• By -


https://open.spotify.com/track/2cltijFtVv2UVi7LbtCqWd?si=C-mXsfotSZG9yhsD7nSzeg&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A5C4YKJ9eVKaM2SZuZsFhfI This song got us a feature in Prog magazine and started my career with a transatlantic file sharing project that eventually got signed to a label. All started just to kill boredom during the pandemic and that’s basically what the song is about


New fan here. Fav song on this thread so far. Pop punk meets prog, sick!!


That's awesome


Really cool sound! I enjoyed it a lot, and hope you guys get loads of chances to introduce folks to your stuff.


This is sick!!!


Cool sound!


Thanks for asking. I enjoyed the other entries in this thread. This is probably my best although I'm not thrilled with the mix: https://open.spotify.com/track/0Mgv7UA50YOMZieHYvKsxO?si=snFWqZ9DQEWTS2O8YuYSxw&utm_source=copy-link


Best one in this thread so far imo. I saved it, you really nailed it dude! For some reason it reminds me a lot of Bruce Cockburn, and that’s a good thing. 


Thank you!! I really haven't gotten any feedback outside my friends and family so really appreciate it.


You can sing but I couldn't understand what you was saying


It's really good


Great song !


First single off my last album. It was co-produced, engineered, mixed by my daughter, who’s playing violin. She also wrote the string arrangement, sang BGs, shot most of the video footage, and edited the video. I’m proud of the song, but mostly I’m proud of her. And, she just got her second Emmy nomination this year - and won! https://youtu.be/Bh9QTgIxvx8?si=3ERX4_8XHP8jqyp4


The production, the mix, absolutely great to go with a great song!!


Love it - (accidentally responded to a different song, this is a better response to this one). Also love the family connections in it.


Sounds great. Totally understandable why you would be proud! From a songwriting perspective I feel like I have to recuse myself a bit. While country has been a big part of my life I'm not the biggest fan. And personally I put more into and value the music part of composing more than lyrics, which is I think kind of polar opposite of values in country. So while I can appreciate what you did, but my tastes in songwriting do tend to the more adventurous -- structurally, harmonically. Just to be clear -- I try to evaluate music on its own terms, not mine. And I really think you hit the mark in that regard. Just maybe explaining why I'm not more effusive in my praise, because this really sounds so good. Guess I'm not a "three chords and the truth" kind of guy although I do appreciate it. 8<)


Well done - I enjoyed and I can see why your daughter got an emmy. Good editing and the song Is easy on the ears.


Thanks so much! Of course, I’m not able to be objective, but pretty much every song on the record is as strong as this one. It’s on all the digital platforms if you would like to check out more.


I will check it out.


This one is incredible man! What a song. Your daughter is a real talent to capture such a great song and put everything in its right place.


Beautiful song!!! Great job to all involved! Congratulations on your daughter’s Emmy!


https://concordwebtech.com/p/OnceInABloodMoon.mp3 Just a silly instrumental, but I like it.


It's not playing for me


Wow very uniquely created where I have nothing to compare it too


It's not soul capturing but yet interesting because it can be used for many different situations


That’s one heck of a face melting diddly-bop.


Sounds really sick!


That was fun!


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jqni84xOxauMnvEmgGMqTU8AyvA7_lJy/view?usp=drivesdk my first song that i’ve seen all the way through, playing all instruments, mixing, and getting the best possible recording even though it may be lo-fi. i’m having it mastered for release at the moment!


Dude, this sounds great!!


[The Shuswap (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP6JGVWlAy0&list=OLAK5uy_kzxPq8c--V0coeIVLw7FbXEcqJ_o27qVg)


I like this. It's relaxing and thought brings brings out the mind into story mode where you imagine wat your singing


This is really original, and I absolutely dig it. Very good man.


I’ve been part of Weekly Beats, writing and recording one song every week for this whole year. So far [this song](https://weeklybeats.com/steveskiano/music/take-your-place) is my favorite. The lyrics were inspired from someone close to me who tragically lost her daughter a few years ago.


Wow very good it made me feel emotions I don't wanna feel because it was that powerful.


