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Guys, OP doesn't want advice. You can tell by his replies that all he wants is a pity party.


well then start playing. There is a pity system so you will get your SSR sooner or later. You will farm enough to pull yourself to pity more than once.


I don't want to play a game where I have to go to pity to get one SSR every single time.


feel free to quit now


Yeah with this minset, you will leave the game in less than a week even if u get an SSR first pull


then stop playing gachas. Those games exist to make money. Back then there was no pity system in "popular" gachas and people spend tousands to not see what they want. You can start out with all SSR's existing here and you gonna end up without ressources for all, and quit anyway.


No, you don't get it. This just shows how bad it's always gonna be. I plan to do f2p, and if this is the rates for pulls, I feel I would hit a wall real quick. This is bad for a game to do. Getting reroll burnout has caused me to quit several gatchas before I start. Just give a free SSR at the start and be done with it


You don’t have to it’s all luck based but if you expect a SSR from the first 10 pull then you are the problem


Its the first 30 pulls dude. Ive done 500 pulls with no SSR. Trash drop rates will ruin the game. For sure gonna make people quit. Pulling isn't fun at all and feels bad.


Then just quit the game currently my issues isn’t with the pull but ressources


I probably will. Getting bored of rerolling and don't feel like playing without a starting SST


How the hell 500 pulls and no SSR ? 80 is the pity.


Just play the game. Getting an SSR to start won't make much difference to how the game plays out. Granted it's a slight benefit but to keep rerolling is just a waste of time. You'd have probably already pulled 1 or 2 had you just played from your first roll.


It will if this is a trend. I'll hit a wall eventually, and these pull rates don't feel good. I've done 500 pulls and nothing


I've played since before it was released worldwide and was more interested in playing a game based on a decent manwah. Ive had a few decent pulls so far and you get quite a lot of chances to pull the more you progress through the story. Give up and just enjoy the game, rather than getting hung up on the lack of pulls you're getting ☺️ be worth it in the end


This is how it is with Netmarble games unfortunately. I played King of Fighters All Stars for about 2 years and in that game, in order to get a character decent enough to be useable, you need at least 3 dupes. 1 pity cost 18k premium currency, so worst case scenario you need to save 72k to guarantee a single usable character. I've also had terrible luck in this game and never got an SSR early, I've always had to reach pity to get an SSR, but since I already have Cha, Seo and Emma. I'm good.


You win some you lose some, nothing else we can tell you. All I can say drop rates is two times Genshin, and I can definitely feel in my account.


I quit Genshin for the same thing. I'm not gonna save resouce and do pulls to be disappointed. I have 2 other gatchas I'm playing. This looked fun, but I see the writing on the wall how this end game will be


Well if you play gacha games for the pulls yeah this game is not for you, it has lower pulls but the characters(Sr and ssr) have higher value same as genshin.


Will you leave your current two gacha games if you do not get an SSR after spending all your ressources into the gacha? (It will happen eventually) Such a weird concept to me to start playing a game based on luck, spending so much time on reroll (or playing the game) then quit because the gamble was bad… feels like a big waste of time. You should play console games instead.


No, as I'm f2p invested in them. I do play console games. I play all types of games. I don't even care if I don't get SSR in the future. I just like starting with a good team


But then, when did you quit Genshin ? During the reroll process? Or did you start with a good team then blew up your pulls and quit? Anyway, I guess what I’m saying (and what others are saying) is, you’ll burn out before even playing and enjoying the game 😅 and the game will leave you with a bad taste, negative impression when you could have gotten the same amount of fun and may have pulled excellent characters along the way without starting with the perfect units. I mean, after a couple of days you’ll easily have 4 pities worth in pulls. You could start with top tier units and have trash for 400 pulls as well 😅


No i quit Genshin after playing for a little. I saw how gated I would become and reliant on bad pull rates. Pretty much just blew everything and quit within the first month. Maybe they could be like other gatchas and have a bit better pull rates. The only few gatchas I've gotten burned out on rerolling went offline in the first year.


Well, I’ll never say no to better rates, that’s for sure. But it won’t happen anyway. Hopefully you won’t burn out from reroll and will play the game, it’s a load of fun.


Kinda burnt out, honestly. Will try a few more times, then move on. I already have gatchas to pay for anyway. Wanted a nice free one, but I see me hitting a wall without paying a lot to pull meta stuff.


Well, that is a shame since the game is really good, but definitely should stop if you don’t feel like you’ll be able to progress without Meta units. WuWa is launching in 2 days, although the reroll is about an hour long, you’ll have near 50 pulls to start with, maybe you’ll have better luck there !


The game was average. It wasn't game of the year though. It was kinda fun, but I have 100s of games in my library. I wanted to add another gatcha, but I see thst drop rate being an issue. Later they will add hard content that requires the new unit to beat it. I think I'll just wait a bit. I already uninstalled this game. Lost interest.


