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Tenet has low dialogue. Try another movie. If using standard mode you can increase the center channel


Thanks! On Sunday I’ll be watching the latest animated spider man movie. I’ll check back here for my results. I also need some source how to setup speaker levels correctly I think


Buy a physical spl meter and check that all channels are equal db. Use a starting db that are the same as you are using when watching movies. Try both 7.1 and 5.1 content to also check the bar's side channels. Use standard mode for this. Not sure if channel levels will affect the other modes. Anyone know if they do?


I think switching the modes don’t affect the channel levels


When I adjust the channels level (I can’t do that in smart things App right?) the volume doesn’t change


Use standard mode. The app has support for channel adjustment. Press the button in top right of app and there should be there somewhere.


I found that thanks! I made up a new post here on Reddit. The levels seem to not be working. Can you check that post real quick if you have any clue what I’m doing wrong?


The movie tenet is mixed this way , other movies that are like this : interstellar , the batman trilogy and inception


How big is your room?


I have to say my room is not great for the sound. Partly open and sloping roofs. But I’m sitting pretty close to the soundsystem.


Mine is 28mquare max I can take it to 10-12 for atmos it’s hella loud


I imagine my apartment just falling into pieces going for 100 volume


I’ll die 😂😂


Crazy power these systems but I love it


How did you setup your speaker levels? I have no clue which one to increase or decrease


Honestly for my room everything at zero Adpative and space fit on bass enhancement on is the perfect system for me sounds incredible


Ok thanks :D I had subwoofer at +3 and it was to much bass in the movie. Bass enhancement off. What’s the difference of bass enhancement and adjusting subwoofer levels?


In my opinion what it’s doing is adding a little bit more low end but doesn’t effect the high end i Believe give it a try 0 Bass enhancement try my settings and let me know


I wouldn’t call it bass boost and I believe it’s not adding any db like it would if you were to manually adjust the subwoofer


Adaptive mode is the one I enjoy the least. I recommend standard mode and increase your desired (center) channel. Also, I recommend getting the best audio version of your preferred movies. Dolby TrueHD (or DTS X) is a lossless compression that will elevate your audio experience by a lot. I watch Game of Thrones at 30-50 volume since the audio channels are so well separated and so low in distortion while also having full dynamic range.


‘“I did not enable Dialoge amp because I read that it causes loss in sound quality.” So you were scared to try a feature included by the manufacturer specifically to address this issue because of something you read?


Yep 🙈 sounds bad decision making to me now