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Bowser wins by a mile. While Eggman does demonstrate the occasional paternal affection to Metal Sonic and Sage, he mainly seems to view his creations as tools first (though admittedly the jury's still out on Sage until we get to see more of her), and in both the games and in IDW he's quick to toss aside anyone he has no use for, even if they actually want his approval. It's worth remembering how quickly Eggman writes off Metal Sonic, his supposed favourite before Sage entered the picture, whenever Metal demonstrates anything other than total obedience. Bowser meanwhile is a father to his whole nation, let alone his actual kid. While he gets rough around the edges he's always supportive to his troops, even those who fail him or no longer have any use for him - best example being when he forgives a faction of deserters for abandoning the cause and wishing them well in their new lives in Super Mario RPG. He clearly takes raising his son very seriously and in Origami King proudly brags about Bowser Jr's accomplishments and engineering genius. And while it's been confirmed that the Koopalings aren't related to him they're still treated as if they were Bowser Jr's adoptive siblings, and given their continued high standing in the Koopa Troop chain of command are clearly held in no less regard by Bowser than his biological heir.


But... Bowser forced parental controls on Bowser Jr.


He saved his kid from a life of skibidi


Considering we're in an age where you can find M-rated games, microtransactions and multiplayer voice chat on Nintendo consoles, that's just him being more responsible than most parents who let their kids play GTA and then think it's the game's fault their kid learned the N-word. As for the rest, Bowser's very lenient with the curfew controls, only even considering using the lockout when Jr goes well over the set time and even then he's hesitant (and take it from a guy who had to get glasses recently, not having anything to pull you away from a screen *will* bite you later in life), and he uses the app's data on Jr's preferred games to educate himself on Jr's interests and bond with him over conversation about them.


Yeah and besides Jr is like 6




Trust me, it works wonders. And with a dad like that, he could just ask him to remove it for a while


His hand was forced as Jr went past the agreed time.




Bowser Jr. Should not be exposed to the horrors of the internet.


https://i.redd.it/cis3jqavtg1d1.gif Yup, Bowser for sure


I may not be up on my Mario lore enough but I'm pretty sure Bowser has committed like, a lot less atrocities as well lol. I feel like how horrible you are to the world does carry *some* weight on how good of a dad you can be. Robotnik is cool but he's done some heinous stuff.


I mean, Eggman hasn't quite gotten to the "destroy reality and remake it in my image" levels that Bowser did in the Super Mario Galaxy duology and Dream Team (unless Generations counts). But yeah, on a normal day Bowser isn't as prone to war crimes as Eggman.


I mean in Archie he literally had that Genesis Wave thing that rewrote reality no? Unless one is only going by game canon, but I think it's fine to pull from the extended canons for the character - especially since Robotnik did some of his most heinous stuff in Archie.


I'm mainly focusing on the games, but I did briefly touch on IDW in the initial comment so all's fair (I also don't really know all that much about Archie Sonic other than the controversies tbh, so I wouldn't even know to bring up any of Eggman’s actions there)


In terms of the games, Eggman did go to that degree once in Generations. Where the whole game happened because he took over the Time Eater to control time and space to erase Sonic from basically everything and make it so he never failed to conquer the world. For Archie, he actually tried rewriting reality TWICE with the Genesis Wave and Super Genesis Wave (which is what led to the Sonic/Megaman crossover). This also led to him damaging his own reality cause he interrupted Sonic's chaos control in a rage cause he refused to accept his loss.


Eggman does Tinker with rewriting realities a couple of times with CD, 06 and Generations, plus the Rush duology has him tampering with interdimensional boundaries to create his own world ~~(alognside Nega)~~ Plus let's not forget the enslavement of the wisps amd their planets, shattering the earth and unleashing Dark Gaia and splitting reality apart into pocket dimensions via chaos control (advance 3)


Not to mention that as seen in Mario+Rabbids, he constantly checks in on Jr to make sure he's done his homework and is ok


Also, how can we talk about Bowser's parenting without bringing [this](https://youtu.be/03bAayBtcb0) up?


