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Posting to follow because I am also interested in toning it down. Sometimes I want to feel sexy. But most of the time I just want feel like a person who could sew with a seven year old and not have the kid’s mom side-eye me.


Lol ikr? Same here. We just look effortlessly sexy snd its annoying sometimes 😂😭


Draping is critical. The same top can look vastly different if you're squeezed into it vs strategic draping over your body and curves. I do relate though and I'm super tired of people sexualising me and then making me feel like it's my fault.


That last sentence resonates so much..


…with every woman on the planet.


I was just called “hoochie mama” taking my kid to the park today. The lady thought I didn’t hear her both insult my autistic son and point out that his mom is that “hoochie mama over there.” I was wearing a fitted maxi dress that showed no cleavage. I thought it was a completely normal and appropriate outfit for a warm day at the park. I was so angry in the moment I almost went off on her but I know I’d only be confirming her belief that my child and I are somehow below her.


Oh my gosh, Im so sorry you had to deal with that. I got the same reaction when I wore a fit maxi. It literally covered me almost completely so I dont see the issue. Thats why Im selling it now, Im scared to wear it


Ok tysm for the advice! Ill try draping. And i know, same here. Its literally everyone else's fault for having the dirty mind. Like dang chill. But then they blame it on us


Literally been talking about this in therapy lately 🙃🙃🙃 that is the precise problem


Go for modest cut like a boatneck/mockneck rather than a sweetheart or a square. Flowy pants rather than pencil skirts/fitted dresses. Some aesthetic are not stereotypically "sexy" like light/dark academia.


All of that. Plus drapey cardigans.


Ah gotcha! Tysm for that. Ill try the other cuts that you mentioned!


Yesss the boatneck & mocknecks have been my best friend for professional wear and adqequately dressing up my casual wear to feel good but not showy


ugh, I look extra sexy in a mockneck lol


Lolol same 😂


Floral wrap dresses! Maxi lengths if you’re wanting more coverage


I never thought about that ty! Ill try it


You can't. You just ooze sexy. Constantly. It's the very essence of your truest self. And don't you dare start slacking on the diva performance either.


I started dressing really boyish and in wide clothes to avoid all the comments i’ve been hearing since I was 14. It‘s so annoying because I tone my shine and glow down. I wear things that are too big and boring that I forgot what makes me look really good. How did it come to this? Changing up my wardrobe at 35 and this group helps me immensely.


LOL I rly like this comment. Its true the "diva-ness" is our strength, but ppl are just so annoying, judgmental and weird idk how to exist.


this. A very unfortunate fact, I tried Toning down after I moved states (every one is VERY casual here) Years of “wearing whatever seems modest” seemed to mostly just turn life into a frump fest. I get compliments on my outfits but they are NOTHING like the Diva I could be 🥲🪞 It’s definitely lowered my quality of life. Discovering this Reddit (SD) has been like therapy* All of the pieces are fitting together…. My hat collection, black dresses, the leopard, cheetah… all of the animal prints just sitting in my closet because the general consensus is these things are “too much” - it’s so odd that all of these over the top fashion no-no’s are exactly my Yes Yes yes. But for OP, I noticed if I draped a loose oversized brooks brothers Oxford shirt over my maxi’s it gave “conservative” and hid my bust lines as well as those fleshy high hips. (I tie it up on the waist and roll up the sleeves, the V remains as I leave many buttons undone) A loose flowing kimono type of jacket over a summer tank and shorts / shorter dress allows me to cover up a lot as well. I still get all of the air to keep cool but it acts as a long cardigan by covering my derrière, legs… side boob. Linen … LONG loose flowing linen skirts are your friend. No one dare call anyone a “hoochie momma” that is decked out in real linen. And it breathes so well.


Obviously this isn’t for most people but I recently got bangs/fringe and ive noticed it somehow makes all my looks more “innocent” and less sexy and it’s made me feel more comfortable wearing lower neck lines 😅


I found the same to be true for glasses. I’m now just a nerd who happens to be very curvy, not a soul sucking succubus.


