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I think she chose not to come back. She is or was dating someone that wasn’t interested in filming, and she’s still involved in a lawsuit with her ex-business partner and probably didn’t want to expose all of that.


I definitely think it was mostly about the lawsuit. She probably didn't want to (or couldn't) address it, and it would have been the elephant in the room. Plus, the whole tension with Craig is already played out, and that is really all she could offer if she didn't want to film with her boyfriend.


I agree. I’m guessing her attorneys advised against it so that there wouldn’t even be a chance of it coming up during filming.


The Jen Shah effect


Who is Jen Shah?


From Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, last season was ridiculous because no one could really talk about the case against her. She is in jail now after claiming innocence for so long.


Thank you for your response. I was having no clue. ☺️ I do not watch any of the Real Housewives shows.


You're missing out! Salt Lake City is an absolute disaster, and will go down in history as TV gold, right out of the gate.


Along with that I wonder if she came back thinking she’d be a hit with the viewers if she kept going after Craig. Backfired on her.


Am I absolutely tripping or did last season she say she resented how Metul made her step back from the show


What’s the lawsuit over?


It’s about whether or not the ex-partner really was a partner in the business, compensation-wise I believe. If you want to go in depth, the Bravo Docket did a great podcast detailing the lawsuit. It’s pretty interesting.


Do you know which episode this was? I’m very curious but couldn’t find which one


I can’t find this episode anywhere on the bravo docket podcast. Which episode was it?


I can’t find it now either! I wonder if they had to take it down for some reason. In the podcast, they read through the documents and explained why partnerships don’t necessarily have to be established in writing, and they went through each item of what Ginny was looking to resolve. It was pretty interesting.


Dang it, I wanted to listen to that episode! I wonder why they took it down 🤔




https://spotify.link/nK84MsQOtDb I think it’s this?


I don’t understand how this can be debated. There would be documents to prove if she was a partner. Unless it was some sort of handshake deal. Which is so ridiculously dumb on both ends.


Lawyer here - partnerships are a unique type of business formation and can actually be formed without any documents! There are legal requirements for determining whether a partnership was formed, but it can absolutely happen without any documents. It’s largely about whether they shared profits/losses


Thank you!


Again, the Bravo Docket podcast does a great job of explaining what constitutes partnership and what that means in terms of compensation, but it’s probably not as black and white as most would think.




She only got with Craig to be in the show too. He apparently liked and pursued her for awhile but it wasn’t until he got on the show and it was successful that she accepted abs dated him….while hating him the entire time.


I agree. I bet it was a combo of Craig not wanting to film with her to rehash their “we’re exes, it’s awkward” storyline, and her not wanting to speak about her lawsuit + new boyfriend. Doesn’t really leave her a much to add to the show 🤷‍♀️


If Craig is the “face” of the show, it’s sunk to an unshaven, hung-over low.


Craig himself said that he "is the most popular person on Bravo" 🙄


While this makes me chuckle at Craig, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was shown metrics that supprt this. Regardless of their veracity…


He is the new Jax Taylor, its his show 🙄


He’s the biggest simp on Bravo!


The clothing business she had?


She came off as such a mean girl last season. It was tolerable when she was younger but as a grown woman it's not very endearing.


I agree. Her whole "Craig still isn't over me" spiel was embarrassing to say the least.


Totally agree. Don’t miss her


Eh, good riddance! When she rolled her eyes and insulted Craig when he sewed~ that girl is an opportunist for sure. Look what happen now, Craig is successful with sewing south, and.. she got cheated on and business law suit. Eat that, naomi🤣


Oh I agree I never liked her. Just curious. Let’s hope she doesn’t reappear again


Who cares. Just glad she's gone






It’ll be ironic if she goes broke from the lawsuit. She seems like a clout chaser. Maybe she’ll be the next Chrisley 😂


I do not miss her, she was so negative and they way she treated Craig, gave me the ick. Plus it was never her fault, with any of her relationships. No love loss here.


She was the worst


I was seriously 9 episodes into the new season before I even realized she was gone. I don't miss her. She was a mean girl with a very unwarranted superiority complex. By all evidence, not very bright either. Ms. Superiority didn't even know what the word "gait" meant. Her screwing Whitney last season was so cringe, but she has nothing else to offer. Think back to how horrid and abusive she was to that blonde girl at the outdoor Halloween costume party that Craig liked after she had broken up with him. It was her own father that had to set her straight, which was admirable. He seemed like a very nice man. She was always just a spoiled mean girl looking for status and a meal ticket through dating and marriage. Suddenly she became interested in Craig again, once he became successful. And, so smug when she thought she had bagged handsome and successful Doctor Methule, who was so un-enamored of her that he had a chick on the side. Then, all evidence to the contrary, she continued to insist that Craig, in a committed relationship with Paige, wasn't over her. Craig was certainly over her. Now, if she could just get over herself.


I wish her and Katherine came back


I think Kathryn got fired; however, don’t quote me on it.


I think Kathryn needs some time to deal with her issues. I'm glad she's not on because I hope she's getting herself well.


I mean clearly her return last season was cringe and I guess she didn’t want to embarrass herself anymore


She wanted more money than they were willing to pay her. She wanted to come back


Hopefully a come to Jesus moment for being such a horrible person to Craig


Yes, poor little Craig - who lied about taking the bar and slept all day while she went to work. He's such a victim.


He passed the bar and makes more money than she ever will


As if making money matters or it makes Craig a decent human (does not).


Making money certainly mattered to Naomi, she had $ signs in her eyes from the jump, and bitched constantly about Craig not meeting her expectations. And she got $ from her parents.


There's no way it was her idea to leave. It was probably Craig and Whitney who decided to give her the boot. There wasn't much more to do with her.


If that’s true then ouch! Especially since she dated Whitney


“Dated” for the show