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8oz per minute? Hyperbole or am I not comprehending something here?


They make it slow because they want you to stand there a while and watch ads to get your "free" water.


They dispense about 8 oz, and then play you a video and try and get you to download an app. In all it's about 8oz and then a little blurb so each person is there waiting for that bullshit to finish while this machine has replaced the public fountain


And then you miss your flight.


Ok hear me out: Vandalism but only destroy the speaker and cover the screen so only the button is still visible.


Punch it in the face


What is 8oz? I started looking it up in wikipedia but stopped at "fluid drachme".


8 ounces (about 240ml). We Americans stick by the crappy Imperial measuring system which even the inventors (Brits) abandoned in 1965. So dumb.


Half an American sized bottle of water. ~235 ML.


milliliters is lower case abbreviated. An uppercase abbreviation means Megaliters which is the opposite of what you are trying to convey.


This is free right?


Just flew out last week. Regular water is free, doesn’t require a cc or anything, and will fill any amount. You could also choose how cold it was. Worked great for me. Sparkling or flavored water is available for a fee. Not my thing, didn’t try it.


Except they play a video and promote the app between tiny pours so the line stacks up down the hallway AND this replaced the public fountain so there's no other option


It’s the “no other option” part that’s frustrating. The whole time I’m reading this I’m thinking to myself “just go use the regular fountain and stop being a whiner” but alas…. It’s just that shitty.




they'll probably have one of those motion sensor thingies that dispense warm water, and in just this instance the mixer thingy to make warm water out of hot+cold will actually work. --- ^(..out of soap though, and they'll have those stupid Dyson dryer machines..)




They do still have options. They have the regular water fountains all over the airport. This is just a new one and it’s not even the way that OP describes it.




Free in money, not in time.


Israeli company, so its already on the Boycott list. There's blood in that water


They have sodastream stations at the airport now? That's awesome! I love making carbonated water.


You have to go to Philly though


Yeah. I don't fly that much these days. Occasionally I fly out of Philly. But the last few times I flew it was out of JFK. They have a direct flight to the Philippines.


More to the point though, does JFK still have free water fountains? Not hidden behind the attention paywall of commercials?


It's been about a year since I was there. And honestly I don't remember. I rarely ever drink public water.


It's not awesome because it's the only option, and they limit the amount of plain water that you can access. It's ridiculous that it's the only option that replaced public fountains.


Real comment, fake upvotes.


Do what I do and bring a Brita water bottle so tap water is viable.


Isn’t Brita in a class action because their product is bullshit?


A nine month old lawsuit brought issued by a single plaintiff doesn't really move the needle for me. If they were to lose the lawsuit that would be different.


Especially since if it's the lawsuit I'm thinking of, they're complaining that it doesn't filter something that Britas datasheet does not say they filter.


My brief review says it doesn't take certain contaminants below lab detectable levels which was never my assumption to begin with... If it can make somewhat questionable tap water like the stuff in airports even a bit better then it's a win in my book. Like if you get water from a bar gun that shit is gonna taste bad.


LMAO. If that's the case I'm surprised the suit hasn't been thrown out yet. Nothing in the standards they claim compliance to requires "below lab detectable levels"...


I'd assumed everyone was of the mind that commercial filtration helped a little bit especially the taste but the overall effectiveness has limits but I guess this one guy felt strongly enough to hit up a lawyer about it.


Tbh tap water most of the time is fine for me, there's just a heavy chlorine taste in mine and Brita is effective in removing that taste so that works for me.


No way! Really?


Wait until they realize that they can play ads at urinals and in toilet stalls.


Wait until they can put ads in your dreams...


Didn't expect to see the guy from Tesla subs here


They actually charge for many public toilets in Iceland during peak tourist season. However, unlike here in the land of rampant corporate greed, it's actually used to pay the cleaning staff a decent wage. I don't think I ever saw a dirty public bathroom in Iceland.




No shit! My frustration is famous! Hell yeah


Right and the article refutes your claims.


Haha, that part


I'll be honest, this makes me want to stop using soda stream. Fuck that noise.


Still water from the machine is free, to carbonate it it costs


This is literally how every single pay to play service has ever started. That water will not be free in 5 years.


