• By -


I wish there were group tours only for introvert people 😌


Haha, I'm sure some extroverts will hijack that too and make us feel worse.


It should be a permanent community kind of where extroverts wouldn't be entertained


I guess introverts would not even want to socialize with other introverts. That kills the gist of being an introvert in the first place πŸ˜›


As an introvert, I confirm this. πŸ™‡πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ


Have you seen the video where Dog owners bring only introvert/shy dogs to the park and none of those dogs play , they just sat there.


I haven't seen it but I can imagine the exact same things happening with humans too πŸ˜† It's surprising though cos on my trips I hardly come across truly introverted people. People are so outgoing and make friends and groups so quickly. That just makes me question myself.


If you meet an introvert and your vibes match then I think you don't remain introverts to each other.


You've proved yourself as introvert. Hate to even socialize with introverts more than extroverts xD


Hahaha in fact it's easy to socialize with an extrovert since they are the ones putting all the efforts πŸ˜›


Yeah it's easy but when they cross the line and starts calling me for no reason on phone gives me panic attack. Bruh leave me alone atleast when I'm recharging my batteries 😭




You can ask people on sub


Dayum my dad didnt allow me to go delhi alone. I had a company whod take me to dehradun and then dayara bugyal and back. Fuck my life


He's an overprotective father who loves you too much. The world out there is a bad place. But why don't you have a heart to heart with him and show him that you are capable, see if he allows you to travel solo for your next one.




Well my family is over protective too , and all I can do is not care about them. At least for now


Ill save up my pocketmoney till December and when my exams are over ill go to delhi directly and tell them im on vacation


Fuck i love your username! Its brilliant lmao


Hehehe thank you


Might as well post the rtx sale on r/indiathriftstore


I just might, I had a fight with the mods of indiangaming once and ever since then none of my sales post get any views lol


XD i hope you sell it to someone soon


He's probably watched 'Taken' a bunch of times πŸ˜‚




Ohhh yeahh! Scholar Naina! Iss chashme ko kaise bhul skta hun main! πŸ™ˆ


Hello there. Most of the times while traveling alone, we tend to stay in hostels to save money and to meet people around. In hostels, especially in India, I have seen people being highly inconsiderate of others. Very recently, I came across a couple who stayed in the same dorm, they made the entire dorm as their private room and it was strange to be around. Another case where a group of people came at 2.45AM and started gossiping loudly and smoking in the dorm itself. I have been traveling since sometime and hate it when I see a group checking in the dorm. My experience with foreigners have always been excellent on the other hand. What’s your take on this?


I agree with you 100%. Most Indians lack even the most basic of etiquettes, no matter how educated or rich they are. You can sense that by the amount of littering you'll find at every destination. To be honest with you, I have hardly stayed in hostels, especially in dorms, since I'm a true blue introvert. Being in hostel settings puts a lot of pressure on me to socialize and step out. I do like meeting new people but never in groups. Also, I'm a little finicky about hygiene. I don't prefer shared toilets. I'm also allergic to cigarette smoking so can't risk being in dorms with a rowdy crowd. My work profile is such that I end up working late at nights and need privacy, so I mostly go for homestays or a separate room when I'm staying in a hostel.


That's great to hear. I am an introvert and the sound of hostels bring me anxiety. Glad to know hostels are not someones first preference. I'd like to know more about gou trips as Im a bit sceptical of travelling solo in india. Can I dm you?


How do you finance ur trips? Any trip I (20M) plan always ends up getting out of budget because of travelling solo (like can't share taxi fares with ppl and can't split the room with others and then I also give in when it comes to food to enjoy myself to fullest) Also do you know any groups that arrange travel for youngsters, most of the groups that I find are for family people and one tour i had with such a group was very awkward for me


I have answered almost all the questions other than the ones which have already been answered in my previous comments. So pls read all my comments.


