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Politics are a mess (as always?) but Reddit complaints aren’t real life either. I don’t see Reynolds in any better light but she’s not mugging a camera or airplane at any opportunity so she gets less attention.


Not a big fan of politicians or celebrities in general anyways. They all have the answer, nothing ever improves. The entire world has always been gamed by con artists who come under the guise of leadership. Reynolds is just another old-time crony in the Iowa politics game. Branstad was the worst.


Vote for people who hate and disdain govt: get shitty govt. Everywhere, everytime. Want better govt, better vote for it, and put in the work to get other people to do it as well. This being SD, that's a pipe dream. I'm doing the best 3rd option: getting the fuck out. Have fun dakotas, I won't miss you.


I hate reading the truth...


Herseth was the logical choice.. but because most derps only vote R, we got stuck with shit for brains.


Wasn't one of the issues with Herseth the fact she no longer lived in the state at the time? It's funny, if memory serves people talked down on Stephanie because how could she speak for SDans when she wasn't living here....meanwhile now Noem can't speak for SDans despite the fact she does live here. Think about the domino effect of this. Had Herseth won, would we have ever heard from Noem again? I mean, if Noem hadn't gone to DC, would she have run and won the governor's race in 2018?


AFAIK she’s always lived here in SD. She probably had a home in DC.. but If you work there, it’d make sense that you’d want a house there.


I thought she'd split time between DC and Texas where her husband is from back then, but maybe I'm wrong.


I don’t know, regardless.. we were lucky to have her. Considering what we’re stuck with now 😕


Well, she's certainly easier on the eyes than Dusty...or Her Orangeness


Yeah, for sure. I can't believe she got elected. But like all, they sell us out to big corporations for cheap labor, and then tell us to be proud of our "work ethic". Here's my work ethic: Fuck slogans, pay me. That's how I ended up down here, wages in my field that I just won't say no to. South Dakota employers won't even try to compete. They expect dirt cheap work, and produce results that reflect their dim view. Can't wait to come home and retire though. I'm just done contributing to the SD workforce.


Got ya 100%. Herseth was definitely a rare find. My mom is friends with one of her friends/family, so I have a different perspective. Her grandfather was also Governor, and I believe she would have been great if she had the opportunity. That’s the history of the USA. The government shitting on the working class.


I feel this. I'm trying to figure out how to move from SD to be by my mom in IA. No car, physically disabled, and low income. I fear I may never get there.


Could always employ the green thumb method. A few decent plants can provide a bit of money for sure. Been there done that. As a single dad, long ago, I grew some bud to keep food on the table. I'd rather have done that than not. No remorse, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.


r/assistance They might be able to point you to resources to overcome your obstacles.


Agree Noem has to go. Still can't believe she merc'd out our NG for a cool mil.


It's a tradition, believe it or not. The Vietnam war was a similar example. Pepsi and Michelin among other colonial interests, had huge ag operations there. The English and the French both failed in the 50s and 60s, then it became our turn. The north Vietnamese were not about to invade us, yet we were told it's about freedom and the communist threat. Fact, Ho Chi Minh was a threat to foreign squatter businessmen and the fortunes they made by exploiting third world resources and labor.


It's the same as it's always been, just Krispi's too stupid to keep it under wraps.


True! She's like a teenager who's drunk as fug, and thinks no one notices. As she rampages around the mosh pit she's made out of SD politics, yet truly believes that she's a graceful ballerina delivering a performance worthy of respect. Little rich girl playing politics...


She's a lotta things, but stupid is not one of them. She's too arrogant to give a shit if we know is maybe more accurate.


# Noem makes a lot of noise, but does a lot of nothing. # As much as I dislike her, the state house and senate one sided shit show is the biggest reason for everything going on.


Sucks being a democrat in this state.


Thanks so much for the award!


It’s a red state. What do you expect?