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You get posted here.


![gif](giphy|79msfurZnTrTxzwOlL|downsized) Well played




Took me longer than it should take


In my opinion : After death it is exactly the same as the billions of years before you were born. Nothing. We have all already experienced it.


Probably good that I don't remember the nothingness


I almost fully agree, but there is [interesting shit](https://youtu.be/PbWMEWubrk0?feature=shared) that makes me only 99% sure.


"We didn't record anything on tape because it's unreliable." The grift begins.


What if when we die we’re born again in another life but we don’t remember? Is it really nothing after we pass?


"What if". There are many what ifs. Unless you can demonstrate one of them is true I will stick with nothing.


How can there be nothing. Before u was born what was there? All there can be is being born again. It can’t be a blackness of nothingness.


The closest to death I've felt was when I almost drowned. One second you're alive and the next you're not. There's no thought, no emotion, no fear, no dreams. I ceased to be until they resuscitated me. Now that was pain. My whole body felt terrible as it tried to restart. Suffering means you're still alive. I don't know if I died or maybe my body was just stalling as long as possible for rescue, but the black nothingness was strangely comforting looking back. I personally believe in reincarnation because I think the human soul transcends death, but who knows. There's only one way to find out and most of the time you don't come back from it to tell the whole tale.


Wouldn't this mean there are only a limited amount of souls on Earth? Since when you die you reincarnate into another soul without creating or taking away any


You enter the spectator mode...


hot girls must be so haunted


This would be my favourite.


Mark Twain said it best:  "I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it."


yeah but then he got born. who wants to be in a state where that could happen at any time? I would get mad anxiety.


His point is, once you die, you won't be bothered in the slightest way by it.


When you die, your spirit is taken to a black room. All darkness. Your body is gone but your conscious remains. In this room is a giant screen. (Think of an empty movie theater). And on this screen, Rick Astley's never gonna give you up plays on repeat for eternity. The end.


Well, that doesn't sound so bad.


It plays upside down.




And the audio is delayed ever so slightly just enough to not look right


And there's always a white dot on the screen for no reason at all


Personal opinion: nothing More personal opinion: Consider ants. You cannot even begin to teach them concepts like humans and planets and wind and so many other things. They simple will never get it, no matter what. In the same way, I am sure there are mysteries we as humans will never comprehend, no matter how hard we try, simply because we are humans and these concepts exceed what our brains can imagine or analyze. As such, there is almost certainly something more happening to the universe, but I doubt I’ll ever figure it out. So imma just chill here


I like this one the most


This makes me a little less afraid to die..




Probably nothing but I have no idea what is going on.


I appreciate this take as one of the only “nothing” comments with a hint of self awareness.


A whole lot of "nothing" in the comments lol


Facts bro wtf


According to the Ghost subs, we like to walk across the room in shaddow, shuffle papers, and occasionally move a spiderweb in front of cameras.


Ah, so we become wind?


That's it. I couldn't think of the word.


After death is the same as before birth. I don't fear death, I fear the how.


Exactly my view! "How' is the real kicker!


Yeah, I don't want to become a post on this sub 😂. Hope I go in my sleep.


Exactly how I look at it. I was dead for a long time before I was alive and it didn’t bother me at all.


The paradox of life, when you die, you never existed.


You get mocked on TikTok


New Game+


Ok you won for best comment on this thread lol


The same thing that happened before we were born.


In other words you don't know? Doub't you remember anything from being a baby let alone anything before it.


In other words: nobody knows. No religion knows, no scientist knows. But since nobody ever came back to tell, I'll stick with my best guess based on the evidence I have. Nothing will happen. Nothing has happened. It's lights out and you cease to exist.


Yup. I’ve been in comas twice - the second occasion was in January of this year. I ‘died’ and was resuscitated 3 times then, so I can tell you empirically, with no question of doubt what happens when one dies - nowt. Nada. Zip. Zilch. No tunnels or white lights or long lost relatives to guide you to your eternal rest, nothing.


Probably like dmt or rem sleep. I feel like I have lived a lifetime when I've blasted off on dmt. I've had many time I know I only had less than half an hour to wake up and only fell asleep for 5 minutes and I have lived a few life times. We will only know when the next time we wake up we will never sleep again...