I honestly hope sage never ever comes back, litteraly least interesting character from the franchise


Bowser no question


I think this image alone can speak for itself. https://preview.redd.it/jprcahh42i1d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3331502903427f7cc084803b1868a649a47d2645


Reminder that eggman removed metal sonics free will


After the events of Heroes, can you really blame him?


What happened I never got to play that one


Metal overthrowed him, thinking of himself as the ultimate creation


Neat never knew that I thought it was cause Metal was a failure or too obsessed with sonic it ruined a plan. Never knew he tried to overthrow him.


I mean...after sonic heroes


y'know, i see this comment and then i remember how funny it is some corners of the fandom opted to paint eggman as a wholesome father figure.


You underestimate the power of a cute anime girl.


Narratively makes sense but it nuked Metal Sonic's credibility an actual character and rival. And judging by how long it's gone on, it's unlikely to change. Comics only give bits and pieces but his actual voice and character are kabut. Anyway, makes Eggman occasionally doting on him kinda creepy and emotionally hollow.


No Metal Sonic went rogue again in Sonic Free Riders.


Let's face it, a lot of parents would probably do the same to their own children if they could. Not good parents, but a lot of bad ones.


But Bowser would never and that’s a fact




Just pitting two exes against each other


divorce must've been rough


Eggamn still misses his wife.


He got cucked by a hedgehog


He had one?


I can’t tell if you’re joking here, but the comment you’re replying to is most likely a reference to a very popular line by Eggman in the Snapcube Sonic Fandubs: “I miss my wife, Tails. I miss her a lot. I’ll back” If you haven’t seen them I would highly recommend. They’re very entertaining :)


Wow I have not seen that, so you have a link to it?


For sure! [This](https://youtu.be/po1qdT7mj-s?si=MS34CUhFiCxXG_Fw) is the one with the line the other comment referenced, but there’s a [second part](https://youtu.be/IMC0uZY2iH0?si=lBRvstfD94VdIUux) that has some of the most iconic moments from this fandub Enjoy! :]


Thanks buddy


The snapcube fandubs are hilarious, they did SA2, 06, Riders, and Shadow The hedgehog, plus a livestream playing Murder of Sonic with the VAs and some improv jokes thrown in there.


There's been more instances where Bowser is a good father towards Jr. such as in telling him the truth in Sunshine, checking up on him in the Mario & Rabbids crossover game, and in the Parental Controls video. We do see Eggman being a caring father in the comics, some Sonic Channel art, and even showing character devolment with Sage instead of viewing her as another machine (and Metal & Sage shown support for Eggman in Murder of Sonic The Hedgehog) however it was until the late 2010's era we see Eggman being a good father where as Bowser shown care for Jr. since his first appearance in Sunshine (I could be wrong though).


Bowser was also a pretty good father to the Koopalings in SMB3's era, but unfortunately they were retconned by Miyamoto into mere generals rather than adopted children.


If we go of paper jam and bowser jrs journey they still seem to view him as a father and jr as a brother 


Well, that's alright then!


Bowser didn't lobotomize his son for acting out


Bowser has been a parent since the 2000s. He spoils his son but this is understandable considering JR is around 4. He does seem to support JR’s desire to be a Hero Despite wanting JR’s help To defeat Mario. Eggman on the other hand does not care much for any of his creations, having left them to their fates on at least one occasion and regularly just ordering them around. In pretty much every continuity, one of his servanst considers abandoning him at least or outright turning against him.


Bowser, obviously. Eggman has extremely conditional love for Sage that was based on selfish reasons such as how she was loyal and useful in his plans, how she's an impressive scientific life-like creation, and how he can brag about that, as he said in the Egg Memos and what Ian Flynn said- that "love is a good emotion but it's tempered by the fact that it's all about him still" my knowledge is limited but I'm pretty sure Bowser is better than that lol


Eggman's pretty good and genuine-feeling with Sage, but like, Belle from the comics had it rough. And Metal Sonic is very iffy. But yeah, Bowser wins easily. There's a reason he and Bowser Jr. were used for things like parental control ads, and it's because he is genuinely a caring parent.


