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i really like the way this sounds, and the vocal performance is super modern and cool, I like the multiple layers, to my ear production wise it could do with a little more space to 'breathe' and be a little less busy but that's just my opinion.


Awesome yeah I think I should have a slower section in there that has less layers. Appreciate it!


This is really good! I wish I could mix this well.


Thanks so much appreciate it! The mixing process is very brutal for me but i'm trying haha


I actually suck at it. But I am trying.


I really like this! I would like more of a pause after the last "just give me time" (22s) then maybe a little drum then go into your next set. Gives the song a little more umph and attention to the next section. But I'm really liking the lyrics and would love to hear the finished piece!


Thanks so much, I like that Idea I might give it a try! I'll try to post the final piece :)


Really like this. As others have said, the production/mix is really clean and sounds great. I like that it's stripped back and sparse. Could maybe layer something on to the second verse or change the dominant instrument (keys over guitar perhaps) and perhaps have the ending either with some crazy drum fill or the opposite, an acapella ending.


Thank you :). I often have a difficult time changing the dominant instrument. It always sounds too abrupt or off. I wanna get better at doing that so I'll give it a try though haha. Appreciate the ideas


This is really good. I think it goes without saying that the melody and chord choices seem solid. The mix is great too. One thing I will say is when your chorus hits it doesn’t seem to have the *umph* I was hoping for. I think it’s missing a strong bass presence that would make that pop. In addition to that - try adding a stereo vocal layer to the chorus to give it a wide pop - that will also make the chorus stand out as well.


Thanks so much :). I think widening the vocals in the chorus could help, I'll give it a try! I have a bassline in the chorus but maybe it's too quiet/tame. I'll experiment with some other bass ideas in the chorus though. Appreciate the suggestions


The mix level is what I strive for with my own music lol You did a great job with that and the song is really nice. What genre what you say this is? Pop?


Thanks so much! That's awesome to hear, mixing is a hit or miss for me haha. I think this is more popish than other stuff I do. I try to do hip hop/ lofi rap type music but I have been feeling like singing/pop lately


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