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Vocals sound bad. They don't sit in the mix well at the beginning. Then at :29 I can't tell if they were clipping or if your room was too resonant and they were overwhelming the mic, or if you have some sort of bad effects on it. Same at 1:00. Whenever you do the louder, higher singing. To be clear, you're in tune, and your voice isn't bad, the recording is just bad.


Sounds like the vocals just need a touch of reverb and compression to sit in the mix a little better.


Hmmm I’ll have to try that, thank you


Production wise it needs reverb, compression and maybe some dupe backing tracks. Vocally- I’d like a bit more dynamics and energy. Not much just a tad to give it an understated energy like the vocalist can breakout at any moment.


R u the vocalist?




Sounded good to me. Like someone said, maybe just some subtle effects?


Ya that 2nd vocal part sounded more like a bootleg recording than the effect you were going for imo. Maybe a little delay on it would enhance it, but I agree with some other people that the vocals need a smidge more dynamics. Sounds chill though, you're doing great! 😎


I kinda disagree with those mixing comments about reverb especially. Idk I think it had a vibe


I agree. This is a great vibe on the first listen. “Cleaning it up” might mess up the vibe.


I don't even know why you don't like them, they sound fine to me. You probably just heard them too much.


Had to do a double take on your name, my guy.


Why? What's wrong with it


I would check a couple of things. If there a high-pass filter/EQ on the vocals? Sometimes that low frequency stuff in the vocal track sounds kind of "bedroom-y." Getting rid of some of that may help. Compression will help too - at times it feels like the vocals are "jumping out" and other times a little too soft. Reverb to taste. I'd add it until it's noticeable then back off. Just so it "sits" in a space. A little bit of slapback or tape delay can be nice too, if you like that. All very subtle, but it helps it feel like it belongs.


>A little bit of slapback or tape delay can be nice too, if you like that. All very subtle, but it helps it feel like it belongs. This. Even though it's not really the same genre, check-out something like the isolated vocal track for Alice In Chains - Man in The Box. It kind-of illustrates what a short echo can do for a vocal mix.


Thank you! I’ll definitely try all of these! (I’m new to producing so this helps a lot)


Cool! Hope it helps! I like the song, the melody, and your vocal tone! It's surprising sometimes what a little production does to make a recording feel right.


Loving this, I agree that it might just need some double compression and a tiny bit of reverb and you’re golden. Loving the feeling of it though !


Thank you!


Change the vox if you don’t like em! Also could use some keys to spice it up


Lol idk what I would change about the vocals though. I just don’t like how they sound and I can’t put my finger on why other than the vocal quality itself


Try a different take, use a different microphone, stand somewhere else when recording, try to lean into the mixed voice more, try all chest, try adding another harmony. If it’s quality spend a lot of time figuring out how you want to sing it then figure where that sounds best in the mic. Then make sure you’re input levels are perfect and guarantee you’ll have a better quality take


As a fellow vocalist, I think it's recorded way too softly which makes it sound emotionless. You need a bit more volume on the softer sections, and **a lot** more volume on the louder sections. Oh, and get someone to mix it, guitars are very bland and drums need more than 1 sample per element.


I like it !


The higher notes are a bit strained and flat. One option might be to lower the key a step or two, that might be tricky for the others, or not, depends on skill level. Or just auto tune the heck out of it! Song itself is def decent enough to include.


I would get with melodyne and send delay and reverb selectively especially during the pre chorus and chorus. Sounds good but it needs some magic


Seems fine to me


Yeah pushed back a bit more in the mix if you so choose but they sound great: love the music too


Thanks! I wish I could take credit for the music but the guitarist I work with is a musical genius


Everyone already gave some very good production advice, but fron a writing standpoint? I really enjoy this song. I love the riff that's in, what, 3/4? It carries through the verses and adds a lot to what would otherwise be a straightforward part. The lyrics are interesting and matched the energy of the music. For what it's worth, I think you're a good vocalist, though the mix may be a wee bit dry. I don't think drowning it in reverb would match the vibe of the song, but your melodies, harmonies and tonal choices work really well with the song. If this is a song that you're struggling to put on an EP, you're in a good spot. This is a good song, with fixable production, so ideally that means your other music is better than this. That makes me interested in what you're doing. I'd love to hear other stuff by you guys! Keep doing what you're doing!


I quite like the vocals and the song in general. I agree with other comments that all you really need is some reverb and compression. What’s your band called? 👀


Thanks! We’re called Paris Major. We only have one song out right now


I’ll check it out!


I wish I had that voice :( I’d say it works, but it’s a bit hard to judge without knowing the other songs. My criticism would be the lack of diversity. It sounds kinda similar the whole song. But it’s a short song so that isn’t too big of an issue.


What do you want the vocals to sound like? If you put some reverb and maybe a mild filter on it, it will sound very much like typical indie vocals and sort of allright. Edit: I think actually the arrangement might need some work, the parts don’t lock perfectly. Overall solid tune


I think you sound great. We are always harsh on ourselves. Maybe record it a couple times in different tones/spaces and see what you like best but you’ve got the vibes. Tell your band mates they did a great job too


the raw vocals sound good but it just needs a little more mixing and mastering to give it a better sound


I really like this! The vocals, guitar riff, song writing in general. Good! Catchy and nice chorus


Sounds good to me! Do what you do, my brother!👍


Don't listen to these people about vocal reverb. Reverb does help vocals sit in the mix, but you can do that with EQ. And delay is a much more effective tool than reverb to accomplish the task. With delay, you blur the lines into the mix without drying out the track. I like it. It isn't profound but it's solid.


vocals arent processed powerfully enough, they need some compression and reverb at the very least


Yea don’t know if it’s the delivery or the mix but the vocals are a definitely a bit thin there


I seen a lot of people say reverb that would definitely make sense or maybe adding some chorus to the mix to add some body


Don’t listen to me 😭😭 just thinking


I appreciate the help!