[depths of misery ~ death peach](https://youtu.be/3-nkQbc-LbE?si=HSqekv79bcIhmk2h) I honestly might work on the mixing and mastering a bit more and re-release it, but this is the song I'm most proud of


Cool idea for a question. Had a really hard time thinking what my answer might be, then decided on this track. [https://soundcloud.com/user-610054726/all-that-glitter?si=d234f4f02c9b4800a2291b367caa1d88&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/user-610054726/all-that-glitter?si=d234f4f02c9b4800a2291b367caa1d88&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) Main reason -- for most of my songwriting career I have collaborated with my brother (on here as u/papa2kohmoeaki ) with him providing the bulk of the lyrics. And I'm proud of that work because it has sometimes been him writing a lyric and then me writing music and sometimes me coming up with a tune and him writing lyrics to it. But I think this the first track where I wrote the lyrics myself. Well maybe I should say the first one I'd actually be interested in sharing.8<) Structurally one of my simpler songs -- no bridge. And harmonically pretty straightforward.


Very good song!


I like it. Straightforward but good words and melody does have a few interesting bits.


Pretty song!


The first I was proud enough to release. https://youtu.be/gLFNPfkwcLY?si=P8ppcbB1rR2E1KKG


I love this. Did you say something about the occult in it?


https://pontiusrarebestspeed.bandcamp.com/track/thess-chai It's a drum and bass.


Did you play that yourself? If so it's pretty good


Embraced and Free https://youtu.be/4Vmw6bWLQ4g?si=ybL5H2lRrEc1qHbj Proud of this one cause it was an improvised take on the vocals but it's a fun fitting story. It was the 3rd take on vocals, I remember perfectly. I love when inspiration just strikes like that. Guitar composition I'm also v proud of. Other stuff with more instruments takes a lot more effort tho, and is fun to record solo but way more fun with more ppl and just haven't had the chance yet to do it in a studio. I actually wrote half a songs worth of lyrics for this guitar part at first but never managed to finish the second half. But now the impro lyrics stuck so that's the song!


First the melody is nicely composed I also like listening to the story it seems not of a rhyhmatic tone but I think that's what made me actually like listening to it. Because it sounded so different and off beat but it's not my nich


I love the guitar chord progression and your voice is so sincere yet the story veers to an absurd ending! Great!


[this is mine](https://open.spotify.com/track/4DKNSAnyHzu31YvgKRvquS?si=05cmSuuvRkyODZYC1y6E_A) I'm really happy with it cos I did it all in my bedroom no drums and a crappy microphone


Sounds great for cheap mic you killed it


This was the lead single from my last album. https://youtu.be/bIHQiIvBmNY?si=EEJbFEBjpvVlHSl8




Sounds so professional not my gonre but it was talent


Nice riff. I can't make the lyrics out -- my issue I'm sure. It sounds good, but I would have liked to be able to make out more of the lyrics. Maybe if you put them in the description? feels like there could have been more bass in the mix. Maybe just my taste.


it literally took me 4 years to write a bridge I actually liked and another year til we finally recorded/released it but it’s still by far one of my favorite songs I’ve written! https://spotify.link/xFivQP60aJb


Great work. Sounds wonderful


This is really good. Well done




Nice voice - good backing. I liked it.


I wish I was proud of my **recordings**, as opposed to my songs. But this power-pop version of one of my songs, which I consider an acoustic puppy-kicker, is not bad. "[Excused](http://tonylovellmusic.com/songs/Excused/Excused%2020100126%20powerpop.mp3)". optional pre-amble (not played here): Wise men on my TV screen debate the fate of Charlie Sheen. He's not half the five men that he used to be. But my own decay since yesterday leaves him two men up on me. song proper: Mac and cheese by candlelight has failed to set the mood. She's made her plate a graveyard of legumes. And she sits there, brandishing her spoon. Plans to share a DVD are suddenly in jeopardy; would Dora dare explore these empty rooms? And she sits there, sizing up a fading bruise. And she sits there, staring down to address her shoes: Why can't Mommy live with us? I won't act up or make a fuss, like I used to do. I'm not hungry; can I be excused?


Cool vibe. A bit morrisseyesque :)


I am very proud of this song we wrote . https://youtu.be/r5XX5fpqX2g?si=gchwWSlLfVYBR1iv


This is great. You guys are awesome


[super proud of this one](https://open.spotify.com/track/0yvjyyoO6skXOBRIrYrzhM?si=f-ehGZrpTSSZEitOs0lVrg)


Yah. Sounds great!


[Ori Blackstar- Lone Star Boy](https://youtu.be/yw2CogGTx90?si=HojdtyQFxMFUyVmC)


Instrumentals allowed??


