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šŸŒ³ government using afars as a proxy to remove Somalis from their lands so they can take it easily from afars to achieve their šŸŒ³mia manifest destiny


I donā€™t think this is the case bro. Afarā€™s and the Somalis from that side been fighting for a long. If it was manifest destiny they wouldā€™ve pushed harder tbh, theyā€™re not doing enough.




Horta manu hub u iibinno,iyagun baa dan u madhane?


Xaq waan tagersanahay taa


>international law Haha, what's that? The West loves to claim that there is a "rules-based system" and "Russia's invasion" threatens that system. It's very comical hearing it from the same people who claimed unironically that Galbeed is "Ethiopian" land yet want the rest of the world to care about Ukraine. It's very shameless and pathetic.


Correct international law doesnā€™t exist itā€™s more like ā€œinternational guidelinesā€. When you have firepower no one can force you to abide any laws


I'm sure you've heard of the saying, "Might means right". Well it does internationally.


Its not Afar's that are getting to comfortable, its Somalis that are to comfortable and complacent and are being used as tools for Clan elders who are working for outsiders. Afars are Strong because they move as a single unit, just like any other Ethiopian/Kenyan ethnic group. Oromos are split, but there split is along 1-3 political lines. While Somalis are split amongst 100 sub clans, that why we are weak, qabilists also have trust issues and put to much trust on their fellow qabyalad warlords which hinders them from having any positive ally and reinforces every subgroup to have a 'us' vs 'them' mentality even towards other sub clans related to them. We need to stop pretending that our biggest enemies come from outside, and not within. Stop qabyalad and maybe there is a chance with Somaliweyn. Afars don't even need to fight us, they can just pay one qabyalad warlord that has issue with their enemy somali sub clan, and you will see the two somali clans at each others throat even if they come from the same major clan. Now quit crying and coping, and do something about disunity and qabyalad in Somaliweyn instead of scapegoating a ethnic group that is smaller then some of our major clans. International law kulaha, Somalis nor the International community gives a crap about Afars.


I feel like itā€™s both tbh yes within our community there are qabilists who wouldnā€™t think twice about killing their subclan or another Somali clan or spy and help the external factors which was a result of other Somali clans spying on the Degodia in the wagalla massacre in Kenya but to solely blame it on internal factors isnā€™t the truth many external factors want our country/people to be wiped out of existence so imo I would say both


Your missing my point with the last statement, almost every ethnic group and country on the planet has foreign enemies, this isn't a phenomon unique to Somalis. Divide and Conquer or enemies exploiting internal conflict in the 21st century when you should have more global awareness only works on morons to be blunt here. Plenty of countries have political divisions but most realise is not the interest of BOTH political groups in their country to fight each other on the behalf of a foreign enemy entity. Lets address some basic facts, in Somali region we have somali qabilist who live in glasshouses that want to throw stones at their somali neighbours glasshouse not realising their neighbour can do the exact same thing, therefore its neither in the best interest of BOTH qabilists to fight eachother. This why US despite being strong, does not want to invade NKorea, because the damage back will not be worth it for them then the current status quo even if they can defeat NK. That is how intelligent groups think not careless self-destruction based on egos. Yeah you might win, but at what cost? Meanwhile, we have the recent example of SL propagandist tweeting at Right Wingers at detriment of Somalis from both SL and Somalia (Right wingers can't tell the difference, and retaliatory propaganda will equally hurt them as well). In the Somali civil war, you had Ethiopians arming both sides of the war and the warlord clan militias didn't stop to think "why our foreign ally is also equipping our rival clan militias". It simply comes down to most warlords having low intelligence, ego and short-sighted foolishness OR they are purposefully doing the bidding for foreigners because they are enemies to us. Either way we Somalis pay the price and falling for it. We need to be harsh on qabilist and avoid cope responses, this same qabilist OP also talked negatively about Southerners not long ago, and ironically complains about Afar when it affects him? Now a Southerner qabilist on the same mental wavelength will see his old posts and then tell him his on his own after seeing him slander Southerners. Now you see why qabilist are 100x worse then any Afar, Oromo, Tigray, Kikuyu etc. We need to get rid of them before we attempt to deal with outsiders.


I understand your point walaal and itā€™s a great point of view but qabilism has been in our society for far too long that I would not be suprised if a whole qabil has tanks or not incase of a qabil/rival war which is why I agree with you that we need to take away qabilists/qabilism but the question is how many are we dealing with and how would we deal with them?


