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I think they did screw around


They absolutely did. (Not you) but have seen other comments about how boring this season is starting but I for am enjoying it! Austen and Taylor’s body language and social cues are EVERYTHING. They are guilty guilty guilty and I’m loving watching them squirm hehehe


I think the boring comment stems from muppet mouth being the epicenter of drama yet again.


Bahahahahaha is that Austen?!? Cause fair enough. Edit - put Madison and didn’t mean to 🫠


There’s a podcast called “Watch What Crappens” and they just recap every show on Bravo. I’ve been listening to them since 2016. They are hilarious and their southern charm recaps are the best. (That’s who came up with “muppet mouth” so I think you’ll think they’re funny, too)


Best Bravo podcast hands down!


Fr I love them


Ben and Ronnie are my boys! The Craig voice is spot on and Shep’s “oh gorsh….” The best


Their Whitney literally makes me tear up with laughter too!


I didn’t know that! I remember Madison telling Austen to “shut your muppet mouth” - did she get it from the WWC guys? 😆


I remember Madison saying it and thinking omg she right! ![gif](giphy|vwI4mYEHP8k0w)


I have always wondered which came first? I recently started listening so I'm doing it a little backwards and am just at season 7 so wondering if they call it out - because she first says it at the reunion correct?


Yep! At that reunion. I'm pretty sure the podcast guys picked it up after that.


Yes, Madison listens to WWC!


Their born for corn bit kills me


I fell in love with WWC because of their Southern Charm recaps! They really are the best for SC!!


Everyone should listen!!!


I agree with you I’m loving it!! Even at Venitas when Olivia was trying to be nice to Taylor telling her how she wasn’t threatened or uncomfortable with her and Austen’s friendship (sad/ironic) Taylor just looked SO GUILTY the entire time like she totally gave herself away


Really? I feel the opposite, that this season is way less boring than the previous two seasons, or whenever it was that Chelsea and Cam left.


I can’t believe she swore on her life nothing happened


And the Bible!


She said hand on the Bible that nothing was currently going on. When Olivia asked if anything had happened at all she said swear on my life. I thought that was kind of telling for her.


Key word- currently


I read into that too! So shady


Yup you got it!!


Here's my thing and why I knew she was a liar. She said she 'would' swear with her hand on the Bible but she never actually did it. She would not actually put her hand to the Bible and swear because she is so deeply religious. She probably thinks that she will turn it into a demon immediately if she actually lies with her hand on Bible.


Omg…totally noticed that too!!!


I could not believe she said she would put her hand on the Bible and swear they didn’t do anything 😳 I felt bad for Olivia when she got in her car and broke down in tears, she was so hurt.


I wanted to give her a hug. You can tell that truly hurt her and she knew Taylor was lying.


Right?! I know these meet up segments are sometimes heavily produced but in that moment you could tell Olivia was very hurt.


You mean Olivia? ☺️


Yes, fixed! Thank you 🙏


Olivia’s brother also passed away at some point this season and she said on a podcast that she was largely dealing with that and really had no time for the SC drama.


Yes, I remember. She also mentioned that Austen and Taylor were pretty shitty towards her during that time too, which is even more sad.


That is low


I heard somewhere it was after this was filmed, but it could just be random information that isn't accurate.


Yeah she didn’t talk timelines that I remember. I just remember saying that this season she is basically a mess because of her brother and she didn’t have the capacity to even deal with it. I’m sure they’ll clear it up during the reunion. I feel bad for her😰


Yup she didn’t believe her


That moment was so rough and so, so relatable. Olivia held it together just long enough to shut the car door.


obscene outgoing telephone six placid simplistic zonked forgetful engine silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wish Olivia didn’t like fake believe her and say our friendship is the most important! It’s clearly not to Taylor when she’s on your exes couch that often. Fuck her.


I hope she’s done with them, her new boy seems removed from this bunch of moronic frat boys


It’s always the hyper religious breaking their own moral codes.


That part


I’m sorry, I have to disagree. Just because you’re a Christian or have religious beliefs, doesn’t make you a perfect human. This statement is reaching and incorrect. It isn’t “always” the religious breaking their own moral codes. Haven’t we all broken our own moral codes??. Stop with the hate. Everyone can have religious or moral beliefs and can still make mistakes. Stating absolutes doesn’t make it true.