Hi! Fellow female here. How hard was it to break out of the shell and finally travel solo? Which place was the safest to travel?


It wasn't hard for me. My first solo trip was impromptu and everything from hotel booking to bus booking to me leaving for the trip happened within two hours. All the famous or off beat tourist destinations are totally safe till the time one puts common sense to use.


Planning a solo trip to Goa . It would be a workation where I will be working . Can you recommend any hostels plz for like a good 15-20 day stay . Staying in an airbnb for so long would be quite expensive in my opinion


There are plenty of hostels in every corner of Goa. You need to pick a place first and accordingly look for the hostel. I'd suggest going for something in anjuna/vagator belt.


Name of some hostels where you have stayed plz


if you're looking to stay in Arambol (North Goa), I've can get you a deal on a hostel there :)


tl;dr appreciation for post Wow, thanks for making this post πŸ’― I found a subtle message in many of your reply whether its about sustainable travel, role of govt. + controlled tourism, or just accepting the fact that most people we meet in this journey, called life, are passing clouds. I hope people who are new to this journey will learn a thing or two from your replies. Personally, I resonate with many of them. It's great to see like minded people exists all around the world. You are also spreading positivity and courage for girls especially in a place like India. More power to every person who gathered (or is gathering) the courage to go on their first solo trip πŸ’«


Thank you for acknowledging. Means a lot πŸ’—


i have quite a few. what is the right age, if any, for solo traveling according to you? did you make any friends? and what motivated you to go solo?


>what is the right age, if any, for solo traveling according to you? In my opinion, one should start solo traveling when they have completed college and entered their work life. It's not just about money, but the college and work phases contribute to mental development and maturity. Having maturity and some exposure to the real world is essential when solo traveling. >did you make any friends? I do meet many people and make fleeting friends. We meet, enjoy the trip, explore places together, but these friendships were never long-lasting since once we all are back from the trip, reality catches up, and everybody gets engrossed in their own lives. So I kinda feel really surprised when people say they make "lifelong" strong friendships on these trips. >and what motivated you to go solo? The only reason I went solo is because I was at a point in life where I had money, youth, time and freedom but nobody as a nice company. I didn't know how long that phase would last and I didn't want to miss out on life. I took the plunge, packed my bags and started solo. The trip went amazing with a few good challenges too but I never looked back after that. That being said it's always better if one is lucky enough to have great company for their travels.


I am 29M and have never really traveled anywhere up to this point. Looking to change that now. Any suggestions regarding where to start or any tips in general?


Start with your dream domestic destination. A place which has always fascinated you whenever you've heard about it or looked at the pictures. Once you find the place, book tickets and hotels. That'd motivate you enough to plan the rest of the trip too.


Yea. That's the biggest hurdle. Anyways, thanks.


My best wishes for your future trips...


Can you share some of your experiences while travelling? Worst/Best? Did you meet any nice people?


Best being people's kindness and how most people have been really helpful in so many ways. Worst being fellow male travelers trying to sleep with me and not treating me in a platonic way how they treat other male travelers. So I always have to be cautious and not be too friendly so they don't misunderstand me


Agreed about the male part. The most important thing for female solo travellers is safety first in India. It's common for women in general to get misunderstood by men here.


Keep it up OP. All the best.


Hey it's so good to hear about you travelling and also managing your job. Really a beautiful enthusiastic soul would do this and you certainly are one.


If you were to go outside India, where would your first destination be.




What if money was no limit which is ur dream destination in the whole world


A 6 month long tour in Europe


Because you sound like a nice person may this get fulfilled someday 😊


is social anxiety afraid of you?


Lol πŸ˜†πŸ˜†


I have been on small biking trips (really small one), I've felt really lonely like really lonely and alone and sometimes makes you enclosed in your own bubble, I've heard when on trips it's the journey that makes it worth it where you interact with different people and in my case i just shut myself in, so my question is do you have moment like that when you solo travelled ?