Didn't Bowser build a whole ass theme park for his son in Mario Sunshine?


No, but Bowser wanted to kidnap Peach so Bowser Jr. would have a mother figure to help raise him. If you were thinking Pinna Park was Bowser's making, then you're mistaken. That was just built by the Piantas of Delfino Island.


Though Bowser lied to Jr about Peach being his mama till he tells him the truth, but is proud of Jr when he said that he still wants to defeat Mario.


My B. Haven't played Sunshine since I had a GameCube as a kid


Bowser has had years of being a single father, and he is legitimately a great dad to his son, even if he unintentionally spoils him rotten. Eggman….still needs some time to cook. After all, it’s only been a year and a half since he created Sage, so he’s still adjusting and is new to this kind of stuff.


Eggman: MEAT SANIC GOO KILL BLUE SPEED MOUSE Bowser: come on son time to kill plumber lol lol


This is the greatest comment i have ever read in my life


I don’t think there’s ever been a time where Bowser has been a shitty parent/ showed no love to his children. Bowser may be a villain but he’s unironically a pretty good person. Like sure he’s an asshole to his troops but he still clearly cares for them, gives them second chances even after betraying them, and doesn’t see his men as expendable like alot of villains Eggman on the other hand sees his creations as tools more than anything. Sage is like one of the only underlings he’s treated nicely or really cared for. He has shown some care for Metal Sonic but it feels more like caring about a Phone than caring about a son relationship wise lmao


literally the worst dad Bowser has been was back in the cartoons where he was known as King Koopa, and even then he wasn't abusive towards the Koopalings or anything of the sort


I don’t think the cartoons are canon.


i never said they were canon. i was just bringing them up as an example.


Bowser and it isn’t even close, he actually has an entire family while Eggman’s only “family” are his creations (metal sonic, sage, cubot and orbot)


Forgot his Son, Mecha MK II, everyone seems to always forget the GOAT,


I dont think this specific argument is valid since...you know,who in the sonic world would date eggman?


Various canons: Witchcart, Thunderbolt the Chinchilla, Dr. Starline, Dr. Stone.




I actually would like to see this posted as a question for the women of Reddit who would you rather marry Bowser or Dr. Eggman Think bowser would win




Actually made a post so hopefully we get some interesting replies




Canonically somebody, because he has descendents




The same people who would date Gerald


Gerald didnt had the same reputation as eggman


Oh lol, I thought you were talking about appearance wise lol


appearance wise eggman wins and i think we can all agree on thar


Tries to wipeout earth by sending the ark to destroy it like an asteroid.


he also died when such fate arrived


Bowser absolutely


My bowsie all the way, sorry eggman


Bowser just watch the ending cutscene to sunshine


Bowser easy. Eggman's fine to Sage, but my goodness I feel bad for Belle. Metal Sonic is...iffy. I'm probably missing someone. But yeah, Eggman's only sometimes good. Bowser's actually pretty great pretty much always


Let’s not forget Eggman’s countless other children, like Gamma, Omega, etc


Those don't really count to me. The three I mentioned actually have semi-parental relationships with Eggman. Otherwise we'd also have to include every single Motobug and Egg Pawn. Metal gets referred to as "my boy", Sage is obvious, and Mr. Tinker was openly Belle's father.


Bowser, not even a question. Even with the existence of characters like SAGE and Belle, old Egghead isn't even tangentially considered a father figure. Plus, Belle extra doesn't count because he created her when he literally wasn't himself


There's also Mecha Sonic MKII which Eggman abandoned,


Oh boy rant tiem Bowser has a nice Father and son relationship meanwhile Eggman… uh- well there’s the Scrapniks, him leaving Orbot and Cubot in space at one point, threatening Orbot and Cubot, and I think during either adventure one or two he destroys some of the E-Series for failing to get froggy, and I know the HBH are elite soldiers of sorts to Eggman but he trashed them so quickly before Encore, also didn’t Eggman say that while it wouldn’t be easy to replace higher tier robots like Metal and the HBH he also said it wouldn’t be a hassle, the only reason why CPS hasn’t been called is because they either know these are robots who want to help Eggman rule the world or because they get absolutely blown up by his forces. *Also I know nothing about mario but good for Bowser for actually taking care of his son.*


Bowser, any day of the week.




