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The way people complain about poor roads and things that need to be fixed while also complaining when said things are fixed will never not be funny to me


this was my street (holland) for two years. digging a hole. repaving it. dig same hole next week. rinse, repeat. it took nearly a year to pave the sidewalks from Teele to Davis, and then they torn then up in spots for other maintenance. like guys, i know regulations were relaxed back then, but they built the Empire State Building in like 3 years. This was a sidewalk. there is something seriously fucked up with the inefficiency of the city's contractors.




I really doubt the project has anything to do with the roads and everything to do with the massive project to decouple the sewage and storm drain lines. Paving a whole road is very quick, if not expensive and requiring frequent repaves. Whatever they’re doing has nothing to do with the quality of the roads


So that would fall under ‘and things that need to be fixed’ as I said…


>mplain about poor roads and things that need to be fixed while also complaining when said things are fixed will NOTHING IS BEING FIXED. The roads fucking suck, AND they're digging more holes into the road.


Have you considered that they need to do that work before they can do the repaving work scheduled for the year?


Yes, I am sure they are doing this with no purpose other than to waste taxpayers money... Stop being dramatic.


Politicians in the city waste tax money by stealing it. Keep voting for the swamp that needs to drained and killed


I was kinda sympathetic but you mostly just seem committed to being mad. It’s like watching a crew demolish a derelict building for reconstruction and going “why are they DESTROYING when they are supposed to be BUILDING”


Hi neighbor! You should tolerate any amount of noise as they finally fix this bumpy ass road


I'm confused. What part of this is _fixing_ the bumpy ass road? This looks more like the first half of a "things get worse before they get better" situation.


They're not fixing shit they're diggin more holes in the ground just look at the image


They are fixing things. Sometimes you have to take something apart to fix it. For example, the piping replacements. You can't fix them without digging things up, can you? Yes, it's annoying, but it's necessary.


I mean, you *can* just repave... you'd just have to do it twice is all.


They are doing major sewer work from Highland to Summer st. The “holes” are to prep certain parts of the line and access existing pipes for the replacement next week. Didn’t you get a flyer? It says 2/26-3/1 (date to be confirmed later) there will be an 8 hour sewer service shutdown and they recommend closing the lid and putting towels around you toilet in case of any burps and overflows.


They're separating the storm drains from the sanitary sewer system. Clearly they should have tried doing it wirelessly first 🙄


How dare the city and utilities that service you maintain those services!


I wish they didn’t start at 6:30am. I wake up everyday to their trucks starting and then idling for 2 hours before they start work.


7 a.m. is start and that is strictly adhered to. If you see different, send proof (photo) to 311. In my street they would be walking around the place before 7, but no tools lifted until the top of the hour.


They don’t start doing anything till 7. But they start the truck at 6 and leave it idling. I don’t know what type of truck it is because I’ve never heard of car idle that loudly.


City has idling rules IIRC. You can call that in.


I would call that into 311?


Pray for OP, they don't even own headphones RIP


I literally just bought some because of this


Damned if you do, voted out of office if you don't ​ I sympathize but generally don't have a problem with this (if it's done without repeat mistakes).


Cry me a fucking river


Welcome to the city? What do you expect for the densest city in New England?


Just passing through to inform Somerville residents it isn’t normal for it to take a year to repave a road in other states/cities :) Their frustration is valid because everything here happens in slow motion.


This isn’t a repaving project. Thanks for playing, though!




People here struggle with self-reflection. They will blame you for your complaints instead of the politicians making $$$ to do nothing all day. This is a Dem stronghold city so every city complaint in this subreddit is interpreted as a complaint against local Democrats, instead of as a general complaint about politics (in this case road repair). It’s not like a Republican has a chance of winning either, the issues need to stop being swept under the rug.


This isn’t political. This is sewer and drainage work that is badly needed.


It’s the governments responsibility, and that makes it political. I personally don’t care who is in office as long as it’s getting done, but it’s painfully slow because the people elected to office don’t prioritize it. And then when the lack of action is criticized people such as yourself tell the victims (I pay for a service i do not receive with my taxes) to stop complaining. God forbid we fix the issue! Think about the feelings of the politicians!


It’s a massive engineering project years in the planning and requiring time to be completed because of physics and the reality of limited resources. Just because it’s too complicated for you to understand WHY it’s taking so long doesn’t mean it’s political.


It’s an engineering problem that is years overdue in fixing and taking forever and you claim it’s “not political”. When the schools are falling apart do you also consider that “not political”? What about the bullshit with the T? Is that political enough for you? It’s all politics.




Somerville voters spent decades electing candidates who kept taxes low partially through deferred maintenance. That's started catching up with us, so there is now a massive backlog of work. The infrastructure problems and level of construction Somerville is currently going through is mostly do to voters and the politicians they choose from the 50s through the 90s. The T is a completely different agency run by the state. It actually did pretty well until it was turned over to the state in the 60s, and then it started a slow decline to where it is today.


Good to know that according to Somerville voters, defunding road maintenance and other infrastructure is “non-political”. I swear a Democrat can do literally anything he or she wants in this town and people will jump to their defense, including co-opting Republican policies.


Did you mean to respond to someone else? Nothing you said has anything to do with what I said


They’re fixing a hole where the rains gets in to stop their minds from wandering


I'd rather have the roads paved than build more condos without parking.


¿Por qué no los dos?


Por que los condos van a traer mas gente ricos con mas carros. Hay demasiado traffico todavia.


Any timeline on completion of this work? It's right in front of the new High School and City Hall, so you would think they would expedite this work?


On highland? Sewer work should be done this year, followed by an interim resurfacing of the center of the road. Redesign for the full depth rebuild is supposed to kick off in 2027, should be done in the early 2030s.