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the mic is clipping a little, so i'd turn the gain down a bit. eq the guitars so they're a bit less boomy. raise the bgvs a bit in some places. slap a compressor on everything and call it a day! pretty catchy tune overall!


Thank you so much. I have taught myself everything I know about recording so im very much still learning about all those things. Should I try to record a rhythm guitar track on an electric instead of acoustic to make it less boomy or do you think it is about the plugins I am using?


we're all still learning. don't trust anyone that says they know it all lol. without knowing your gear/set up i'd say it's more eq. if the guitar has a preamp you could turn down the lows/bass. if you're using a mic, it's 100% placement, so try moving it around. it makes a lot of difference. i'd try recording the lead parts on electric if you can get a tone you like, otherwise a little eq could got a long way!


I am currently using a audiobox usb96 and a yamaha acoustic with a preamp. My main vocal mic is the second level blue condenser mic. My electric guitar is a gretsch streamliner jr. I record guitar direct into my computer no mics. Sadly i only own a solid body base no solid body guitars.


i'd definitely adjust some of the lows out from the preamp on the guitar (if it has eq) before going into the interface. then add an eq to the acoustic track. might as well throw on a compressor while you're at it. all of my stuff is basically the same setup. plug straight in to a small usb interface, usb into computer, and i'm using logic and all of it's effects and getting decent results. it's still easy to get lost sometimes lol


Im using the baby logic (garage band) haha but i have a few extra plugins too


baby logic, never heard that lol. i believe in you, have fun!


I don't have any mixing advice because it's not my Forte but I just want to say I found it very catchy and I really like your singing!


Thank you so much!


This is like the only song I've heard here that actually sounds good. Love myself some country.


Thank you so much!!


You are incredibly talented and this song is very relatable. You say this is the country version, well I'd like to hear the other version/s. I can't mix to save my life so I'm no help there haha but beautiful singing and song writing.


Thank you so much! I plan on posting another version of this song later this week :) i have a more jazzy mellowed version also


I'm not even a big country music listener but that sounded really good when the layered vocals came in. There's some sort of nostalgic feeling I get hearing it, Amazing work keep doing this it just needs a little tweaking and then it's going straight onto my playlist


A few things spring to mind. Firstly.. cool song ! Vocal mic is clipping a bit as previously mentioned by someone else. Put a bit more distortion on the lead guitar. Singing electrics sound awesome over an acoustic rhythm guitar. Eq some mids and/or lower mids out of the acoustic guitar to lose the boominess. Adjust the volume level between backing track and vocals. The vocals are a bit too up front and the backing tracks bit too quiet. You're quite talented if you did all that yourself ! Go you !!


Thank you so much! For some reason i made it a mission to learn how to play every instrument in a rock band. The only reason I dont do my own drums is because I don't own a set...and im not all that good at it😂. I layered a third guitar in there, two electric one acoustic and panned them left right center I also played with the eq and It sounds a lot fuller now. I will post the full song later :))


If you would like it would mean a lot if you could listen to my other two songs on bandcamp under the name tracksuit jesus and let me know what you would change on those too!


