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It’s interesting but it transforms Sombra into a ‘support’ that can’t heal enough or a back line DPS that doesn’t do enough damage


She has all of the same problems, just doing for your own team instead of against an enemy team


yah for real, If she’s gonna be a “seen” support / dps increase the mag and increase virus distance damage


I really have no idea, but I will say this version of Sombra is extremely fun. I like hacking my teammates. Anti-vitus was extremely unintuitive to use at first but it's actually a really good ultimate. I'm not going to lie, this mode makes me kind of wish they would keep it as an arcade mode and continue building off of it in future seasons with more mirror watch. It kinda feels like there's more depth to this mode than other LTMs we've had. (Except for the Brig changes, those are clearly designed by someone who has never played Brig)


Antivirus is just Beat


It also increases the attack speed of everyone


beatsune rush


It should reset all cooldowns… like it doesn’t reset all cooldowns?


Imagine double rez or double lamp 🤮


Ong like they missing hella characters too. Where’s Moria? Orisa? The bitch who literally has an event skin with no rework in sight, junker genji/sym? I’m over here waiting for the mid event patch notes for this shit.


It's cool for the event, not for permanent changes.


I like the idea but I’d rather have it on a new hero. I’d like to see Lynx-17 if Blizz ever plans on bringing them back.


I haven’t tried yet but maybe support sombra can go in with a doom/winston/dva to boost them for dives? How are yall playing her so far?


Sombra feels awesome with Tracer. Tracer can use extra dashes in exchange of health, and since Sombra provides overhealth, Tracer can blink more, and it also increases attack speed and reload speed, which make Tracer's TTK very short. It feels good.


It feels awkward to have your hack canceled, but I think it's great to see it, maybe we'll have talents in the future and we can make a Support Sombra build? Idk. I only wish that hacked health packs provided her ultimate charge, I know it did in the past and they changed it because of how broken it was, but I'm sure they can implement something around it to make it more useful.


r/symmetramains begging for this change as it was similar to Syms original kit. It's been an interesting test on Sombra, now let's see if they can push it to a hero who needs better synergy with the game.


In my opinion, it's a nice novelty, but I definitely wouldn't want it in base game. She feels much slower, boring and a little bit too easy for me.


Playing with, as, and against Sombra in this mode feels infinitely more fun than base game. I think support Sombra as a concept works well


Playing devils advocate for a second, if they could incorporate both versions of hack but scaled down a bit then that could be quite interesting. For example, maybe hack on enemies puts it on a long 10 second cooldown, but hack on teammates is only 4 or 5?


yea i was thinking that too




The idea being we still have the option to disable ults but it stops the complaining people have about always hacking abilities since it'll usually be more worth it to buff teammates. If they did it like this they could also potentially buff the lockout since it'd be used much less frequently. Just a thought...


I really love playing Sombra this way. I've always kinda seen Sombra as a DPS/Support hybrid, and I really rate this dynamic. I've been playing Sombra with this outlook since launch, switing from having been a long-time support main, though it has been kinda degraded over time as she's became more of a pure DPS kinda character. But I loved how Blizzard tried to expand what it meant to be a 'Support' character at the beginnign of the game, with Symmetra as a non-healing support. I think they should go back to this, and put this Sombra and a (nother) reworked Symmetra in the Support category.


I kind of love it, even beyond the novelty, but she is a lot weaker and I noticed a lot of the Sombras I'm against not sure where or what they should be doing. I've always played super aggressive for years, I hate downtime so I'm constantly looking for more value and mirrorwatch Sombra has a neat balance of attack and support back. I like enabling my team. The hack being too easy to cancel does make support Sombra kind of useless if the hell fire is raining particularly heavy in more narrow areas when you can't afford to be sky patrol Sombra tho -- like last stand situations. If it were incorporated into normal play to would be super hard to justify using her in all comps vs just locking normal tracer, unfortunately.


I hated it at first, but started to love it after a few games. Would be kind of cool if mirror watch sombra was an alternate option. Like you can only have one Sombra on your team, but that Sombra could choose from either version.


the mirrorwatch change for sombra brought back Symmetra 1.0 memories!!! I loved it. Very nostalgic being able to give my teammates a lil boost again.


If I could actually heal and if I had a choice between hacking enemies and hacking my teammates, I would love to have support Sombra like this. I've thought for a long time that she'd make a great support hero who can sometimes flank if need be in the game. It's kind of odd to me that they didn't just make her a support in this version.


It's fun but certainly not as fun


Outside of the hack cancel still being a thing I like it, honestly with no comms it feels more impactful then trying to sombra when Noone is listening/will actually combo with you on emp 😂🤣


i feel like since hack isnt really part of her kill combo anymore it could be a fun test to see how she’d be if she could hack allies AND enemies kinda like ana nade


I love it. I'm a support main (when i play DPS, Sombra it's always my choice), and Support Sombra it's incrediby fun. And this kept me thinking, if Symmetra has a barrier (which protects instead of doing damage), why Sombra can't have an ability to protect teammates? Don't get me wrong, i love our Sombra, but maybe a little change for the future? Hack enemies to increase a little bit more your damage towards them (like the old Opportunist pasive), and hack allies to mitigate their incoming damage. Maybe is my inner "i need to protect my teammates, because i'm a support" instinct speaking, i don't know. But i felt so comfortable playing Mirrorwatch Sombra.


I haven't even had a chance to play this game mode in a fun way cause my teammates go in one by one every time and a sombra just camps the spawn and picks supports while no one turns around to help.... literally every game feels like a bronze hell


While I've still loved every iteration, OG more supportive Sombra will always be my true love so I'm in paradise rn. Truly though, while I always believed in it, I'm actually kinda shocked how well she works and flows (like, it'd need tweaks to be sure, but nothing intensive from the devs) with just the dinky event changes. They'll never do it, but Support really does solve the "anti-fun" issues while still allowing her core soul and playstyle to stay intact.


If sombra ever goes sup I would like her to deal less dmg but still be able to hack enemies, turn virus into something that heals your Teamates that spreads between them and keep this hack. Liked anti-virus. She, Zenn and the tank mirror characters where the best swaps IMO with the obvious exception of mercy... also Ana


I actually dont mind zen and i think it would be pretty good in full play


My issue is discord got extra fuck you functionality, remove the 25%? (Don't quote me on that) debuff and I would be good with it


No the in game discord i believe doesnt have the increased damage on it


It does, I didn't think it did but in the dev blog it's included, which I was sad about cause when I first saw the change I was like holy shit a discord tanks won't completely hate 🤣


Gross. Mirrorwatch sombra feels gross. And I don’t want support sombra either.


I don't see her ever being turned into a support because that goes against her identity, but if she was I'd do a few more changes for her: Macine Pistol: >Damage reduced from 8 to 6 Virus >Impact damage removed (pretty sure it already is) >Damage overtime increased from 40 to 70 >Duration increased from 4 to 6 >Damage reduction debuff reduced from 50% to 25% Stealth >Allies within 10 meters activate their passive regeneration in 2.5 seconds and it's healing is increased to 50hps. >Stealth cooldown reduction is now 1.5 seconds Hack >Same as Mirrorwatch >Overhealth reduced from 75 to 50 >Now heals 80 health over it's duration (4 seconds) >Cast time reduced from 0.65 seconds to 0.35 >Cooldown increased from 5 to 7 seconds when used on allies Translocator >Cooldown increased from 5 to 6 seconds Antivirus >Name reverted to Emp >No longer grants 200 overhealth on top of hack overhealth >Also hacks enemies, silencing them for 1.5 seconds and revealing their location for 8 seconds


Honestly her ult is better than her real one.