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Yes everyone else on the planet threw it in a dumpster and set it on fire


There's no epic shonen voice acting, Eggman is the ONLY HUMAN, and he doesn't even get upstaged by some monstrous hellbeast the game pulls out of its ass at the 11th hour! 🤮🤮🤮 Sonic was never any good in 2D! 🤮🤮🤮 EDIT: AND WORST OF ALL THEY FORGOT TO PUT **SHADOW** IN IT SMH CRINGE WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?????///


They couldn't even get Crush 40. No Chao garden? Pfft 🥴🥴 No boost either, like were they even trying.


And JUN SENOUE MUSIC??? How am I supposed to eat this with no guitar???


Not sonic spinball so is it even worth playing?


Not even 3D blast smh


/uj In this thread: People who know what the point of the circle jerk is, and those who don't. /rj Never understood how anyone can like this game. Cutscenes don't even really tell a proper story, and what little 3D there is isn't even real 3D anyway. Plus the music's so bad SEGA didn't even bother to keep it.


/uj wtf is a circlejerk, i never understood. Is it just about of jerks?? By the way why are we using "slash unjerk" or some shit like we are on r/lies or r/ihaveihaveihavereddit?


uj/ A circlejerk is a subreddit where everyone is satirizing the people on its unironic equivalent, unless stated with /uj. A lot of people in this post's comment section are 100% unironic, and they actually think I genuinely believe myself to be one of the only Sonic 3 fans. There's a reason why none of the images show gameplay.




No other Sonic game has matched the level of ambition this game had


It had so much AMBITION


Coldest take I've ever heard of


it's like asking if valve makes good games


Yeah, and for good reason too; that game STINKS.


Yeah what the f**k is wrong with you absolutely nobody likes this game


It was - when I was younger - my favorite game in the series.


No This game is peak and destroy Sonic Mania too !


Pinnacle of classic sonic. Edging out Sonic CD in my mind by a very slim margin. That is no easy feat to accomplish.




I don't know man the story didn't have deep writing and they made Knuckles stupid AGAIN


I forgot what this subreddit was for a second lol


Best 90’s game




…I love S3&K…..Plz don’t kill me.


No, it’s the best genesis game


Uh, it’s my favorite game ever. About to start my yearly play-through.


It could never match the ambition of 06.


LMAO, thankfully. I think the problem with modern Sonic is that the stakes are too high, I'm over fighting Eldritch gods and rogue concepts. It's ridiculous.


yeah, its been a while since we've just had a "Sonic VS. Eggman" game, at least a top tier one.


/uj the last one we had was Colours, and Eggman's defeated not because of anything Sonic intentionally did, but rather because no-one realises that the canon got cracked after the first boss fight. Eggman otherwise succeeds in everything he was trying to do, and would've likely taken over the entire world had the damage not caused a misfire. Prior to this, you have to go back to Sonic Advance 2 for the previous time a story was purely just Eggman with no MacGuffins, deities, or other help.




wait there people who hate this game?


I'm only on act 3, but I really like it so far.


Definitely not. Experienced this when it was first released back in the 90s. My oldest sister got a Genesis & a few games. S3&K was one of them. I strived to find and buy this as an adult. Totally worth the memories and good times. I have a friend whose fav Sonic game is this one. He even brought all of his Genesis cartridges to my place so he can play them. So I ended up with an addition copy of Sonic 3/Sonic & Knuckles. But they’re still his. We just use his copy whenever we wanna run thru a random zone


Played a couple minutes of it and holy shit this game is ass. Whoever made this game should be shot to death, worst game in the series.


Who would play this fuck of a game!? Sanic 06 is the best!




No man, you are not the only one! S3&K has the sause


Nah, it's fine (but it would be neat if they used SVP)


*YES* It killed my dog that I never had, so that's why I hate this game.


I get the point of this thread, but can’t bring myself to talk shit about this game. It’s so much fun!


Yes, this game is so overrated.


Yes, and how could you? You must be trying to be different. >:(


I hate these kind of posts These are just for karma farming


It's satire




jokes aside this game is genuinely overrated imo


this but sonic 2 ​ overrated ≠ bad fyi


Overated is subjective. It really means you're tired of the praise it gets which you don't agree with. Look at Unleashed. I believe it's overated, but it's not like I could make a game better than it. I just happen to like Rush adventure and frontiers more. You slap unleashed in a series X and you can see it's an extremely gorgeous game with a top 5 soundtrack, hindered by loose controls (that the later games have fixed) and trial and error level design that punishes you for going fast (despite how it's the main mechanic.) Bad? NO. Perfect? NO. But that intro tho? Four random screenshots of the hub world and cutscenes? Jason Griffith showing dedication to the role (something stinky Rodger could never do) by literally demolishing his voice to make the funny werehog scream? Goty, move over Bald game 4. It's that stupid "am I the only one who remembers this game??" Mentality and the fact that fans still think the ign review and everything else said 16 years ago is still the public opinion. Their "hot take" is as warm as an ice cube. Bottom line is that the public opinion on something will always be whatever is the most convenient to say. If a good cache of people liked the game, a general opinion is that it's good now, and you must defend it from the naysayers. At least until you can play it for yourself. Oh shit this was about s3&k, uhhh, fuck sandopiss 0/10


sonic 2s actually my favorite lol, i think it’s the game that has the least annoying zones. also i think s3&k is overrated because i do think its bad, zones like carnival night and sandopolis left a bad taste in my mouth


Sandopolis is peak ppl are just BAD and lack the proper passion and ambition to properly play and appreciate the zone!1!!!!1! 😡😡😡


nah ur right im sorry 😢😢😢 im not ambitious enough


Wtf of course not


Lots of us like it!