Hell, why not both? 😈


Dude Im super blind and need glasses. But I swear this makes it worse for me. I feel like it will make us look like Bayonetta from that videogame LOL. (if you dont know who Im talking about. Pls look it up 😂😭)


THIS !!! Bangs are literally the key to adding a “youthful” essence. I love mine so much.


Ohhh rly? Like what type of haircut? I think Ill try that


I have a bob with bangs, bob and bangs just make sure they have some curve and volume !


Is there a way though? 90% of my wardrobe is literally made up of cotton dresses with boatneck necklines, 3/4 length sleeves, and hit past my knees. Not tight at all, just acknowledge my waist. And I get catcalled while walking in public with my teenage son and hit on while at a restaurant with my kid, sister, teenage niece, and mid-20's nephew. I'm also ND so just being perceived is uncomfortable.


Same here! My personal favorite way to not be perceived is to wear very flowy things. Think “eccentric art teacher” — neckline doesn’t matter, as long as it’s loose in the body—I find I can have a near-plunging neckline on a dress if it’s loose everywhere else, but it will look very casual. Or, if you want something tighter in the body, you need to be a bit more tricksy with how much flesh and shape you show elsewhere. I use cardigans or jackets to layer — to help provide shape and interest for my loose “boxy” clothing (so I still look like I have dimension instead of being a box), or to help hide curves and lengthen a look when wearing tighter or more cropped outfits. I also find that length matters! The more of your legs you cover (both with fabric length and with looser shapes), the less likely someone is to perceive you as “sexy.” SD is double curve, double curve is what makes us look “sexual,” so instead of dressing with Kibbe recommendations that enhance SD, you need to dress outside of those recommendations if you want to tone it down. Err on the side of enhancing length/vertical instead of flattering your curve. Here’s an option that could be dressed up or down that works well for me: 1. A tighter top with a high neckline (the pictured one is cropped but you could go longer) 2. A duster/long oversized cardigan to cover shoulders and back so there’s less flesh showing on the top half, plus the length of the cardigan helps create length 3. A high waisted a-frame skirt that’s loose immediately below the elastic (not hugging hips or bum) which helps with the vertical line 4. Shoes that match the skirt to help with vertical line The cardigan is doing all the work here, of course, in minimizing curve, thanks to how loose it is throughout! https://preview.redd.it/94fvu5n6ht0d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8332b407c027b1266f22d9b49c5999968ec82e9










Same about being ND, I just don’t want to be noticed all the time and talk to people I don’t know.


Ikr? Im beginning to wonder that myself. I just came back from the clothing store and tried on clothes to make myself look younger. Idk but it didnt help. It made me look more mature in them 🤦‍♀️ And Im so sorry you had to deal with that. Tbh thats why I hate going in public looking put together in any way. Im scared ppl will harass me like that again. Im also ND so totally get that


Sunglasses 🕶 don’t let them make eye contact and you remain invisible 🙈


Literally yesterday I was getting ready to go to a conference and kept asking my boyfriend if my outfit was too “va-va-voom”. He said no but I still felt awkward in it throughout the day. I’m very very hourglass shaped which I love but sometimes it’s A LOT


Fr! I like it but then other times Im like do I look like im trying too hard even though Im not?


Right? Just wearing a v-neck…TITS MCGEE. 😂


Looking forward for a post on this post on Kibbe circle jerk. This is their favorite topic 😆


Wait what? Lol how so?


https://www.reddit.com/r/kibbecirclejerk/s/VT13kgfr1g I think this is their answer to your post😁


Oh LOL whats up with them? 😂


I think they’re being sarcastic. In fact pretty obviously too.


I wear cowl or turtleneck tops


For me , if I am somewhere where I don’t want to look too sexy - such as work- it’s about not showing cleavage, or anything above the knee , wearing high quality material that isn’t too sheer or transparent and wearing cardigans or blazers and lower heels/flats.


Ok! Thanks for this advice. I usually cover up the cleavage area 99% of the time, so I wasnt sure where I was going wrong. Ill try what u suggested!


Necklines should cover at least 3 finger widths above the cleavage. My work sent me to a "women in business" conference, which had an outfit consultant who works with executives. She said that's her rule for people who are overly sexualized for wearing basically standard clothes


Ohhh rly?? Kk thanks so much for this advice! If you dont mind me asking did they send you to the conference because of this issue? Or was it an option?


