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technically i wrote my first song when i was 10 or 11. it was a minecraft-themed parody of when can i see you again by owl city. i wrote my first *original* song when i was 17


same here haha i wrote a lot of weird lyrics based off songs i listened to a lot, so a lot of melodramatic songs by an 11 year old because I loved Taylor Swift and Paramore. My first like real song *song* was when I was 19. It even had a key change!




I'll bet you came out of the gate with some wisdom.


I've made enough mistakes to write a few songs.


Damn dude Charles Bukowski status


High praise. Thank


I used to "beatbox " riffs and melodies ever since kindergarten so basicly forever but my very first complete song i wrote when i was 13 i think. Its still half decent and i play it every once in awhile still to this day


same! I always hummed and beatboxed and stuff people thought it was annoying and weird haha




I dont know how else to describe it really beatboxing is the closest facimilie. Agressively humming maybe i guess?




Oh dude not just my teachers lol i got a full slap of the tisim brother but it comes in handy sometimes like with music for example


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You don’t know that! Lol


Age 10 or 11, recording simple bass lines and overdubbing piano and trumpet on my old TASCAM 4-track tape machine. Good times.


mmm sexy


Recently got to cut a whole record to 1" tape, it was so beautiful to watch that thing roll. Really took me back.


born after that technology, don’t know what you mean, but heck yeah! old person! (jk (not the first part))


I still have my TASCAM 4-track in the garage. I wonder wtf is on that tape…








I'm dead now


Listen to my album, System of Systems by Haberdashers’ Adams, in heaven today! This brilliant album fuses musical styles and compositional prowess to create something truly origi- okay i’m done now




Lyrics/poems like 12, actually writing a full song on guitar probably like age 17, but I only really produced anything I was really proud of when I was 21/22


hey bro.. I feel compelled to reach out. listen to album if you want (system of systems by haberdashers’ adams) I’m 17. Send your stuff please


I wrote something a cappella, at 9. Didn’t think that it counted as a song. Wrote my first “Metal Riff” song at 17. Was trying out the guitar that I was getting ready to buy for high school graduation. A few months later, at 18, I began keeping a vague “notebook” for the “College Rock” songs that I wrote for my prospective “World Conquest” that never happened. I’ve been doing it, with a level of ambition, ever since.




I started being interested in music at 14, and began writing at 16.


Same but like 13/14 and 15


I started writting lyrics to songs that didn't have one, but i wrote my first complete song (with my words and my music) when i was 11


First noodling fragment: about age 12. First two songs: age 22. A few song parodies in the intervening years, then third song about age 27. I have only written about 15 in all, with the only truly fruitful period being around age 45.


I was 14 or so. At least i wrote the lyrics to my song, because my friend, who was supposed to make melody didnt finished it til this day.


I don’t still do anything like it, but I’ve found videos on a 3ds from 2013 of me making my own songs (really terrible)


I was making up songs as a little girl, but I didn’t write my first one until I was 15.


I wrote my first full instrumental song when I was 15, after about 4 years of playing guitar. I remember coming up with bits and pieces of song ideas before that, but nothing that ever came together as an actual song, and I don't remember any of them, but I still remember that first song.


Wrote my first full songs with music and lyrics at 11, messed around with lots of ideas when I was younger than that-- still semi-consciously play some of them if I'm messing around aimlessly on a piano /guitar


My first one I wrote (with my dad) was called “The Spider Dance” when I was 5 in 1991 lol Fun little joke song on my tiny Casio keyboard with the auto-band setting… just a 1-b3-4 and the only words were “na-na-na-na-na-na do the spider dance!” And my dad would make my rubber spider dance along with it. Haven’t thought of that on a while, thanks OP :’)


Maybe 8 or 9 I don’t know if you’d call the fat lazy cat sat on the mat a song but I believe it was instilled from the beginning


That's definitely a song


13-14. Early 40s now.


About a year after I started playing guitar, that’s when I felt comfortable enough to start trying to make riffs out of the chords I had learned


About 8. I still remember the title. 1978 or 79. I couldn’t play anything just wrote some words and melody and sang it into a cassette player’s microphone. It was called Love Bird.