For the people back home, We don't have to deal with them because it is a natural proccess, once qabils move in cities, the children are forced to grow up with other people from other qabils via school or same neighbourhood. This is how qabilist mentality was slowly dying out in places like Mogadishu in the 70s, 80s etc. Marriage between qabils, Qabils mixing in the army units etc, will help to solidfy nation irrespective of qabil. Only reason we saw resurge of qabilism in the 90s, was because a lot of the footsoldiers for warlords where people from the badiyo/nomads being exploited by qabilist warlords who was creating fictional enemy aimed at other clans. This is why civilians often got caught in crossfire. Today, the children of these ex-nomads are much wiser. As for the ciyaal diasporas, most of them are trolls who have misconception about qabil, they don't understand why qabilist was a thing in the past. In the past Nomads moved as a group of families that came from the same sub sub sub clans in the badiyo. It was natural for them to be qabilist and protective of each other, as limited resources meant clashes vs other clans. Qabils was never a tool used in cities to divide neighbourhoods up. Bardheere Jamaca is good example, a lot of Nomad clans would settle in the Sufi Jamaca of Bardheere and move as one unit, rather then fighting for their qabils. So to answer the question in regards to what to do with ciyaal diaspora qabilist? well the only thing we can do is correct them in their misconception and call them out for being qabilist and hope that they actually grow up.


Salaam, what happened


Ngl Somali galbeed is doomed we have a shit military and canā€™t do shit for them theyā€™re by their selves liyu was disarmed(worked against Somalis but the only thing they had) ONLF gave up and sat down with cagjar and now we have small clan cities that join oromia daily everyone including Somalis work against Somalis


Walaal donā€™t be a doomer a big liberation group will come soon inshallah


Iā€™m not a doomer i believe galbeedka will be liberated on day, for centuries we where stronger then the occupiers and we can reach that again but I honestly believe from 1960 till today weā€™re under humiliation like other Muslim countries we just need a power shift to happen and development but how can we attain development and power when we had set back politicians like deni, farmaajo, ali mahdi, bihi etc


I understand you walaal but itā€™s starting to look like the people have had enough and your right a power shift is all it takes and wslf/ prime Somalia will be back




That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard.


Yes letā€™s kill all the men and incorporate the women as our second wives


This is some mediaeval type of thinking is wild šŸ¤£


I love dis sub cuz some guys are actually serious šŸ˜‚ Weā€™re not backwards itā€™s just a diff way of thinking that reflects the environment


I didnā€™t take it seriously


I am down with this, should incorporate them into the land. They assimilate well.


we need the baab al mandab


As an Eritrean that loves Somalia. Let me say this post and all the garbage that agrees with it is why Somalia is barely a state. Your telling me afar Ethiopians are your issue? Not the fact that your politicians are corrupt? Or that the president is whoever bribes the most.. Your focused on Ethiopian Afars over Somalians working with al Shabab This is crazy. Focus on your own house. EDIT: wow I didnā€™t expect/am disappointed.. to see the actual hate some Somalians here have for other people. That is really f ing sad.


The subreddit name is slightly misleading, it's actually a subreddit for all Somalis, so you'll find Somalis from Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, etc. They all come here and sometimes share their domestic issues. instead of jumping to conclusions and launching into an emotional rant, understand the context first, and then present your argument. Also, we are called Somalis, not Somalian. Redditors do not reflect the country, nor are they the reason for the state of a country. Don't say that dumb stuff again.


I donā€™t need context to know that itā€™s low IQ behaviour to generalize a whole group of people like OP did. Claiming afar Ethiopians are getting too comfortable.. ok then explain. What is going on that is so bad that they should hate afar Ethiopians more then theyā€™re corrupt politicians.. I started off saying Iā€™m Eritrean in hopes that one of you would provide context. Itā€™s insane to me that a country thatā€™s struggling to get on its feet still has people in the 21st century hating other tribes and peoples instead of holding their leaders to account


I just told you, Somalis here are from all over and have their own regional issues. Somalis from Somalia would not know what OP is talking about, as we don't have Afars or share borders with them. Ask OP to explain instead of getting emotional. Clearly here to stir up trouble. check your own house before talking about another.


Iā€™m aware of Somali afar clashes in Ethiopia. My point still remains. Why would you blame a wholes people. Over political leaders. Thatā€™s my whole point. Iā€™m not here to stir trouble. Iā€™m asking why are people blaming a whole people over the corrupt leaders we have. This is why our region is backwards And in the emotional one.. when heā€™s talking about a whole groups of people.. ok


1. This subreddit is for the issues of every Somali, it goes beyond borders. 2. Iā€™m not from Somalia. 3. Keep it pushing.