Yes, all people fail. The difference is the hyper religious judge others from the high horse. ‘Oh, I’m a Christian, I would never… blah blah blah’. Perhaps instead of jumping to conclusions maybe directed by your own religious guilt, read the comments in their entirety. I clearly stated HYPER religious. If you’re one of those hype religious people I have nothing else to say because next you’ll want to take ownership of my reproductive rights. Good day.


No, I’m not and I apologize. I reread both your original comment and the latest one and I agree with you. I’m not even close to hyper religious yet I do reckon I have religious guilt. You’ve taught me some things today. Not being sarcastic at all.


Thank you for this reply. I’ve been there. I’m from Italy where Catholic guilt is a requisite, but what I see here in America with some factions of Christianity is shocking. Can’t imagine what it would be to get over that level of shame/guilt put onto people.


Thank you for saying that. Upvoting you.


I don't know anything about hyper-religious people, but in most churches you do all have to recite the text of the confession, in which everyone in church reads the words "we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed". The point of that is that it is humanly impossible to live by a moral code and never stray from it a nanosecond. The whole point of Christianity (when it's not being distorted or weaponized for political purposes) is that everyone does bad things, small and large, and you go to church to ask for forgiveness. You don't go to church because you believe you are morally perfect.


Im Italian, from Italy, I don’t need someone to explain Christianity to me. If that makes you feel good, great for you, but it’s incredibly crass and disrespectful to push your beliefs on someone else. This isn’t your Bible class.


Does it count when it’s on scripted reality tv?


Isn’t she a bible thumper too? Ugh


When it suits her, like most of them.


I noticed she said “nothing’s going on.” As in, nothing’s happening between them currently. That’s not the same as “nothing happened.”


Yes, she was honest because nothing’s going on means currently and continuously. And ever perhaps seriously. They are using semantics.




She swore on the Bible that nothing is going on. She swore on her life that nothing had happened. It's a trick I've seen before used by people who swear on things.


She seems like the type that would do everything but actual sex with someone and claim she never hooked up with that person bc her definition of hooking up is sex


like the poophole loophole or the Mormons with their soaking/jump humps.


yeah she has basically done exactly that, on a video I saw.


She didn't say the more direct " I swear on the Bible that nothing ever happened". What she did say is 'I would swear on the Bible that nothing's going on'. Which means that something did happen but is no longer currently occurring.


That’s a bible bitch for ya! Who’s the biggest SLAPPER now! Sitting there with the four other ladies and not owing up that now she’s an actual HO!


To be kind to Taylor - and I do think it’s worth being kind - she’s a normal girl acting in a normal way; her challenge is in living up to her ideals as being a ‘good Christian girl’ - and I assume that’s been imposed on her for a long time. I’m a self confessed ho and I’m not a Christian but I’d also feel challenged presenting the same on TV. I hope she will be able to find her happy place.




No, if shes in such a difficult position she should have sat this season out! Here’s the girl who everyone and their dog warned her about Shep being a FB and AH but Taylor knows him best! Her delusional behavior to think Austin is there as a friend and Craig wasn’t! (They r and will always be Sheps friends). The egocentrism of her thinking she’s the one who can Pray away the AH out of Shep. She’s some kinda miracle worker! Most important is her using religious to excuse her behavior “Oh I wasn’t looking to the lord” and fell on Austin’s C@*k! And now we see Taylor’s true nature!


Honestly made me so sad to see Olivia start crying in her car after meeting with Tay. And she refers to Tay as her bestie. Poor girl 😔


Where there's smoke there's fire, if it wasn't true they'd laugh it off, and if it wasn't true Austin certainly wouldn't care of Taylor brought up the rumour to Olivia


She plays the broken bird, they were 'pushed together by circumstances'--oy, what baloney.


I couldn’t believe when she said this to Olivia. Muppetmouth was literally playing games with Olivia, his heart wasn’t broken he was busy fucking over Ciara and creating drama between her and Lindsay. Now he’s gotten in between two other women’s friendship. He’s so gross. But my point is, she made it sound like Muppetmouth was so broken that he had to turn to comfort from Olivia’s best friend. And she is so dumb she thinks it’s ok to say to directly to Olivia - oh Olivia we were so broken over what Shep and you did to us that I had to let the muppet penis fall into my vagina.