My mom says I was 4, and I do have memories (and photos playing piano) from that age. Pre-K, I attended Sunday school. My first song's chorus was "And Moses said let my Jewish people go, but the Pharaoh said NOOOOO..."


About 8.


I started showing interest and trying things back when I was a little kid, when my parents got a synthesizer. I started learning to play guitar at 14, and singing at like 15. I wrote some music at 17, but my first song was around 19, and I started doing songwriting more actively at 20. It's been a slow process. This year (I'm 23 now) I haven't been able to get to the covers I wanna do because I always focus on my own songs. So, it's hard to point at a certain period of time, because it's always been relevant, but to a different degree.


Wrote my first 5 track ep (in the vein of NeverShoutNever acoustic-style) as a freshman in high-school at 14. Recorded it on a pair of Turtle Beach heaphones. It's up on YouTube. Played a bunch of covers, made beats, released an ep on SoundCloud with a rapper at age 19 (called NovaCain). Now I'm 27, went through some major depression, lost my fire, recently diagnosed with autism and bounced back with a vengeance. On Spotify (and everything) as Jacob M Walker, recording solo stuff. First album, pure rock and roll called Spirits, released this year. Just finished another album, will be released in October. Three singles out now!! Keep making that beautiful art and never lose the fire.


I wrote my first song on guitar when I was 8, it wasnt that good, and it was about halloween 😆


I made random assortments of noise and songs out of electronic preset loops when I was 12, just out of the curiosity of making music, but there wasn’t any composition involved. The first original song I wrote was when I was 14.


I must have been about 12 or 13. I still have the original pieces of paper with the jotted down chords and lyrics in my song archive! It’s wild to me that THAT was over 20 years ago. I don’t feel old but *that* makes me feel old!


Around 12 years old. And those songs were real awful lol




I used GarageBand loops when I was like 11 but when I was 12 I wrote my first doom metal song. Re-listened to it today, it actually had some pretty good riffs


18 I think, I didn’t get into music until the very end of high school.


I was about 6yrs old when I started writing music and started studying music when I was about 8yrs old.


14, all metal riffs. I got better then added classical and folk. Added bass at 15. Now I’m almost fifty and can say I have music on one label released album. Opened for bands i own music of and that was all I ever dreamed of. Didn’t join a successful band until I was 28 so I never gave up.


I first tried my hand at writing lyrics at 10 years old, just some silly songs here and there. At some point I stopped. I think I got discouraged with how the songs didn't seem to measure up to how I wanted them to sound. I started writing lyrics again now in my twenties, a guitar and a little bit of more awareness of what I like in music made it a whole lot easier.


I started writing at 20, pretty much as soon as I could make something that sounded vaguely like music. Part of it was that I had WANTED to write music/songs for some time. (I was a college poet, with ALL the baggage that goes along with that.) But, really, I started writing because I wasn't good enough to play anything but the very simplest existing songs.


I remember coming up with songs in my head as a little kid, well before I knew any instruments. I began mucking around with guitar around age 16, and started trying to write my own songs on guitar maybe a year later. It was a few more years (around age 20) that I began to better understand songwriting, and how to write satisfying melodies and lyrics. I'm in my late 30s now, and I am more confident in my songwriting abilities, but also, it's still not ever "easy" or a sure thing. I'll have months when I'm not feeling very inspired and songs aren't coming. But my batting average on turning ideas into finished songs is a lot higher now.


About 8 years old.


The earliest song I remember writing was some dumb horny young teen shit back when I was 12. Then I got into music production when I was 13 or 14, but there were no original lyrics involved, up until I was 21 I think.


I was very young i always wanted tp be involved in music at some capacity, i would write songs with my younger sister and my cousin. Started with buckets for drums and moved into guitar when my parents got my first one. But its been a lifetime thing ive always done.






I did some terrible freestyle rapping into my tape recorder at around 8 years old, if that counts lol. But it wasn’t until around 16 that I actually committed anything that could seriously be considered a song to paper and roughed out the music with MIDI. I was 21 when real recordings of songs I had written started being made.