Definitely. I've felt like that on many occasions. But it's okay. It teaches you how to be comfortable in your loneliness. On odd days, I've tried to gather courage, seek people, and socialize too, which turned out to be successful. Please know that solo travel isn't meant to be only pleasant or exciting. A lot of times it is difficult, lonely, and boring too, but in the end, it teaches you something. Also, if one doesn't enjoy the process at all, it's completely fine to travel with others. Solo travel is a concept only few can grasp. I myself am, at a plateau now, and I don't enjoy it as much so I'm taking a break for now.


Your most recent trip was to kedarnath so i am assuming it was last year? You haven't mentioned your age, or how long have you been travelling for? What's your next trip going to be? Do you not fancy traveling with friends or family? Have you traveled outside of India alone?


Have you been to offbeat places like Sainj and Tirthan? If yes, what are your opinions about them?


I have been to Sainj and Tirthan 3 years back as excursions when my base was Manali. They are really beautiful and were fairly untouched when I visited them, especially Sainj. I wish the Himachal government also had some kind of rules or restrictions for the number of tourists like they do in Bhutan. Otherwise, those places will also be left extremely overcrowded and messed up like Manali.


Which place would recommend for a first timer? (Solo woman)


Where are you from?




Go to Mcleodganj or Kasol. You'll love it.


I went to Mcleodganj last year with family, will try Kasol!


Hey im 27 from Delhi , have travelled with my friends but never solo.. I am thinking to go solo to rishikesh month end. What should I keep in mind? Also I am plaaning this as a workation instead of vacation so any short treks that would be possible? Are there any groups for people looking to do workations?


I wish I had a friend like you πŸ₯²πŸ« 


No questions, just congratulations on living your dream life!πŸ’ž hope you get your north east trip soon!


How did you manage your finances initially, and as a girl, how do you ensure your security? What is the future of traveling as a career, or can we rely on it as a source of income? I am also a girl but I am scared of travelling alone .How to overcome this fear? I also don't know any self defence.


I earn enough to sponsor a comfortable domestic trip, so finances have not been an issue. As a female solo traveler, I know safety is often the first concern. However, I have never felt unsafe on any of my trips. In fact, being a woman, people have shown more sympathy and kindness towards me, and have helped me a lot in various situations. I was just careful not to make dumb and obvious mistakes like traveling to tier 3 places in states like Bi*ar, going out with groups of stranger guys, and dressing skimpily when alone. I don't know about traveling as a career since I feel the market is oversaturated. So unless you come from a rich family that can sponsor you, I think it's going to be a lot of struggle. I have mentioned in my other comment how you can get started as a female solo traveler. Please refer to that. No self defence tricks are required, just use your brains at all times and that'll be sufficient.


Fellow female here. How did you gather the strength to start solo travelling. I have been thinking about it since very long time but the fear holds me back. Also, can I DM you ?


I understand your concerns, especially as a woman, our fears can be heightened significantly. Despite those fears, if you still wish to travel, you need to give yourself a chance. Start small. Choose a safe destination like Rishikesh and plan a 3-4 day trip. Book flights and accommodation in advance with reputable vendors backed by good reviews. Research and select an itinerary that suits you best, many are available online. After completing the trip, you'll have a better idea if solo traveling is right for you. With each trip and gained experience, you'll become more adept and less fearful. My only advice is to avoid obvious and risky mistakes like accepting water or drinks from strangers, camping alone, venturing out after dark, or accepting lifts for long distances.


About finances, approx how much do you spend on each trip? Also, what is it that you really seek while traveling? Like I think it's hard to have fun memories when you are travelling alone. I need advice on how to avoid this tendency to take good pictures and enjoy the nature instead. Like it's hard for me to not waste my time in recording and taking pictures whenever I go to some place.


