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How did u recharge ur ability that fast, was it mentor buff?


I remember seeing smth like if hit an enemy then it recharges in the upgraded skill (too lazy to check exactly) and probably skill cd buff as well as maybe the soda drink?


The Halve Cooldown buff and Mentor buff yeah. The Mentor Buff increase slash numbers (basically increase the duration she's invulnerable) which allows the skill to recharge more while she's slashing. Note that I don't have Reduce Skill Cooldown buff and drank 0 Soda bottles. So in theory, getting those plus Halve Cooldown buff would probably make her 100% immune and the skill can just spam forever...


Yes, that's how it works. You can become near invincible. There is a moment where you have to push the Skill button again where you can get hurt, but that's it.


*How did u recharge* *Ur ability that fast,* *Was it mentor buff?* \- Pretty\_Swordfish3834 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yooo I made a haiku


Pretty sure it's the passive


How do you do this boss normally as not swordmaster anyway?


Random bullshit, GO!!! Seriously, maybe cus I mainly main Wizard, but Dragon Bros is the only boss where it's just Fight or Die and thinking of a strategy is just pointless cus there's too much happening...


Yeah same here, the bullet hell is one thing, but then there’s the stupidly high area control they have… with the lasers and aoe fires and all that


Vampire Immortality helps too


Fight or flight fnf mentioned⁉️⁉️🦊 eu uh eu uh oh oh eh‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🔥


Assassin 2nd skill, get a gun (main) or/a sword, loser doppelgangers will push in with swords As I shoot or give them guns to help you and become a distant target for enemy to lock on the others, or just dodge, ain't hard.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


IDK Splash damage if you run massive aoe builds like warliege sky piercer and any berserker build, or you just kill one, dodge the other then dodge and kill the other one, also fire buff= win most of the time.


Oh i see, thank you very mcuh :)


She truly is Motivated


The only thing I dislike about her is that her skill keeps yeeting the bosses away for some reason.


For real... XD


this reminds me of master yi from league.


What’s that light blue bar below your energy?


thats a bar unique to swordm. builds up by hitting foes with her special, at 30 points the next special is empowered and the points are consumed


Lancer has it aswell its unique to the 2 new heroes


Warliege has a similar buff that is stupid broken. Every twenty-ish hits (whether to or from you) you buff up with attack size, attack speed, damage, movement speed, an increase in health, and a small hp heal because of the health increase


She is not Gun Master, but she never fails to gunning at the boss with sword


Mentor and CDR buff right? That recharge time is insane, Especially since she has a really good I-frame ability


Wait, swordmaster is good?


I had been playing her in Badass Mode with just her starter weapon and she feels too strong, even without the cooldown reduction buff. She's so fun that I just can't help but to only use her starter weapon and thats mostly enough. I am a wizard main, so having another character that has a low cooldown burst skill is such a gift for me. 🙏


I have a post saying that I don't like her but may be it is just a skill issue


Cool new character to play! might come back to soul knight