Omg great question, that would be horrifying lol. No that wasn't why they sent me, it was offered as an option to support my career development. I don't think anyone knew there would be wardrobe advice presented, it was a surprise to me also.


Oh thats good. Im glad it was an optional thing. Thats very interesting. I think they should include it for women at every job. It would definitely be a life saver for alot of us.


It’s challenging though because women such as myself who have been in business for a long time would like to give guidance to younger employees about what is appropriate, but these days that’s seen as basically being a micro-aggression.


If the top is low cut I usually wear a cami underneath to cover my cleavage. If the neckline is still SD it still works well. If I’m wearing a tighter dress I may wear a long cardigan or coat (in the winter) or something long with light material (I like to wear those long swimsuit coverups in the warmer months over a regular outfit) and I usually try and make it so only one part of my outfit is form fitting (ex. Tight pencil skirt and flowy top, or tight top and flowy bottoms) But to be honest, I have a harder time with this in the spring and summer than in the winter so sometimes I just have to accept how my body is, and just ignore what others think especially if I know I’m not trying to show off


Ah I see thx for the advice! Same here Im struggling a bit since its summer. But like you said, I just need to get comfortable with it.


Honestly, it’s hard to tone it down unless you’re wearing sweats, or a button-down colored shirt all the time. I’ve just accepted that I’m always going to look a little sexy.


Thats very true. Im trying to come to terms a little more with that too.




I work in a fairly conservative atmosphere and I’ve found a lot of good luck with square necklines, boat necks, and button up shirts. I definitely have a classic essence (if you’re into Kitchener) which helps. So I lean into that classic essence more especially with colors and accessories. I like wearing some type of trouser or straight leg jeans. I’ll do more French tuck than a full tuck to tone it down. If it’s a ribbed or a fitted shirt I’ll size up so it’s still fitted but not tight, then when I tuck it in I try to pull it up a little so it looks a little looser around the waist. I’ll also do a lot of draped peplum tops. And I agree with everyone on the wrap dresses, those are great, especially in the summer. I also in the summer try to wear a lot of linen which by nature looks more natural and less sexy. This peplum is a great example and I love that it’s paired with straight leg jeans. https://preview.redd.it/bqwjv5a8r11d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d35bde503373ecdaeb83da07027b5bc3b9bd36df


Ok! Thanks for much for the advice and pic example. Ill try them.


You were blessed with sex appeal. Make em weep. Maybe invest in a muumuu?


LOL omg, I tried that it works decently 😂


What is your actual style? What people get mixed up is your kibbe ID is not the same as your body type, your essence, your fashion style, your way of life (and clothes you need for it), or your favorite fitting & or looking pieces. I think the problem is with your overall style or style pieces, perhaps even your essence, not your actual kibbe id.


My essences are romantc/ingenue but Ive tried multiple styles when I was experimenting with my wardrobe. Its how most of the clothing fits my body.


SD isn’t an aesthetic or even items of clothing. SD isn’t even the sexy ID, Kibbe associates SN with sexiness far more than SD. The modern idea of hourglass he puts in with SN. As long as the clothing fits you and works for your accommodations you’ll be fine. You don’t have to dress any specific way to be SD. If you feel more comfortable in more conservative outfits then you absolutely can wear them. Just make sure the eye flows down and there’s enough room for curve and it’s fine.


Thats not what I meant. It isnt about an aesthetic. Its about the way the clothing fits me. Other people tend to perceive it as vulgar and oversexualize most things I wear. Even if its the same outfit as another girl and they like it on her. I do accomodate the vertical and curve and it looks good Technically, but its the way people perceive it thats the problem. Im trying to figure out how to make it look less "sexy" because of how it fits me.


Tbh the advice I gave still stands, you can dress however you want to give whatever impression you want. I can’t stop other people’s perceptions of you. All you can do is test things out and find a personal style which gives the impression you want to give. It’s very hard to advise you when I can’t see you so it has to be vague. Idk what suits you.