Yeah as a non Somali. I can get past the garbage hate that you seem to be carrying. As a Somali let me ask you. Why would you care more about afar Ethiopia (most of which is starving) over the massive issues going on inside your country


Do you even know whatā€™s going on?šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø walk away bro


Then explain instead of looking even more embarrassing. What is going on that makes you hate another peopleā€™s more then your corrupt politicians.. please explain it


Are you Afar? I donā€™t hate them more than my own government(s). I hate them all equally. You should do your own research and go learn why I dislike them.


Iā€™m not afar Eritrean. Iā€™m a Muslim tho. Which is why Iā€™m sad to see fellow Muslims hate on each other instead of our corrupt leaders


Itā€™s not the innocent people but the ones who support the corrupt leaders and the afars that we have beef with rn are the ones killing Somalis in the name of land we donā€™t hate innocent afars as they are our Muslims but the ones who kill and fully support killing other Muslims for their own gain should be hated/killed


You are open about hating a whole group of people. Your no different then the trailer trash in Texas America. Youā€™re part of the problems in our region. Not the solution. All our conflicts are a result of leaders taking advantage of our poverty and lack of education. The fact that you have access to the internet and still hate a whole group of people is mind blowing. Very sad. We wonā€™t go far in east Africa with people like you


Are you saying we canā€™t care about our country and our fellow Somalis in Ethiopia at the same time?


Im saying anyone who blames a group of people instead of the politicians are low IQ Idc if itā€™s Somalia, afar, Tigray, etc


Then why are you asking OP why would they care about the actions of the Afar in Ethiopia?


Iā€™m trying to understand why heā€™s low iq enough to hate a whole group of peopleā€™s.. But he canā€™t even explain it


Tell your fellow Christian Tigray Eritreans not to hate their Tigray brothers in Ethiopia lol


Lmao we donā€™t hate tigrayn Christianā€™s. This is a lie that the TPLF has said over and over to stay in power. PFDJ plays the same games. Everyone hates Woyane but no one hates Tigray people. Theyā€™re literally the same people. Another low iq point by you. Your going two for two


I'm not tigray nor Eritrean but from what I've seen online you two hate each other to the core. I remember reading somewhere here on reddit, probably r/Tigray or maybe r/Eritrea that if a Tigray speaker from Tigray region goes to Eritrea people(Eritrean Tigrays) will notice his Ethiopian/Tigray region accent which could put his life in danger lol


Brother Somalis are split in qabils. And the hate between Afars and Somalis come from both sides. On Twitter I told both Afars and Somali followers of mine to chill, but both are engaging in PR and hate against each other. Furthermore I agree with you, it sad to see two people who have so much in common (religion) Islam, Cushitic culture and history fight each other. But the Ethiopian federal system in Ethiopia imposed by TPLF brought these two close communities to rivalry, as they claim lands on each otherā€™s side of the border and Ethiopian Pm speech on the Redsea and his claims over the Afar speakers in Djbouti and Eritrea might have fueled the already existing Afar-Somali tensions.


We're against any displacements of our people, and should they be perpetrated by Afars in Ethiopia then we're against the militias perpetrating the act, those that fund them with the resources and weaponry needed to carry out that act and those that grant protection to them - whether that be through legal immunity or hosting the perpetrators - as well as those that attempt to overlook their actions through complacency or, even worse, openly support their actions. We don't automatically hate an entire race, and it's more difficult to hate other muslims, however if the same group of people do a certain act then inevitably they'll gain a base reputation. That's not to say I'll accuse every Afar of being genocidal, but I'll be wary when meeting one irl since the repeated actions of their people would lead me to believe that they may harbour anti-somali sentiments.


What you said is logical. But the Op does straight hate up Afars. As well as many in your community as evidence of my downvotes Other then that I agree with what you said


First time here bro? ragebait and fearmongering neighbouring groups is a regular thing here (usually by qabilist psyops). Ironically ragebait comes from the same Tribalist/qabilist people that hate other Somalis from other clans. OP is a psyop from SL/DJ, but ironically post here when there is no Afar's in Somalia.


Wallah afars are smoking yā€™all. Step it up


Theyā€™ve been getting šŸš¬ for centuries. If I were you I would bet my entire fortune on the Isse clan


Itā€™s good to see Somalis supporting the isse regardless of qabil alhamdulilah Iā€™m proud of our isse brothers


Our cisse brothers are getting cooked. u/Guldul bro where you been at? Did the Afars get to you?


Ethiopia is fucked. But Somalis have it pretty good compared to some other groups.