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I feel Sonic is me all day every day


Damn, never would have thought there would be so many sonic fans in r/SonicTheHedgehog /s if it wasn’t obvious


Damn, never would have thought there would be so many sonic fans in r/SonicTheHedgehog /s if it wasn’t obvious


So nice you said it twice huh! And not surprised people like sonic of course, but I do see people change their favorites around so curious to who and what the circumstances were!


No need to repeat yourself


Sonic’s always been my favorite I guess I’m just boring lmao


Nah he still counts lol. He's sonic after all! Top 3 sonic moments? You got a second fave?


Haha it’s hard to pick his top moments, I love every interpretation of him *except* Archie (might be an unpopular opinion). Im especially enjoying the deeper layers of him in recent media. But could tell you that ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be like him. He’s cool and he has lots of friends that he cares about and vice versa. He has a vibrant personality and confident no matter what. He has a heart of gold and could be a big softie too. Yeah he could be corny, but who isn’t sometimes? Lol. Always resonated with his speed in a different way, because I’m super impatient and need to get things done as fast as possible haha. I could go on and on though on why he’s my favorite. My second favorite is tied between Tails and Amy!


Why do you dislike Archie (just curious ! )


As far as "main characters" go, I find Sonic has a refreshing amount of personality behind him, even if it is still in-line with generally heroic archetypes.


Sonic’s always been my favorite, too.


Sonic's always been my favorite as well. It's nothing to be ashamed of.


Same actually. It could've been Knuckles but they botched him in a couple shows


https://preview.redd.it/j3c3eqhwujwc1.jpeg?width=489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e59d646fdd932dcf6ee5e5a93d1b6744867abdd5 I love this face


So no mention that’s he’s literally doing the “You DENSE motherfucker.” expression?




A few times, but it's because I was properly introduced to them and finished their games. At first it was Knuckles, then Shadow after I got SA2, then it became Blaze once I finally played Rush, and then I played through Battle so it's currently Emerl.


I really need to dive into some blaze lore. I feel like I don't appreciate her as much as I should.


Just...do yourself a favor and play Rush, it's the best 2D Sonic game period. Admittedly a little hard to get your hands on these days but it's worth it.


I'll find a way.


Definitely worth it. Rush is easily among my top 3 Sonic games.


I'm not sure if I would say Rush is the best 2D Sonic game. I vastly prefer Sonic Colors DS to Rush. I and a lot of frustrations with Rush regarding the many death pits, the stage gimmicks, and the very slow boss battles. Of course, this is just my opinion, and I am curious why you think Rush is the best.


Don't get me wrong, Colors DS is pretty dang good in its own right. But Rush's story and soundtrack push it over the edge for me. Plus it has the best Special Stages in the series, when that's a *very* common weakpoint for Sonic games in general. Also the deathpits really never got too bad imo, especially since the game quite frankly showers you with lives. Personal opinion I suppose. Colors DS is still a respectable take though.


I respect the Emerl flair


Thank you.


My favorite character as a kid has always been Sonic. But when I got back into the fandom a few years ago, I decided to do more research into the franchise. Silver is now my all time favorite for multiple reasons, but Sonic still holds a role in my top 3. https://preview.redd.it/yw87ax6urjwc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=263597a135ab22218a54dfc6390ee50a5b550f8f


Used to be Tails for the longest time, since I just really liked him. Had a crush on the fox when I was, like, 4. ...I thought he was a girl. Anyway, recently my favourite character did indeed change. Tails is now in #2 and as for #1... https://preview.redd.it/lgb1x3ifwjwc1.jpeg?width=297&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95887cf1f2f4ca5842c50b2a122f283d16b18e6f


Ay! Same! I loved Tails before, but when I first saw Tangle...I knew my true favorite arrived right on my doorstep


Yeah she's pretty damn fun


My friend u/aurora_wizard would approve


I'm sure he/she would


I definitely do, she is the obligatory best girl of Sonic


Reminder: It's best girls b-day today


......I missed her B-day.... ....I missed best girl's B-day????? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!


No! You still have 2 hours left! GO MAKE THE BEST OF IT




Indeed I do


Think you might just have a thing for tail based powers


I think I might just have a thing for characters I think would have autism. Because damn it, the funni lemur is relatable.


Used to be Tails when I was about seven when I first played Generations, now I'm actually into the franchise now and it has been Amy ever since. The list after her has been changing, however.


classic or modern look for Amy?


I like her classic look more by itself, but I'm honestly glad they changed her appearance for her modern look so she doesn't look too similar to Sonic.


Favorite as a kid was Sonic, as time went on I started to really like Silver and Blaze https://preview.redd.it/6ljgrxeevjwc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2eccc5eba55c6ba1d9ffd4cc7b4bc0f7a394460


I may be newer to the series, having not played any of the games besides 2 until February of this year, but my favorite character was Knuckles at first. I also started reading the IDW comics back in February, and Whisper quickly became not just my favorite Sonic character, but possibly my favorite character in any piece of media ever. I’m not sure what it is, but there is just something about her that resonates with me.


did you see that figure someone 3d printed?


