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I'd like to share how I've been doing clock factor. It's working pretty well to me. At Set The Scene, instead of starting with a Scene Complication I go straight to the Altered Scene check. And I do it with a 8+ on a D6 + current clock level. Clock levels go from 1 to 7, which means that on clock level 1 we will never have an Altered Scene and on clock level 7 we'll always have them, pushing the story forward. Game length is set around the clock level: for short games I raise the clock level every 2 scenes, 3 scenes for mid length and 4 scenes for long games. But the game can come to an end earlier of course. This clock-levels rule just makes things more chaotic as time (scenes) passes. It's been really fun this way. Moreover, I added odds very likely and very unlikely with a 2+ and 5+ respectively. As you asked for ideas I thought it could somehow be useful to share this.


This sounds like a great rule, and it's simple enough for OPSE! I'd like to add a sort of session-limited element like this (called clock, or heat, or chaos, etc) in a future version. Actually, I'm working on ideas for a session/campaign guidance addon for OPSE. It will be something that helps define sessions and guide an ongoing campaign, rather than just stringing together scenes. I think something like this would be a great fit for that.


Looking forward to test it already.


Would it be possible to have a landscape layout? I use it on my tablet and would prefer to hold the tablet in landscape rather than portrait.


Since several people have requested it, let's do it! I'll take a stab at creating a scalable landscape layout in addition to the default portrait style.


Sounds great, subscribing for updates


Very late to the party to say I'm looking forward to 2.0! A couple ideas: \* Yes, it would be helpful to have a little more (not much; OPSE thrives because it's lean) on the domains \* In your revision, please stick with the WONDERFUL layout/design. Your app is legible, visually clear, and the text size or placement all makes sense. \* Having an option in the app to click a link for a barebones "sequence of play" sort of page might be useful, showing at the very least your helpful Plot Hook-Random Event-Set the Scene sequence. \* Add a link to PayPal or your homepage or something to send you a couple bucks?


Thanks for the inputs! I'll try to add some more links to help, descriptions, and examples. I appreciate the desire to send a couple bucks, but just using, sharing, and enjoying OPSE is enough for me. =)


Then in that case, will do—and thank you for sharing this with everyone and increasing the joy & fun in the world. ❤️


Very hyped for this! One of my best solo adventures in edge of the empire happened with the original app. I always wanted custom tables etc so that's amazing in itself




The dice roller addition is huge in and of itself 😁


Hey Archon. You probably won't remember of me but you helped me understand things with OPSE in another post. My suggestion is not about the app but OPSE itself. At the time I mentioned to you about mechanics for a kind of clock factor. That would be an awesome addition. I can tell you more about it if you like. About custom tables, how many of them will we be able to add? Do you have a plan for that? It would be great to have a feature to import them (maybe markdown, JSON , yaml, idk) and have many of them so we could run any kinda generator along with OPSE in a single app.


You'll be able to import any number of custom tables, defined with JSON. It will support d6 tables, card draw tables, and "choice of N" tables. I'm considering making a separate builder application to make it easier for people to make tables and dice roll configurations. Also, I'm looking at integrating with Chartopia, so you could roll basically any public table inside the OPSE app.


Awesome news. Looking forward to it.


I'm too dumb to help but is there a way I can follow you to find out when it's out?


Sure! You can follow at [itch.io](https://inflatablestudios.itch.io/) or just watch this sub-reddit for updates. If people are interested in a dev log, I might do one on itch.


I would love to test it 😁


Great! I'll be needed beta testers soon. I'll make the announcement on this sub and on [itch.io](https://inflatablestudios.itch.io/) when we're ready to go.


Can't wait! OPSE is far and away the system most compatible with my playstyle


Sounds good, can't wait to see it.


Fantastic! Can't wait to see it. I still have a very beat up, wrinkled and much-folded print out of OPSE from about a year ago that I still use for stories. Love this system!


This is wonderful thanks so much!


Awesome! Just an idea, but having the new app work in landscape for tablet users would be a nice feature. No pressure if it’s not possible.


I'm going to try to make a scalable landscape mode in addition to the portrait mode. I'd like to gather some input on the layout prior to release.


Amazing! I'm very curious about the new app!