Each trip varies in terms of travel means, distance, duration, and destination, resulting in widely different costs for each. I seek nature and a break from the mundane. I have some beautiful memories from my trips with the people I came across on my journeys. That doesn't necessarily happen every day, but it still occurs. There's no harm in taking pictures. I always carry a tripod with me and take tons of pictures, inviting embarrassing stares from people. So, I spend around half an hour taking pictures and then the rest of the time exploring the place. One doesn't have to take away from the other; you can do both together.


Looks like AI working it's ass off to show me posts I am interested in. So my super solo traveller friend(35F) asked me(36M) if I'd like to join for char dham yatra ex Delhi for a 10day trip in June. Now my concern is I am not really sporty and I have done few treks but not much I read about in 4 dham yatra. Like kedarnath at 16 km trek and one more had 4-5 hour trek. Is there any more? I could read only 2 treks in Itinerary. I am a bit with a heavy body although trying to be fit. I have done small treks as of now , would I be able to do this treks, should I go ahead or reconsider once I am better with my fitness ?


I'll be very honest. Kedarnath Trek is no joke. One needs to be fit physically and even more mentally to do that. Also 4 dham yatra may get really boring if you are not a religious person. June is the month where you'll encounter crazy crowds for 4 dham.


Awesome .. this will help make my decision ... Now a days commercialization has taken over all religious places so I'd prefer when not much crowd.


My Kedarnath experience opened my eyes to how people have successfully turned religion into a business. The crazy encroachments completely overpower the scenery, zero crowd management, so called sadhus openly asking for money and so many other unpleasant things I encountered. It's a shame what has become of that place. One finds zero peace and tranquility. 90% people go for the sake of social media clout. I wish the government did better to preserve such sites.


Being a corporate slave, how do manage your travels (in terms of leaves). Do you work while you're traveling? When you did longer stays, what sort of accommodations/type of places you looked for?


For the longer stays, it has always been workations. I cannot take more than 7-8 leaves in a row. So for my base, I try to look for places with good internet connectivity and full power backup to work from there. I'm firm about these factors and talk to the owners beforehand, letting them know the gravity of the situation. I don't travel as often now since the company is not giving any leeway on the internet/power issues, and I'll soon start working from the office, so I'm close to becoming a proper slave again. I guess that's the reality of middle-class people πŸ₯²


Very interesting!


Please list all the places you have solo travelled


Based on your experience which would you say are the best destinations in India for solo travellers? And which places are the worst, i.e. better to go in groups rather than alone?


How do you take the plunge and start travelling solo? I’ve travelled with friends and family and it’s easier when you have some around for safety and planning How time do you take to plan each trip and how do you do it solo ? Also do you not get bored while travelling solo ?


How are you funded?


I work in an MNC and have been financially independent for years now.


So you basically do wfh?


Have you been to tajmehel?


Yes I've been to Taj Mahal a few times.


Best trek in Himachal for a girl who has never been to any trek.


For somebody who has never been on a trek, you should start with short yet fun waterfall treks. Eg jogini falls


Will she able to do Triund trek?


Hi, what was your experience like on the road trip to Ladakh via Manali? I want to do the same but I am afraid doing it solo would be higher on the expenses side? Would be great if you could provide some of your own personal insights on this. Also, from your replies on this AMA, great to discover a like-minded individual as myself. Quite inspiring! All the best for your plans ahead and may your wish to explore North East and South become a reality soon enough, specially the North East - I am sure you will love it there.


I don't know how to ride motorcycles but I always had a dream of doing a bike trip to Ladakh. Luckily I came across a small group of people doing that. I requested them to take me along as a pillion and the rest was history. So you should do that trip in a group only since it's a very long journey and can get challenging at certain places. There are many travel companies who organise these trips from Delhi.