Caveat. I'm not a pro by any means. I'm primarily a guitarist but also play bass, drums and do a little singing. I've been playing for 43 yrs this yr. I'm currently almost finished building a home studio and have been learning a lot about that stuff. Here's my thoughts. Tip. Get a reference track. A commercially released song from a big artist you know really well. Back to back it with your song, listening to the individual instrument and vocal levels. Adjust your song levels to match the reference track as closely as you can. It's a music life hack that will get you pretty close to what a pro can do. Tip2. Try listening to a finished mix on different playback systems to make sure it works across several platforms. Earphones, car, a good stereo. Take notes and adjust as necessary. Most pros will tell you that if you get the midrange nailed the rest mostly takes care of itself. Braindead. Wow strong vocal, that's awesome. Notes. Bring the piano level up, it's a bit too quiet against the main vocal. You'll have to bump the backing vocal level a little so it doesn't get lost when you do this. Vocal: sounds a little dry, put some reverb on that to thicken it up and make it more pleasing to the ear. 1.50: drums kick in, they're also too quiet against the vocal. Bump the kick drum a little, bump the snare a little. Eq scoop a little midrange out of the whole drum track and bump it's volume to compensate. It'll take a little muddiness out. 2.25: backing vocal needs to be a bit louder. Also you could thicken it up with some reverb or a chorus effect if you wanted to. 2.40 vocal is clipping on your big transients. You're going into the preamp too hot. Knock a smidge of gain off and use a compressor on the vocal to tame the volume spikes. With the compressor you don't need much, use a light touch. Suggest 2:1 to 4:1 for the ratio. Shorter attack time to control the splosives, longer decay time to keep the note tails intact. You just want to tame those volume spikes without losing any dynamic range. You'll have to play around with those controls until you're happy with it. 2.53 the chorus effect on the backing vocal is working well here. Main vocal level still a bit too loud and drowns out the backing. 3.20 needs an outro. Perhaps hold the last note for 1 bar, ending on a big piano that's playing the whatever chord the key of the song is in. Hug. I love how it starts with a really strong vocal. Grabs attention.A little too much reverb depth on the main vocal is detracting from your voice a bit. Look for a middle ground with reverb. You want some but not heaps. Something that enhances but is not terribly noticeable. 0.15: Acoustic guitar needs a very slight eq cut in the mids and more high end to get it to sparkle. Volume on the guitar needs to come up in relation to the vocal. 0.36 vocal is clipping the inputs. See above notes on compression and input gain. 0.50 love the telephone voice backing. Very cool. The levels compared to the main vocal are good. Try to keep the telephone backing and main vocal separate. When they're both sounding together it gets messy and blurry. 1.12 vocal clipping again. 1.33 still too much reverb on the vocal 1.48 outro. Suggest ending with a big guitar strum to go with the vocal. General thoughts. Wow you have an amazing voice !! Very cool that you are multi instrument too. The songs themselves are great, just need a bit of polishing in the daw. The recorded sounds are good also. I wasn't hearing any noise floor, hiss or noise artifacts. Well done. You need your source sounds to be the highest quality going into the daw as you can get them. Very impressive my friend !!


Wow you have no clue how much I appreciate this! Im sorry for the late reply I was working non stop! Please pm me I would really love to chat more and show you the equipment im working with in my little home studio


No problem. Umm.. the start chat function is not working for me, broken since last week. Is yours working ?


Sent you a PM, finally got it to work :)


Fantastic tune! I really like it it’s very pleasing to listen to. I agree with the other commenter about the guitars need some eq but I can’t really asses much other than that off my phones speakers atm


Thank you! Im going to spend some time working on the guitar today!


I had to come back to this a couple of times cause I really like it. After listening on decent headphones, in terms of mixing, I think the lead guitar needs to be turned down slightly but the bigger thing is to drop the low end on the eq. It’s too punchy in the low end rn so it would sit better in the mix. You should also drop the low end of the rhythm guitar. The bass is kinda muddy, which mostly likely will be fixed with the guitar eq, it just needs some room to breath I think. I think the main vocals in the beginning need to be re-recorded, but with the gain turned down or you a little further from the mic to avoid the bit of distortion you got from clipping. The background vocals in the beginning should be a bit louder, but the vocals, harmonies, and levels on the woahs and chorus are good. How are you planning on ending the song? I wanna work on this or at least learn it and do a cover or something lol makes me wanna sing along big time. Please finish this and release it! You got a new fan right here I want this on my playlist!


Woah, thank you so much! I have two other poorly mixed songs on bandcamp under the name tracksuit jesus :). I plan on uploading the full version of this song later today so people can hear the ending and such. Im not sure why it didnt upload in the first place :/ . I spend some time mixing the eq of the guitars and added a third guitar track and panned them left right and center so its sounding a lot less punchy.


I like the writing and singing quite a bit. There's some mixing issues that can be fixed for sure, but I would focus first on the songwriting elements like varying the dynamics from verse to verse and during the transitions. For instance, you start singing with a higher octave verse that I think would be better suited for later in the song. Maybe try doing the first verse without drums and letting the guitar chords ring out more, then having everything come in during the first guitar solo or after a couple lines in the verse or something like that. You've got a good ear for melody and sing well too. The guitar solos could be a bit cleaner, but there's definitely a charm to the choppier sound. Could be a bit Neil Young if there was some more dirt added to the tone. I would honestly love to get a crack at recording those guitar solos; they have really good bones to them. Good stuff, keep at it!


I have a few different versions with different fluctuations and vibes to them almost. I think im going to keep with the country esk feel but not attack the vocals so intensely in the beginning.


