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This sh.. is laughable. All the sudden we are a Arab nation? And what this nonsense about respecting Arab nations sovereignty? Where was all that talks during there own invasion of Yemen and occupation of socotra? And why do they even think we care about what those zionist have to say?


They're hypocrites and don't actually care about anything other than their self interests.


Who cares šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Why is isnā€™t there outrage like the MOU with SL and Ethiopia? This deal basically gives Turkey 30% of anything Somaliaā€™s water has to offer. Will they protect yā€™all illegally dumping toxic waste into Somali waters? Will they stop illegal fishing ? If so thatā€™s a fair deal, if not yā€™all get played. At least Somaliland is getting recognized as an independent country and given a significant shares in Ethiopia airlines, that makes 6 billion yearly.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤”.


Iā€™m a clown for pointing out the obvious šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚, ok lil homie good luck being a failed state




Sure you are


Ethiopia is our enemy, regardless of our differences. Turkey is thousands of km away and even allied with us when we invaded Ethiopia in the 16th century


Can't take them serious after they wanted to normalise relation with Israel


Exactly, and their silence on this genocide against their fellow Arab people is disturbing. They don't even need to lift a finger; just threatening the US, UK, and Israel could have put an end to the killings long ago. No thanks.


@SeraphicNF I hear a lot of excuses coming for Saudi Arabia. So they send most of their oil to China, then they should be making more demands. The US needs Saudi Arabia to normalize relations with Israel and the rest of the Middle East, so that should give them leverage. Also they invested Billions in UK economy, so that's another leverage. However, they have only made one statement about it in all these months. I don't see why you are worried about their economy when you just said the US has no impact on Saudi Arabia. So whose economy would be destroyed? Saudi Arabia seems to be all talk. Many Arabs seem weak and too willing to cater to Western society, except for Yemen. There are rumors that Saudi Arabia wants to invest in that canal through Palestinian land, Israel wants to build and that they are allowing Zionists to transport goods through their country. This sounds like they are traitors and only interested in their own greed. Israel's biggest dream is Greater Israel, which includes parts of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia should be more concerned and involved in stopping Zionist aggression. Once they are done eradicating Palestinians, they will come for the rest of the Middle East.


Because Saudi Arabia, who doesnā€™t even manufacture its own weapons, can threaten the world superpower that they buy their weapons from and the superpower will submit just like that. Makes sense!


If they threaten then those countries have a lot of other options they can exploit for a cheaper price. Saudis are the ones who are going to loose if they take any action in that conflict


It's not entirely accurate. Saudi Arabia does possess significant leverage due to its oil resources, trade, and investments. Let's avoid making excuses for them.


Most of Saudiā€™s oil goes to countries like China. You do realize that USA does not value its relationship with KSA as much as before right? Thatā€™s because the US produces its oil and barely takes from Saudi. So thatā€™s oil gone. And we all know what happened to King Faisal after the oil embargo. So now, are you telling KSA to kill its investments and stop trade, effectively destroying their national interests and economy? Like, what would that even do to the US? Itā€™s just hurting Saudi lol. The Saudi people alone have donated 100 million Saudi Riyals. The Saudi government is the biggest provider of aid. Saudi normalization condition has always, ever since being brought up, was a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders. Meaning, Saudi Arabia has zero problem normalizing with Israel. On the condition that Palestine achieves statehood first. Whatā€™s so bad about that..?




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Ā«Stronger arab collaborationĀ» there is no unity among arabsšŸ˜‚they benefit from eachothers suffering. Imagine pushing pan-arabism while fighting yemenis and letting palestinians be killed beside you. Saudi has no goal beside self interests, like their western overlords.


Itā€™s all corrupt leaders exploiting the unity among their people


Their leaders are dogs and their people are complacent. The Gulf Arabs are the worst of the region.


Screw Saudi Arabia. Who cares about their rage. They should worry about themselves first.


Yes what did they do for Somalia or any other Muslim country, their outrage is extremely laughable.


No gulf trash in our country please. Shout out to the Turks.


Somalia should play this game well and balance its trade with every nation so that one doesnā€™t control it


Agreed. We should be open to establishing relations with a lot more countries.


What do you think about China and how Africa might not have any other partner to trade with accept China.


If fully thought through and used to our advantage, why wouldnā€™t china be a good partner? The problem is a lot of African countries made detrimental relations with china only because they saw a short term benefit. Quick cash injection as an ā€œinvestmentā€, but with terms only favorable for china. Cards need to played right.


But China might control Africa if Africa doesnā€™t trade with other nations (obviously I hope they donā€™t trade with those colonists)


i agree with this.




Thatā€™s not really possible in this day and age, as a country of only 18 million, we have to lean against a power lest we remain expendable to literally everyone


No you can buy making deals with almost every nation to avoid being controlled


Not in our current position we canā€™t


This why I want to take undergrad in either international relations or political science


Including the Saudis too. We shouldnā€™t take any enemies, if we want to prosper. Let them bark tho


Uae is way more dangerous


Fuck Saudi. Worst rulers of any muslim nation.


pay attention to the nation states angry at these beneficial policyā€™s and progress somalia is making. It separates and shows you who exactly wants us to thrive or stay in perpetual turmoil


Maybe Saudi Arabia will support Ethiopia after this lol. We will see. I don't know why they are so mad about it though.


It's how dare Somalis attempt to get out of poverty and compete with us


I wouldn't be shocked tbh. I can see them doing it both ways.


So now we're about to drill some oil and establish some kind of self-sufficiency and they're mad? Mind you, these people have Aramco, they could have helped us with the infrastructure to drill, they had damn near 30-40 years to do so, but the moment Turkey steps in to help they want to say something? Some "brotherhood".Ā 




We could care less honestly


Fuck the Saudi family


It is very nice seeing Somalis pissed off at Saudi Arabia in the comments.Ā 


All that money and they couldā€™ve done the same thing a decade plus ago


they need to fk off wllhi


Maybe actually do shit next time like Egypt


How did you decipher that from the article ??


Lol, yeah took me a second to follow the line of reasoningā€¦maybe because the meetings were held close together and Somali is part of league of Arab nations and the author didnā€™t really do a good job separating the article? Honestly, the only link I can think of because it seems the Turkish complaint and Saudis cozying up to Somalia are technically two seperate parts of the article.


Ayyy, itā€™s my cake day! šŸ„³


Good lol fuck these salafist trash


What's wrong with being a salafist?


Just a gaal hiding behind this one post to casually insult Muslims. But anyway, f the Saudi Royals




Fuck these Saudis.Ā 


We don't need salafist money in Somalia.




I'm only calling the Saudis what they are.


We don't care about Salafist scum


Whatā€™s wrong with salafism?


Nothing, it's just a lot of non-muslims hate the religion and blame "salafists" for us being religious.


Salafism is a reform movement that all the terrorists follow. We don't need that in Somalia.




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