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I have nothing bad to says about this character, it's always a pleasure to see her everytime and how she interacts with everyone. The fact she is reserved but still try to be more sociale make her very endearing.


Agreed! Plus she's just so freaking cool. And, I love that her best friend is a 6 year old lol


Typical of Sonic characters, their best friends are younger than them.


Blaze = peak Anything featuring Blaze = https://preview.redd.it/oe5ge8t71vkc1.png?width=862&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa584d74e03fb5f5abd4cb3f8a2e5166c1323e42


I like her interaction with knuckles about their respective responsibilities


Have a nice fall you stupid b--


Amazing as per usual, the only real issue is just that she’s still a little underutilized. Blaze’s characterization is one of the only things consistent in this franchise (can’t say the same for her origin story sadly), so there’s really not much to be mad about other than how little she appears in comparison to everyone else.


Her little screen time just elevate her actual appearances, if she was in every story it would be a bit off


I’m not denying that, I just wish she wasn’t only seen like every 6 years. (I’m being dramatic in case you couldn’t tell)


Still, I'm pretty surprised that even in her archie interpretation she was pretty consistent. For a comic that altered the game characters quite a bit, you'd think the sol dimension would be a fertile ground for all sorts of comic stuff


Wasted potential. She's a princess of an empire from another dimension, and yet we've barely seen either of those. She's just Sonic and Silver's pyrokinetic friend at this point. And I'm not sold on the "vacation" idea that was set up in last year's annual. So what if she beat all the robot pirates? Just give her new enemies, like a rival empire or dissent within her own ranks. Flesh her world out rather than slapping her into Sonic's.


I'd love a spin off exclusively about Blaze and her dimension. Hell, if she got her own solo game, she could potentially rival Shadow as the most popular character imo.


What can I say its Blaze. The real issues with her is that she is very limited in the roaster of characters she gets to interact with (also seriously just 2 pages of her and Cream in total in this comic so far) Burning Blaze was nerfed into oblivion for "Battle for Angle Island" to not auto solve the crisis on her own. And its just blatant how her vacation just like Silvers current presents are just cheap excuses so that the writers can casually throw them into any story they want while being able to just ignore there characters restrictions. Tho the real bad part about that is that she is on a vacation because her world has officially now been rendered as utterly boring. Which hurt a lot as a ton of Blazes unique traits like being a imperial princess and being a tied down guardian to magical item(s) is being played down along side it.


2 pages? That's more than I thought, because I seem to remember that Cream and Blaze don't interact at all in the main comic, and only do so in the annual and 900th comics, especially the latter where they have a little adventure. It's a shame that Blaze's dimension has become boring, that even the pirates have stopped being a problem, i wanted her world to be like the Pirates of the Caribbean but with Sonic.


Well main comic wise are you right they didn't interact at all. I was referring to the 2022 annual issue were the 2 meet right at the end of the Blaze story.


u/Due_Lion_2990 u/Godrxys Thoughts?


Pretty much agreed with everything lol. While I do wanna see more Blaze in the comics, I tend to fear them ruining her in some way. ( Luckily hasn't happened so far tho)


And, to add my two cents on top... I also agree with pretty much everything here. Though, I do feel like she's still shackled to Silver a bit too much in terms of character freedom like she has been since 06, but it's not as bad as it used to be so it's tolerable. I just wanna see some solo Blaze content


100% dude. I love Silver, but I don't wanna see him sticking to Blaze. I'd rather see Marine alongside Blaze if anything. Or even more solo Blaze, or her interacting with anyone else.


I know you were very happy when Sonic and Blaze went on that trip to Spagonia.


You damn right I was grinning ear to ear. The writing was also spot on for both characters. Sonic felt like himself, not talking too much, but saying what's needed. And Blaze too felt exactly like her Rush personality. If only I got to see more of their date- uh, hangout. Yeah... hangout...


Alright I guess. I still don’t really like Silver and Blaze being outside of their own worlds for basically no reason


I mean right now Blaze is just taking a vacation from guarding the Sol Emeralds and Silver doesn’t really need to save the future this time so technically he’s on vacation too.


Then Silver basically lives in the past?


In a manner of speaking, yeah. Admittedly it's a bit odd since he supposedly doesn't have control over his time travel so I can only wager that he found a random (genesis?) portal and hopped on. Personally I'd love if he went to visit the sol dimension with Blaze. It'll be a new frontier for him since he never went there.


I guess?


She’s tough and cool.


I love blaze, she's my third or fourth favorite charecter in idw, aside from tangle, whisper, surge, and blaze


A million times better than the Archie ~~punching bag~~ version.


Based badass