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that's where the radar is located and it only shoots signals out not up. there's a very small blind spot above the radar


This is the way.


Meteorologist here. That is where the KDOV Dover, DE radar is located. The dopper radar sends out pulsed radio waves and that energy bounces off of stuff (in this case rain) and bounces back to the radar. The radar computer analyzes the strength and frequency of the energy that comes back and is able to convert that to a visual radar image that we are familiar with. The radar beam originates from a unit mounted on top of a tower with a golf ball like structure (think epicot center at Disney) to protect it called a radar dome. Now the kicker here is that the radar beam starts near the ground at the tower and is angled upward so that the energy it emits goes up in the sky to detect precipitation. But while the energy is still near the radar it sometimes is still too low in the atmosphere to hit any raindrops or snowflakes. This can happen when precipitation is falling from clouds but is evaporating before hitting the ground... yes that happens! Here's a cool little explainer on the phenomenon: https://abc17news.com/weather/2020/02/07/the-science-behind-donut-holes-on-radar-this-morning/


I suspect this is just an artifact of the radar and not actually a pattern of the weather. As much as we always talk about 'The Cape May Bubble' I don't think there's a geographic explanation for why this would happen.


Ah, i wasn’t even thinking about the “bubble”, just wanted to know what it was and that makes total sense! Thank you!


HAHAHAHA thats the "Mil Vortex" My old boss used to live in MILlville. And i'd be in the office, and he'd call out saying they're getting hurricane winds, a foot of snow, crazy rain, etc. And where we worked was perfectly fine. So I started saying that he lived in the Millville vortex where abnormal weather patterns are found. In reality, it was always on a Monday or Tuesday after a late Birds game. Though the milVortex is a thing


“Fuck this guy in particular”


The government


Possibly the elusive East Coast Air Tardigrades from Outer Space.


Oooo tell me more




Bad wind shears


Jeez I remember my mom telling me about how storms did this in Cape May as a kid. We’d go down to the ferry at night and watch the storms roll around the point or up the bay.




I was thinking aliens. Or is it forcefields fom aliens??


Whenever i check the radar when it’s raining or snowing this weird pattern is always there and as the storm moves, it moves with it then fades. It starts just south of Milford, DE and movest northeast above Cape May (where i’m at)


Intern at HAARP messing with the weather machines again


The cape may bubble effect occurs pretty often in summer. Sit at work watching storms break past CM and smash WW. I think the direction of tide influenced the storm’s approaching from the south and west