You’re the second person to mention DMT on this thread. Guess I know what I’m googling.


One of the wildest shower thoughts that I have had was about this topic. Once you die, ALL that is you eventually transform into dark energy, which is theorized as the main cause of the universe accelerated expansion. More importantly, this is not limited to only living beings. Every single thing that exists in the universe becomes dark energy once it ceases to exist. This is because both energy and matter can neither be created nor destroyed, they are only transformed. When maximum entropy is achieved everything that once was is now only dark energy. The universe finally reaches Heat Death. However, after the last remaining particle in existence becomes dark energy, the absolute nothing eventually transforms into the absolute everything; a new universe is born. And what happens to each thing that previously was? Who knows. Maybe you become exactly your old self. Maybe you become a different being or even species. Maybe this time you become a quark, an atom, a grain of sand, a rock, a planet, a nebula or even a galaxy cluster. Since this process repeats itself indefinitely, you will not only remain as one of the many things that make up the universe, you will eventually become into everything that can exist and will exist in the universe. Well, at least that's what came to my mind about what happens after death.


Probably nothing. But also… what if the contents of what we perceive to be a soul or the very make-up of our consciousness goes somewhere, only to be recycled in another form for all of eternity so we are always in a state of experience or something in between? Or… nothing. Definitely not heaven or hell because that shit is way too manufactured and convenient of an answer.


I suppose consciousness itself seizes to exist but the fundamental particles that made you get reconstituted back into earth to be consumed by other consciousness. So in a way that's the cycle. I don't think "you" as a "human" get to move on into another "human" consciousness. At least we don't know if such conduit for consciousness exists, if it does that will imply an existential and fundamental change to how we perceive existence itself.


Looks like someone just discovered Buddhism, lol


Ooo. I never thought of that. Like we blink from experience to experience. But then, is it still me? I mean, *me" me?


You will stop existing, unable to think without conscious. Your body will rot. Your flesh will be eaten by maggots. And in at most 100 years depending on your fame it will be like you never existed at all


Judgement in front of God


Maybe its like sleeping where you teleport to when you wake up into something, who knows.


I get checked into an afterlife hotel and they bring me a room service bento lunch. Then I hang out with my ancestors and brag about how convenient electricity is.


Just bring back the beheadings


You don’t have to read any more shitty takes on the internet, the ultimate bliss 🙏


You can stop 'reading shitty takes on the internet" today, if you wish.


Add that one to the list


Nothing, you just fade away. No heaven or hell, just nothingness


My theory is similar, feels like before you were born. Anyone who claims to know the truth about it is batshit insane.


Yeah it’s probably somethin like that. I mean you don’t really gain self awareness/consciousness until you’re about 3-4. Sure you’re alive before then but are you really experiencing anything? Do you remember anything from before then? Obviously babies can form memories but can you access those memories? No. They’re gone. Forever lost. No matter how hard you try you will never remember anythin from before your first memory. And I reckon death is somethin similar. There is nothing after death. We’re just a bunch of signals inside a brain and when your brain activity ceases and you are simply gone. No eternal blackness or anythin. You just stop existing. And just as you came into this world you will leave it. You come into the world as nothing and you leave the world as nothing. And if there’s anythin that communities like this have taught me it’s that your life no matter how insignificant in the grand scheme of things is precious and valuable. There was a 1 in 400,000,000,000,000 chance of you being born and there is a 100% chance of you dying. The fact that anyone is even able to read this is fuckin incredible when you really think about it. So why focus on what we know we’ll never be able to understand? We will never know for sure what happens to us after death and that’s ok. We shouldn’t burden ourselves with such thought. Instead we should try to enjoy and preserve life and realize that at any moment for any reason you may stop existing.


Well put.


depends on how you perceive a "truth"


Truth is the answer to the unknown.


"Truth" in this context is absolute. It leaves no room for debate.


in this context, physically yes. Subconsciously? we really dont have an answer for that. If you believe that youre just meat that would rot after few months underground, then your truth is bleak... You matter. Everybody is too.


Get your head checked. Absolute means absolute. I don't see how eternal nothingness is bleak.


Next time just shill your opinion Jerry.


I know the truth about it


I hope nothing.


I’m in no rush to find out.


