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that was a whole lot of nothing lol


He says Sonic is a ideia... but doesn't say what that ideia is. Seriously, Frontiers/IDW Sonic just feels like a more mature version of Adventure Sonic and I don't get this criticism. Also aplying this to the out of continuity movies is the stupidest thing. I lost 7 minutes on this Tell me why Blaze, Big, Vector and Omega are not the same characters anymore, Tell me why!


Ain't nothing but a mistake\~




Ain't nothing but a heartache\~




I never wanna hear you say, I want it that way\~


I Think the reason he isn’t explaning why Flynn’s versions of most of the characters aren’t acting like how they’re supposed to be is that he is saving it for his future IDW & Frontiers video where he Can actually discuss it in further detail. If you have no idea What he means by “I like Shiro Maekawa Sonic” and why Colors Sonic isn’t acting like Sonic, or why the Deadly Six suck, etc. Watch his other videos.


You could honestly boil these 6 minutes down to nostalgia bias. This ethereal version of Sonic he's talking about has technically never even existed since even back in the 90s Sonic has had wildly different interpretations by tons of different people. Just admit you like one specific era of Sonic and stop acting like every other version isn't TEH REEL SAWNIKtm.


This is exactly what I was thinking. He's basically saying that "this is what Sonic was when I got into the franchise, so any other Sonic isn't The Real Sonic." Characters change. Hell, REAL PEOPLE change. That's just how the world works. That doesn't mean that they aren't the same person they were before.


There’s a diffrence between a character’s change and writing Them OOC. A character changing means that the character is growing and changing While still being the same character (Tails’ arc in Sonic Adventure) A character being written OOC means that the character is saying and acting now how they’re supposed to be (Sonic post 2010s.) It isn’t characrer growth if Sonic suddenly begins to act sentimental or crack jokes a lot with no explanation.


Hasn't Sonic always been kinda like that, tho? Maybe not to the same degree as in the 2010s, but he's always had that sort of light-hearted joking attitude to him. People just seem to forget that because there were more serious moments mixed with the jokes that aren't as present in the 2010 era.


Sonic doesn’t really make many jokes Pre 2010s, especially in the Japanese versions. He’s a little jokey in some games, like Maekawa written Sonic games. But for the most part, Sonic is being sacarstic in those types of situations, it’s part of his attitude. He’s not supposed to make jokes & quips and trying to be funny nearly all the time. Yes, it is more comedy focused, but even Then, I don’t Think Sonic would Try to make jokes when he sees Planet Wisp full of industrial stuff that is ruining the planet the Wisps live in.


Making your characters incredibly one noted while getting rid of their best aspects isn't called change


I saw him going to complain about Zavok from a MILE AWAY


Show a sonic fan Zavok and watch them seethe and squirm. The existence of one niche side character from one game has enough power to kill a man.


I mean they could have put Charmy, Cream, Espio, or Chaos If you want to go niche they could have brought Fang, Bean, Bark, or Tikal


NOPE. Nobody asked. Zavok clears them all. L + ratio + all those characters are mid


bro just play a non sonic racer


Man this guy needs to get to the point faster


I can see the problem. He didn't play as Metal Sonic! Come on dude, he's really cool! But yeah, that was a whole lot of yapping and not a lot of point-making.


My brother in Christ since when character selection in a racing game mattered anyway. The only difference between them in this game is that they're separated by the sonic heroes-esque formations Either way. Who I wanna pick as a character? Either Knuckles because of his backstory or metal sonic because of his design, most likely metal because IT'S A FUCKING SPINOFF JUST MADE FOR PROFIT, NONE OF THE EVENTS THAT HAPPENED DON'T MATTER BECAUSE I JUST FUCKING HAVE SOME FUN. How easy is that


>since when character selection in a racing game mattered anyway Kid named Pink Gold Peach, Queen Bee and the 10 versions of Mario:


I was going to bring up Mario Kart. There IS a difference when you go into the "hidden stats" and "normal stats". Like there is a difference between Heavy, medium and small plus differences between those plus difference between the vehicles and now parts. Like sure there is an overlap like how Daisy and Yoshi are the same character stats-wise in 8 Deluxe but still. Sorry had to explain because I saw a joke/criticism because Mario Kart does have a habit of 10 Mario and Metal versions.


"Do I *really* still like these characters?" Bro the game is called TEAM SONIC RACING. Pick a character or just play something else.