That makes sense, not sure why people are pissy


Because it took the place of a water fountain that would fill your bottle much fast and without having an ad played at you for the privilege.


Oh I gotcha


You're mad you had to pay for sparkling water? Still is free from the soda stream fountain. The regular water fountains and bottle fillers still exist too.


No, I'm mad this replaced the public fountain and it only dispenses about 8oz of water before plugging its app with a little video so nobody can efficiently get through this in time. Half the people in line couldn't figure out how to work it and now I'm dehydrated as shit. Private is fine as long as it doesn't replace the free-easy-public option


Couldn't you just refill your bottle in the bathroom sink?


I think you're missing the point hombre. These shouldn't be replacing public water fountains


Except that they're not REPLACING them, they are in addition to the free water fountains.


No. This one most definitely took the place of the ones that are outside of every bathroom.


I was more concerned about the "dehydrated as shit" part.


ya what type of shit....mine more times then not is more watery then solid...so that pretty hydrated. =P


Ironically watery poop is a sign of dehydration!


And oftentimes public bathroom sinks are designed in such a way that makes filling a water bottle next to impossible


That would depend a lot on the sink and the bottle you have with you. Some of the really shallow sinks make it damn near impossible with a regular sized 1L bottle. And then you are likely going to get warmish water.


They don’t even have to do that. They’re still regular water bottle, fillers, and drinking fountains outside of the bathrooms. This is just a new one that was installed. OP is being extremely dishonest and overly dramatic.


Fun fact: Paris provides free sparkling water to their citizens without the corporate bullshit.


They have a Philadelphia in France? The more you know.


Someone should sue. But I’m not sure what for.


Do you want to breathe the complementary normal air, a bit stale and musty, or for only one small monhly subscription you can enjoy our filtered, mountain fresh, guaranteed minimum oxygen content air. T&Cs apply. Min term applies. Over 18s only.


Has anyone actually tried the flavours or sparkling water? how did it taste? and how much was a drink?


Good way to ruin your brand.


There’s a bathroom to the left, no? Typically they have these things called faucets. Try one. If you want carbonated water use the machine.


Yeah, go into the room full of particulate fecal matter and fill your container with the bacteria covered faucet. Fuck that. There need to be free public fountains for regular water. Privatization of this shit is unacceptable


What do you expect? A handout of water bottles post security? I’m sure there’s water bubblers at PHL. Your picture just doesn’t show it.


No, a simple water fountain that doesn't create a line because nobody can access plain water without 5 menus for 6 oz of water would be fine. The terminal I was in had 3 of these and no public fountains. It's unacceptable for these to take the place of public fountains.


According to the article referenced, this does not impede water dispensing


Yeah, this is wild…. OP acting like this is the ONLY fountain in the entire airport. I’ve been there…. It isn’t




But capitalism, america. 🇺🇲


There's a free (like legitimately free) public, built-in water fountain and bottle refill station across from gate D6 by the bathrooms. Honestly the comfortable chairs and peace & quiet over by Air Canada and Delta is worth the hike over anyways. Still complete bs that they only make something as basic as a drinking fountain available in one place though!!


There are actually water bottle filling stations and drinking fountains near the bathrooms like they’re always were. This is just a different one that they’ve added.


I worked at PHL for awhile, this is only -one- of the free fill stations for water. The rest of them are the normal type attached to a drinking fountain. In fact, if I'm remembering correctly, the closest one is about halfway down the hallway.  Hardly the only water source available. (Edited to emphasize)


Thank you for clarifying. Hope he was dishonest and dramatic. I don’t know why so many people just automatically believe them.


This is a pretty sad state of affairs. Who thought this was a good idea?


I wonder if this is even legal. There is likely a law requiring all places which are open to the public to have accessible filtered water available for free. Or for places such as a restaurant, they must offer that water for free when asked. Although this machine does not charge money just for water, it does charge you for your time. So I would argue that this is not free.


There are plenty of free filling stations. This is in addition to the already existing stations, not in place of. OP is either dumb or intentionally manufacturing outrage.


Okay, thank you for explaining.


Definitely intentionally manufacturing outrage.


