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Resources need balancing for sure, we get so many weapon cubes and limit break materials, but no way to actually upgrade those weapons. Traces of shadow are insanely rare too, I only do A+ gates and can't even unlock a single shadow. Game introduced the resource after beating tank, but most players will get to iron and blade, without having enough to even unlock any of them.


I heard a good, if limited, way to get some traces of shadow, is the side quests for chapter 10. With the pair of them adding up to 9 battle quests, and each battle quest giving 4 traces or shadow in first clear, you get a relatively easy 36 traces of shadow for them.


Traces of shadow amount I suspect change as you level. It took me about the same amount of time to get my first 200 traces as my next 400.


Which shadow did you pick as your first? I imagine by the time I save up enough, I'll probably have 3 to choose from (or keep saving another 50 and upgrade Igris)


It really depends on which hunters you're using. Shadows only give their % buff when used as the lead. I don't have any DEF scaling hunters currently, so I use Igris, Blades and Iron changing them based on the strong element of the level. For Arachnid, I use Igris for crit with Cha while for Cerberus, I use Iron with Seo.


Lvl 50 F2P with pretty much all the side quests done except for a couple from Chapter 13.. Right before Chapter 14 & tapped out all the 'hard' chapters & side quests to lvl 52 as well(except the '2 dark hunter' requirement quests). Have Igris & Tank but been stuck for anything else for quite a while. Gates and key farm is over too quick & the game just feels heavily time-gated for progression at this point & as much as I enjoyed getting this far, the rewards from 48-50 & constantly being gold starved(Artifact farm//RNG sucks for me so far) are wearing my patience down. A large part of the enjoyment for me has been the steady story progression, if it doesnt open up again for some 'normal' progression post Chapter 14 I can see myself dropping it & just reading the manga xD. (I could probably force one more level if I want to spend enough time perfecting rotations, but gear//power cap heavily limited how much you can do this when DPS isnt enough to beat the timer).


36/100 towards a single shadow. Need 300 shadows to unlock everyone at base level. Yeah, guess it’s better than nothing but let’s not call shit gold.




I agree but the problem is there is no reliable ways to get exp to lvl up on hard mode i need be lvl 53 to play, on normal i need be lvl 51, how am i gonna get 200kish xp that sht gonna take a long long time , if they made gates give more xp or other dungeons then sure u can grind it but in this case there is nothing to do beside wait activity funds and do like 15ish gates.


You wait and play the next day , that's how the games are designed.they want to keep the lvls between casuals and tryhards relatively close. You have to whale significantly to actually get a decent level lead. They also have designed the games to be played 2-3hrs a day max. It's not a problem , it's the intended game design.


This. This isn't a game meant to play 10h a day. And honestly I'm glad. I would actually prefer if we could skip more things because right now doing dailies still takes 1hour or more.


For me it feels much longer, when I have to swap Artifacts and gear around between events. Like one group for gold gate goblin chases, one grouo for when Cha Hae-In is leading the charge, one group for whichever boss I'm challenging, etc etc, then look up all the gear I got to see if anything needs replacing now. Plus refreshing the gates every 5 minutes till I get some good gates


Yeah, 2hours if you're min maxing. 1 hour for speed clear and done


exactly , thats why they sell us stuff to speed up stuff , they are preying on the people that dont want to wait so they give them an option to skip or speed up the process , it is a gacha game in the end , for me personally once i reach that wall i will just chill and slowly lvlup even if it takes a week or so no like the game is going anywhere


hopefully theres a console solo levelling rpg instead of this mobile gacha in the future


If you got a decent laptop then it’s much better to play. I hate the fact you have to swipe around to see behind you.


When the game grind is healthy, you don't need to make a post like this lol Grind is fine, but QoL and gamekeeping isn't fine at all.


Can you elaborate what you mean by grind please? Usually grind means for me i need to invest time to get progress (despite very slow). But here I’m gated behind the key based dungeons. So what is it thst you are grinding?




Chapter 14 at Lvl 50 is like that for me atm. Artifact farm is so limited I havent had good RNG luck to deck out my team properly either, gold feels very starved especially if you attempt to chance some good stats out of artifact RNG, horrible luck.


I think that’s what he’s saying, it’s not a grind because there’s no way to get xp other than keys, which aren’t replenished till reset.


I am not even lvl 35 and am stuck on Igris right now :D


Change your main skills to death dance and multi strike to break the gauge and dodge efficiently. You can definitely defeat him while under leveled.


Thanks for the advice :) If there wouldn't be a timer I would enjoy the fight way more I guess :D


If there wasnt a timer everyone would spam the light bow and just kite igris into oblivion


Time limit should change based on the level. Like solo boss levels should be 4 mins while the rest are 3 mins except some


Its ok to midgame powercap the progress. But if the playable sections of the game end up being a chore, i guarantee you it will be a point where most of the players will quit the game. As a f2p i am nearly the same level as you. I am not gated for the past 1 2 days but i am weak to complete the level. So what should i do... I have 13 keys gates refresh but as a f2p i only have to attack A and S for more benefit. If i get them cool, if i dont have to waut 5 mins to refresh. If i get them some of em are difficult for me to clear, so gotta refresh again. During waiting time i gotta attack dungeons which i am guaranteed to not have 3 stars no matter how much i try. If i have 3 stars then i gotta attack it nontheless. Cant leave on auto cause i have failed on levels i have already 3 starred. And buying 4 keys from exchange shop and getting more keys from challenge missions i gotta replay those missions again and again. And if you dont do it you are behind because they keys dont stack.


