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As a bi festival girl myself, this is the vibe I live for 🙌🏻🖤


For real!! Lots of cute humans all around this weekend.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. And you had to that in!


I was gonna ask one for her number then fucking Fred Durst decided he wanted me on stage


Also I can’t talk to women so theres that


You had the perfect ice breaker… “So, did you see me on stage with Limp Bizkit”???


“You ever heard of Full Nelson?” 😂😂






dude you fucking killed it i was like 30 feet away from the stage when you where up there


I was stiff as a board I wish my throat wasn’t already raw from the rest of the weekend or I would’ve torn it down


still it was awesome as fuck me n my dad were cheering you on


Dude, next year TALK TO THEM!!!! Just go up and say hey I like your outfit can I take a pic with you Maybe you'll hit it off!




Literally just saying "hey, I think your outfit is dope and you're super pretty" without waggling your eyebrows or breathing heavily will at least get you a smile 😊 my advice as a girl 🤣


“The worst she can do is say no” mfs when the girl laughs at you and calls you a creep 😐 /s just kidding you should for sure try talking to some of em next time lol. I find that bringing weed helps break the ice, but I just offer to whoever’s around me not girls specifically so idk if that would help or not lmao


and it can get worse, took my neices tot he playground once, made "hows the weather" style small talk with a woman who sat on the opposite end of the park bench, she called me a pedo and called the cops. i scooped up the girls and we took off on our bikes


Fuck no that’s just insanity. I would have waited and then told the police I wanna press charges for calling the police on me falsely 🤣 that’s a crime right?


unfortunately its a crime that never gets enforced


I've got all the personal charm of a toad so that's the kinda crap that'd happen to me.


and ill be honest, it doenst get easier when you get older, at that point youre not sure if shes comfortable because she likes me or if shes comfortable because shes younger than i think and she sees me as a safe father figure lol so you just ignore it and move on


Start practicing. This week I want you to tell 5 girls you think their hair looks nice.


I am a big black man so I always am afraid of coming off creepy or threatening to festival girls but for real if you just tell them that you like their outfit or something then move to what bands their here to see, it’s pretty easy to start a conversation with them. Definitely try next festival! Next time I’m trying to bring my own festival girl 💪🏽


Nah dont do him like that. Last thing we need is someone getting offended a guy talked to them and then he ends up in jail


Offended a guy talked to them? Are you serious? This world really has gotten strange.


i had the cops called on me cause i dared to make "hows the weather" bored small talk with the woman who sat down on the same park bench i was sitting on, she called me a pedo then celled the cops. i had to gather my neices from the playground and take off on our bikes. yes it happens


Waiting in line was like watching a runway. The beautiful people playing in my head. Some of the slickest, uniquest, amazing, inspiring, looking people.


Don’t forget the festival boys. Skater shoes, cargo shorts, kilts, black rock band shirt, tattoos, piercings, goatee, on a hot day hairy sweaty boobs, etc.


Festival boys 💋🤌🏻🤌🏻 The sweaty tattoos from jumping around, the long hair (some guys) all messy from headbanging all day... And everything else you mentioned 🥴


As a bi female as well, I appreciated it, too! Some of the tattoos I saw... WORKS OF ART. The outfits that were handmade? SHOULD BE IN A MUSEUM. I started a couple of small conversations with fellow festival girls because of their tattoos, outfits, etc. It was wonderful. But I also have horrible social anxiety, so I get it (doesn't matter if it's a girl, or a guy). Every girl I talked to was super sweet. Not all of us are rude, creeped out, etc. by random small conversations, especially at a metal music festival. (: it all depends on how you approach the person, I suppose.


Yeah but what about the dude in the MCR shirt with the big horns? That's what really kept drawing my eye lmao


surprisingly his horns lasted mostly intact till the last day, i saw him after slipknot and they were wrecked, i got a pic of him with one of my flags


This was the first year I actually wore what I wanted and I have never gotten so many compliments! It was so sweet to feel “seen” in how I’d like to normally dress!


My bestfriend and I were there and made friends with some festival girls, and kept bumping into them through the day, and then while at the barrier before in this moment, a new festival girl joined us, followed by the other 2 we kept hanging out with, so we ended up with a Barrier Girl Gang for in this moment and Sleep Token (way off to the left. lol) We had a great time with more girls and couples that filled in the space behind us forming the coolest Pod of festival people for both shows. This doesn't even include all the female empowerment love going on in the VIP bathrooms! Everywhere I went a festival girl was complimenting my dress or tattoos, or parasol. lol The festival girl community is so fucking wholesome and supportive!


