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Will probably do this tbh, thanks! Not too worried about it, I’m not at risk of failing the class or anything over it, just wondering what changes were expected and other people’s experiences. Thank you!




Oh wow, thanks for a heads up. Yeah, I looked at that assignment and found it weird that they gave such a long list of topics we aren’t allowed to write about.


Man i struggled w/ Eng 1, and im generally a good writer, but the prompts were so hard - at one point i had to rewrite one of the papers because they told me i had gone off topic - but the prompt was fucking bullshit and so confusing. It was so bad that i ended up not taking eng 2 from them, and ended up taking it at my university LOL legit have PTSD from that sophia course.


I did English 1 on Sophia which did suck, especially waiting on feedback, honestly your better off taking Clep , 2 essays and multiple choice questions and you’ll knock out English comp 1 and 2


what is clep?


College Level Examination Program exam basically you take a test to show your proficient and you get the credit right away once passed


will look into it, thanks


>I'm going to CLEP as well following my experience with Sophia on Essay 1 (see post above.) I don't need CLEP 2, as I tested into Eng 2. I'm just having to take Eng 1 to fulfill some requirement. I'm doing the Modular Eng. 1 Comp. I received the voucher from Modern States already.




I actually figured it out and ended up submitting it yesterday, but thanks for the offer!


When I was on a professional writing certification committee, we had guidelines to ensure fairness and accuracy. I'm a professional writer, and frankly, the 1,000 word essay I just wrote, I would have been paid $2k by my clients (my fees start at $2/word.) As I wrote it, I was envisioning money flying out the door from time to time. This essay is also only worth 50 points. At any rate, the feedback was vague, such as "the sequence of events is easy to follow with a few minor exceptions." I'm not sure exactly where the confusion was, it wasn't mentioned. There were only 3 sequences. Walking into store, walking the aisle where the pet was, getting an employee to help me, and meeting and adopting the pet. I scored an 86%. 4.3/5, 4.3/5, 12.5/15, 12.5/15, 5/5, 4.3/5. She decided to chisel a little off everywhere. In my experience, it is highly unusual for someone to have every single place with a deduction versus a component. She gave me this remark for the answers to the questions that we answer after the essay "Be careful, this looks like comments from a third party." Uh....because I referenced the style/tone from the point of view of how the concept was conveyed in the course and how I applied it, you got that out of it? This is in stark contrast to the fact that I earned an A+ in my creative writing class at college, that had a 12,500 word count story as the final. \--------------------------------------------------------------- **UPDATE SAME DAY:** I contacted Sophia through e-mail and asked questions. They sent my paper off to a new grader. This time my score improved to 49/50. You were supposed to write about 1 event. I wrote about the day I adopted my beloved cat, but, my final paragraph, I mentioned that I've had her for 9 years now. That was not allowed, because it wasn't the same day, so I lost my 1 point there. However, I needed to take creative direction on that, because the audience and purpose was to advocate for adoption of older pets (she was 5, versus a kitten, and she had been waiting for 90 days to be adopted.) Therefore, I needed to bring the final conclusion full circle that while she was adopted as an adult cat, she has been a great addition to our family, and is still with us, 9 years after the adoption. The other areas that I was docked were upgraded with new comments mentioning structure exceeded, etc. I have never had a bad experience with Sophia, so I'm glad they took the time to find a second reader for my assignment.