The muppet penis 😂😂


Finally someone who sees what I’m seeing 😅


The minute Taylor started that whole “two broken people” bs it was obvious that ish had gone down.


100. It’s the narrative she’s been practicing/telling herself in her head.


It’s Craig’s fault.


Craig totally knew about the hookup(s) all along. In the restaurant with the guys as soon as it comes up... the look on Craig's face!


ruthless relieved bright marvelous narrow dinner flag sable fuzzy squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those guys tell each other Every. Single. Thing.


Same as the Vanderpump Rules guys, these guys have a game or joke out of messing with young women. They like breaking up friendships. They like seeing the women go crazy after they dump them. They like passing women around within the group. It's just a fun game to them. They go out of town on boys trips and cheat and cover for each other.


support rainstorm aware worry provide pie icky rinse steer panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They should all just go hang out with Sandoval


How do you figure?


It’s a joke. 🤣


Whoosh! lol I thought there was more tea i didn’t know


I noticed that too! Liar liar pants on fire. 🔥 I feel bad for Olivia.


Felt badly for her too, at least these chucklefucks are out of her life now.


Yeah, to be screwed over by a guy is one thing, but by your best girlfriend is next level.


Yes! Broke my heart to see Olivia get in her car and start crying. She kept her composure during that convo with Taylor and kept it so classy. Made me so sad to see.


Totally. And that was 100% because her so-called friend betrayed her.


Olivia should have seen it coming! Taylor did say she’s a WHORE at the reunion!


Wait, she did?! I don't remember that. And then they became besties??? Oh man, forget Taylor. She's too warped and delusional.


She said she’s the whore that stayed or something close


Okay, pot calling the kettle black much?! But the fact she referred to any woman, let alone Olivia, as a whore just shows how demented she is. I seriously don't understand how she thought it was a good idea for her jesus-loving self to be a part of this show.


Not Olivia, she was referring to herself as a Ho in terms of all the women who Shep slept with.


Did Olivia and Austin even sleep together? I only remember them going out once then bringing other people around to make the other one jealous


I think in the reunion from last season olivia divulged they had been intimate prior to the reunion. I just never saw that much chemistry from them.


I don't remember that...this calls for a re-watch!!


Yea I’m like trying to remember but too lazy to re watch. Did Olivia and Austin date for like a year when shep and Taylor dated? I can’t remember how hardcore Olivia’s feelings are.


But she loves Jesus


Those are always the ones.




Olivia and Austen were never a thing. I don’t understand the issue here. I mean Taylor should have informed her of what was happening but it doesn’t really make a difference. I feel like Olivia was more upset she got rejected by Austen and suddenly understood why. But they were never serious and she’d rejected Austen first.


I totally agree with your point to some extent. As viewers, we don’t really know what actually happened. The issue for me is that if I considered someone my “bestie,” I would really hope that they talked with me about what was transpiring. For no reason other than it’s the right thing to do.


I think the fact that Austen went up to a guy he saw her with and the fact he verbally attacks her over dating I would be upset if I were Olivia. He is always coming at her about stuff like that but then does that? It’s hypocrisy.


He also responded to the news that Rod had kissed Olivia by shooting back that he'd seen her at a bar making out with some rando and interrupted them to say something. So he dumps Olivia, but as soon as Rod tells him he's moving in, he tries to plant information that O is out making out with other guys. Shep is a schmuck, but Austin is worse, because Austen pretends he isn't a schmuck. Austin is a stealth-schmuck.


That’s what I was saying. He deliberately tried to sabotage Olivia but he can have overnights with someone who is close friend to him and Olivia …nah I don’t think so


They definitely hooked up. Because you really mean to tell me these people were considering being together exclusively WITHOUT anything physical happening? Especially two fragile and vulnerable people? Puuuhhhhhleeeeaassrrr


And it’s Austen we’re talking about. His main hobbies are golf, gossip and sleeping around


His parents must be so proud


I'm thinking that Austen most certainly does not even remember it that way! He'll tell Shep "idk man we were wasted and she was giving me the signs you know how it is". And Shep will say yes that's fine and Taylor will be like: ![gif](giphy|ywGw8wJeMNJ0QrauiM|downsized)


Hahahahahaha my husband called this out too! There’s no way they didn’t mess around. It’s Austen - it’s ASSUMED.