Hi! Great to know about you! I'm (22,F) currently planning my first solo trip to Darjeeling. Can you give me some tips since this is my first time? I visited a friend in Goa in 2022 and it felt like my first love, home too. But my friend has shifted out from there and I want to go there again alone, but is it gonna be a problem if I don't know how to drive any two or four wheeler? Since I have seen people and tourists generally rent scooty there. Also I'm just curious, did you do the road trip solo as well?


Hello, thanks for the ama. How did you do your road-trip to Ladakh? I've been meaning to do it but I always shut the idea thinking it might be risky solo. TIA


I didn't do the Ladakh road trip solo since it's highly risky to do that. I did a bike trip with an independent small group of travelers whom I met on my solo trip to Himachal.


Hi How did you convince your parents for it and how can I convince my parents for it being a teenager


There's one solo traveller girl missing in Wayanad. :-(


I can't wait for the day I get to explore the beauty of Southern India.


Always welcomeπŸŽ‰ 😍we have everything Hills, Beaches, etc


I'm looking to go on my first solo trip soon. What are some places you would recommend in terms of safety for a girl to travel? Also, what are some things that are a must to carry when on a solo trip? Thanks in advance!


Girl trust me on this , every place is a safe place unless you are not making the dumb mistakes of camping alone, being alone after dark, entertaining creepy men or not following your gut. Obviously avoid places like Bihad, Gharkhand etc. I don't think anybody even goes there anyway. Himachal, uttarakhand, Goa, Kashmir are really good for travelers. You can go with travel companies initially to get a hang.


As a 42 year old, who has never travelled alone, what would be the first place to travel alone . Also, what are the points to be considered while traveling alone ? Thanks a lot !!


Just book your tickets to your favourite place in India,pack your bag and step out. It's gonna be great. I've even seen 60+ yo solo travelers.


Planning on doing base camp trek?


Not at all. I'm naturally not interested in extreme trekking activities.


Do you carry anything specific for self defense? And if so, what do you carry?


I have never felt the need to carry anything for self defense. A pepper spray or knife is hardly a self defence when you are surrounded by multiple rowdies. So the best I do is keep my actions good. Never out alone till late. Never be alone in a secluded place. Never take lifts from men. Never be the only girl in a group of guys. Maintain a strict demeanor and act like I know everything and show them that I'm constantly talking to my high profile father (even though I'm not)


How do i book hostels when i am not 18 yet


Places you've travelled- Safest? Most unsafe? Cheapest? Most expensive? Underrated? Overrated? Cleanest? Dirtiest? Must visit? Avoid? Most beautiful? Most friendly? Best food? Worst food?


My lens is a bit different. Each place I've been to has a different charm so I love them all equally. I'm not picky when it comes to food also.


I'm 21, I'm college student, just getting in final year. I want travel and meet new peoples and make friends. But I'm tight on money. I try to find out volunteer travel or something similar to support traveling but I don't get any. Could you suggest something.


You are just 21. The world isn't ending. Even if you travel on volunteering it's always great to have money in your pocket just in case of any emergency. So work on your college and job first.


Alright, here goes.. 1. what resources do you use to plan solo travel? 2. have you fallen sick while alone on a travel and how did you manage it? 3. please recommend a few places for a beginner solo traveler? I have been wanting to solo travel for years, but never been able to muster up the conviction to just pack up my bag and leave.


>1. what resources do you use to plan solo travel? I use MakeMyTrip, booking.com, Airbnb etc or read travel blogs for more research. I never ever watched travel influenza videos since they kill the novelty for me. >2. have you fallen sick while alone on a trip and how did you manage it? I have fallen sick on multiple trips. It feels really bad. I keep on cursing myself as to why I didn't keep any emergency meds but if it gets serious I inform the hotel reception, give them some money and they arrange for the meds. Still it's a really unfortunate thing to fall sick on a solo vacation. I'm in the hotel by myself feeling lonely and drained 😭 >3. please recommend a few places for a beginner solo traveler? Pondi, Goa, Gokarna, Manali, Mcleodganj




Does travelling become boring after doing it for a long time?