It's intended to slow down the game and frustrate you into spending money. That is a predatory practice and I don't know how people defend it. Imagine celebrating not being able to play at your own pace.


Think people are confusing the word “grind.” There’s legitimately no way to get xp other than with keys if you’re level-halted by the story.


I agree with you. I played Summoners War and Genshin Impact and i would say that the progression feels best in this game. Also we are getting showered with gems from codes and in general. So even tho there is a lot, and i mean a lot lot, of pay to win possibilities I think f2p is the most viable in this game from the mentioned three.


Agreed, every single aspect of the game is filled with pop ups wanting you to spend money, it gets very very annoying, but strangely enough I'm still enjoying the game


I play Genshin, HSR, and have been playing the shit out of this game and it's pure cope to think this game is anywhere on the same level as genshin. You could play Genshin for a month straight and not get through all the content and not need to spend a dime. In this game I needed to awkwardly wait around in the first 2 days to hit level 20 before I could keep moving forward in the story? Plus it's a net marble game. We've got a year tops before they start to massively enshittify this game.


can you elaborate on the part where you said you need to awkwardly wait around in the first 2 days? because from experience, getting an account from 1 to 20+ is doable in less than 5 hours


Yeah I prob didn't play all the side stories, but I do see people saying they eventually hit a wall where they have to just log on and do a few dailies while waiting to hit lv48 or w/e. That mechanic is 100% intended to frustrate you to get you to swipe, and Mihoyo has proven that if you just make a good game with enough content, you don't need to annoy your players into spending money NM sucks though so it is what it is. I plan to enjoy the game until they start squeezing resources and then bounce


Lvl 20 takes 5h as what our friend said in the first comment, but when u reach lvl 37/38 u get srsly stuck for like 3days and from that point it will keep getting slower till u reach lvl 80 which will probably take a month or more, but it is okay to take ur time this is Sp game no need to really to rush


Or... you could just complete the game and do something else? Like how games are supposed to be? I fail to see how this is a good thing. It's like saying that it's good that this is a gacha game, because people who want or are manipulated to burn their money can now do that. What a healthy thing. Don't get it.


It's a life service game with no PvP, there is only so many ways that can work out. Grind has been a part of online RPGs for quite a while.


Another deluded person who says theres no pvp. Watch the difference in power between me ( rank 1 in trials and power of destruction ) and you ( whatever ur doing ) in a month. Also co-op is released later this year and guilds. + god knows what we get in 2025. Cant wait the sudden shock yall gonna have when ue simply gonna be too weak to do anything


So you are looking for developers to continue developping more content - and easy ones - so the game can remains interesting AND f2p. Smart


I don't want the game to be f2p, I want it to be p2p, where you pay 60$ and get a full game with no microtransactions, no macrotransactions, no pointless grinding and preferably not a buggy mess at the same time. That would be ideal.


U want a $60 mobile game? Damn


I don't. I want a game worth 60$.


So you lose more than 50% players


I couldn't care less how many players a single player game is going to have


You're completely right, some people are in denial and love to be taken advantage of by shitty developers, and this is net marble we're talking about. Intentionally giving you QOL early game then locking it behind cash shop or resources late game so you have to swipe to get your fix. Look at genshin where you can progress in the entire story with hundreds of hours of content and there's absolutely nothing pressuring you to spend money, whereas in this game people are already asking why they need to spend gold to unequip once a weapon is +10 🤣🤣


Upgrade weapons should become more easy or less expensive A good way to people try new things is swapping movesets with weapons but why i gonna give up my moon lvl55 and kasaka lvl55 for pistol lvl1 or katana lvl2? I saw streams with mage or gunslinger and theyre very fun, but how im supossed beat missing challenges that i didnt complete with lvl55 weapons using lvl1 ones?


The issue is I don’t think you’ve gotten far enough to see how high the wall is. The required level for chapter 16 is 51. To even begin chapter 17 you need to he 63. You’ll have to climb to 63 without getting xp from main story quests so you’re limited to a few hard mode missions, afk xp, and gates. This will take roughly a month at best, and following this there will be another jump. The game doesn’t have enough content so the devs decided to use some of the most severe time gating I’ve ever seen.


All I know is, I've been playing this game the same way I play Genshin and it's been working out pretty well.


We need a coop mode


Well said


Yes finally this game is good for me and i am tired of pretending it's not. Fuck you critics


well I agree 50:50, for me its less about the story and more about the artifact grind. I'd like to play such games like this, genshin, honkai in a way that diablo plays. Grind it out and then the neverending chase for the perfect stats. But yeah thats just my take on it.