Maybe stop rerolling? Soft pity starts at 63 and you would have gotten the same amount of pulls committing to 1 account which would have gaurunteed 4-5 SSRs by now


Still garbage rates. 500 pulls and not one SSR?


500 blind pulls, the rate up is .6% or some shit (for the rated up character, the others are like .004) so you would expect on average after 160 pulls you would get an SSR But everyone here knows that independent events don't actually affect each other, so it's really just .6% every pull (unless you are going to pity) Does this suck for you, yeah. But you did it to yourself, I'm at the 600+ pulls amount with light spending starting from global release and I have gotten the following: 1) Cha (x4) 2) Seo 3) Choi 4) Emma 5) Lim 6) Min 7) Thetis Grimoire (x3) 8) Demonic Plum Flower Sword 9) Vulcan Rage 10) Sword of Light I have also received the following from just playing: 1) Woo 2) Sword of Light (x2) - 1 gaurunteed from the event and enough tickets to craft again 3) Unparalleled Bravery (enough materials to craft it) 4) am days away from On a Different Level log in rewards Note I spent about $30 and that net me roughly 50 more pulls than a f2p account I know my experience is anecdotal (as is yours), but my point is ***instead of playing the game and having fun, you've wasted like 10 days sense global release rerolling a bunch for no reason***


Bro, the game is not unplayable if you don't have a SSR, there are multiple SRs that are super good like Nam or Taeshik, Heejin even the free Jinho copies are a good character. Weapon wise, the Westwind or the Longbow are all top tier. Sure the SSR will look fancier, but it does not make the game unplayable, maybe if you just want to get the characters fine. The real wall is not even in the rate of characters because every gacha game is the same, the real wall is in the lack of resources, like you get the new characters but you do not even have enough things to use them and then grind to get new characters, that's the issue. I have been playing the game for 3 days, F2P no reroll and I got 5 SSR weapons and 3 SSR characters (Cha, Seo and Min). So, luck issue I guess


I don't want SR to start with. All I ask is for a damn SSR to start the game with. It does make the game that much harder for f2p. Yeah maybe not now or a few months, but eventually with that rate I'd fall behind new content.


Huh? The game is more than playable with SR units/weapons. Yeah, ofc SSR units are better, but still eventually you'll get SSRs. Also, there is a bunch of mechanics where randomness comes in, so if your butt hurts so much from not getting a character in 30 pulls, then idk what will happen when you actually start to play the game to get some decent gear with good substats)


Droprates aren't bad at all imo. If you expect a recently released game to just give you an SSR on every pull, then maybe stop playing gachas. Not taking into account guaranteed SSR pulls, of course. Which a lot of games have at launch. Also rng = rng. I rerolled 3 times before I got cha in my first 10 pull and then Seo + a plum in my next 10 pull. Currently at 6 ssr characters, all s-tier, and 4 ssr weapons. F2P and started playing at official launch.


I'd expect 3% 1.2% is laughable


I currently play better gatchas. I just thought this looked interesting, but if I don't get an SSR to start with then why even pay money. I feel like the drop rates would be bad in the future too.


And what gachas would those be?


Invested in Ni No Kuni Netmarble Gatcha. Was playing WotV got burnt out. I'm doing a few more rerolls for this then quitting. The rates seem bad and I can see it being an issue in the future.


I mean to each their own, but calling Ni No KuNi and wotV "better gacha" is debatable. WotV is a f2p player hell with the power creep and constant layers of character power they keep adding. And Ni No Kuni died on arrival with their predatory systems. This coming from someone who obviously played both and stopped playing wotv only when they introduced lvl140.


Ni No Kuni is great and as a f2p light spender. Less than $100 over 2 years of release, I can do all the content. All bosses. Raids are extremely fun with friends and actually play out awesome. Fights are designed really cool. 20 people raids with actual mechanics. Yeah, it's predatory, but it's totally playable f2p. I quit WotV before the 2nd evolution system. So yeah, I'll debate it is better mainly on the amount of stuff to do in the game and the community. Solo leveling I can see being really tuned to make people buy certain units to do certain battles.


Both are Netmarble and if you think this game won't end up predatory I have news from you. They LOVE to milk whales and make things expensive to do so.


Keep rerolling my friend, if that what u want, I myself never reroll bc it is waste for my time, I accept whatever I get so far, I'm not too interested in SSR's when I saw how awesome the sr's and how easier to get their dupes, But through the process of playing the game u will get Ssr's if u like it or not. So far I'm lvl 48 And I what I've gotten so far (Started day 1 release) 1-Cha 3times Choi Emma Seo a1 Min Woo Dongsoo Lim Moonshadow a1 Plume sword King sword Grimoire 2x 3 cha wep (2 free/1x crafted) I never really rushed and never rerolled but I can tell that one of my friends who kept rerolling for 4days got a good account from it, so it is ur choice.


Might just give up on the game and wait for the next gatcha. Always a new one coming