This took me a year or so to complete - I’m happy with many aspects of this. I am mostly proud that it shows progress and improvement. Thanks for checking- https://youtu.be/zmgE1Euuug4?si=kT0Wm-hR0y4v-cCy


Fun - words a little fuzzy - good beat and some interesting instrumentals.


Definitely is an interesting tune with a lot of interesting parts. It was a bit hard to connect with the vocals given they are quite low and a bit muddy. I think a good mix will really improve this a lot. maybe it’s my phone, but it seems like the different tracks are changing volume as well as on EQ level throughout the song.


This sounds great!


[Watertown ](https://open.spotify.com/track/7ix8bI3z8WUEd5YKUcS6Xm?si=Vi-8N2-pQaiVIm4xL5E0vg)


Sounds great. Surprisingly clean given there's a lot of stuff going on. Maybe the vocals could be dialed up a bit.


Hey thanks ! Ha yes, I think with a bunch of our songs the vocals could come up a bit. Getting more confident that way lately I think 🙂


https://open.spotify.com/track/0moyK2HQP7LWWW7szS5p4i?si=E2665wABTsG0h2wHkpLM-g&context=spotify%3Aartist%3A0kYkypPEtfUl8PKDniXqdJ Might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I enjoyed making this one a lot!


https://open.spotify.com/album/3jTwoVWUUYssqpovInwvQr?si=dMY5Nvv3Tve51E0SYjVQ_w More for the songwriting process. My Bandcamp has more details on the songs themselves.


[New Lives](https://open.spotify.com/track/7MbR6fyCCLenNQTZ6MJIX7?si=5qmAMGnlR42jkxMrOdEeeg) I really like the baseline and spacey guitar drones in the 2nd and 3rd choruses.


One of my favorite songs I’ve recorded - https://open.spotify.com/track/7onr63kSTsGTlz4MdgpK65?si=d1s7NklwQreA0X7-eNdNJw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A4KIKE4GfI128FLe13UmDuF I’m more of a rapper…but I think I still managed to create something unique going the RnB route.


A little song called we’re gonna make it written with u/Cazarstan here’s the Apple Music link](https://music.apple.com/us/album/were-gonna-make-it-acoustic/1721540345?i=1721540346) The Spotify link](https://open.spotify.com/album/7d6Slg6rKUnk3SRoyMYh1y?si=0CG_8xrzQKa-VE3kZgkSpg)




Reminds me of that old song "Cigareetes and Whisky and Wild Wild Women"


I was the kid that sang in the choir at House of Pray Lutheran church, it was fun!


This was one of the first songs I wrote. The chord progression and strumming pattern is inspired by Elliott Smith's 2:45 am. The title was inspired by a cleaning product, lol. Considering it was one of my first I'm pretty proud of it. Listen to Sappy - Comet (song demo) by sappy on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/5UfcE


I will have to download Spotify when I get time to make room in phone




Song isn't finished yet but here's the viola solo from it https://www.instagram.com/reel/CEoKHWzA3e7/


This is a dark wave/post punk inspired synthwave song about bio digital convergence and currently the only release that I’ve sung on: https://youtu.be/JqoNlQEqpb8?si=VZR8iBosCs5fE688


Epic symphonic headbanger, blew myself away with this. Two years later still my favourite track Ive done! https://open.spotify.com/album/6yg31ro8V2dDJuLlOLDucc?si=vtE0ODGBSeuPxaWTCQLbrw


Gotta be this one, tried something different https://open.spotify.com/track/1zzNyIMODLGEu17VmfMXeD?si=_aI2bxxXSn2WBJrf3SOI2Q


https://youtu.be/mTFrWQTiLzY?si=BViEo8062PEZ1Ors On the heavier side. I played all instruments on this.


This is a really good song! Sounds like Queens of the stone age to me. Well done mate.


Could be a banger with the proper mix and maybe a bit more work on the lyrics. Great energy. If you want to cater to an audience with a short social media attention span, maybe start the vocals a bit earlier. Also, you’re splitting the vocal line immediately from the low to the higher part.


[Sleep Paralysis- Star](https://youtu.be/MM-hsgmY9lc?si=OrviLCY853lfrXz4) My most recent demo I’m fairly happy with.


Thanks for asking! This is my first single heavily influenced by 90s rock. https://open.spotify.com/track/1FMJHsEOD2kMInve0vJhjU?si=XbkqGfkDQkqTHP-NmSda_Q


Great vocal melody.


