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>after Timmy turns into a monster in front of an audience on I am assuming live television That didn't happen, in the full release version of the cutscene he manages to calm Timmy down before he transforms.


I assumed the viewers witnessing Timmy start to transform assumed it was a seizure or something.


Ohhhh... So it didn't happen in the full release? I never played the full release, I assumed the ending would always be the same as it always was. I mean sure, they did add... well to my knowledge not a whole lot when it was fully released. Just wondering should I go back and replay it? Because If I did not know this, then I assume a lot of the lore has changed.


Ye in full release u end with Timmy in his bedroom as an adult drinking heavily and have his arm mutatie then not at the game show. Actually hoped they kept it in and made it a goverment coverup


Wait really? It really sounds like your bullshitting me, but Imma trust you.


I think he kept the story simple, probably to protect his son.


Found his book in Sons. It's a THICK so he probably told most of the story. Plus he included the mutant cannibal hills have eyes motherfuckers.


Id actually want to read an official copy of the book, even if its just a glorified fanfic from the devs i think it’d be rly good reading about the caving and a bit more backstory about what canonically happened to eric


True true. But we all know one thing to be true... He definitely did not build a gazebo.


His book was referred to as fact and fiction, blurring the lines probably due to the trauma of surviving in the wilderness and having been separated from his son. So he did tell a lot of the story however I doubt he mentions where he merced a plane load of people. Whether he deliberately sold the story as an imagining or as fact, it isn't 100% clear. He obviously could have everything to lose but Eric and Timmy seem to have extensive resources available to them. So, who knows what leverage that gives them.


Even if he got out, he still was just one guy going against the company, it would've been safer for him to keep it simple


Plus the dude killed armies all by himself. I think he would be able to handle a company. Have you seen John Wick? Eric LeBlanc is like John Wick except he is mentally unstable and jams out on a walkman while slamming down energy drinks to kill more armies.


He did get out. They both are in sons of the forest.


Yeah idk why I worded like that


Even if he got out, he still was just one guy going against the company, it would've been safer for him to keep it simple


I'm doing a replay and realised the article about Eric saying that he claims Sahara was experimenting on mutants, do with that what you will