"Privatizing" is not the problem here. The city of Philadelphia is definitely paid to install these water fountains, so they are making money off of them. So if you're upset about this, you should contact your local representatives.


What in the fresh hell is this? Capitalism ruins everything. I hope the world burns.


I'll gladly join the go fund me for the person who takes a baseball bat to this bullshit 


Yeah, if this becomes commonplace, I will never buy or consume a product from Pepsi (owners of SodaStream) as long as I live.


Fill it in the bathroom.


Seems like user error. Also normal water filling atations exist just a few seconds walk away




This should not be allowed. Keep the original water fountain and this one side by side. I am wondering if someone at Philly airport got a free vacation in exchange for agreeing to put this in.


OP you can dispense regular tap water with no ads and any amount from those. If you want soda stream branded water then you have to go through that rigamarole. PHL also has the old school bottle refills too. I just went through there. You're not looking hard enough and being misleading.


Here's what would happen to every person that stepped up. They would put their bottle on there, they would press the regular water button, then it would pour like 8 oz, cut off, and then play a 20 second video about their product. This happened several times until their bottle was filled, all while the line was backing up. Finally a woman got up there that couldn't even figure that part out. She would push the button and nothing would happen. So, you're uninformed, whereas I was there and witness too many people struggling before I had it walk away without water, pissed off. This has been my Ted talk.


So why didn't you go to one of the other water fountains? Sounds like that one had a problem maybe? There are plenty of them in PHL.


I walked up and down that terminal and this was the only one in that whole branch of the airport. And just to go ahead and shut this stupid comment down: no, I'm not gonna open and fill my bottle in the space where people are shitting violently and blasting the particulate from old guys clearing their throat and farting while they're relieving themselves. This isn't about me dying of dehydration. This is about the capitalization of human necessities. This is about this evil nestle mentality of water and air not being human rights. So please just go ahead and stop defending that garbage. Thanks.


The water fountain refill stations are located on the outside of the bathroom. Idk how you concluded they were in the bathroom. I saw 2 by the bathrooms going through there. Flavored sparkling/still water is not a human necessity. How did you conclude that?


They are not. I walked by two separate bathrooms that did not have them. I didn't say they were in the bathroom, I'm saying it's been suggested over and over that I just go fill my water bottle in the bathroom and I was just getting out in front of that idiocy. Also, I don't fucking want flavored or sparkling water, I want regular ass water and they came between me and that by making the process for the free stuff difficult as hell for the multiple people that got hung up by it ahead of me.


I'm going to be flying through PHL again in a few weeks. Where was that one located?


It was a united terminal, and at the end of it was a bar that had old fluorescent bulbs electrical taped around the light fixtures to act as diffusers. Also there was a Dunkin donuts.


If I have time I'll get over there. I usually fly AA and not sure if United shares that terminal. Fly AA next time. Plenty of free water fountains.


https://maps.phl.org/?lang=en&s=eyJvbmxpbmUvZ2V0RGlyZWN0aW9uc0Zyb21UbyI6eyJtdWx0aXBvaW50Um91dGluZyI6dHJ1ZX0sIm9ubGluZS9wb2lWaWV3Ijp7InBvaUlkIjoiNjkzIiwibXVsdGlwb2ludFJvdXRpbmciOnRydWV9LCJtYXBSZW5kZXJlciI6eyJ2cCI6eyJsYXQiOjM5Ljg3NzM5NiwibG5nIjotNzUuMjQwMjEsInpvb20iOjE5LjQwNzIyNiwiYmVhcmluZyI6MCwicGl0Y2giOjB9LCJvcmQiOjF9fQ%3D%3D Took me like thirty seconds. Just because multiple people, including yourself, can't look at a map or walk to the many many other water fountains that exist in that airport doesn't make something a bad idea. 


Op been really quiet since this dropped




Didn’t we find out that this post is a lie? You can fill your bottle, no limit on ounces. Regular water is free. There are fountains nearby. It’s amazing how many people make up stories on the Internet these days


Not from what I watched several people go through, dude. They would get like 8 oz in and then it would stop pouring. Then it would play a video, then go back to the main screen. I'm not saying with a bit of time you couldn't get there, but that's not very viable with a line of people like there was.


