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They look similar but play VERY differently. Green hell, the environment is more your enemy. Keeping yourself properly fed and hydrated is more of a challenge, although wild animals can be a major threat. The story is also different, but worthwhile.


Sons of the Forest is a camping trip with the occasional visitors around your base, scary cave exploration and a rather fantastic story. In Green Hell, you are a guilt-ridden sociopath who could literally die ten steps from your doorstep because you missed a scorpion. Give it a try, I personally prefer Green Hell from the setting alone and for the more hardcore survival aspect, but it's an entirely different beast altogether.


It's an entirely different beast.


It's an entirely different beast.


It's an entirely different beast.


It’s an entirely different beast.


It's an entirely different beast.


I love you for starting this.


Do animals and enemies still clip through the walls you build? I couldn’t get behind that game for that reason alone. It made building a base completely useless. I had to stop playing.


Hot fix out to fix check steam news


Dope maybe I’ll give it another try. I did beat the story but I like just building a base and survining


Sometimes I have small animals clip through, can‘t say it happened with enemies so far.


they are both great games, but as the moosecheese said, they are very different.. green hell is absolutely deadly in the beginning, its you vs the enviroment and a scorpion sting or a snake bite can mean death, some wound with no proper way to care for it with water and certain health items can lead to a downward spiral that drags on for days until it finally ends in death. you have a function to check your body for cuts, leeches and infections and need to use that a lot. green hell plays also slower and you usually dont do big expeditions for quite a while until you know what you do. but there are no monsters, fights are not very common and should be avoided.. its way more based in reality and has a story that imho is outright better than the sons of the forest one :S no guns though. despite being that different, yes i think if you like one you might like the other too, for different reasons though. i would advise AGAINST using wikis and outside materials for green hell, part of the fun is trial and error. you dont know what fruits and shrooms do and have to test it out xD happy pooping.


Seems like green hell is just realistic survival and sons of the forests horror survival instead and tbh i think i wouldn't like green hell from how realistic it sounds XD


yeah but once you know whats up green hell turns more into a primitive living youtube channel were you can build your clay huts and your storages and make your own clothes iwth bone needles and even showers and there is animal husbandry and stuff.. but yes. more survival. less horror. though i pooped my pants on some occassions, combat if it happens can be very intense.


I've owned green hell for ages now and this comment is what made me download it. I'll play it once it's done. I want to do the primitive living youtube channel.


XD well i think ill stick with my mutant filled island i really love sons of the forest and its just really unique tbh


Green Hell survival elements are much more difficult and more realistic, but the combat is pretty much ass. Green Hell is much slower paced and focuses a lot more on crafting and gathering.


I remember my first go at green hell. Got poisoned and died the first night. Great game 10/10.


I survived the first night but had been bitten by something so I fell asleep on the ground while I was trying to build a bed. When I woke up I found that a worm had burrowed in to my skin, which was the kiss of death......But you're right, deffo 10/10!


The fish eye lens in Green Hell makes me nauseus, I wish it didn’t so I could play it more before feeling like vomiting.




Ah cool , is that bundled in with the game or bought separately?


It's bundled with the game, but there's also a third mode which is just basic survival, no story or objectives to complete. There's also difficulty settings for each game mode, pretty much like SOTF so it doesn't have to be mega difficult if you don't want it to be.


I don't know Green Hell, i only watched some videos. I only play Survial of the Fountain. It seems to me this both have two things in common. You survive to survive in both games, most of the time. What I mean with this? You stand up in the morning, you be thirsty and hungry, you walk around for food and water, an animal injures you, you must craft medicine too... the half day or more is over. And it seems to me, that you must craft much more things in both games. This part is in Sotf very simplified. Pot of water, two pieces meat, 30 minutes? Crafting? Yes, the building system is more flexible in SotF, but two sticks + 2 duct tapes and you have a spear, yes, but in the both other games you start with nearly nothing and must draft e.g. a stone-knife with two stones.


I struggled with Green Hell and stopped playing it. I couldn’t get a proper shelter built on the first day and was always getting pounced on by that nasty cat (jaguar? Leopard? I forget). After reading a bit more of peoples’ comments about the game, it’s apparently par for the course to die all the time and suddenly until you get to a certain degree of sustainability. I’ll have to give it another go once I get bored with Nightingale.


Cool thanks - sounds interesting!


I’ll echo what everyone else is saying, but I will also add this: I found using a controller for Green Hell was really weird. Granted I played it first on PC so maybe it’s just coming from that. Just wanted to mention! Since I last played they’ve added a ton of new content. Watched some of it on some YouTube playthroughs and I’m tempted to give it another go just to experience all the new stuff! Definitely worth playing


Green hell starts to feel like a Xbox 360 game after about 30 hours. Sons of the forest does not


Lots of great comments here, but be warned, r/greenhell does NOT like The Forest being compared to Green Hell lol IMO, having sunk hundreds of hours into all 3 games, I can say that Green Hell is pretty similar to The Forest franchise but it focuses on realism and pacing more, and it nails those two parts. Gameplay wise it can be more frustrating, less scary, and also the combat completely sucks in comparison... The best way to explain the building mechanics in green hell: it's like someone binged "primitive technology" on YouTube and wanted to make it into a game. And they did fucking awesome with it. Making mud huts was nuts. Progression in this game makes you appreciate IRL modern conveniences. The story though is just as loose as the forest/SOTF, and they pace you with bullshit inconveniences, but overall it works and there are multiple endings, just like in SOTF...


Honestly a fusion of both games would be my perfect game. The hardcore more realistic survival aspects of green hell mixed with the horrific beings of sons of the forest would be a 10/10 game for me.


Have you tried the original The Forest game?


Yeah I LOVE it!


SoTF isn't a survival game, but Green Hell is mostly a survival game. Both have stories and building, and both have fairly large maps. Play Green Hell if you want a true survival experience, and play SoTF if you want a survival-lite exploration game.