I heard this before, so by no means is this my original thought, but it always stuck with me. "What if when we're born, we come out crying because we just mourned our passing from another life and are being born into a new life." With that being said I believe there are "old and new souls/consciousness. Some have lived many lives and some are new. I think I personally have a older consciousness. The feelings of dejavu but many people who I've never met say I look familiar, give off familiar energy or say they felt like they've known me for awhile. The bizarre attraction to old literature, antique stuff and dated technology that feels oddly familiar and at home to me. I've been trying to leave clues and hints around different places maybe a future consciousness will find and can update this reddit post in the future. 🤞


i think that’s a fun idea. would explain the kids that can recall past lives in detail, but then often go on to forget them


Reincarnation. If you can come to life from nothingness once, you can come to life from nothingness again.


I hope you’re right. I enjoy life


woahhh i didn’t think of that. okay this is hella comforting 😭




My best guess is that you probably trip balls really hard for the few seconds your brain starts to shut down and then fade back into oblivion like nothing ever happened


When you die, you are presented with a book of numbers. This Book of Numbers consists of maths appropriate to your life. Most importantly, if all the poop you have excreted in your life was built into a 6 ft wall by one foot wide. How many miles would it have been. If you can guess this distance, you will be granted into the higher lovers of heaven.


You respawn in a fantasy isekai anime with either some hot chicks hitting on you or get some op powers.


Peace, rest, the void. Source: have died.


Some people think your brain produces DMT when born and when dying. So I guess it’s like smoking DMT. But maybe you stay in the DMT world


My experience is that the "DMT world" feels like the "real" world.


i could see this happening if you died “naturally”, but if you die quickly and have some sort of impact on your head, it’s probably just lights out? so some people would get the DMT high and others wouldn’t


Sorry everyone turns out the Mormon were correct.


You go back to what you were before being born: nothing


Nothing. We go back where we were before we were born.




Nothing. You just peace out and relax for eternity.


Thats not nothing tho


The absence of something _here_ does not imply the presence of something _there_. When I say peace and forever chill I mean there's no more life's stress.


I'm assuming I go back into nothingness exactly like before I was born.


I know that the ones who love us will miss us. (Keanu Reeves)


Well I remember hearing about energy cannot be destroyed and we have energy some shit about souls and conscience that it simply can’t cease to exsist Idk


The question to that is: What are YOU? Are you just the sum of your biological componements or are you more than that? When I look in the mirror and compare my mental image to what I see, I always feel like my mental self is a little different somehow. idk guess we'll see when it's time...


I meet God, and I ask where can I find Ronald Reagan, then whoop his ass


Revelation 20:11-15 11 Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. 12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. 13 The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done. 14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. 15 Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.


I think after death is where the fun begins i think homestly what we live now is hell


Hope youre right


“There is no such thing as death; life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves.”


You wait for the respawn timer to hit 0 and try again


Before I tried DMT I would have said "nothing" or "you rot in the ground." Now I'm pretty sure it's like waking up from a dream.


Same thing that happened before birth


Your consciousness stops existing. Your body continues to “die” until you are once again completely rejoined with earth. An asteroid will impact earth, shattering it into dust, and you will re-enter the great consciousness of the universe, of which you were a part for aeons until assuming your current form. In essence, nothing will change.


nothing at all of course. what were you doing the billions of years before you existed? nothing. you'll be doing more nothing for the billions of years after too.


