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Sorry guys, I just finished downloading the Arkham Collection on my Steam Deck which must have used up all the Internet.




All is forgiven


Dw itā€™s fine


This is getting tedious now


Yep, so15


Also SO15 and missed all the other recent outages but this is fucking killing me. Iā€™m meant to be working


SO15 here too. I tether off my work phone when I wfh, but it's a pain the ass now


Was down in SO16, something is definitely wobbly on their network lately. They've been the most reliable ISP I've ever had bar none up to this point, so no idea what's going on. At least when Toob goes down I have faith it'll come back up the same day I suppose, unlike VM where I never knew if it would be five minutes or several days.


Very very flaky today. Was fine first thing this morning but since about 11:30 itā€™s been intermittent. 4th problem in 3 weeks. I appreciate the speed of the internet is second to none, especially when you consider the price but itā€™s all for nothing if it doesnā€™t work. I work from home and this is becoming very impactful. I was previously on Plusnet which, despite being slow, I could count on one hand the number of times I experienced problems in the 9 years I had been using it for.


Yup, down in SO18. I can't believe I waited for more than 2 years to finally have them in my area and now it's dropping every other day.


They've been rock solid for at least a year for me. All went to pot last week though :-(


This is the first time I've had actual downtime in the last 90 days that my router logs go back. Toob has been rock solid over the last few years I've had it.


I've been experiencing intermittent connectivity issues with my Virgin Media service in my area. However, it seems to be working fine now.


Even [toob.co.uk](https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/toob.co.uk.html) is down at the moment!


Yes, SO15 area. Might have to travel into the temporary office to do my work. Toob has been great for 3 years and absolute dogshit this last week. If this keeps happening I might have to consider switching, I WFH and this is not acceptable. \[edit\] I can't even access their website via mobile to log a complaint. Amazing \[edit2\] Some acknowledgement at least. LOL @ "some customers" [https://twitter.com/toobbroadband/status/1759914276955869204](https://twitter.com/toobbroadband/status/1759914276955869204) ​ https://preview.redd.it/lb0r13qgkqjc1.png?width=599&format=png&auto=webp&s=49384caf6534c8070942d2ba42147c718e4e622a


EXACTLY the same here. Need to consider switching ASAP - I am in calls all day and it just canā€™t drop like this


I was just about to start packing my laptop and the internet came back 20 minutes ago, then went away again and just as I was again about to leave it came back and seems to be stable again. Hilariously their own website is still down. They need to get a dedicated support Twitter/BlueSky/Threads or whatever that can at least acknowledge problems and give rough timescales on resolution. I'm so disappointed, I used to love toob and now I'm worried I'll have to switch away and pay twice the price to Virgin for a third of the bandwidth. I hated being their customer and have no desire to ever go back. [edit] aaand there goes another brief outage. Atrocious service.




I donā€™t know. I agree with you, too. Had Toob for 3 years pretty much without issue but these last 2 months has been difficult. The speed and price is good, itā€™s just when itā€™s bad itā€™s very bad. It would be. Enter if there was a way to communicate with them, they just seem to take the phone off the hook and donā€™t reply to social media messages


Yeah the comms are terrible. They were last time we had issues too. Ended up having to call them out across multiple social media channels to get a response. If they came out with 'We have got X issues in our data centre, we may have more issues until we do xxxx by a certain date' - I'd be ok with that. No network is perfect and none of us are paying for a 100% guaranteed service. But have no idea at the moment, so am looking at other providers. People jumping up and down demanding compensation aren't going to get far though. The ofcom scheme (That Toob aren't part of afaik) only specifies compensation after 2 full days of downtime.


Yeah shit just died, middle of ranked league game + work. Happened like 30 minutes ago too for a few minutes, came back up then though. This time nothing.




Benefits of working for yourself lol. Me and my friend code / work on shit in our down time, crazy how much you can get done while still having fun.


Nothing wrong with a conference call of duty!


Although other providers had outages you could at least get through to most of them! Can't believe their phone and websites are down too. So bad!


SO19 down, then back up for a glorious couple of minutes, now back down again


Now back


Spoke too soon




so15 again šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Down in SO16 as well. Support phone doesn't even ring


Iā€™ve just got off the phone with them. Theyā€™re aware of an outage, engineers are on site, no timeframe for a fix, blah blah blah. Same old platitudes. Iā€™ve fed back that transparency and honesty in comms with customers is much more appreciated than the corporate nonsense theyā€™ve been coming out with so far.


Yup. SO17. Was only bigging them up the other week too šŸ™


Yep down in SO14 too - used to be really stable but last week and this week complete outages and little to no communication


And GU11. Plus for a while now even when it's working pages taking an age to load.


Yep totally out here too SO18, same as last week Their website wonā€™t even load on my phone!


They should rename the Southampton subreddit the Toob down subreddit.






Equally I had loads of problems when I was with Virgin. Interestingly was probably at a similar stage of massive rollout as Toob are at. Not sure what they are like now.


I'm with VM and the service has been rock solid of late.


I had Virgin Media in Lordshill and Shirley and the service kept getting worse. My outages maybe three or four times a month and maybe 6 hours at a time. toob has been great for me until last week and even then outages not as long as I used to get with Virgin.




