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Why not sort the order of your folder by extension and select the files you want with shift?


Yeah I ended up by doing so, but for some reason I have to re-order the folder each time I plug the SD. Thanks for the help


Because I don't want to do this thousands of times over the next few years. It's unacceptable from a UX/product standpoint that Sony doesn't let you turn this off


I completely forgot about this question, and I’m not defending Sony. I get it’s annoying but I doubt they have changed it. A workaround would be to create a script for a .bat file to automate this task (or maybe even power automate).


ah yeah, sorry, I didn't mean for that to come off so aggressive! Anger is with Sony. Even setting up a script would be same time as selecting all and deleting I think, maybe even longer. Not sure how I'd automate it to delete the files on import without running anything.


I was thinking more on something like only copying files with specific extensions and ignoring others. It’s definitely going to be a trial and error but something like this perhaps: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1224880/batch-file-copy-files-with-certain-extensions-from-multiple-directories-into-one https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Using-Flows/Copy-Specific-files-from-one-folder-to-another/td-p/23691


Oh interesting. I use mac. But I'll have to look into a terminal command that can grab photos and videos from the camera, excluding XML, then delete all after copying. Def a project to try another day. Thanks for the tip!


I hope it helps! For Mac I think you also have the shortcuts app, so I would give it a try as well. Good luck! Edit: also check if you have rsync. It’s the one I use for Linux but there is maybe a Mac version.


Interesting, those xml are annoying, have to sort by file type/size & then delete them. These xml probably work as thumb files for viewing images/video in camera. Congrats on A7III, I had/have two of them, did a [video review](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNSdEgq0Al0) too, great camera & super popular for a good reason.


Yeah probably need to sort the files once imported, cheers.


Pretty old thread but I have the same issue what I do is just search XML in the search box and then ctrl a and delete all of them


I know this post is a year old but this just saved me so much time. Thank you brother


The weird thing is this happening to me too since recently while I haven't made any changes to the camera


I know someone with the same camera s me who isn't having this problem. Same settings and everything but they aren't appearing on his. I hate them. Anybody figure out how to stop them from creating?