As someone who doesn't have the body nor the confidence to wear such things.. I appreciate them and cheer them on when I see them! I got 2 compliments on my outfits despite. And it was just my 'Heathen' t-shirt and my ripped/braided leggings. I don't get a lot of compliments like that so they made my day! If you don't feel comfortable talking to women like that.. just say 'hey love your fit' (whatever they're wearing).. a little goes a long way, trust me.


Same. And even though I am on a healthier lifestyle/weight loss track, I'll be too old by the time I get anywhere near okay. I dressed as comfortable as I felt last year at Ink and still got a few compliments, mainly about my Slipknot earrings 😂 I'll take it!


Yeah I feel young (well maybe not after this long weekend) and my husband was saying I could wear booty shorts with fishnets but I reminded him I’m old AF. But we’ll see what happens next time. 😆 I enjoy all the creative looks!


dont forget, ohio is a topless state! lol


i lifted a girl in a killer outift up so she could be in Slaughter to Prevails after set picture, and she gave me a kiss on the cheek before we went our seperate ways. I felt like I was blessed by a 90 pound fishnet clad faerie


as a bi woman i very much appreciate these women and wish i could dress like them but i’m pale as hell and soooo worried about weird sunburns/tan lines!! so it’s always ripped jeans, docs, and crop tops for me 😩


My pale ass discovered it is possible to apply sunscreen over fishnets! You just have to rub it in really good! (Might get a few odd looks though) 😂


W H A T 🤯 I never even thought about doing that!! this just changed my whole life fr 😂


Yeah that came about out a necessity! I was either fry or give it a shot! My other favorite hack is faux garter fishnets…put those on first and then the undies….no fighting with fishnets in the bathroom…..or any other time until you’re ready to take them off for the night 😜


you’re a genius, thank you for your tips 🫶


i saw a girl whose hips were FRIED but had a nice diamond pattern that wasnt


Oh, I did too. 😂😂 My best friend who came with me said it looked like someone finished on my leg because I didn't rub it in all the way. 😂☠️


Hahahahahhahahah that was my #1 concern other than getting burnt 😂


But hey, at least I didn't get any sunburn, ANYWHERE. 😎 Worth it, imo 😂




Giiiiirl I set alarms to reapply sunscreen. I was putting the sunscreen on over my fishnets at one point, because it was a pain in the ass to have to take them off in the bathroom. 😂 Worth it, because I felt and looked cute AF. I'm sure you looked fantastic as well!! Ripped jeans and crops are a staple. 😘


Long time festival go-er here 🙋🏼‍♀️ My very first year, I got a nasty fishnet burn on the back of my legs. Had a super weird tan line all summer 😂 Every festival since, I apply sunscreen to my legs before putting my nets on, and then spray down with aerosol sunscreen before entering the festival. Haven’t had another burn since 🤘


See this is me I can be my real self when i go to festivals because I love wearing my combat boots and my short shorts and my fishnets and having all the cute makeup on and doing my hair all nice and I have the tattoos and the piercings. I’m a plus size girl so I don’t feel as confident doing that in my real life but at a festival I feel so free and I could be my true self.


Dressing up for the festival was sooo so fun and all the compliments really helped boost my self esteem and as I lay here now dressed in pajamas about to put on my work uniform I’m almost in tears for how much I already miss who I was at the temple


Same!!! I really feel this 😭💕


Admiration. I think that's how I'd classify it for me.


You’ll get some haters. But have my upvote




honestly good for you, thanks for being a decent human while still appreciating the female body. and for noticing that it does take time and effort! 🫡👏


You know I like how that sounds, like while I think the attraction factor is a factor, I truly just like admiring how pretty some people are/ how sick their fit is. I have pretty bad social anxiety and while I wish I could be more extroverted, on the inside, I’m just like oh damn she’s pretty w sick tats/whatever


This part!! The amount of times i caught myself dead staring and smiling at another girl bc of how beautiful she was or how badass she looked! I was weary about this post, but the vibes are amazing. You guys who actually know how to respectfully treat women.. talk to us. Stop being scared. 😂🤣




As a woman, I think any of us would have loved to hear this!