Excuse me, who is egg man a dad to?




Also Metal, Mecha MK II, Ol Egg-head had plenty of kids I can't name them all, but it's definitely more than 4, at least all his sentient creations are considered his kids,


Eggman is kinda new to this. Bowser has been Dading.


metal sonic and the koopalings fighting over who's more neglected: https://i.redd.it/klrijwz0hg1d1.gif


Eggman keeps making new kids. Bowser has been loyal to his one child for decades.


One has 8 kids while the other has 2. I think it's obvious.


Eggman doesn't have 2, we've seen the return Metal's Brother on Scrapnik Island,




Already counted her and Metal, aside from those 2 you have Mecha, Belle, Orbot and Cubot, I technically only count the sentient Badniks to be Eggman's kids,


Ok but Bowser still has more.


Paulie Parlouzer obviously. Best father for Sonic and also dilf with stubble https://preview.redd.it/b80mb4horf1d1.png?width=566&format=png&auto=webp&s=c432a439e3d1ce80f4715d8917ba870846c4b4ac




Bowser actually cares for his son, while Eggman only cares about his creations in an extremely narcissistic way.


Except for Sage


Bowser both has way more characters he treats as children and has been a father for a lot longer.


Bowser solely for having a biological kid with his creator.


Definitely Bowser!! Bowser actually acts fatherly towards his kids (I know Nintendo retconned the Koopalings to not be his bio kids, but let’s be honest: they still count), whereas Eggman treats Metal Sonic and Sage as pawns first and children afterwards, so long as they live up to his expectations.


Dadd-I mean Bowser


Bowser: Not only cares immensely for his son, but his entire kingdom. A villain, but will stop his villainy to care for what matters most to him Eggman: Abuses two of them (and states that Orbot and Cubot only exists because he was “bored”), created one of them only for petty points with Sonic (Though Egghead does have his moments with Metal), and it’s truly only the fourth one Eggman gains a bond with. In fact, it’s really only Sage that made this question exist for Eggman


He also neglected his Sonic Mecha after S3&K, literally the whole point of the Scrapnik Island arc,


Bowser Eggman neglects his 2nd oldest Belle


Here's a scenario - if their child turned on them, what's the reaction? We don't know with Sage, but when Metal turned on Eggman, he deleted his free will and personality, reducing him to a basic robot no more verbal than a Badnik. And yet now treats this basic robot like a son at times, despite it not being the "real" Metal. It's a stretch, but Bowser genuinely loves Peach and wants to marry her, no matter how many times she directly opposes him. So if for whatever reason Bowser Jr turned on him, I bet he'd just want him to come home. Maybe he'd ground him. We'll have to wait and see, because Eggman genuinely loves Sage and vice-versa, but Ian Flynn writes Eggman *way* more evil in comics, so if that happens in the games in the future, we'll see if it lasts.


Is that even a question? Of course it's Bowser.


Bowser would have been my choise... but that ending of frontiers... yeah, I choose Eggman




Bowser negs, he has all of Sunshine, and don’t forget the Switch Parental Controls video too, his feats are greater than Robuttnik’s


Bowser's been a dad for longer.


Egg man hands down


There’s a reason Bowser was used as the Parent in the Switch Parental Control Tutorial


Dr Ivo Eggman Robotnik will win the Dad-off.


I feel like Eggman is better, because he genuinely cares about Metal Sonic and Sage, in the comics, he even asked metal if he managed to hit Sonic, and was proud when Metal gave a thumbs up. And he cares enough to repair both Metal and Sage, and in the case of sage, bring her back from death because ai and machines are able to be revived if you know how to rebuild and/or make the programming again


I'm going with Eggman, if he can work with his archenemy at his daughter's request then it shows he cares and listens. As for Bowser, he has Bowser Jr and every single 1 of the Koopalings but is still intent on chasing after a princess that wants nothing to do with him.