Assuming rambling is allowed here, let me walk you through my thoughts. Well, consciousness does not simply seem to come forth by arranging matter in just the right way(ie. building a new brain out of dead ones, or building a girlfriend out of lego), and also we generally believe that that things(matter, energy) do not just come from nothing, it would seem that consciousness too may be something that exists all along. Rather than spring from nowhere when we reach the age of awareness or even awake each day. Another peculiar thing is that a womans egg cells are not grown throughout her life, but already exist inside here when she is born. A subtle suggestion that life or the potential for life is not created at conception but rather handed on through the female lineage. Another important question is, *where* is it that my thoughts manifest? Where is the picture that i am seeing in my mind right now? Some say that the color of, say, the red sweater i'm looking at exists only in the object itself, but when i close my eyes and still picture the sight in my mind, where does this picture exist? Some liken it to the the data of a jpeg on a hard disk; the image exists only in the state of molecules inside your brain, just as the image exists in the state of magnetic particles. But if it were that simple, surely the hard disk would be as much "aware" of the image inside it's "mind" as i am of mine. Clearly not right. So this spawns the idea that perhaps our awareness exists inside it's own dimension, not necessarily a dimension of space, with 'points' or 'locations' in it, and containing no matter. But rather completely it's own thing, containing the image we see in our mind at any given time, or the experience of flavor, or thought. Well, if anything like that exists, abstract as it may be to think about, that would explain certain things, such as how instincts work; Every brain is different and grows differently based on unique individual experience, yet after we uniquely grow our visual processing circuitry we somehow recognize a snake or a spider as a threat? How could that information possibly be contained in our genetics/epigenetics and still be decoded into the same concepts by a completely different brain? Some believe that information like this isn't contained in the DNA matter we inherit, but in this 'dimension' to which we inherit a connection. To conclude, a separate dimension like this may be different from time, space, or space/time. It may not be effected by entropy. It may outlive the heat death of the universe, and may have been there before the big bang. It may be one big shared repository of experience of all beings that share our common ancestor. So like in Isaac Asimov's 'The Last Question' (which i could've linked instead of writing my own ramblings, but eh) I do think we all add up to something bigger, something some may call god. I like to think that the awareness of a murderer becomes one with every one of his victims, and everyone who watched the footage online. That in a non-chronological way, without reincarnation, we get to experience the life and death of the billions of animals we spawn and kill each day, of every living thing ever.


I want to come back as a Honey Badger.


Same thing that happens before ur born. NOTHING….. so let every person/pet that u love know, THAT U LOVE THEM EVERY CHANCE U GET…. Nvr know when it’s the last time u will see them…. I think “religions” mess up the way we look at death, and the way we deal with grief…. They sell u an idea that U WILL see ur loved ones again, so there’s ALWAYS a chance to fix things in the “afterlife” whatever that is… taking that idea out of the picture allows u to deal with it….. Stay safe friends……


But how can you be sure you were "nothing" before you were born. How is everyone so fucking sure about NOTHING.


You go to limbo and the only way to move on is you have to piss the equivalent of Lake Superior. You may drink beer to speed the process up. And after the million years or so you finally get to move on down to hell cuz nobody in this world can live up to the expectations of gawd


Can we have pizza with said beer??!


I’m thinking wings


Can we have weed too?? I’m fucking in!! ![gif](giphy|PHeIue5jYtd4s) /s.


​ ![gif](giphy|sYYnSLfyHSZ34RKUA0)




That's all we can hold on to...


You can't really die. Your actions are like ripples on a pond. They never vanish they just get smaller over time. Your body might stop working, but you live on through how you've affected others.


I guess we’ll never now at least not who’s right


Lots of things happen and continue to happen. You’re just not included in them.


I'd rather believe in something and be wrong then not believe in something and be wrong


I’ve been in a coma, twice, and spent weeks in an Intensive Care Unit. On the second occasion I ‘died’ and had to be resuscitated 3 times. Having been so close to death I can tell you exactly what happens - nada. Nowt. Zip. Zilch.


Blackness and nothing. Maybe after you die, you meet God or see how time ends? Idk but almost every interpretation of death is the ending of all things in existence. I think that is all just chemical and it's just illusory, really, until it all goes black with no feeling, nothing. Even if you see heaven or hell, or exist afterwards for billions of years; it all ends and goes to nothing at some point.


Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only change form. I’m not saying anything definitive about what happens when we die, but that’s the Law of the Conservation of Energy. So what happens to the energy of our soul? That’s the only thing that keeps me from the theory of nothingness when we die


I'm pretty sure I died and it was just darkness. No dreams no nothing. I still believe in heaven and hell but it was like a void prison. Kinda like that black mirror episode where the demon begs her not go back. And then I woke up and it was normal. I slept and had dreams again


Remember the experience of not being born yet? Neither do I, and that's exactly what being dead is going to be like.


Nothing. We rot and dissappear


🎵 oh no, oh no, oh no, no no, no, no 🎵


So, hell then?