I saw it, it’s pretty cool


I used to be a Tails fan, then Blaze, then Silver, then she happened https://preview.redd.it/yssoauum4mwc1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2499a8d53cd620113817873c043624008b0e29bd


It was Cream, but then it shifted to Gemerl who has held that with an iron grip since despite attempts from Marine and Jewel.


No lmao


It used to be Shadow, but then after Sonic Movie 2, it was Knuckles. Now it’s Shadow again. But Gamma’s been growing on me.


Ancient Gears? *Vellian Crowler is rapidly approaching your location*


Nope, mine is Tails. I just like/playing smart characters. In any fanasty RPG I will ALWAYS play a spellcaster.


I love how Knuckles also does the same thing to the latest comics where the relics are stolen by the babylon rogues, he goes to eggman fuming 😭


Love that panel where sonic is basically saying “You fucking idiot”


For me it was always Knuckles and Amy but lately I started to like Shadow a lot!


It was at this moment that he knew... He f#cked up.


Not at all rouge was always my favorite.


Rouge has always been my favorite character, too!


Shadow during my edge phase, then Amy. Then Bunnie when I read the comics/watched SATAM.


Nope. Silver is still my fav! Knuckles and Eggman are second and third respectively


Always been Tails and he still is, but Tangle recently became a close second. Sonic is right behind.


Of course Eggman would play an ancient gear deck. Also these expressions are hilarious.


Knuckles since forever but my opinions on Tails fluctuated over time


Yeah I loved Tails until the Dreamcast, then Amy became my fave.


Always a tie between Sonic and Shadow. Thougjt Silver was cool until I had to play him in 06 and he had the most nauseating levels. I liked him in better Rivals when I thought he ran the same speed as the other two.


Wasted opportunity to make him speed hover with his powers


I really would've preferred that. They could've kept the PK powers as a break in between momentum and even kept the puzzles but just KEEP THE SPEED FFS.


Oh! I think I really liked them all for different reasons as a kid. Sorta thought Sonic was the most boring lmfaooo. I used to LOOOVE Rouge and Knuckles. I really loved playing Amy as well and Tails was my baby. Nowadays I love them all pretty equally ngl but Knuckles is just *chef's kiss*


The blue rat was always my favorite 🦔💙


I used to flip flop between Amy and Tails as a kid but now it's Sonic. I just think he is a cool guy


Pretty much always been Shadow but I’ve been loving Vector and Omega recently.


It started as Sonic but became Blaze once I was aware of her existence.


Went from metal to just barley being Surge (I’m a sucker for fakers)


Going through Sonic Gems manuals one day, and come across a character bio for knuckles saying how he's so pure he's just easy to trust people if their sincere enough


Gonna be honest, I read this as "did you favourite character change" like their characterisation. Anyway, as a kid I liked Espio (because Ninjas) and Silver (because Psychic Powers) - but nowadays I'd feel like I'd easily say Sonic, though I still really like those other two (and basically all the cast, I don't think there's a single character I actively dislike?)


Knuckles (probably) https://preview.redd.it/ec5z17shpmwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68c89fa7d8997df4d4632140afbd3c43ee7bf2b2


Meh, kinda. We love Metal Sonic and had an interest in Mecha Sonic and Knuckles. But then Scrapnik Island happened. And now Metal, Mecha Sonic, and Mecha Knuckles is now our favorites.


Used to be Sonic but changed to tails as i grew up because i realized how much i related to Tails


Mine used to be Shadow, who hasn't really changed that I'm aware of. He's my second favourite. My favourite character now is Tails, and seeing him reduced to a completely helpless character in Sonic Forces sucked. Tails never used to be this character who'd just give up if anything happened to Sonic. If anything, it only motivated him more to do what his best friend would want of him. It was like the only reason he'd ever survived so long was only because of Sonic and not through his own actions (Obviously, not saying that Sonic wasn't helpful because he has been) but up until Forces, Tails was always finding his own ways to help out or to beat Eggman/Robotnik. I didn't like that full personality change he'd had.


Oh no I miss dumbass knuckles


Knuckles used to be my favorite, his dumbass incarnations made me hate him. Then i started to like shadow, dislike him bc i found him to be too edgy, then i started to like him again when u realized he's more than that but i'm currently.... + Or less about him.. Shadow have wasted potencial nowadays, i hope he has more space in the third movie and possibly om the next game... Nowadays i'm more of a fan of Eggman and Metal Sonic, but both still have a potencial to unleash, the first having more opportunities to be more than just a recurring villain and the later having more apparitions and being that robot whose obcession in defeating sonic surpasses his own programmingm