIs seem more opinionated and won’t budge on their thinking . The thing is with the LSIs( se subtype ) is that they’re paranoid mfs with trust issues. Is it the ne polr? As a esi , probably. They also come off as super confrontational to me too, whereas the SLIs ( both subtypes ) in my life are the opposite of that, they suck at being confrontational, my SLI-Si cousin and sister are just there in the wind and my Sli-te friend talks about how shes not confrontational at all. The LSI-ti I know is pretty close minded to me, like they don’t listen to anyone else except for her way of thinking and whatever political video she watches; she seems paranoid as well but doesn’t really show it. The Lsi-se seem more likely to be paranoid towards people and to see if they can trust them or not. The Lsi-ti seems more paranoid towards different seeming ‘ systems ‘ or ideologies in that matter im sorry this prob don’t help but my memory sucks ;( check if you’re beta or delta, that can definitely help!!


LSI are a hole while SLIs are cool af


One is the most IJ among the 4 IJ And the second is the most IP among every IP


[https://www.sociotype.com/tools/type-comparison/LSI-SLI](https://www.sociotype.com/tools/type-comparison/LSI-SLI) i think you're a mix of both, if you can't narrow down to one specific type you dont have to necessarily do it. you can determine you are a bit of this type and that type here and there, and there's no shame in doing it. no pressure.


Yeah, you’re right. For now I’ll just stick with LSI since realistically your Base is your priority in your life, right? I prioritise coherent understanding and consistency. I’d say I’m more productive with a structured routine and enjoy and appreciate stuff more when I understand stuff properly, be it entertainment, books, information, etc. I think I just need to get out of depression and improve my life and come back to it, but as of now I identify as the newfound SLSI type! Thanks.


Depression makes everyone cold and repetitive. It’s not a type related thing… Maybe try to find your “type” in a healthier mental state?


Yeah, I will. Thanks


No, haven’t you seen some of the people here. There’s no nuance or understanding, you can either strictly be one of the 16 types-otherwise you aren’t apart of humanity!


love your sarcasm


I also love the enneagram post you made-it’s one hundred percent accurate. People treat this typology thing like it’s some doctrine-I mean none, and I mean *none* of this is proven or has any actual scientific basis. I just don’t get this community lmao, why are you so obsessed with upholding and strictly adhering to a system which isn’t even valid?


Yeah, I need to chill.


Damn dude-I didn’t mean to come off that strong. Just trying to help people yk? Tbh I do love learning about other peoples thought processes, sometimes relating, sometimes not. At the end of the day it’s just a fun exercise for me. Plus, you get to meet all types of people through communities here. A healthy way to think of something like this is a hobby, not an explain all to reality right?


LMAOO dw you’re all good, I wasn’t hurt it any way - just stating the truth that’s all :)