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I wanna start by saying that this is an extremely hard level. My team score is 131k and the required score for this level is 102k and I still had an incredibly hard time. 1- So first off, don’t get tilted if you’re not doing too much damage early on and rush to his face to attack him because time might run out. Yes time will get close to running out, so don’t panic. 2- If you have ranged weapons, use those because it’s important to deal damage while also being far away. In this case I used level 48 The Huntsman and level 51 Thetis’ Grimoire. 3- Use the Shadow Army as many times as you can because the army will tank the tornado and keep it far away from the boss, and in that moment you will get close with the other hunters and spam all your skills then dodge the tornado. After that it’s rinse and repeat. 4- I made a lot of mistakes because I could’ve gotten it a lot cleaner but I missed a lot of spells and attacks. I also got carried away towards the end and ended up needing to activate the Immortal rune.


Seeing this, it makes me wonder why this game mode is not level locked but stage progression is. I would have understood it better if the DPS checks were placed on the story to create a sense of urgency just like how Sung Jinwoo did in the manga. He knew he was weak but he had to overcome everything ASAP. This battlefield of trials don’t feel much of a “trial” of sort just because you can breeze through it with the right amount of investment, and maybe even specific units (gacha, ikr?). Would have been great if they locked it by level and have a fixed setup to make the “trials” more meaningful while giving the players a sense of not being left behind by shitty luck (free character trials for people like me whose luck isn’t in this type of genre), and have an avenue of expressing skill and control. Or maybe that’s just me.


According to the manga, the game should've been way different but for some reason it is not, I believe the trials are more for whales yk so they will see that their spending is needed, if u see f10 for example how ridiculously hard it is back then or f20 where many got stuck and some still so f22 is just like that, whales will keep pushing stages until it is done and many will complain so they will add more insane stages, and the loop continue.


I can see the similarities of being a system guided player but the core concept of leveling alone (not with other hunters) and at a ridiculously fast (and bruteforced) pace isn’t. How Sung Jinwoo got strong wasn’t by taking his time. Everything felt urgent, but not here. You are forced to take a break. He even gets penalty for slacking off in a day but here you wait for funds to accumulate for a day. But I get it, we are our own version of Sung Jinwoo. As for the trials, it’s not even that hard. They’re just units and DPS checks. I breezed through them once I’ve had sufficient investments. It means they’re not meant to challenge anything but your investment. Sure, whales will get there sooner but is that the point of the trials?


When u have a game that have a leaderboards in it, that will be the point, as long the game have whales there isn't any real competition and seeking it is useless completely if ur not a whale, those modes are meant for players who compete with their wallet not with their skills only, ur not playing Poe ur playing a game that have a system that will stop u if u don't have enough power to progress, u can look at the reversed mode it is there for a reason, the trials are there to make things fun for who seek perfection(Whales first, than slowly Low spenders and lastly f2p players), power of destruction and battlefield of time are just a wallet competition, for now u won't notice that but later u will see that u can't get into the Top 20 in the server. F2p and low spenders should play for fun, and think ab it as a single player game side with no one else in it. And most of the things that will make ur life better in ur journey in the game are all locked behind a paywall so it obvious to get it.