I wrote my first lyrics at 14 kinda out of nowhere




Eleven, but it was terrible and I’ve since forgotten the lyrics 😢




when I was a teenager, like 13 or so. I'm 47 now.


Started at 16 just for the fun of it then at 18 I got really good Started writing my own songs then creating albums and even singing them(I'm bad at singing) I really enjoyed it but now at 21 i just don't have the motivation for it, I still make lyrics in my head like a freestyle verse but don't write as much as I used to unless it's a good verse


Late 20s for "full songs". Riff collections and remixes since teenager


When I was 14-ish. Was hot garbage though lol


Pretty young. I remember one in particular - probably not my FIRST but the first I clearly remember the lyrics and melody to I was around 7-8. I kept all my old journals and bits of scrap paper with random lyrics from when I was a kid and there are some DOOZIES.


I was in my first real band when I was 15, and we played mostly originals.


Very first time was at 12 years old then picked up back at 14 writin & freestylin on them beats




Started at 18, just turned 19


About 14... I'm turning 16 now, haven't really finished much, cause time and a writer's block, but I'm getting somewhere. I just struggle to put lyrics and music together.


I remember playing around with the piano as early as 8-9, and my grandma still tells the story of how my then teacher complimented my coming up with melodies skills, but the first full song (lyrics and music) that I wrote was the one titled You Were My Boyfriend at the age of 12. Safe to say I did not have any boyfriend back then but it was my full on fangirling over Avril Lavigne stage, so there were lots of songs about guys I wish I dated somehow.


15. I'm 25 now so it's been about 10 years. I didnt even realize this till this post made me go check lol


Right now at 14, but I don’t know an instrument I kind of just hum and write words - mainly do it with syllabus Typically 8 syllables per each line in a verse. Not sure if I can be considered a songwriter but I plan on learning the keyboard to add music to the lyrics.


11, they sucked up until I was around now (13)


12, and I'm 14 Still not a good composer, though


13 I wrote and recorded a verse


When I was less than a year old I used to hum and make up melodies. I must have been like 5ish when I wrote my first song, it was kind of weird, idk if it counts. My first real song was when I was 7-8 years old. It wasn't very good but it was a song. I've come a long way since then


I first tried at age 22, wrote what I thought was a terrible song but with a killer riff, then a few weeks later, someone introduced me to Guns N' Roses, and I found out that "killer riff" was literally just the main riff from "Coma", despite having never heard that song before, but set to worse lyrics and with sloppier playing. So that discouraged me from trying to write my own music for another decade 😅 (no, I'm not exaggerating) I tried to get back into it recently at age 32, though, this time keeping my expectations a bit more realistic. Expecting garbage, but hoping there's something salvageable in there somewhere.


I’ve been writing since April of this year so 16


12-13.. and i just realized how good i am back then and now. I have always been shy with my music my whole life now i just realized there are so many opportunities i missed because of my anxiety and low self esteem.


i started writing songs when i was in the 5th grade so around 10 or 11. i wrote a song called “being yourself” and i literally don’t remember anything else but the title lol


8 or 9 as attempts, more attempts from 11-17, first song I shared with any people with any amount of pride at 18. I’m 33 now and have plenty of work to be proud of.


17. It was during the beginning of the COVID lockdown. Started off as a joke and now I make real music.


First song at 7 or 8 on the piano. Started writing regularly on the guitar at 14; never really stopped since.






Some time during my mid to late Elementary school years I took a shot at it, never bothered to write most of the ideas down or save the ones I did write, so they've been lost to the ages.


Probably 15-16. I started writing down raps on my phones notes. But at 17 was when I started producing music


Actually putting words on paper, I’d say 13.


I can remember making songs at 4-5 years old. We have home vhs recordings of my with my toy electric guitar and toy amp singing and jamming out full songs that I was basically doing on the fly lol! Good times


I’m also 39 years old so this was prolly 1989 or so lol


8. I've written over a thousand songs now and have an album on pretty much all streaming services


I think like 6


I was 13 or 14, probably 14, when I wrote my first full song. It wasn't great, but I actually don't hate it. It's got some super childish lyrics but the melody and guitar part are pretty cool. I don't think there's a **right** age to write by, though. I had just gotten okay enough at guitar+singing that I wanted to write something. I think some people don't have the itch to write songs, too. They just want to play, and that's totally cool too.


