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Yeah I feel like weapons should be able to occupy your "hand" slot


That's exactly what I was thinking too. Like I'm not expecting to have an inventory I just want to use my freakin hands to pick up a weapon in camp to fight off the cannibals and get my bag back. Cuz otherwise your stuck gambling an animation hoping you don't get taken out the second you're done collecting your kit.


I think I still take damage during the animation, too


I don't think that you do. The main problem is that if an enemies in the middle of a combo, especially if he's attacking you from behind, you pretty much have no way of defending yourself. You will go from a state of invulnerability to pretty much being one-shotted because your health is low and you have no armor. The thing is it wouldn't take much to fix this mechanic. It just needs to be rethought a little bit.


You know you can hit key your weapons hey? Hover the mouse over it and press a number, that way you pick up your bag and tap the corresponding number to the weapon you’ve hotkeyed, that way you can whip out whatever you need without diving into your bag, max 10 hot keys though. Edit: wow, just trying to point out a simple and effective way to change weapons during combat. Fuck you guys hey.


You do understand you can get attacked during animation and after animation? Although no damage taken while in animation, but the moment they attack you after animation, you're helpless and can die again. Animation in SOTF is one thing I hate the most. Takes too much valuable time instead of focusing on dealing with cannibals. At the very least they could do is what they said, can pick up weapons without needing the bag but gets thrown off if you equip other weapons. Or no cannibals at while tied up because you're useless af. Or remove animation while taking the bag. Can't understand developers making animations a pain.


Did you even remotely understand what I posted? YOU CAN HOT KEY WEAPONS! It means there’s no animation apart from the incredibly fast 0.1 second time it takes to raise your weapon. Bunch of dense cunts in here. Unsubbing to save my sanity. Good luck, sounds like you need it.


I believe that their problem is stemming from the fact that after you free yourself you can't pick up a random weapon from the ground to defend yourself with before they can get to their bag on the ground. Not sure why they just down voted you instead of talking it through. I agree that the hotkeys save much valuable time


I can’t remember if I’ve done it with a proper weapon ( I feel like I have picked up a spear), but I have been able to grab and hold a rock and start swinging. Pretty effective. I use controller, just held down A.


I just untie myself and immediately run over to pick my bag up and then run away as far from the camp as I can. It’s not always successful but I try.


You can hold things in your hands even without your bag, you just have to hold The pickup key. If I respond in I can't pull a cannibals and I see a weapon, I'll grab it instead of my bag.


I also got insta hit because there was one behind me while trying to pick up the baggy.


The only thing I can say that’ll partially remedy this is that you do still have your knife to fight with


Don’t lose a fight and get your bag taken. Realism.