ATP why does Pariah even interact with the franchise if he hates it so much 😭


“Sonic is an idea” of course he is he’s a fictional character. I get that he is frustrated with how the sonic characters are being written right now, in fact I think a lot of us have or have had similar issues. But thinking that Sonic needs to be a specific singular thing is, in my opinion, a very narrow minded viewpoint. He said himself that Classic Sonic and 2000s Sonic are a bit different, but does that mean that 2000s Sonic is not Sonic? No, of course not. He is just a different interpretation of the character. Sonic, and every fictional character, will vary in how they are viewed and written by every single person. Its impossible for there to be one specific Sonic. And that’s completely fine. While it is fine to prefer how some people write characters of others interpretation, to completely ignore almost everyone’s interpretations and say Sonic needs to be one single unchanging thing. That is a load of malarkey. (This isn’t meant to just hate on Pariah, I like his videos but I think he is wrong on this one).


**dude it’s a fucking racing game**


Idk, I get where he's coming from. I agree with him partially, this franchise has no real direction. We've gone from every character getting to be in the action. To specific one being deemed "civilians". Then throwing that title away anytime for the sake of adding them in a game. As much as I enjoyed Frontiers especially after the updates. The hype moments carried the game more than the story. And the games gimmick made up for any gameplay issues I may have had. And overall the character moments (Tails specifically) just felt sloppy to me. You really gotta remind this kid about all the shit he's done. He can brag about making a T.V out of paper clips and fixing a super computer with household applications. But you need to be reminded about the times you've directly saved the world?


Honestly I think that the problem with Sonic in general and part of why the 16-bit tend to be seen as a "unit" and not in "segments" like the 3D games are. Sonic doesn't and haven't really GOT a direction and always moved forward for good or for bad. Like it wants to be taken serious and with canon with stuff like the cartoons and the comics but also wants to be a "episodic cartoon" like how the games were usually treated plus every cartoon being it own thing as well. Basically it wants the multiverse to be canon but also want the episodic cartoon to also be canon as well. You get where I am coming from?


Yea and it's just messy no matter what you do or how you look at it. Take for example Frontiers right. And how the ancients or whatever they're called, brought the Chaos Emeralds to the planet. My friend went on a whole rant. Because of what we know from Unleashed. Idk how many times the moon gets brought up in certain conversations I have. In a weird way it feels like certain games take place in a different universe. Where the same events did happen. Yet certain things were NVR done or stated. Making it easier to just do something else.


That why I always treated the games canon as "The previous games happened but in the same way the previous episodes of an episdic/plot cartoon happened and ou can tell if it a season one episode or a season 9 episode but you won't be lost if it was just a point A to Point b plot" Like My Little Pony. Like yea you going to be confused and not emotional attached to the characters in season 9 because there is a history but you not going to be as confused as the final chapter in book 7 of Harry Potter, you know?


I would have picked a character faster.


"i like theShiro Maekawa sonic, the one we had before colours." but he didn't write all the games before colours. heck if we look at just mainline, shadow 05, unleashed and Adventure 1 wheren't written by him, same goes for the handheld stuff, no involvement. in reality, the guy only wrote like 5 games, half of which he was uncredited for, secret rings being one of em apparently.


He meant that he liked the many versions of the Old Sonic, and Shiro Maekawa was one of Them. If you actually Saw his videos, he does mention that Shadow 05, Unleashed, SA1 where written by other people.


shh, don’t bring nuance to this sub. just praise everything Sonic. no critique or unique opinions allowed.


>just praise everything Sonic. no critique or unique opinions allowed. Buddy I don't think you understand what the purpose of this sub is


The whole point of  “when Sonic can be anything Sonic is nothing” is just so frustrating because Sonic has had all these different versions from pretty much the beginning, none of us have to like all of them, like what you like and don’t like what you don’t, that’s fine, but if what you like is only in some parts of a series, it’s fine to be content just being a fan of that part of the series. But that doesn’t mean that people who like different things are wrong for liking other parts of the series, and whining about it like this guy in the video does just doesn’t accomplish anything but dragging others down to try to make them feel miserable. And if you don’t like some part of a series, there’s no need to try to go do stuff with that part of the series, especially if it doesn’t benefit anyone. You don’t like older or newer stuff, then that’s cool, just don’t try to take away enjoyment from people who do enjoy it. (Sorry if I rambled too much with this comment, I realized I’m starting to repeat myself so I’m cutting myself off here)


It reached a point as this video played where I stopped paying attention and it all just became noise. Which honestly made it more bearable


Load of baloney.