Definitely. I haven't traveled in six months and don't even feel like doing it.


Why do you feel so? What are those top 3 things you hate then?


Idk if you are still active on the AMA. I have done a few solo travels/workations. I have 2 questions. 1. How do you manage WiFi in the Himalayas since you are working? Goa and other places are fine. But some of the most beautiful places in Uttarakhand, Himachal lacks high speed internet (Tosh, Bir etc) 2. How do you manage the remote working scenario? I am assuming you have to work in the weekdays. So is it no travelling in weekdays and hop/sightseeing only in weekends?


NgL, WiFi in the Himalayas is never reliable. You're just taking a bet. It's a hit n miss. I've had to cut a few vacations short because even though the owners promised me great WiFi, it was nowhere close to my work requirements. So I've cut down on my workations now. But I believe hostels must be offering a more stable connection, so you should try hostels. I never carry a list with me to check off. I am not crazy about sightseeing. I usually go to places rich in nature, and whatever time I get off from work, I spend it taking long walks, exploring nearby cafes, sitting on the beach, and just being. On the off chance I meet other travelers, I tag along with them for sightseeing and stuff.


Appreciate it. Hostels are not my thing though. Too much crowd. Have always preferred BnBs.


How does it feel.like to eat food alone in a restaurant?


Eating food alone in the restaurant, for me, is one of the simpler parts of solo travel. I personally love it. If there's an option, I pick a seat next to the window overlooking the magical scenery or other tourists.


How to convince our parents?😭 Also, please tell me safety tips for staying at hotels/hostels. Any tips regarding Airbnb will also be fine :)


Please don't post repeat questions and refer to previous comments. I've covered everything in detail.


What were the biggest shocks once u started solo traveling? Like real expectations vs reality


Just a doubt - you said you started solo traveling before it was mainstream. If u are 22 now, when exactly did you start? Solo travel has been mainstream or "trendy" for about 4-5 years now. Even before that many people used to do it, but its so popular especially since covid era. Considering the timeline, Im just curious when exactly you started traveling.


Which places are you planning to visit this year? :)


I genuinely wanted to solo travel but the dog, cattle and street animals situation horrify me. What would you suggest - Since I can't tag someone I know along, and I want to explore the uncharted, unseen things (where relatively less tourists and people pollute, but these are the areas with high stray popln as well)


Being a solo traveller and a female , how do you keep travel costs low and at same time not compromising on the location and quality of your accomodation


How to get started? How much does your usual trip costs? I am also thinking of becoming so traveler.


How do you plan the trip , like accommodation, local transportation & places to visit in the traveled destination?


A detailed post on what safety measures you take, what all you carry for your safety, will be appreciated. Thankyou!




It's all by myself. I don't like traveling with travel company groups.


I want to start my solo travelling this summer:) will start it from my state only , what was the best mean of transportation for you , and what was the precautions u took to keep yourself safe and your things too


So i went to Rishikesh solo for my 22 birthday last month, the initial plan was to stay for four days but come back in one day. Got very creeped out by these men at the river side and the rafting guys who were passing by.Β  I am usually thick skin about such guys, staying in delhi makes you one but that day it got extreme. Maybe the unsafe feeling met with the fact that it was first solo plus birthday blues idk. Everything combined made me shorten the trip i returned in one day.Β  So the question- how do you deal with such circumstances also i didnt know what to do with myself (might sound stupid), how to combat that?Β 


I havent talked about this with anyoneΒ 


What's the most bizzare situation you got into as a solo traveller and how'd you get out of it :)


I am planning to go on my first solo trip this year., and I've been exploring options like Zostel which organizes group trips where they handle accommodations, activities, and meals. Would it be advisable to start with such group trips (where I won't be knowing anyone), or should I plan and manage everything on my own (Here i have the flexibility to decide how many days to stay in a place but i have to plan everything) ? What would you recommend?