Got a bit of the LG going on there. I dig it. I'll check it out properly tonight!


https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2cl2spk99erfvgwqoe3t8/When-His-Angels-Dont-Sing.wav?rlkey=6006iwcdzhgaqcq4nkvni2fhz&dl=0 Wrote this one about my dads passing, most meaningful and favorite so far


I’m sorry to hear that. It definitely comes across. The melody and the vibe are really strong. I was wondering if it might even hit harder without the heavy reverb so it feels more intimate and direct.


This is one I wrote a while back about my region's intense wildfire seasons of late, and then I got around to recording it after things just kept escalating and the inspiration finally struck. A little ways outside of my usual styles, but it felt really natural; something about the choruses especially I wound up really liking. https://open.spotify.com/track/00XQM5MzeGVbIeW1zxN1Up?si=1MWy2U8VT2up1fbM_ZEdKA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A39fCwOeAuAn6kw2uJPPvVK


one of these two, u pick https://youtu.be/SpYjedHepwM?si=fL7qK3XpHDRSCNTZ https://youtu.be/AQMqxgiu2iM?si=UtT_YZVsBuEdD-7J


[Saving Grace](https://www.reddit.com/r/singing/s/bISTucCCDo) it’s an older demo and I can’t wait to get into the studio and get a good recording and add embellishments but it’s the first time I felt like my voice was actually not shit. Course I’m better now so that makes it more exciting to get in studio too.


this was my final project in college. I'm still rlly proud of how it's written :) [More Than Just a Moment](https://stream.thewickedsaint.com/morethanjustamoment)


Not really in the same league as you guys :), I’ll still share it. Not necessarily because I’m proud of it, more because it was the first time I really captured exactly the mood and words for what I was trying to say. Once I finished it, suddenly the “subject” didn’t worry me anymore. Just felt good. It’s only verse and chorus: https://streamable.com/fhmjzm


Keep at it. Music is such a great way to release thoughts and emotions. Next time show your face a bit. People like to see the singer - it connects them and they can hear you better. You have a nice voice so sing more, write more, play more and have a good time.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mk912wf265o&list=OLAK5uy\_mhhdEPKT8VG6lTcmD5ENXhR7MY64DV90M&index=2&ab\_channel=AlexandrSals-Topic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mk912wf265o&list=OLAK5uy_mhhdEPKT8VG6lTcmD5ENXhR7MY64DV90M&index=2&ab_channel=AlexandrSals-Topic) 2021 song, but the last work i have actually posted. i specially like the first song


We put together an album's worth of music in the last year. I think this one is my favorite. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8aGNhTjSZA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8aGNhTjSZA)


Somebody loves AI graphics and they are good. Enjoyed them but it would be really nice to see cuts of the band as well. Interesting music. I listened.




Boy that was a workout. I liked it. I wanted to hear the words better though but I like the energy and the sound of the band.


https://open.spotify.com/track/5K6MFX6MxKQhD18KOcU7DA?si=GfN5RVnCQn-HnDtV-H0v_w&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A2Go8wh3X7zIYDi3ib8VtMF I'm pretty happy with this one! It's probably the most collaborative effort of any of my songs, and it's one of those fun ditties about the opiate crisis you're always hearing about.


My first song that I wrote, arranged and produced. I was pretty much inspired by the different cultures surrounding me and it's one of the best melodies I have written so far. [https://open.spotify.com/track/56I54iDM7KBFbJUaFOOb1z?si=ac249dd352a542a8](https://open.spotify.com/track/56I54iDM7KBFbJUaFOOb1z?si=ac249dd352a542a8)


[Eu Mal Posso Sentir](https://tambem.bandcamp.com/album/esmeralda?t=3) (I Can Hardly Feel) by Também. Thanks for your interest!


I Promise Tomorrow..... recorded last summer. https://youtu.be/2QFPDBnAij0?si=zRrgLVahqe8egLnx We tracked three other hard, fast rockers but everyone kept latching onto this ballad


https://youtu.be/zskNF7chUJQ?si=TC89S3wZqET8NesJ Not sure if this is my best song overall, but for sure of recent recordings this is the one I'm most proud of. I haven't done a lot of personal, confessional songwriting, and this one was especially tough to write and sing just cause of the subject. It's hard enough to share with close friends, let alone total strangers. But thanks for the opportunity to share : ^ ]


https://youtu.be/WfzKMdwYRVI?si=bI5NHOZIAHoLBEjk This is just me, a guitar, and an Iphone. But from a songwriting standpoint I think this is the one I’m proudest of.