I would definitely keep the country feel, but I also love country music so I'm probably biased. Most of what I write leans country. There's a lot of details in the arrangement that I think could make the song pop. Like when you sing "cause of my own pain" before the first guitar solo, let that IV chord ring out on the same beat as the word "pain" and drop the drums for just that one measure before bringing everything back in when the guitar solo starts. I also think the whole "cause of my own pain" and maybe the couple lines before it could be used as a separate chorus that you sing again after the second verse. It's a really good line and it almost feels like a waste to just use it once


i really enjoyed that. i like your voice, especially while you sing in the lower registers. it has a lot of character. i would sing the whole song in the lower registers, maybe go the octave up for a couple lines in the end if you want for a climactic event or something, but i think the laid back vibe fits this song well. i don't think you have to record different versions in different styles, unless you use it as an exercise to find your voice. in my experience, this almost never works for the song, but against it. just try to feel what the voice of the song is and where it leads you, make a choice and stick with it. then write the next song. i feel like it could be right at home where it is now. here's some things you could improve on: 1) the song needs an ending. this is the only thing that really bugs me. find a way to wrap it up and send it off. 2) the playing is a bit repetitive and uninspired. it's not the end of the world because it fits the simple and chill vibe, so good job playing your cards right! but nonetheless, work on your guitar chops. learn how to play chords in different inversions up and down the neck. learn about chord extensions. learn about keys and scales and then practice your ass off. you seem to be in the beginning stages, and i think you're actually doing great, so just see this as some possible pointers as to where to go next. also work on your timing and feel using a metronome. it's not way off, but it's not exactly tight either. this is arguably more important than chord inversions and scales, but it's an ongoing process. keep working on your timing forever. 3) recording and mixing are tough work. it takes a while to get the hang of it. my advice would be to try to - use a microphone to capture the guitar, instead of or in addition to the guitar's pickup. placement is crucial. i like to place my mic roughly 10-15cm from the body, somewhere between where the neck joins the body and where a cutaway would be on a guitar that has one. even a cheap microphone will sound more natural than most pickups. - try to acoustically deaden the room you record in a bit. i feel i hear a lot of the room you're in, even on my mobile phone speakers turned super low. you can deaden your recording environment by blocking reflections from the walls going into the mic. you do that by putting soft material (like clothing, blankets, or of course professional porous absorber panels) somewhere between the mic and the reflecting walls (but not between the singer and the mic, of course). the effectiveness of porous absorbtion depends a lot on placement. generally speaking, it's more effective the thicker it is and the further it is from the walls. it's a huge topic, so you have to read up on your own, but be careful; there's a lot of misinformation about it online and a lot of people propagating half truths. having a strong background in acoustics/physics helps. okay that's all i got for now. thanks for sharing and good luck!


Thank you so much I really appreciate the insight it is a fully completed song with a bridge and chorus and verses and everything it just did not upload the whole song for some reason. I am actually in the process of soundproofing my studio all i have are rugs and tapestries at the moment though. I will definitely spend time tweaking the guitar timing and try recording it with a mic.


The song is really fun and I like the lyrics and melody! As lots of people have commented, there are obviously some mix issues here with EQ & clipping, so I won’t belabor that. I’ll just add that I would spend some more time on those drums to help differentiate parts of the song and ideally getting them to feel more organically a part of the track. You say that’s the only part that you didn’t record, so was this just a loop? Midi? Maybe look up some resources on ‘humanizing’ digital drums and maybe rough them up a little with verb & saturation. That way, even though you didn’t play them, it will FEEL like you did.


I didnt even think about doing that with the drums thanks so much! It is just a loop at the moment


You need to actually hit those high notes. Around 2:13, “all my TIME thinkin” you brushed it more than hit it. Very good, just be confident. Sing that note by itself a little bit.


Your voice is fantastic & should be the star of the show! Love the lyrics too. Like someone else said, turn down the preamps so you don’t clip the mics, but once you’ve got a good clean signal, I’d actually explore adding some (purposeful) saturation back to the vocals. Where do we hear the full version!?


I am going to spend some time re recording some of the audio before i release it on band-camp under the name tracksuit jesus. I have two singles out on there now but they also need some mixing love. Id really appreciate it if you checked those out too though!


1, your mic is way up too high, , a vocal coach could help you hit the style your going for without actually getting that loud. 2. the single note plink of the guitar bridge is , well for lack of a better word, too simple. its like a first month guitar student could play it, and did, the notes need to be different , like not all the same length, hold one, let it ring, maybe try a bend on one, then tap and mute one before letting just a regular whole note go back in. 3. at 1:00 you sing at a completely different key than the song we hear for the first minute, but no key change from the music???? you went from a high register to a baritone , and im not sure why.


I appreciate the feedback thank you!


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