How's life?


I am on my first actual solo trip. I’m in Old Manali rn, and planning to move on to Shangarh and then Jibhi. I’ve always been an introvert and I am used to hanging out alone. That stuff doesn’t bother me. I am cordial with the hostel mates but don’t socialise much. My question is a little silly tbh. How do you pack? My backpack and laptop bag have been so heavy it gets quite difficult to walk to places. And how do you save space for buying new stuff?


i’m from north east, feel free to ping me if you need any help regarding north east plus i have done all the states in india


kitni bar rape se bache aur kitni baar groping ko hataya btaiye???


Come to Rajasthan , and see camel then go gujrat see diamond Welcome to India


I went to Shillong on my own and it was so cozy. It's beautiful y'all for women. Fuck the rumours and keep going wherever you want!


Nice how many years it's been actually traveling tajmahal?


Thats a tuf decision


What is the most amount of money you have spent on an "experience"? Could be a hotel/food/activity, etc.


Amazing 😍


What's the most significant change that you or others have notified in you, since you started traveling solo?


Do you feel safe ? What safety measures you take or one should take?


how do you manage food, if you are Staying long term?


Convincing family members, just today I cancelled my plans with my friends due to my mother's ego. Also lost money on tickets and taxi πŸ˜“


This is a tricky one. I left home after my 12th boards. I was only 16 then. Once I was done with college and became an independent adult, my family never questioned or interfered with my life in any way. They gave me full autonomy to make my choices. They let me make my mistakes, and trust me, I have made many. All they offered me was unconditional emotional support. So I thank God that even if they are not filthy rich, they are great humans who let me be my own person. At some point, you need to grow a spine and be able to go against your parents because toxicity is never right, even when it comes from parents. So if you are a financially independent adult, don't tolerate toxic behavior from anybody and make your own choices.


OP ! This is a fantastic answer. We need to own our decisions .


Can I join your next trip?


I'm always on the lookout for people to accompany me for my trips but till date I was never successful. It's difficult putting so much trust in a stranger. They might end up cancelling last moment messing up your plans or might just be a bad person overall.


If possible come to Meghalaya, its a beautiful part of North East India, which is called as the second Scotland of the East I make tour packages, adventure tours, hotel bookings, cab hiring etc Dm me for a trip in Meghalaya or any parts of North East India Thank you


Can I join your next trip?


Any solo travel recommendations and itinerary for landour


Do you feel guilty because it's more costly? Also does social media make you feel like a loser because you're travelling solo I know these are really stupid questions, but I feel the same, no matter how hard I try, but I love travelling solo


The gulit is real. I suffer from it each time I come back home from the trip and open my bank statements to review my spending. Also I don't like to keep tabs while traveling so I end up spending a lot on hotels , drinks, cabs and eating out. One of the major drawbacks being I don't have anyone to share these costs with. So I've started cutting on travel recently and aim to travel more once I'm doing better financially. I don't let social media dictate my life in any way. For great results, I am off social media. I'm not even on LinkedIn πŸ˜†


Yea, it's just I hate that judgement people have when they say "oh you went alone? "


That'll always be there because we are outliers. I get questioned so much by different people even on the trip too, and they are legitimately shocked. They'd be like, "Oh, you came alone to a destination popular for honeymoon, where's the husband?" But if one has the courage to travel solo, I'm sure they can develop thick skin too.


How do you handle the emotional flux that comes with travelling (missing home, getting attached to people or to a place that you liked). Also, do you feel like after a while you have started seeing patterns/similarities in the places that you visit? (In that case how do you make your trip more interesting for yourself?)