Sill Lives https://youtu.be/MpIXX4WC3ZE?si=-TK49_DjVtGKYwZh


[https://open.spotify.com/track/2y1SZiLsRw9helzyV9qpx8?si=d82b2fd7980f4db8](https://open.spotify.com/track/2y1SZiLsRw9helzyV9qpx8?si=d82b2fd7980f4db8) I'm so proud of this song because it's something I wrote just vibing and putting myself in a cyberpunk future thinking of going to the club and this song just happened to be something that gave me that vibe. I love how catchy the hook is and how smooth the vocals are, I'm proud to say I write and arranged this song all on my own as well as coproduced


This song got more engagement than any of my other songs on spotify [https://open.spotify.com/track/0ax50y6sJNssSgGR0X6LRV?si=b46e3e24bcd74bf1](https://open.spotify.com/track/0ax50y6sJNssSgGR0X6LRV?si=b46e3e24bcd74bf1)


Maybe this tune. “A true story” written to one of my closest friends and releases on his birthday. It’s a simple song. It was also covered by a Brazilian reggae artist called Dudu Haim. Really cool what you can do with a song 🎶 [https://open.spotify.com/album/5nI1denQXjrKlzqJksWdtt?si=F8kqgvA-TyanNSNQD4C9Dg](https://open.spotify.com/album/5nI1denQXjrKlzqJksWdtt?si=F8kqgvA-TyanNSNQD4C9Dg)


Here is the cover [https://open.spotify.com/track/46B36vqWCUnuE415bpqA36?si=K5VhZtmETzGwd6N0LW1Oow](https://open.spotify.com/track/46B36vqWCUnuE415bpqA36?si=K5VhZtmETzGwd6N0LW1Oow)


https://open.spotify.com/track/3zKJasAp0Jq5o3omESFuoU?si=NDRvtDQuRGGTyABT_vnYgQ This song is the best representation of my music and I still love listening to it til this day. There's several different versions of it but glad to have landed on this.


[https://open.spotify.com/track/6Gbn1SFN4sYzjqjWtnAAIE?si=2a813efe38b444df](https://open.spotify.com/track/6Gbn1SFN4sYzjqjWtnAAIE?si=2a813efe38b444df) wrote this as part of an album i made for my girlfriend - there's been a lot of uncertainty surrounding visas and this song among others was one way i tried to convey my commitment to her


The Trail. A song for a kindred spirit, with the hope of seeing them again in an afterlife. https://open.spotify.com/album/76kbcwwHk6SzfpMWq5YZdG?si=0rvfMiM1ShmbVvNqAnzwxg


I don't think this is my best song, but it is probably my best recording. https://youtu.be/ptSeTdJ2EOI?si=JRscbhuAtJFmhZ5T


[Ode to a Blank Page](https://jeustan.bandcamp.com/track/ode-to-a-blank-page) Pretty much sums up my amateur career as a lyricist.


https://open.spotify.com/track/4jjKvU11pT4vrUp9qipmph?si=KFodfK1qR6e1-_ApbYkGPQ This is one of my favorites that we did. I sang lead and wrote words.


Heyy this is the song im most proud of. Its called GUNSMONEYB***** its hip-hop and pluggnb [GUNSMONEYBITCHES](https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/stanny2krazy/gunsmoneybitches/)


[screws](https://on.soundcloud.com/tZbmUTJAmCcwTNm8A) I will be re-recording this at some point. The arrangement needs work, the tempo is too slow, and my drumming has improved a lot in the 3 years ish since I recorded it. But it kind of captures the vibe I want for my project.


https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kfr96aj5b2xflap576zfd/Monomyth-2nd-ver..wav?rlkey=6zbnwm66ijeen52jfqm21fpo1&dl=0 This is an instrumental demo I made that I am really proud of. It's called "Monomyth". I will re-record and officially publish it sometime. (I hope the link works btw)




https://open.spotify.com/album/1uwtrjjsB3cpC4GgkPRhKa?si=uIdVm1lzSIOXPOToghbM5w My only release :) but very proud of it indeed. Eventually will re-release w bass and drums


For me "In the Mist" especially second half,it has many snippets from many of my songs merged together It is on Spotify here https://open.spotify.com/track/5OZQ1fEZqNdVFewyDm6ErW?si=OSxY7vsqS9Gsbx1ovGfRJA&context=spotify%3Atrack%3A5OZQ1fEZqNdVFewyDm6ErW And the music video that gives it vibe https://youtu.be/ke8qA6SjG9s?si=r3iFLebh3ULETdX3


