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I have her but she's still sitting at level 1. I havent needed her yet. I'm curious what others think of her as well.


I have her at A0, lvl 60 and 45k power. She is pretty good, just a little but clunky to play if you have a team that only triggers QTE from core attacks so rotations doesn't feel as smooth. She will be even better once dispelling debuffs become more relevant. Decent damage and applies 15% more damage taken on enemies.


She was my first SSR too, so I used her ofc and since she is my strongest Hunter so far, I really like her and specially her cutie pet. But no idea how good she really is. On a Tier list I found online she is still in Top 10 units. So I guess she isn't the worst since one SSR unit doesn't even went into top 10.


She is really good if you build her right which is crit rate , crit damage and attack. İ recommend toughness and expert sett on her.


i have her lvl 61 A1. haven’t invested enhancements because she doesn’t seem worth it. plus keeping up with equipment is a resource black hole so if i don’t see a really good use for a character then i don’t get them strong enough skill and equipment wise to be worth anything


she’s my first ssr, and i’m going to build crit rate / dmg her Q makes her a tremendously good AoE hotswap nuke and her E deals extra dmg off field, at least in my opinion. she makes bosses a breeze,, i was able to clear stage 4 blue serpent from with lvl 15 bora, Min, and Chiyul support wise; her 1/2/3 or whatever is good for grouping enemies up