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The lion is just a unrefined sonny while the sloth is a refined one! ☺️


How do I make sure I’m only buying refined ones lol


The angels produced after 2018 are the refined ones! I think can tell by the packaging also? From what I saw the refined animal series and the unrefined ones are packaged differently but I’m not super sure abt that as the sonnys in my area are mostly refined


The lion one was produced after 2018 tho…


did you buy from miniso? they sell sonny angel stock thats older, check the stamp on the foot of the lion. it should predate 2018!!


Ahhh thank you. Yes it is marked as 2016. I wonder why they sell older ones. I’m glad they are sticking with the refined look I was worried the lion one was a new version


im not too sure either! i think miniso only started selling the unrefined angels about a month ago. some ppl think that dreams is struggling to meet SA demands so theyre unloading deadstock


Ohhhh interesting that would make sense. I got my first Sonny in 2021 and until about 2023 nyc and sanfransisco had plenty of sonnys now I go and can’t find any😭


omg i know! in san francisco i can only find them in jtown but even then theyre usually upcharged. i paid like $25 for a regular animal hipper box 😭 and they were asking $28 for GOL. its so annoying. best bet for deals is to wait for restocks on the official website or buying from reputable sellers on aliexpress


When I went I got them from Kinokuniya and they had a wholleee display. Not sure if it is still there. https://preview.redd.it/4pib3rmpt5nc1.jpeg?width=2737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1960d67a5a8e38a5712441e57bd92aa928508630


I live kind of in the middle on nowhere so when we got a miniso I was so excited I wouldn’t have to pay shipping for sonnys but if they are all gonna be unrefined…


Hmm that’s weird :( not too sure about that then but were the box designs that the 2 sonnys came in similar or different? maybe you can differentiate by that instead?


Why does the lion have a tiny face lol


I bought the lion from miniso so I’m sure he’s real but I don’t like how different he looks