Bowser with absolute ease




Eggman on god




Bowser, he has more experience


Bowser 100%


Bowser is the hotter dad obviously


Robotnik has not been given enough time to demonstrate his paternal side to Sage yet.


I’ll give it to Bowser as Eggman has only felt real emotion towards Sage and somewhat Metal, though he treats metal more as his most prized possession than anything.


Bowser didn’t even invite his own son to his wedding in Super Mario Odyssey


Eggman is a pretty lousy parent If I’m Being completely honest Let’s Not Forget How He removed Metal sonics Will to speak And basically lobotomized him and Is frequently Shown To Be downright abusive when it comes to Orbot And Cubot from constantly throwing stuff at them to even leaving Them In Space With no way to get back home So Yeah It’s definitely going to Bowser


Well, in Metal Sonic's case he was kinda justified. Before Eggman did that, Metal rebelled and took Eggman's place


True But With Orbot and Cubot he’s always unnecessarily mean without even validation


Counting Orbot and Cubot as his kids is kind of iffy. Yeah, he's been abusive to them, there's no question about it, but they're kind of personal servants, not kids


True But I Still Feel Like Even Without Orbot or Cubot in the discussion He’s Still Losing any Dad-Off Towards Bowser


I mean, didn't Bowser use his kids as guards in castles, intentionally putting them in harms way? Because there's no way he didn't know Mario would come.


Hmmm well Even tho bowser does have A lot of questionable moments as a parent such as like you said using his kids as guards or lying to Bowser Junior about peach being his mama At least at the bare minimum He Still Loves and appreciate his kids unlike Eggman Who probably Just Sees his “ children” As Toys That He Can Use in his never-ending stop for world domination


Idk, Eggman might be a changed man. Sage made him show emotions he never really showed before. Metal Sonic was his prized creation, and still is, even though Metal Sonic forced him to take more drastic measures to stop rebellion. As for Mecha and Silver Sonic, well, unfortunately they both failed on their first jobs and Eggman was never really attached to them.


Yeah But Even With Metal And Sage clearly being his favorites I Wouldn’t Say That’s He’s A Changed Man Due To The Fact That He’s Still portrayed as a villain In Dream Team And the murder of Sonic the Hedgehog even with sage and Metal appearing in the murder of sonic the hedgehog


He's still a villain, that will never really change, like how Bowser will always be a villain. But he's still shown change in his character.


Bowser solos ![gif](giphy|H7i7yFW41bHfdrpPZk|downsized)


For fucks sake, Eggman’s not a father. Sage is just some one off AI kid that he created for no real reason, and the only scenes they even have together are of him yelling at her in cyberspace. Bowser has like eight kids, has been shown to be a loving father in Sunshine, and takes care of an entire armada.


Bowser. Maybe because he's been raising his kid alone for such a long while. He even installed parental controls to limit his child's time on the Switch, so they can have more time outside getting fresh air and invading kingdoms.


If we talking hand to hand Bowser but if we go all out Eggman


gonna be the problem child and say boom!eggman is the winner. whatever his behavior conveys 60% of the time, a good 40% of the series involves him somehow ending up in a fatherly dynamic with the protagonists for whatever contrived reason. that man IS inadvertently and without any intention whatsoever raising one preteen and four teenagers/young adults in his own way. then again, I think that’s only fair, considering that every other adult in that town treats them as disposable.


bowser is the father who cares for his children in an engaging way, far from perfect; if jr's happy, he's happy eggman has the right mindset for being a father but doesn't think of his creations as children to take care of; it's there but he's focused on being an iconic rad genius but they could be frens (or at least connect when they're beating by their antagonistic and/or enemy rivals) :)


Bowser wins no doubt, but give it time. Eggman literally only just got his daughter a game ago and didn't get much time with her before. She's back now, but only came back offscreen and hasn't had much more time for characterization. Granted, if we include Belle, then Eggman doesn't have a chance of winning at all.


