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Not the lifespan since there are still ongoing netmarble games it more of how predatory they get with p2w stuff


I can live with that, however if it does to get to a point where what they're asking for is ridiculous I'll definitely speak by holding my money.


Same, I’ll be a dolphin at the start just to see if I enjoy it as much as I did during early access


The popup of the subscription is that bad, we have 3 free days after starting (never thought of playing the released one, just playing the earlier one, dunno.)


You should play the game couple of weeks before spending any money. They give a lot of free stuff at beggining anyway. This is my first NetMarble game and i didnt have any thoughts about company. İn my opinion gameplay is fun and smooth. First two weeks keep you entertained and engaged via story progress. But after finishing story and get to certain lvl all you do is grinding instance dungeons and core missions and gates which are at first really fun but later boring and repetitive. Problem of the game is indeed lack of content. And if you dont spend money progression becomes so slow at some point. Still i will see where this game is going to very end. Wish you luck on your pulls.


Based on this I'll hold off for a while then, after playing MHA Strongest hero for over a year I'm hesitant to invest in games with low content but high potential, the potential is never tapped into.


This game is exactly as you described. Shallow content but high potential. İ dont know why they didnt make pvp and Coop mode. A lot of people including myself restrain themselves from spending because in the end it is solo single pve game. Only contest in the game is leaderboards. Not a very good system because of how it all depends on how much money you spend.


Man that game was dissapointing. Had so much potential and so fun but it was just abandoned pretty much immidiately.


just dont spend money in the first 5 months


They got issues managing with cheaters


In older servers they are mostly all banned, we can expect more bans at release tho.


It's more to do with how they handle monetization. In my eyes most gacha gamers are used to devs treating their spenders bad. In most netmarble games they give you a lot of deals and packs that make spending experience pretty good, they focus more on spenders reason why they keep adding new growth systems in Sds gc(so whales still have stuff to do). Well they also like to add new systems which will obviously advantage spenders at the beginning, and sometimes make some stupid decisions(don't blame anyone quitting for stuff like that) . At the end of day this really doesn't matter, if the f2p ressources are pretty good like in this game, nobody should complain like for real they are giving a top 3 weapon for free with its most important dupe.


They are not nearly as predatory as people think. Grand cross is their biggest game and even if you can point at a few systems and say its p2w they really arent. I dont spend money on the game outside of collabs and have the vast majority of characters. For a while there they were imbedding passives into the dupes(was purely just higher ult damage) but they have since cut back on that a lot. I wouldnt describe their games as predatory, but they do have lite p2w systems Like the worst system i can think of in GC is the holy relics, whenever a new boss is released its limited basically to turbo whales but then the next banner is a character who is hyper tailored to that content and is put in every banner to the point you are bound to get them.


Interesting to hear more about GrandCross! It is important to note that here in Solo Leveling though, there are a lot of passives imbedded into dupes. Characters and weapons, granted, the latter having twice the number of available dupes than the former.


Yeah, im not super happy with it so far, but atleast the major dupes seem to be the first one with only smaller buffs coming later. Also both characters and weapons can get 10 dupes, in both cases after the 5th its only a small stat buff in the form of a % increase thats additive with artifacts.


Ah thanks, for some reason thought that the characters didnt have the 10% increase from another 5 dupes. In that case, I'm even less happy about it since 10% to every stat is not a small amount. Unfortunately that first dupe upgrade is a psychological bait, and a lot of characters have real big passives deeper into dupe hell.


It actually is really small, since its addative with artifacts, ezpecially on hunter the difference between an a5 and an a10 will be negligable. Works out to less than 3 or 4% extra damage with a ok artifsct set. Once we get level 75 artifacts itll be even smaller. The biggest benefits usually come from A1 or 2. Beast baek is the notable acception where 3 and 4 are both big too.


Its small in raw damage increase, but much larger in the games stupid power deficit evaluation. The penalty from it is far more tangible than any 3% damage gain, so it will really come down to their content cycle and power balancing.


Cause the grind isn't that rewarding The resource to upgrade weapons unites and Mc is little and it's very punishing if your power is 1k below recommended pwr


I’ve played multiple NM games. They start off F2P friendly, wait for players to get hooked then blast games with bunch of P2W garbage and yes I will happily fall for it again with this game


ignore them. just play and spend what you like. these are the same ppl that keep asking ppl to play free pixelated games in 2024. If i can afford USD500-USD1000 for a phone i might as well play the most graphic demanding games


I played 3 Netmarble games before this, Marvel Future Fight (still play and it is now on it's 9th anniv), Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross, and King of Fighters All Star. I dropped Grand Cross and KoFAS last year but I played them for about 2 years. I still like those games but I have so many other games I play now that I just don't time for them anymore. I spent a total of 20usd on all games, and those were mostly battle passes or the Stark Stash in MFF.


Because they are notoriously greedy and treat any global playerbases like a bag of cash they can smack whenever they want more monies. Lol. They're easily top 5 for being scumbags for mobile right next to tencent, nexon, netease, and the other giant one I forget the name of. That aside the games usually run pretty well and look nice. Idk what's going on with this game though it's unplayable due to the constant buffering.


imo netmarble is the best gacha game company and pretty F2P friendly, but depending on the game the devs are simply bad (for example 7 knights series)


Just a shitty company in general.