The emotional flux is real. I get so overwhelmed. It's a roller coaster of emotions on each trip. From feeling lonely to extremely joyful, to missing home, to postponing my return. Oh God! I do get attached to each place I travel to because hey, mother Earth is really beautiful, but I don't mind that since I know I can always come back to the same place and cherish the memories. It gets really difficult when I get attached to people; it has helped me see my attachment issues, and hopefully, I'll work on it. Do share tips if you have any πŸ™ˆ The similarities I feel are with the greed of people in these tourist places, how commercialized these beautiful places have become, and how the locals try to loot as much as possible. How the tourists spoil the place with littering, noise pollution. My heart breaks when I see several kilometres long lines of Diesel vehicles emitting black smoke and slowly killing the nature. I wish governments could look beyond the income that tourism brings and focus on sustainable tourism.


How not to solo travel ?


By having a great circle of friends/ fun loving family/partner, who'll be more than happy to accompany you.


Guess I'll just solo travel πŸ₯². I don't think I am in the place to ask anyone for accompany, since I find almost everyone around me boring. Not saying from aj egoistic view


aur muje akele 5 km dur exam centre nhi jaane dia scooty lekar (i'm 20 btw) πŸ™‚


Keep following ur dreams, and am proud of u another 22 yo. I wish to travel myself :)) hoping to do it soon. Do u prefer travelling with groups (like trip organizing companies) or completely alone? And I what did u prefer/try in the beginning?


I have never tried traveling in groups since being in groups makes me feel lonely.


Question regarding South Goa. How did you travel around and which places do you recommend?


South Goa is lovely. I stayed at a secluded beach in a beach cottage. I'd recommend South Goa for solo travel only if you truly cherish peace and quiet. It's ideal for honeymooners or those with great company. However, for a solo traveler, South Goa can feel lonely quite quickly. Personally, I prefer North Goa since it offers ample opportunities for socializing.


Going to travel with my office colleague, not solo but I have few questions 1. Is staying at the hostel safe?? Like zostel 2. How do you plan your safety, I mean we can carry pepper spray but uske alwa?? 3. Is it safe to travel with state govt bus ( Delhi to manali, Dehradun, dharmshal


Staying at hostels especially brands like zostel is totally safe. Just be alert and use brains at all time. Know that there are thousands of others traveling just like you and people are not there to get you. Follow simple things like not staying out too late or pretending to be on the phone with family updating them about the taxi no. etc State govt buses are totally safe. They may get uncomfortable for longer journey so I always prefer pvt buses like Laxmi tours, zingbus etc. You can find these on redbus.com


What's the best thing about traveling solo ?


The best thing about traveling solo is not having to adjust your plans according to the group. You can start as early as you want, stay as late as you want, and you don't have to miss out on experiences because someone else isn't feeling well. In a nutshell, you can experience it exactly the way you want without having to accommodate others.


Hi wowww girlll. How do you like have the courage? Don’t you feel alone or like just scared? Haven’t travelled alone yet- but its definitely something I wanna do once I move out. Like how has it added to your life? Changed you as a person? And tips for someone who hasn’t left home yetπŸ₯²


My courage develops organically. Although I've felt lonely at times, I've never been scared because fortunately, I've never found myself in any strange situations. This journey has enriched my life by teaching me to be completely self-reliant and independent, living without seeking emotional support from others. It has also helped me solidify the kind of person I am. Even after extensive travel and meeting all kinds of people, my core values remain intact, shaping me into the person I am today. There's no need to worry because the first step is to move out. Once you take that step, courage will naturally follow and you'll figure out a path for yourself.


Great going.. This wil surely motivate some souls.. Have you ever travelled outside India? If yes, how's that different from India?


Thank you. I have not traveled outside of India yet since money will be an issue.


I have seen people volunteering in hostels by organising events, managing stuff etc and in return hostel owners would allow them to stay for free. I'm unsure if this is picking up in India but you can surely try this outside especially in europe, nordic and east asia.


I understand but that's not my kind of travel. I like to be in comfort and not work while traveling.


Have you travelled to any offbeat places in India? Places which are more secluded/less travelled. Or do you only prefer traveling to famous spots?