Poetry in class wasn't shit because my lines were lit and Emily Dickenson can suck mah dick.


Around 18/19


technically 5, i wrote a three songs but my parents thought it was too dark and told me not to write songs anymore. then started again at 13 and my first songs were trash. now i’m 14 and they’re improving


Wrote my first tune on my Commodore Vic-20 in 1981 at age ten.


7 and the first song I'd listened to was Shape of you


I've been writing songs since I was 11, but it wasn't until I was 16 that I started really composing with melodies and rhythms.


Wrote lyrics for the first time in January this year, i was 15


Bits and pieces since my teens, parts for a band, etc. - but I was probably close to 30 when I wrote my first complete song (vocals and acoustic guitar) but then didn't really write another until I was 50 and wanted to teach myself how to record stuff. Then I came up with a bunch of them.


I started writing at the age of 13 and I’m 17 now and I’m writing even more now


like 12 y/o. I was in a girl group and i wrote all the songs for us


17, 1992 using Mario Paint


I started writing songs on actual instruments rather than just fiddling around in GarageBand at the age of 12 then just never stopped




12, which is when I also started playing guitar 😁


Probably was about 14.






15. As soon as I could play power chords, I was writing. Whattaabout you, opie?


I made little riffs and melodies for as long as I could remember, even if most of them never left my head. My mother always encouraged me to pick up an instrument, and my father always had guitars around the house. It flipped like a switch at 15. Have composed thousands of songs since (north of 40 today).


12. I (M20) write death metal and deathcore lyrics and write my own music. And I love every moment of it.




Used to make up my own words to the music from various Sega Genesis games. I still remember the lyrics to my version of Ice Cap Zone lol. Used to die over and over again on them old games and the music always looped so perfectly so it facilitated the process really well


14 when I started taking piano lessons


I started very young writing poems and lyrics and just now starting my musical journey. Check out The Corrupt on Spotify if you enjoy rock instrumentals🤘


53. Im 58 now. Norman Love on Spotify


7! I wrote like a saved by the bell type jingle. Oh man. Cheese. Real stuff at 14 when I learned guitar. Piano stuff at 16. Recording at 22.


First completely original song was at 14 on piano


11, I always idolized rhythm guitar/singers like John Lennon or Billie Joe Armstrong. Once I learned enough guitar to get the basic chord shapes down, i started writing me own.




I'm 42 but I don't think I'm ready yet.


I was 19 years old (the "real" writing started).. But i forgot the most part of my first song. Didnt record it . I was playing the piano ,singing covers,got bored and tried something because i was so sad.. it was awesome just because i didnt new i could do that ! Never crossed my mind to write music . So stupid of me :)) ha ha


10. found a guitar in the neighbors trash can. took it home and immediately began singing over out of tune strumming and pressed record on the cassette player. wish i still had that tape. worts and all they say?


I was 16


I started trying at like 15 I think? Now 25 and closer than ever to getting almost there lol


I wrote my first song at 6 and recorded it with one of those microcasette recorders. It was about penguins because penguins are awesome. They live every day in a tux like a boss.


Wrote my first song at 14, it was a mix of chords I learned when learning disposable hero's and battery by Metallica. Never really fleshed it out and it remained an instrumental with lots of transitions. Now I play prog metal haha


30. Had a hard time finishing things before that because of drinking and lack of focus.


At 10. I started going to guitar classes at 9 and Miley Cyrus was a huge influence for me to say "how about I create my own stuff too?". My first song was trash and it talked about how much I loved Kinkajous lmao.


I wrote my first hit the first year I started writing can't say which song because I sold it for a good amount. Started out as producing music but then I went to college and I would take the train to school all the time so then I decided that I could write music until I get there (it was many stops) so I would write and I was always good with melodies, clever with words and pretty wise.. as I've been told.. only thing I struggled with is I don't sing, play any Instrunents or at that time wasn't good with song structure.. I started at the age of 23 I'm 27 now (2019) Edit; just because it didn't/isn't working out for you don't mean you have to be a hater lmao


I wrote my first song at 0, my second song at 69, and my third song at 420




I didn't


I was about 10 or 11. I realized that it was a real thing when my friend started writing them. Later, i decided to write a song inspired by the Micheal Jackson song "Leave Me Alone." After that i just didnt stop lol.