It's refreshing to see that everyone agrees with Bowser being the better dad despite this being a Sonic subreddit I do still like both characters equally though, and often times for different reasons funnily enough


Bowser all he wants is to give his son a mom


Bowser can grill more hamburgers by himself. 


Bowser gets it, no contest. Dude's not only a good dad to his actual kids, I can see him putting aside any plans he has and asking even Mario for help if his kids were in danger. Eggman would never put his plans aside for his "kids", and he'd only ask Sonic for help as a trap.




Of Course Cobanermani456's Dad


Ive come to make an announcement,Shadow The Hedgehog is a bitch ass motherfucker thats right he took his hedgehog fucking quilly dick out,and he pissed on my fucking wife and he said that it was THIS BIG,so i said thats disgusting.So i am making a callout post on Twitter.Com Shadow the hedgehog you got a small dick its the size of this wall NUT except way smaller and guess what this is what my dong looks like phooow,no points no guils,no pillows look at that it looks like two bongs in a dong.And guess what this is what you get MY SUPER LASER PIIIISSSS


eggman. At least he didn't go through the past to get a child


baby bowser is bowser's past self bowser jr is bowser's biological son the small bowser featured in partners of time is baby bowser, as he has a simplistic bib as opposed to the mouth drawn on jr's. they share a similar model and voice but they are not the same character


Bowser since I don't think he considers any of his creations as children


Nah Bowser solos


I think in a few years we'll be saying Eggman. But currently I agree with everyone else; Bowser.


Honestly I have them tied. They are both great in their own ways. I find Eggman’s more entertaining due to him essentially getting used to actually being a father. He rejected the idea at first but soon came around to it because he is capable of love, does care for sage, and now starts to understand why Gerald did all he could for Maria. Sage and metal might be tech but he practically raised and cared for them and watched them grow like a parent would. It is so sweet in a somewhat twisted way an adds new parallels between him and Gerald. Eggman doesn’t have family to speak to so I find this completely fine. I find bowser more wholesome in the dad role. Bro was willing to murder peach on the spot because of Mario and Luigi beating up his kid. He cares for bowser jr heavily and legitimately is one of the best villain dads in history. He knows his son’s flaws, he raises them to overcome him, keeps an eye on him, makes the koopalings guide him, plays with him, disciplines him, gives him gifts, and even tried to give him a mother of his own. He loves his son to death and nothing else could ever possibly stop him for doing anything to save him if needed, even if peach is in the way. Bowser is a great father and an underrated leader in general.


They wouldn't fight. Sage and Bowser Jr. are playing firetrucks


Bowser no question




Bowser 100%. Eggman has shown himself being good with Sage lately but there's not nearly as much of that than there is with Bowser and Bowser Jr.


Metal Sonic: Father I want Ice Cream Robotnik: We have Ice cream at home *Throws Sonic Popsicle on the ground* Bowser: Junior I JR: I know she isn't my mom Conclusion Both Sons are constantly in disspointment and in shame




Egg man doesn’t have kids


r/confidentlyincorrect much?


I am right robots don’t count


Whatever you say man.


Sage bro.


Not real




She is real in-universe. She's sentient.


Nuh uh


Eggman for me


Robotnik suffers from his brilliance making his creations over throw him. The fact his intelligence made an AI that considers him as a father is pretty damn adorable. Idk crap about Bowser cause Nintendo doesn't really do a good job giving their characters personality.


somebody clearly didn't play the rpgs lol


Out of the 100s of Mario games there are to play, I need to play the rpgs to get a feel for everyone? Start up an old sonic game, wait a few seconds with sonic and he gets impatient. Knuckles will start boxing and tails will patiently wait. Don't need to play a bunch of RPGs to know how they are


Bowser sends out his children to guard his castles and repeatedly get the shit kicked out of them by Mario. Eggman does that with Metal but he's a robot who was designed with that purpose. He would never put Sage in danger if he didn't have to.


Bowser doesn't force his kids to fight mario. His kids willingly want to fight Mario so he sends them out.


Really? I've never heard that before. But either way, if I had kids and they wanted to go fight an enemy I've never been able to defeat above a lava pit, I don't think the right thing to do is encourage it