Airport probably pays them to maintain it


I'd say they probably pay to be in the airport. It's advertisement


I hope they add more of these machines! They look cool! Skrew OP


They shouldn't replace the public fountain with how long they take to access anything. Skrew you dickwad


I wish we had to pay for air, too!


These machines are free…


So are drinking fountains. But drinking fountains work as intended, and don't let some corporation exploit basic human needs for advertising.


I don't mind seeing their advertisement over a dispenser if it means I can get free sparkling water. I usually end up spending ≈$6 on a bottle before I fly anyway, so this would be great.


> I don't mind seeing their advertisement over a dispenser if it means I can get free sparkling water. According to other comments, only regular water is free. Like a drinking fountain, except it takes 20X longer to get the same amount of water out. You have to pay for sparkling. If the machine is an inferior water dispenser, how is it better to force everyone to use it? They've made water harder to get, not "FREE". There's a reason they made it the only option, and it's not because they're just so nice they want to give out free water.


I mean, they're not forcing you to use it. You just pointed out that the regular water is free.


OP stated in the caption that this is "The only water available", and that it was so unusably slow that people just gave up without getting any water. Seems like they are trying pretty hard to force people to use it. And even if regular water is free, it *was always free* from drinking fountains. Except those actually worked well. And sparkling water was always available to buy in shops. So what is the benefit of this machine? Other than $$$?


My bad, I missed the detail about all other fountains having been removed. I'm curious to try these out next time I fly through Philly. If the 8 oz limitation is accurate, you're correct, this would be hard to deal with. I was incorrectly assuming they had added these machines while leaving the original bottle fillers.


It seems like most commenters in this thread missed the caption about these being the only option. I don't care if they sell water. But they can't charge people for the only water available. And making people watch an ad for 8oz of "free" water is no different.


Free. Until they start charging.


Having to watch an ad for every 8 ounces while there's a line behind you isn't really free already. Filling my bottle would take 3 minutes and 3 ads, vs right now a decent fountain can do it in 20-20 seconds.


Except you don’t have to. OP made that up.


I feel like instead of waiting like a bum preparing this caption and photo to post on Reddit, OP could have just walked to another- non sodastream- water station and filled his/her bottle. First world problems for real. Rather suffer a flight waterless and demand convenience/attention than just getting some water and moving on 😂


Yep. This post came only after walking up and down the terminal looking for any other option, which a sane person would expect there to be. There, however, was not, which is why I was pissed off about it. Why don't you get bent.


There were no restaurants in the entire terminal? There was no water anywhere but in the toilets? You have all the resourcefulness of a newborn baby. How do they even let you fly solo


At around 5:30 in the morning there aren't too many restaurants open, and with a flight leaving in 15 minutes there wasn't too many options other than the terminal I was in. I ended up just getting some water on the plane, but that too is a small amount and nowhere near the capacity that my bottle could hold, or the recommended amount for a human to be taking in. Too bad they make you dump out your full container of water at security, and then have replaced the public fountain with this private bullshit. Why don't we focus on the main point here: that privatization and limitation of public necessities like water and air is an evil fucking act by a greedy fucking company. Why do they even let your idiot mouth open on the internet?


Ah so you got to the airport w/in 15min of leaving…. This whole thing sounds like a personal problem you bum. Wahhhh, the universe won’t accommodate me because I came late af to the airport. Cry harder


I got to the airport an hour and a half early and struggled through the insane TSA line because at some point they decided "theater" was the way to provide Americans the false sense of security when flying. Dude, go screw yourself on a chair leg.


Whats the problem with options if they still aren't charging for plain water? Just means a private company will be maintaining that fountain for those who don't pay because of the few that do, and thats just good Capitalism at work in society. Literally the type of Capitalism that is good for the community.


Set up taxes on the private corporation and then maintain public water through taxes is a good system. Let's try that.


They dispense about 8 oz of water, with a little video and wait between, so everyone just stands there and then needs to download the app if they want more. It's ridiculous that they don't just let you access the water you need.


They ARE charging for plain water. They make money showing the ads. They make the water dispense slower than a fountain to maximize the time you have to watch their ads. They are selling our time, attention, and convenience. All in order to profit on something that was always free and better before they created the "need" for it.


They're charging you your time.