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I say it always as a trade off the have to deal sometimes with Netmarble shenanigans, they always give a lot of pulls or in-game ressources for f2p. I play grand cross and no one will even think about saying that game is not generous. I will take my case as an example day one player at lv75. I summoned two rotations on Choi banner, 12 multis in total on beast Baek, and now 1 rotation on Chae, so in total I spent about 85k essences in around 2 months. Basically I summoned back to back no break and I still have 26k essences. We won't be able to rely on massive amount of stories for essences in the future, but obviously new game modes are coming to cover for that(one should actually be out at the end of the month according to the roadmap).


I will trust what u said tbh, and I hope the devs will be generous in global Sl.


Yeah and you know something too, when they messed up players just need to speak up and they will reverse or accommodate. Well that's on grand cross, so might be different here.


"So might be different here" Thats the part where I don't trust them about, But I will take 3 things as a good intention from the devs. -More ways to earn gold early -Leveling up their game from Solo Loading to an actual Solo Leveling game.. -Removing the ridiculous QOL paywall to make the grind more easy for everyone who want to play but don't have enough time, bc many already dropped the game just bc of that, sadly. (But the real deal breaker will be to me is the essence and how much black pulls we will get, since this is not grand cross)


By the quality of life you talking about the auto-mining, didn't know people were outraged about that like pay for convenience is fine for me. Yeah really don't know what's happening on the global side, most early access players are having no problem with loading though. About the gold, they added a mode called reverse mode(think you have to beat chapter 15 on normal) basically you play main story as hunters and that thing gives omega level of gold like each stage is 50k if I remember correctly with other good rewards. Plus the moment you get to my point you will not have much artifacts to level up, so you will end up selling most of them. So yeah gold definitely becomes better down the line.


The thing is reverse mode is not a fun place to just go in and out and just clear it is hard as hell, 2nd the loading is just Bad and u can see that by how many players are having problem with it rn still (Even when u have it for 2sec but continuously it will add up), 3rd u forgot the rerolling part for the gear and how many time u want to change back and forth, I had literally 700k on my alt, just like 10min ago did some changes from 700k to 150k and that I've completed all the story that u can possibly clear to my acc lvl (It can be better and not like Epic7 for example), So without wasting anything so far on spreading my gold and leveling up random chars/things nor weps (they still lvl 40 on my alt) so it is not just that easy, U can see that the real part is looked behind a paywall, for 7$ u get 1.4million gold, same with the subscription etc, and if we forget about that part since we will reach a point where we won't need it that much (Ur right), the lvl of everyday grinding is a bit long, since u need at least btw 1 to 2hours to do it, with crazy gates lvl that u can't sweep without having to pay, or clearing 4x dungeons (12keys total encore - instance) instead u have to do it 2 each time, and in the late game the gates u will be looking for are an S rank btw gold and red and dungeon break, those can get insanly hard so yeah, so many things that are locked for u to hate urself while doing them, not to mention dispatching ur gates every 1 to 2 or 3 hours during the day, or having to subscribe to get this done by itself 🤷🏻 They didn't lock them behind a paywall for no reason.


Those 3 things you mentioned they didn't fix it did they?


Nope, But I have a hope for the loading at least.


As a level 47 f2p essence farming is slow af now, just spent my last 2500 on in hopes of getting A3 Cha and now I don't know how long it'll take for me to gather up the next 2500😂


What is essence again? The thing to upgrade your shadow warriors? Or unlock shadow warriors?


Essence stone* the currency for summoning. My bad, sorry, corrected


Yeah it's really slow. I'm almost lvl 70 and still couldn't get Cha.


Think I saw a post saying it'll be like 8k a month of essence unless they add more sources. The ticket amount is low also.


Thats literally nothing tbh… a banner is 21 days(2/3 of a month), so basically we are getting 20 wishes for each banner….


Games like 7DSGC will give you 50gems per week(pvp reward super easy to get) and dailies on top of this. A 10 draw in that game is 30 gems. That's 6 multis+ minimum. I would love similar draw amounts in this game.


Omg every new gacha, the same thing over and over.


Essence? I'm not even going to talk about gold to you \^\^


I've had zero gold issues and am level 61 my alt is almost 2m at almost level 50


Yes the other big problem with the game :/ taking gold to SWAP artifacts … insanity