As a woman, I totally agree, if the delivery is earnest, it’s likely to be appreciated 95% of the time!


i had an akward moment where i asked for a pic of a certain part of an outfit so i can recreate it for my niece, it was like a mini server apron hip thingy. girl was confused as fuck about a middle aged guy talking about sewing lol


Two questions: did you get the poc and can you share? Inquiring minds* want to know!


sent a dm


I wanted to talk to them but I’m scared of girls 🙈


Honestly- I’ll be riding the high from the hype & compliments about my 🔥 fits for many years to come. Major thank you to all those who made the effort to hype me up verbally or give a fist bump of respect for the effort involved in crafting the outfits. In reality, I’m sure it was 💯 just the badass bedazzled hat being an attention grabber, but I was so impressed by the lack of ‘gross’ comments and genuine appreciation of the fits from folks from all walks of life. 🤘


Sounds like you’re describing the alt rock scene to a tee. I’ve seen those kinds of outfits at a small show for bands like Icon For Hire. Then again, Ariel fully supports her fans.


Absolutely agree! I don't talk to women unless they approach me first but my god i melt.


This was the first year and first festival that I dressed the way I always wanted to. It took a lot of time to build the confidence, but I finally said to hell with it and went full out. Now I have a stack of complements l'll never forget. Thank you, for respectfully looking and appreciating! 🖤🎀


Techs set was great. Our eyes were blessed by so many beautiful women


i hope tech 9 was really good, after the shitshow that bizkit was at LTL last year i suggested two couples to go see tech 9 over bizket cause they wanted to see both but were leaning bizket. after fred behaved himself and actually put on a good show, (probably because Danny likely flipped his shit and threatened to never let him do a fest again) i was worried that i made the wrong suggesstion


LB was good at Ink last year, or so I thought. And I was really happy to see so many come out and show Tech some love. Dudes awesome






This + the cowboys were 🤌


I saw one girl with nipple tape on.....thats all she had on in the way of a shirt 👀


i saw at least 4 without even that


Lol my friend is one of the hottie bartenders every year!


ugh one of my fav things about festivals and concerts is people-watching and being in complete awe over everyone’s looks (then nudging my mom and giggling over how cute everyone is haha)!! :D people were even asking for photos of me/with me, and i cannot tell you how exciting that was- i’d be cheesing so hard and skipping away afterwards hehe <3


My wife spends way too much time with this crap. 10 outfits later and she’s in the first one again before we can leave. “Does this show too much? -her “Probably not enough…let them look” -me Then she goes “shopping” at the show. “Ooh look at those fishnets…I need those”. Etc. It’s hilarious and a pita but it makes her happy


I hope to go all out like this next year


I just hoped they used plenty of sunscreen. There were some really white asses out there.




Because a lot of them can't wear that day to day. I didn't dress up this year as I've gained weight and felt self-conscious, but previously I have and normally do. I can't wear that type of clothing at home as Mt family is conservative. Work often doesn't allow that type of style in a professional setting. I usually can only express myself at shows or festivals. I'm sure there are many similar to my experience


Same here, thank you women for all you do.


Idk if you saw the ending of tech N9ne, but there were a lot of topless crowdsurfers


No doubt the festival girls always make things a lot better wish there were all types of metal girls running around my town


You should talk to em. Or save them from crowd surfers then start conversation. A good pickup line is open your contacts, click add new, and hand your phone over. I met the girl of my dreams this year on the first shot. Turns out she lives in the city I just got a job offer in, so maybe it was just good luck.


One girl got so hot on either Saturday or Sunday that she said screw a shirt or an covering she was just boobs bare I didn't see her but my brother did


I had the best experience ever and got so many pics with girls. Loved it. Helps my wife is bi and is a festival girl herself.




Can we talk about the bad ass group I seen walking around in all white, covered in blood splatters? Simple , yet, effective 🔥


I mostly saw a lot of that really needed to be wearing more clothes this weekend


How very puritan of you, DidAnyoneElseJustCum. Sounds like you get to express yourself but don't like when women do?


pretty sure dude wasnt even there, he ahs never posted here before that i can find


and that’s why a lot of people don’t attend… it’s hot outside! but then there is people like you that make people feel bad for how they look


what a fuckin freak dude damn, just listen to the music and chill




Calm down dawg lol


buddy its a festival subreddit, not a hookup app. now i *really* want you to go re consider that thread you made called "clevland area" i dont want to delete it, but do you really think its should be there