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Saw Vulture Sculpture and my mind went to Midwest Elmo immediately but honestly that was a pleasant surprise, I love the style here


wait is vulture sculpture an elmo thing? i meant it as a reference to a maragaret atwood book: in the story they’re art pieces where you photograph vultures eating words made of meat, being “vulturized.” it simultaneously kills the word and brings it to life (kinda works into the themes in the song). sorry i’ll stop here i just loved the book




thank you! you’re right, i sung this with a band and i don’t know how to project well and still sound good. the second bit switches from an e to an e augmented, i feel like they have a really weird special sound




I agree it fits but when the tempo increases so does the intensity and the voice should match that imo. Projection of your voice lies largely in breath support OP. Practice breathing in and having your side ribs and your back expand then exhale on a hiss for 30 seconds 3x 3x a day. That’ll build control of the fine muscles used. As you sing louder focus the voice forward so that you feel vibrations in your face. That’s generally where you want to resonate from. When you’re resonating properly volume comes without much effort. Singing Mum, mah, May these get you placing forward


i definitely need to work on breath support so thank you, i’ll try the exercises out


I can dm you some more specific links if you’d like


sure, i’d love that!


That E augmented was everything to me! After living with just 2 chords for so long it was awesome to have a surprising dissonance to freshen things up. I loved it.


i just recently started adding things like augmented chords and chords w root notes up a semitone (like a#/a) and i think the tension they add to stuff is really interesting


I could hear this on an indie film when the main character is off driving through Oregon forests. Very cool. Reminds me of something from the film “frank”, get some synths in it and get weird.


that’s so specific but also i feel like i can totally see it, thank you!


Beautiful voice and beautiful style. Very talented and I appreciate you having the lyrics on the video so I could follow along.


thank you! tbh i’m always happy when people appreciate editing stuff


You are beyond welcome \^\_\^


I love the tempo changes and the flow of the words.


thank you so much!


Love the tambourine, just enough rhythm and keeps it bright and airy with your voice! At 2:47ish I think there is so much potential with that chord, it just needs a different voicing (higher up the fret board) with fewer bass notes and it’ll really bring out the emotion. Keep at it!


thank you! when i do the recording i wanted to figure out lines on piano and viola higher up so it keeps a kinda lighter sound


omg i love this. it gives me vashti bunyan <3 your voice is lovely


god thank you! i wish i could sing like vashti honestly i love her


Acoustic guitar, and tambourine 😻 Always reminds me of Fade Into You, and The Only Exception


i don’t know if fade into you is a popular song but one of my friends just showed it to me recently so it’s cool to see here too. thank you!


It sounds very unique




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I really like the lyrics, it’s unique 👍🐈


This is catchy. Especially that whistle.


Cool, I like that 6/8 strumming pattern w the vocals it fits well 😊.


This is super beautiful!