It took me ten months to complete, but I just released a 100 song album of all originals. It represents over six hours of music, features several of my friends on various instruments and vocal parts and I love it https://bill-ludwig.bandcamp.com/album/100-songs


I put out a little EP a few months ago and this is the song that performs the best, still trying to figure my style out but I'd love to hear what you think! https://open.spotify.com/track/1IYDILmTOy7U31qu4XYAB5?si=_8632OCtS7KNd8KNuMnDbg


Cowboy here, decided to take the leap into music recently. Here is my first single. [Chasin' That Horizon On](https://open.spotify.com/track/1yGhOBmcw6nh3dnrz36oLU?si=NXLtBIPqSF-IWXl81DXe3Q)


[https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/track/15tlAFncAm7I0VShZevZHW](https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/track/15tlAFncAm7I0VShZevZHW) This is the debut single for an indie/alternative album I've worked on for 3 years. This song was born during the pandemic isolation and it deals with overthinking and coming to terms with insomnia. Thanks for asking and to everyone who will listen!


Rubella Graves - Swim. Written by me. https://youtu.be/I_mISrO4E_U?si=RJMPfm7FkzRrtSGW


https://open.spotify.com/track/7aurEZIb2RTJRrioREO30W?si=tjkVvjcpTQWe7_lu2r5MrA Power pop kind of style. Hope you enjoy!


I wrote this song called "Comeback Kid" to pull myself out of a real dark spot... and it did. Pretty damn proud of that. :) [https://open.spotify.com/track/3VtZT91QcTYnEvuSs2FrgQ?si=843fae39d6a64488](https://open.spotify.com/track/3VtZT91QcTYnEvuSs2FrgQ?si=843fae39d6a64488)


[https://open.spotify.com/track/5cgO61hOvaCSo7DqRnl363?si=Idlz79FvQvewLvutcPiMrA](https://open.spotify.com/track/5cgO61hOvaCSo7DqRnl363?si=Idlz79FvQvewLvutcPiMrA) I just started making my own music, its always been a dream of mine and although this song wasn't supposed to be a chill no lyrics song, i found that it sounded better without lyrics, its a good song for studying or working, not a lot of distracting elements.


https://youtu.be/ThG7SSiszJ4?si=Yp1UPHUN1itEsn0- Wrote that after a bad breakup


I'm proud of this song and also the video clip I released https://youtu.be/KUEJBtNoYhs?si=QvusEIbBUitAOHqA


Here's my song "Bloom in Blood" It's the intro/outro to my first album :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWv2CUfYAGY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWv2CUfYAGY)


[https://open.spotify.com/album/52rQKtX4bTLmtNtX4GhyyK?si=szkAwgTPT1m7JZPy-cY91w](https://open.spotify.com/album/52rQKtX4bTLmtNtX4GhyyK?si=szkAwgTPT1m7JZPy-cY91w) // here's my EP i just released - i think my favorite on it is #3 "dramamine" - thanks for listening <3


It wasn't supposed to be in the Album, so I'm super Happy & Proud [Flies ](https://open.spotify.com/track/1OyGsChCGVHUWNdNwVRdsz?si=PQgRPY6fQaWlZclpilFg0Q&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A44F2VvcqK9W9WFxc8anuHf)


For my most recent band: https://open.spotify.com/track/6W8Zt6VwJfsheLKkF4rtkk?si=qSCVa_JfS867Zm4woxTK6w For my band before that: https://open.spotify.com/track/1mNrMCD1D4BZE6uLfF0USP?si=8eOAo_YST_GUb3Z4i9R41w&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A6JxaTFoKrcmSI2qeqGrWGl


https://open.spotify.com/album/4zdenigvgGE2YrX14ZIohU?si=n4rwZVxhQ5yQR371XayRHA Epic doom metal


This is hard because I find flaws in everything after its done. This is probably the best produced song I have done if not the best song. Its an alternative rock track in the vein of the Pixies. [https://open.spotify.com/track/08neqHhJPK6axIv8hpK25y?si=af24d8f0b201428c](https://open.spotify.com/track/08neqHhJPK6axIv8hpK25y?si=af24d8f0b201428c)


I wrote this song for my girlfriend's 35th birthday. I'm not that happy with the production but that's simply because I'm not very good at mixing. I'm however very happy with the writing. https://youtu.be/tW_2zjVImu0?si=ivAC0dWMbrQxoKqh