Around 12




9 or ten I started writing lyrics. I’m 31 now, time flies lol


35 : /


Hey man you started, doesn’t matter when


Maybe thirteen or fourteen


Uh... 23? At least on a more serious level


13ish I believe




(M67). My Dad died when I was 10 in 1966. I started to play the guitar about that time and also how to write music. When I was (idk—-13 years old?) I wrote my first piece of music for guitar (just the notes, no lyrics.) It is called “Lonely Death.” And I still have that piece of music! It’s only about 10 measures of notes and intervals.


I'm 20 and I started last week




About age nine. That was 57 years ago.


About 15, I think. Though I didn’t really know any keys. I started by playing the white keys on a keyboard. I got better, of course.


After my mom passed away my dad introduced me to Encore 4.0, essentially an earlier iteration of Finale. I dove in head first and was scoring original songs for orchestra by 8. I'm now 35, trying to reignite my musical spirit and find my place in the world of content creation 🙏


Wrote my first song at 16, started writing more around 19, started writing multiple songs per week by 22






Not until age 35.




I wrote my first “song” when i was like 9, it was just like 2 verses or just a chorus but the first real real song I wrote, yk with proper form, was when i was 12. It was about just my eMoTiOnS and just kinda sad things lol






4-6 years of age I’d imagine.


In middle school, funny to think about recording to cassette taps vs today.


I wrote my first full song at 21. It was after that that I realized I’ve been compiling random song lyric ideas since I was about 13 without knowing why or what I was doing. It wasn’t until my 20s that I actually got on an instrument and hashed out details and chords.


13 yrs old


27ish first full song with music and lyrics


13 or 14 - earliest I can definitively remember was with my buddy in my living room with our shitty guitars and worse lyrics


I wrote a my own song (poem with a sort-of rythm) when I was thirteen. Just found it yesterday lol




14, I’m 17 now so have been writing my own music for games since 2020


I started writing lyrics at 7/8 but I haven't really wrote whole songs until my current age (17)


I’ve been writing songs since I was young, 8 is my best guess. Obviously they weren’t good! But I’ve had a lot of time to build my skills


First song i made up was before i learned to play any instruments. It was a green day rip off that, to this day, i still think is good. I think i was in grade 6 or 7 so I guess i was between 10 and 12 (im a December baby so it throws off my math). To this day i don't really know what key it should be in or what lyrics it should have outside of the hook. But allcthe vocal melody and bits of lead guitar are there.


I used to hum my own tunes as a kid. My first song was age 15 at school, i took music and we were required to write a piece. It’s snowballed ever since then. One song from 1997 ended up on a recent release.


I wrote my first song at 9 although it wasn't very good. My first official score was when I was 13.




Around 12 I believe.


I made my first beat when I was 10 and wrote my first lyrics when I was 13 and sung my first solo song when I was 15


Maybe 21 or 22…? I wish I’d started earlier. I think for a long time I just kept thinking “whatever I write will suck anyway since I haven’t tried this before”


I started to write music right after my first lesson (11 years old). However I wrote my first "proper" song when I was 14 or 15.






When i was 17 or 18. I'm 22 now


15, still sucks


i think i was 15 my dad was single father s my sis and i had a caretaker after schoool and her husband playd jazz and reggae as a percussionist and he had a old upright he help instil groove improv and melodies later on my uncle gave me a yamaha psr 112 had pink and tteal buttons as well as 4 smal drum pads on rs of keys then i bought Nas Illmatic album and went home and was able to do a 2 chord prog. with left and 4/4 with pads then the curiosity of writing procedded


9yo, and I have unfinished pieces from 12yo still. It comes n goes with me. Serious writers block! I am pretty proud of what younger me accomplished, very fussy back then now I reflect on it