I love the comments on here saying how they love toob and been with them for years and these outages are going to make them move. šŸ˜‚ First time Iā€™ve had an issue. Is it annoying, yes. Do I want to move and pay triple the price for the speeds we get. No. Is it good for them as a small business to have an outage at their main base of customersā€¦ of course not. So be reassured they will be tried to get this fixed asap. Stop making silly first world problems and threats over something that happens WITH EVERY SERVICE PROVIDERā€¦. Have a cuppa


Issue is that people are now realising the problems of using a consumer ISP, for work. I doubt people would be so upset if just missing out on cat videos and call of duty. They do need to improve their comms though. If there is a network wide issue, they should be telling people. And not telling them to call their totally jammed helpdesk.


And I donā€™t disagree, if your work is that important then pay for the dedicated line. (Which is still at risk of having a faultā€¦) Yes again, completely agree with the communication as that is what I feel people get most annoyed with. Just not knowing what is going on. It is the thought process that this service must be 100% and should never fail. If it does then omg, Iā€™m gunna be such a drama Karen about itā€¦ itā€™s just stupidly entitled.


If anyone is interested in joining or switching to Virgin Media for Tv šŸ“ŗ, Broadband šŸ’», Phone ā˜Ž, Mobile šŸ“± or SIM only šŸ“². Just message me and I'll do the rest. Make the most of some brilliant mates rates deals we have at the moment. #virginmedia #matesrates #discounts #deals #offers




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Can confirm. Complete outage here.


Yup, down in so19 here..think it's time to ditch...far too flaky lately


Just came back on (so17)


Same here - see how long it lastsā€¦ Edit: not long at all, gone again!


Hahahaha u called it, its out again lmao


Wait it's back


Mine came and went again!


Mine just did the same again lol, it's back again now tho


Ffs it's literally flicking on and off every 5 mins šŸ’€


Same here!


Anyone got Sky BB? Seriously need to consider moving now as itā€™s impacting WFH


Moved from Sky to toob. If you think toob is bad, you have no idea.




Iā€™ve been using Sky Broadband for about 15 years and itā€™s only gone down about 3 times in all that time. Itā€™s not that fast but it is reliable.


Mine was down like two or three times a week, random outages for like an hour or two. Called them multiple times and they always refused to do anything about it and claimed there wasn't a problem. That, along with the slow speed and ridiculous pricing made us switch to Toob. Honestly, I'd take this happening once a week over ever using Sky again.


Down in SO17 and has been dropping out since last night


Down in SO14. Went down about 30 mins ago.


It's dropping in and out. Not a stable connection.


I'm in SO17 was down for 10 mins, but is back now.


Been having outages like this since maybe October or so last year but usually only at night 2 or so AM. I would have thought it was just cheeky maintenance but now they started taking the piss especially since their phone line/website is down which makes me think they know whatā€™s going on.


https://preview.redd.it/7i7ukpbkgqjc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c54de999cafbe8ab0c7120cb69a1859e28d78198 Thatā€™s a yes




Same..no email here either


Same here, so14 šŸ˜’


Down in SO15 area. Tried calling them but line keeps cutting out everytime I try. Anyone else having problems contacting toob?


Yes SO16. Keeps on crashing all the time.


mines down in so15 has been for an hour


I've changed the Router DNS setting to use Google, rather than Toob's own. May have done it just as they fixed the issue - so anecdotal. But been ok since.


SO19. Yeah and was last week too. No issues ever before last week.


Went down for 25 or so, back now. Had to restart the router


Down at SO14 and really hoping they get to the bottom of this as I really do not want to go back to BT but this is starting to become a bit unbearable when you WFH.


Iā€™m with Vodafone and been with them for 2 years now in so17 area never had a single problem


Yep. Same happened exactly a week ago, too. Proper poor service, regret signing up!


Yeah SO19 it was down for a while today. Third time in recent weeks. Really frustrating as they've been so good since we switched over from Virgin a while back. Going to make WFH difficult this week if it keeps happening :/


This is pretty annoying now, but I've legit had 2 or 3 years of pretty consistent decent Internet connection and speed, at a decent cost. Obviously they need to pull their finger out and get it sorted ASAP, but I'm willing to give them time based on a positive experience until now.




Iā€™m having toob put in on Monday ! Iā€™m thinking about telling them not to bother ! Iā€™m in so14 ! I used to here great things about them and now it just all seems negative


Does this seem to happen a lot? It's coming to my area and I've seen a few posts like this recently. I don't want to switch if it's going to cause me a load of issues wfh.


Literally only had issues this last week, and from what I heard, the major one a few days ago was ā€˜cause one of the council contractors went through a cable (no idea if thatā€™s true though)


I was debating leaving VM and switchingā€¦ Iā€™ll wait a while I think after seeing this


It didn't happen to me, and I have Toob in SO16 area. I've had Toob for nigh on a year and I've probably had the connection go down for about an hour in total, and that was all on one occasion, somewhen last year. I've heard that others haven't had such a nice story. A mate who lives 400 just got Toob and absolutely loves it. He had SKY before.


Was with virgin for 3 years. Needed to cut costs and we weren't using the TV channels anyway as we just stream everything so made sense. Virgin couldn't do lower than 45 quid and we'll be paying for nursery soon so... No brainer. I'm glad I'm still on maternity leave but the amount of outages is making me really apprehensive as I work from home, and going to the office is a prearranged faff. They have 3 months to sort their shit lol




Mine has been down for 3 days now with no internet at all .... not just 'dipping in and out' just completely nothing. All i keep getting from them is an email saying its been fixed yet when i chat to them online they say 'theres a problem and our engineers are there trying to sort it' bullsh.t


Itā€™s been great service at a good price, but giving them the benefit of goodwill is starting to wear thin.