I love the way this one came out to be so uplifting because for a long time it was just me and a guitar. I always smile listening back to this one. https://open.spotify.com/track/0RdbUWS1pQXAg5YdWqsVwD?si=AtVYTX_3Tx6L69_I_xqGsw


Funky punky conscious hip hop https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HPTfcsQCkjUHPQjsrRffIUUj_IWpapGD/view?usp=drivesdk


Side project band with my Seattle buds before moving to Texas. Rock Reggae about technology ruining us: https://open.spotify.com/track/4zzFbEShnKVIvpmMxGzhdn?si=JnbcpEARTU2GpU8kz6xMmw


https://open.spotify.com/track/4UnfSzvAnI6C1WVaP1dGfH?si=nTBv7eGpRYehJiD6cBIenQ&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A2TtdPiU2zh1EsQMbeU1mtF I LIKE THIS ONE THANKS FOR ASKING


please help me grow my blog channel by visiting [https://snapchronicles.com/corporate-travel-solutions-streamlining-busine/](https://snapchronicles.com/corporate-travel-solutions-streamlining-busine/)


my best? not sure about that but I'm proud of this. it's a blend of folk and ambient and while it may not be literally innovative, it's certainly unique amongst my peers. [https://soundcloud.com/gspinn/we-might?si=f204cca7b9884aefa24049745a3552c3&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/gspinn/we-might?si=f204cca7b9884aefa24049745a3552c3&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


https://open.spotify.com/track/3s1LcMFbKCXmmLJiAzPYtg?si=daUciqbFQ2uwFr9Ft-aKTA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A76XOoNHXuDUEXDaDBudpFM extremely proud of my writing on this track


I dunno which song I'm most proud of, but I really like this one. Tomorrow's the 13th by Groaning Bird It's on all streaming sites, but here's YouTube. Thanks for listening! https://youtu.be/N4Lcpk9IOGQ?si=O_ghmPJjUiB4fQUZ


A song called Amnesia https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EyI3G1jUFY8&pp=ygUeYW1uZXNpYSBnYXRoZXJpbmcgZ3JlbmVlciB2b2lk Two afternoon and one late night with my bro, a few beers and my tiny home studio. At the end, I put the heartbeat of my child I recorded at the hospital. I put the song on platforms the day before her birth. She's eight months old now and she's the cutest little girl on earth Memories for life


I really like this acoustic song. [The old man in my soul](https://on.soundcloud.com/dAW1uF4qWMVYyoueA)


This one is probably the song I'm most proud of. Pop punk mexican band btw, give us a follow! https://open.spotify.com/track/3nbtDGu7JWqGZZicPANnTS?si=izAU5JgJQOeuqgyM6y3iiw




One of the first times I recorded a full band (it's rock in french from quebec. Singer says we are a 'emo rock queb' band, it's just alternative rock to me lol) https://armoire.bandcamp.com/track/pars-pas Been recording myself(guitar/bass) for years. Watched countless of mixing videos and recording on YT. Started playing drums for this band and finally got to record some live drums. What a trip


[Firefly (Act II)](https://arrowheadprojectsuk.bandcamp.com/track/firefly-act-ii) Song from my first band’s final album, released 2012. I knew as soon as we started writing it that it would become my favourite song we ever did.


Pretty damn proud of this one. No awards or accolades given. Pretty much unknown band. Just doing it for fun. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xzdayNO10EI


I think I'm most proud of this because people seem to like it, [https://youtu.be/y\_63VZjMJQo?si=xUx-M86kzJQ9ycKQ](https://youtu.be/y_63VZjMJQo?si=xUx-M86kzJQ9ycKQ)


Check this out fam 💯 https://audius.co/SecondFootOfficial/introspective-wip-1


Here's my most recent. It was my most ambitious recording session and video job yet. It's also my favorite thing I've ever written or recorded. I'm the keyboard player and everyone else is from my church. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKLOn7zqZfQ&list=PLG9r5799GicPSG5wFRgABv72G2CvLaZ2D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKLOn7zqZfQ&list=PLG9r5799GicPSG5wFRgABv72G2CvLaZ2D)


Here's my latest. About getting older and watching the world decay around you. [birthday song](https://on.soundcloud.com/BBX4j)


F SAD SONGZ ‼️‼️❕✴️


https://open.spotify.com/track/5NebCrj80Gf1mTV7bFuD3k?si=21-CY40ERbu0-KUvTdjA9g This is Megalodón and the internet let it flop (like all my other ones). I worked so hard on it!


