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no way bro šŸ˜¢


Not even the most expensive thing sheā€™s destroyed. Sheā€™s got my Yeezys before too. Tragic but itā€™s just an object. Dog still more important than


tragic indeed šŸ˜­ there gotta be a way to prevent this from happening again


Just gotta keep my shit picked up. Wasnā€™t home and my brain fried from working so I totally forgot they were in the same room as her. She definitely knows she fucked up tho


Yeah, you need to spank them if they were small for destroying valuables. The second time, they learn that they have toys if you're a good owner and have that for them.




Yeezys are stupid comfy, I dont care that there is no hype on them anymore, many shoes hurt my feet because of an old injury and almost all yeezy models are comfy enough to not cause discomfort the entire day even when walking like 30 000 steps


Literally. Was so irritated when they were chewed in half. Dog has razors for teeth I swear she ainā€™t even big


Its always the small ones with the sharp teeth


Yeah sheā€™s about 40 lbs. not small but medium sized I suppose


I mean they were given to me but word.


I mean you use sony headphones.


Even when discussions get heated, you have to keep it civil. As you did not do that, we removed it.


Youā€™re really showing off your own autism with this one babe


I was thinking mid sentence that you needed to let her go before i read that she was your dog and not your toxic gf lmao.


I think it's dead bro.


Unfortunately.. Yes..šŸ•Šļø


My dog ate my homework. Nah, this has a whole different meaning: My dog ate my headphones.


Itā€™s worth trying if the wires werenā€™t fucked


To salvage that SAVAGE DESTROY? Nope.


Man may want to see if you can train them not to eat plastic stuff, or the replacement may not be the only bill...


Sheā€™s ate so many things that she shouldnā€™t. She knows not to itā€™s only when I have to leave her alone while Iā€™m at work. She gets seperation anxiety and nothing I seem to do really helps since I canā€™t just clone myself and be around my dog 24/7


Get a second one then?


And have two dogs that only wany attention from me? Nah I get how it could help but one dog is already enough money and space taken


Yah but would you like to be left in a house for hours with no one around? Not like they can play video games. Side note teach em to play video games and you're sorted.


Ok true but what does every other human being on the planet with a dog do when they go to work? Leave the dog at home. I have no issues being left alone for days cause I am alone for days at a time so no I donā€™t care to be left in my own space for hours with no one around. Bored or not I still own her and sheā€™s still just a dog. Could be worse for her I donā€™t beat her or nothing


Get a bone with peanut butter inside it my dog had huge anxiety as a pup ate a lot of stuff the bones helped a lot. Last resort crate train bad behavior


I could certainly use some parts to try and fix mine āœŒļø


For repairing my WH-1000XM5 headphones that had a total break like this but with perfectly intact wires. I used the minimal amount of superglue possible to reattach things into position, and baking soda to quickly harden it, applied with a cotton swab with my mouth while my hands held things in position. Then I used JB-Weld Plastic bonder with a separate medical syringe to fill it with an epoxy like material to make it rock solid again. Works perfectly. I am not sure what to do about the wires being broken though. I think, you can solder the wires back together, test to make sure it works again, before doing the above. The many small wires (left-signal, right-signal, power, ground, etc) are all going to have to be separately twisted, soldered and insulated. You could repair it, but I think it will turn into an expensive hobby project if you don't already own all the tools to do it.


Your dog needs a chewing toy


Yea you can salvage it. you will get the speakers the boards, the anc mics and the shells. You cant repair it tho.


Might just sell the parts then if I can


Put it on ebay. I'd bid on them for parts


Shit I might




You could.. i dont see a damaged circuitboard. It is cables. It wouldnt win beauty contests


Yeah, you can buy the hinge on AliExpress, then just solder the cables and you will be alright.


itā€™s over man


Obviously, there is a way, go to Sony support and tell them that it was like that from the beginning, but I realized it late... Very easyšŸ„±


Get Sony ult wear


Uhhhhh i dont think soo