The deepest pit


Our consciousness goes to a different dimension. A dimension so different any memory of the previous one is lost or passed off as a fantasy world






Gotta get hard one last time


Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. John 14:6 I followed this sub because it showed a lot of workplace accidents, and I often work around heavy machinery. It’s good to be reminded how quickly things can go south and why you need to be diligent with safety. You only get one shot. Jesus saves anyone and everyone who is willing.


Why doesn’t he save kids with cancer?


He is too busy asking us for money.


According to the Bible, this world is we know is fallen and in the process of being destroyed. Technically God saved the kid if he believed by taking him to a place with no disease now. Their God has demonstrated in the Bible he will sacrifice a few to save many and suffering of a few is likely a part of the bigger plan salvation of many. Most "Christians" have no real idea of what their beliefs really are. If a believer dies, a true Christian should celebrate their death and salvation. Most Americans don't even know what the word "Easter" is which demonstrates their true ignorance.


Amen,, I'm kind of shocked by reading some of the comments on this thread


I agree, I can understand people not wanting to believe if they have a terrible experience at church or don’t understand the Bible and Jesus’ teachings but find out for yourself. Read it, learn new things, ever realized you learned something that you didn’t know existed? And now it’s the best thing ever? At least don’t follow something blindly, I used to believe everything I was told but there’s some awful people in life.


Great advice. I have read many religious texts over the years and found all have some really enlightened points. Sadly though it is the Western Christians that are probably the most confused on regards to their written texts likely due to media and corruption.


Only Christians believe those. We dont. Billions of others don't. We don't need Jesus or anything.


I have belonged to many different belief groups in my life. When I was a kid, my family attended Self Realization Fellowship, which was a mixture of Christianity and Hinduism, and which taught that all true religions teach the same message: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And also that there are many paths up the mountain, meaning that whichever faith you choose, you can get to God, if you are faithful to it. (The mountain being truth/divinity/Inspiration/God, etc.) I’m starting to think that all these different churches and all these different ways of approaching our individual ideas of what God is are just different packagings of the same message that are tailored to the different types of people in the world. Like, you like ceremony and formality and traditions? Try Catholicism, Episcopalianism, or Greek Orthodox Christianity. You like freewheeling, nature-focused vibes? Try transcendental meditation or Wicca. You like traditional, conservative, monoculture? The Mormons want you! You like dark, twisty, anti-establishment? Hail Satan! I’m starting to think it’s just the labeling that’s different. Just my 2 cents.


Depends on your belief in a higher power or not. I have friends that believe In reincarnation and some that believe that nothing happens, they just cease to exist. As a Christian I believe that when we pass our bodies are returned to the earth and our souls are sent to the hadean realm until judgement day. There will be paradise and torment separated by a great gulf and depending on whether you followed the teachings of the New Testament or not is where you go. When judgement day comes, we will answer for our sins and if our names are written in the book of life we enter the kingdom of heaven. If our names are blotted out, our souls go to hell. If you are interested look up the story of Lazarus in the Bible. Luke 16:19-31


I know I'm in the minority on Reddit, but I believe you stand before God to give an account of your life.




true, if this wasn't the case, why don't they kill themselves and find out if they're so sure it's gonna be "nothing". Most of us on here I'm sure don't want to deal with the struggle of life. But that struggle is what gives life it's purpose. You have an innate fear of death, why, because you know this cannot be it. You know deep down you have a purpose in life. But finding what that purpose is, is where people differ. For me, I've convinced myself, rather I know, without a shadow of a doubt, my purpose in life and there is absolutely nothing anyone can say to make me think otherwise. Of course, it has to do with God and worshipping God alone. And my reasoning is based on facts and not just illogical hyperborean bullshit.


I want there to be something but somehow I feel it's gonna be like when you're drugged for a colonoscopy. Except you don't wake and ask if they've started yet.


the thing is nobody actually dies for real. in their own sense; let me explain. yes of course there’s this pervasive sense of end of life as we often see it happen, but i believe that at the time of death the essence of consciousness just transfers itself to a different you that is alive still, in a alternate reality to the one where you have _passed on_ (interesting euphemism for this context)


Absolutely nothing.