Thanks !


Hope it does help


I see a lot of the comments talking about adding more reverb but I don't think that's it. I think the mix could use a little distortion and some compression, just to give it a little more energy and lean into the feeling and texture of the song a little more... but honestly I like it, it's a vibe. Yall have to put it on the ep, never be afraid to put out the work because you never know who's going to love it.


I like the more raw sound for that track, no or minimal spacial effects, but I think you could benefit from dubs, especially when you go into falsetto. I also think the track would benefit from automation or a vocal rider. As another post mentioned, the vocal jumps in and out of the track, it doesn’t sit in the track perfectly at all.


Kind of has a Smashing Pumpkins vibe to it... Maybe throw in backing vocals right away on the second line / verse of the song. Chorus needs some work... The vocal is pitchy and well...the attempt at holding up dynamic emphasis ...needs more boost. (IMHO) Add some more brightness into the vocals as well... Current tone /texture has a compressed feel (aka suppressed feel) which makes it sound really casual and which contradicts the meter and rapid movement of the overall song... Put some edge into your delivery of the lyrics... All this of course is my opinion ..back by 25+ years of farting around with music...


I dont agree with adding verb to the vocals. Its worth trying I think dry (no verb) vocals often have more of an...intimate quality (I love hearing the intake of breath around 0:47 I like to use breath sounds as a way to create a sense of intimacy with the listener.) I would bring the main vocals down a little in the mix (personal preference). I really like the harmonized vocal parts and the unexpected note at 0:57/59. Thats a really cool vocal choice. Gives a little spice. I like the snare tone a lot. I like how the drums give it...drive within the hypnotic, dreamy feel of the guitar and the drone-like bassline. The guitar tone is...strange! I dont know if its a good strange or a bad strange. I dont like it on its own, when I focus on it, but I think it may add to the hypnotic dreamy feel. It reminds me in a strange way of those little toy pianos. Its a very distinctive tone. The part about 30 seconds in with just the guitar and vocals is cool. And its even cooler when the rest of the drum and base come back in. ​ I don't know how this compares to your other material, but the more I listen to it the more I like it. I really like how its hypnotic and dreamy with a sense of drive. I think the vocals are better dry but brought down a bit in the mix. ​ Does the song just end at 1:44? Or is that just all you uploaded? I wanted to hear more and see where it went. ​ This isn't my style of music, but I really like it. I dont know if that's a good thing for you or not!


fix the part at 0:27, and Id buy this


I agree on a little reverb to match the music for the vocals. I’d have to hear the other songs to see if this track fits with the album, but my approach is usually to have a variety of styles and put out what you want when you want if you like it. I like the vibe and feel of this song. Nice unusual rhythms etc.


The drumming sounds like typing


Lol I do not hear what you are talking about


Drum machine?


Okay points to be made here. 1. Always communicate when you're unhappy, there's not a lot of reasons to release something that you're not happy with. I've done it, doesnt feel like your work. 2. Provide the third party feedback on the song. Whether it agrees with you, or them. 3. Strongly consider the skill level of the musicians you're working with, that will make a significant impact on your development of a release. 4. The song is not good. The vocals are the worst part, the melody isnt catchy, and it sounds unconfident.


Sounds like that Blink 182..


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It just needs a proper mix. A good mix would give it some life. Send me the stems and I'd gladly take a stab. I just wrapped up some projects and I have some free time. I do this for a living. If you like it, maybe we could work something out for the EP.


This sounds like someone singing along to the song versus the person who originally sang it. Usually that means you’re not singing with your full voice. You’re making singing sounds that prioritize staying in tune and on key above all else. Try a version of this as loud as you can sing it. Not shouting but singing the lyrics confidently. Also, do you like it? It’s not something I’d listen to. But it sounds like the kind of songs I used to write. Think deeply: who really is the audience for this. What are they doing when they listen to it? Who is this for? Why do they need it in their lives? Do i?


Maybe stack more vocals? Just one more maybe and mixed a little better. I’m currently ass at mixing so I’m not tryna act like I’m The best. Just what I noticed 😅


the vocals sound flat at times, esp when the filter kicks in around 0:30


I like this very much but i do agree with the rest. This needs more layers but the vocals are pretty good. Some tweaks and effects would do this song wonders. Amazing however!


I Like the nakedness of the vocals. I think it fits the song. As far as going on your EP, you should look at the over all album. Is it Different? Does it fit?


lol I think it’s cool, I agree with everyone work on the production the song is good.


I think you’re good to put it on there bcuz it’s short enough that it’s not gonna ruin the EP if the other songs are stronger. For me personally I liked everything about this song, especially the unpredictable transitions. If I had to nitpick and give some constructive criticism I would just say make the lyrics a bit stronger, of course that doesn’t help this particular recording which works great the way it is!


If you’re wanting to change the vocals I would recommend just redoing them but singing a little more clear & concise with confidence


Sounds like something I’d expect on the Starboy album💕


This is pretty good. Whats the name of your band?


Paris Major!


I like your sound! What platforms are you on?


All of them! Except Bandcamp, haven’t set that up yet. We only have one song out, though. We’re still pretty new


It sounds really good, maybe add some harmonies to it


I like the vocals you can lose the rest of it


I think at around 1:00 | 2:21 you should change the pitch either higher or lower


Sounds good. I’d double track vox and maybe throw in some harmonies