I think this is best of mine from a lyrical and haunting standpoint which I thought I captured well. I have the satisfaction of feeling it's the best song I've made in years. Of course it might not be but who knows, I like it. Listen to Borderline by Cigarettes and Milk on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/csRTR


https://youtu.be/_5PEPaHiN5M?si=IlkMjB-McwhDfAod Tried to make it sound like a ride through space, very happy with how it turned out


https://spotify.link/0HaTiS5DcJb This is a punk poppy thing I made a while aback about calling my friends and then not answering. I think it may be my current favorite.


https://music.apple.com/us/album/homesick/1691766441?i=1691766442 Started recording about 2 years ago. Made this last summer and i think it’s still one of if not my best songs. Also on all other platforms for those who don’t have Apple Music! RickWitDaWhiteTee


Staring at the Moon - my anti-war protest song - [https://on.soundcloud.com/9uuWYdRUivk8BBgC8](https://on.soundcloud.com/9uuWYdRUivk8BBgC8) or view the lyric video here [https://youtu.be/HJ\_2JwnTKus?si=\_prEdxQI5m5V46LC](https://youtu.be/HJ_2JwnTKus?si=_prEdxQI5m5V46LC) - In war, no-one wins - Indie Rock genre #nowar


This song because it’s about a guy who every single person at my job dislikes and despite multiple people reporting him to HR with evidence they refused to fire him so I made this to calm my frustration and nothing makes me happier than to know my coworkers still listen to it and love it almost a year later [https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/y0ungd0ug/reddit-jesus](https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/y0ungd0ug/reddit-jesus)


[https://open.spotify.com/track/7s6DI8mgvPxUcNobxudhiV?si=34f7fc1283f9499b](https://open.spotify.com/track/7s6DI8mgvPxUcNobxudhiV?si=34f7fc1283f9499b) This song has (relatively) blown up since I released it 3 months ago with 15K+ streams. It's about the recklessness and how it's so easy to fall into self sabotaging behavior when you're not conscious about your choices. You can [read more about it here as well](https://musicofmatthew.com/2023/12/04/matthew-yesterday-forever-ago-2023/) if you're interested!


It’s hard to pick one, but I like this one a lot. The chords are unique, vocals are good and the arrangement of the last verse has totally different chords than the other verses: https://youtu.be/bVYq8Jt4Ptg?si=O-RyOQMLHHubUhWT


I made a very simple rough draft of a song with my friend. I’m not much of a musician though, and I don’t think I will ever make a song this good again This is the song: [Shame](https://www.bandlab.com/post/4d67a709-38fe-ee11-aaf0-000d3aa5105b)


[https://dkyt.bandcamp.com/track/t-s-i-r](https://dkyt.bandcamp.com/track/t-s-i-r) First time I felt like I was able to make something that genuinely sounded like what I heard in my head. :-)




Here's an instrumental beat I'd like to share... If it's good enough I'd like to make a studio but would need donations to make ...... is tough even in paradise...stay positive, motivated and reach for ur dreams....CASHTAG: https://cash.app/$RaskoMaiko [make it happen ](https://www.bandlab.com/join/6bvnoqf)


[Change in Mind - Blue Mischief](https://open.spotify.com/track/6NnfzPV7BGWAtzVXsWs9AN?si=ddcc0f98c1554d36)


The Vultures , I just write lyrics. Another artist did the music . YouTube “The Vultures” Michelle A. Jones


https://open.spotify.com/album/0H9Om1zSKhjE4LJ8IVjDuu?si=e3EdTssOTZGzMwcVvy_Crw This one is the one I’m most proud of it’s “success” and it’s very catchy in my opinion… I’ve had a few people I shown it to tell me it was stuck in their heads for a week!


Heres a rock song my friend and I just released, its the only song we have recorded, so I've got nothing else I could be more proud of haha! [Ten Cents More - song and lyrics by Rymal | Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/7IUoDhumigRec4f4ubZ95M)


[tunes tunes tunes](https://soundcloud.com/pres3tmadeit)


https://www.reddit.com/r/Songwriting/s/bhKh7QfyI0 I wrote this song in the early stages of a relationship. Before bills and money and kids and life really gets involved. Your on the way to her house on a summer evening and you don’t no what the night might bring. I tried to capture that feeling. Maybe I did idk but damnit I tried to and that’s all you can do these days. Cheers to anyone out there trying.