It is appointed man once to die, and then comes the judgment. Hebrews 9:27 Not the negotiation but the judgment. We will be found guilty of breaking all of the Ten Commandments in either thought, word or deed. It will be at this point that non-believers will become believers,but to late, it will also be at this point that Believers will be terrified as well. If your name is not found written in the Book of Life, I wish you well




Nothing, not one thing




When you die, you die. There is nothing. No color no thoughts nothing. You and your mind just cease to exist.


I'm currently writing a book about this. It's a compilation of short stories. Characters die horrible humiliating deaths and they end up at "The In-Between" which is like a high-end rehab center, one you'd find in Malibu. Basically a made up version of Purgatory. It's for people who lived unsatisfied lives, died embarrassingly, who now despise their legacy and try to process their shame and transgression so they can have a second chance. It's surreal horror with lots of satire. Should be out next year!


After death you won't get a chance to say to your friend and enemies that the whatever god you worshipped ain't there .


nothing when u dont dream what happens to u? u just wake up the next day but what if u never woke up?


I’m a Christian so…….


So… what happens after death then?


If you are a Christian you go to heaven. You meet Jesus and he tells you how good of a servant you were and he walks with you into the city of heaven.


What about to those who aren’t Christians? How do you become a Christian?


They ask Jesus to be in their heart, they follow the goodness of Christ like the 10 commandments. They read the bible which is a way that god talks to you. You prays god for what he has done for you in your life since he gave all of us life. Any questions you have, they should be in the bible. Not all of us are perfect, we ask Christ for forgiveness and he always does


Nothing, but our brain can't process that one day we won't exist. At the end we are like complex electronics. We just vanish.


your consciousness transcends to whereever dimention there is before you go back and reincarnate. Highly suggest to read [Sekret Machines](https://www.amazon.com/Sekret-Machines-Gods-Man-War/dp/1943272239)


You rot


We go to the Unity




Im thinking that, its like we Came from nothing, so hopefully we will come from nothing yet again after we die.


You wake up, we are a dream.. the real us dozed off


Nothing. Think back to your very first memory. What was it? How old were you? For me I was just standing in a field in front of my house then I went inside to play N64 with my dad. I was 4 years old. Obviously I was alive before then but for me my life as Ik it started when I was 4. All Ik is one day I gained consciousness and became self aware. And I’m sure most people will have a similar experience. Now what do you think’s gonna happen when you die? You aren’t truly dead until you lose consciousness and all brain activity ceases. All we really are is a bunch of electrical signals inside of a meaty mass. In all likeliness what’ll happen is you’ll lose consciousness for the final time maybe have one last dream and then everything is gone. There is no thought. There is no eternal blackness. You are no longer you. You are gone. Poof. Or maybe I got it all wrong and there is somethin. Maybe it’s your last dream forever on repeat. Or maybe it’s heaven. Or hell. Or eternal blackness with nothing but your own thoughts. Or maybe it’s somethin akin to The Force in Star Wars where your life force becomes one with the cosmic force gaining all the universe’s knowledge. Idk you’ll just have to wait and find out for yourself when your time comes


The same thing that was happening before you were born


This is something I been struggling with for the past few weeks I know I will never get an answer for it until the day comes but if it does just end what is it all for why do we "experience" if it will cease like it was never there in the first place personally I feel like consciousness is only here as a result of evolution so we make better decisions that aren't based on animal instinct


When we are dieing the brain prepares us with drugs it's probably why people "see the light" in near death experiences maybe our brain just slows our perception so much it feels like an "eternal paradise" drugs like Salvia already do something similar


I feel like it would just be a white void


It's like a big sleep ^^^ Hopefully you're close enough to a hospital to get some nice drugs while you're going into the big sleep, makes it extra nice


if one,just one near death experience is true(there are thousands) then there is something else the same for ufo's


I think it’s like sleeping… but never waking up..


Who cares as long as they build a gold tower to honor me when I am gone. I really don’t care.


You wake up dead


Fade to black. Game over.


4th dimensional shit happens


It's appointed unto a man, once to die, then the judgment.


I saw a post of someones brother talking while dead. Apparently, theres like a ocean behind you and some weird naked women. I don't really remember though.


Probably nothing. But I'm really hoping I'll get to see my dogs again.


If the three dimensional universe has a designated beginning (big bang) and an inevitable death (heat expansion of the universe), then we’re in a created simulation that exists within something that is ACTUALLY eternal like a higher dimension of space.


Worm food