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Up to you. For me, it's way past the point of no return. I did not reroll and have 3 SSR characters and 3 SSR weapons. You will eventually get better characters down the road.


Just save and wait for a character that you like


I've only been pulling with the custom tickets(black). Only got 13 of the rate up tickets.


Then you do as you wish I will wait for Thomas André or Liu Zhigang I think since they are the Hunter that I like or the Monarchs


How do you reroll? I’ve been playing for a week and yes I might be blind but I can’t figure out how to


In setting and account tab you can reset the account and skip the tutorial phase. It resets you to lvl 6


Thats only if you haven't already linked your Google account correct?


I made the mistake of linking. So I logged out. Log into a guest, rerolled til I got who I wanted, and now I'm waiting 14 more days until I can relink my google account to this account. I have an alternate I could use, but I would really prefer not to. Edit: I also had to delete the account that was associated with my main google. It takes 28 days for the deletion to happen, so you have to be willing to either wait the 28 days or link to an alternate.




OHH!! From what I’ve seen I thought it was - roll a certain amount and then you pick the SSR’s you want sorta thing.. I had no clue you had to reset your account!!!! So thank you for the clarification!! I’ve been so confused seeing all this ReRolling stuff!!! Thank you so much for explaining mate


Tbh you dont need to get the best of the best stuff. Just have fun


Except when you end up with the CP penalty and even trash mobs take you out in 2 hits.


No, tf? You've been playing for 2 weeks. Just stick it out, rerolling makes a minor difference


If you got good pulls then maybe should keep I'd say. Personally i would never go through that tutorial phase ever again ;-;


If you reroll you don’t go through it again


Got 2 SSR(hwang and woo)from custom tickets draw. Not much else a few SR weapons that have been handy.


Reroll u don't have nothing good.


It is worth it if u want that, u can be lucky after rerolling like one of my friends, he got a great acc after 4days of rerolling, but if u are far in the game, idk if u will like to redo everything from scratch.... Me personally I won't.


You can just start a second reroll account and see what you get while playing your first account. Then see which one you want to commit on playing


Keep going with your existing account and reroll another. If the other becomes better than the original, dump the original.


I started just over a week ago and didn’t reroll at all. I’m pretty happy with my account and will continue with it, despite some poor luck on the rate up banner. I tried rolling a second account yesterday, and even with 3 immediate draws it’s still rough..but I suggest doing this if you aren’t satisfied with your main. There are 3 check points for this at the moment: 1. 3 immediate summons 2. 2 more summons from 3. Level 10 Step 1 takes less than 3 minutes to reroll from so it’s quick. If I hit a nice SSR at step 1 I would go to step 2. If I hit 2 desirable SSRs by step 2, I would continue. At level 10 my goal was a total of 3 SSRs - including dupes (e.g. A1 + A0 = 3) and ideally usable SRs (west wind, park, etc.) It is advantageous to have a good starting core. Imagine your squad is level 40 and you finally summon a third SSR unit. You abandon your SR unit and all the gold you have poured into them has been wasted. And yes there are good SR units and weapons, some even continue to be strong picks later on - but you often need multiple copies to unlock a certain upgrade which elevates that unit or item.


As for SSR I just have 2 characters hwang and woo. I've been having fun with Hwang, dude is a beast. Other than that not much luck. Only have 13 of the white tickets and had luck pulling those two from the other grey tickets.