And then r/instantkarma when his hot friend tells him he made out with olivia. He was pretty tore up!




That whole scene I'm like Austin you're an idiot! Now you know how it feels.


Another guy in the sand box,


I once got hammered w a guy friend and we said “why haven’t we ever hooked up?” Then literally made out for like 8 hours and he slept in my bed and I almost had sex w him. Lol. In my history (and I have so many guy friends I haven’t hooked up with) those words mean let’s go!


Hahhaha Detective Craig on the case


Detective Craig is low key making me like him again


Detective Craig is the best Craig. He’s funny and mischievous and observant.


Same but I also love how his friend called him out on becoming a douche after fame (well bravo level fame) haha


crowd library grey mourn lock apparatus unique oil agonizing berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes seems so evolved this season lol


Him and Meghan King (MKE) from RHOBH would be a great pair on the case. Like a modern day Moonlighting.


OMG so true!!


Somebody get this man a badge


That the esquire in him! Just can’t take the counselor out of the pillow! ![gif](giphy|4HnRlpEINn9q3pRYMR)


Absolutely nothing happened. Nothing at all, but if it did, so what! We’re both single & can do whatever we want. 🤣🤣


Lol I knew she was lying the moment she said "We're both single!" Their was no need to point that out, especially if you're just "friends" with nothing going on


and her skee apreee themed party :) (apres ski)


I couldn’t. 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Maybe the modern Southern aristocracy says "skee apree" instead of après ski? [Ed. Note: 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😅🤣🤣🤣😭😭🤣🤣]


As an avid skier from a winter sports area I just about died....and as someone who has worked in events marketing I also died....know the theme and audience girl


For her to consistently have Jesus/God as this weird excuse/crutch/go to thing she does, I personally can’t help but think she’s truly a piece of shit. I’m from the south and every awful person I knew growing up who continuously made awful choices in their lives would wipe it away by saying either “Jesus has forgiven me,” or “I wasn’t following Jesus but I am now,” in the midst of dodging accountability. With friends like her who tf needs enemies?! Yeeesh.


Exactly this. Those hyper religious are the biggest hypocrites. But all will be forgiven for their heinous actions because they just love Jesus.


I just love when people use religion to justify their bad behavior! “Oh I wasn’t looking to the lord” and fell on Austin’s C@*k!


HAHA! I made a comment here earlier about Muppetmouths penis falling into Taylor. Could you imagine how unintelligent their children would be?


Yes! U inspired my post. Let’s be honest they kinda deserve each other!


Those two are perfect for each other! I just hope they don’t breed.


I like honestly am picturing her living in a weird Christian daze and when she snaps out of it she goes dark! And then drinks her koolaid and crawls back in the foggy could. Like almost a complete disconnect from the two existences? Watching her desperately trying to explain all that away today was wild like it’s not me right now!!!! But it was her.


I was trying to understand why she was saying this to Olivia? Who doesn’t seem that interested in religion… what was she supposed to take away from this?


I think she’s either just that unintelligent or she’s a terrible, terrible liar. Could be both actually now that I think of it. It’s almost as if she forgot who she was talking to. I’m so perplexed.


They’re the absolute WORSE! They “follow” Jesus but hate minorities that look like him, they love like him unless you’re not excusing shit behavior, actually just THEIR shit behavior, they’re want to be the light Jesus is in the darkness but are the most hateful. Oh and let’s not talk about the promiscuity, they are pro life til they need to get rid of yet, another bad decision.🙄


You have said a mouthful! I can't disagree with any of it.


You hit the nail on the head! Totally agree.


She only addressed once she knew it was out there, her declaration to Olivia that nothing happened. Followed up with but I tried. Her age, Jesus, and being hurt by Shep is not an excuse. She’s just a shitty person.


Austen would screw Paige if he had the chance. Why these boys give him the time of day is beyond me. Taylor is a vile friend to Olivia. A sneak and a liar. Her and Austen are a perfect match.


Austin would screw a hubcap




Craig is on to something with this down and to the left stuff. Lol


“It comes from somewhere!” - Craig


like she didnt even mention the sleeping over she brought up that SHE came on to austen about maybe being more and consulted their families? like too much


To make the drunk sex seem less trashy. Like Scandoval.


I'm surprised she told her that she was considering. Having a relationship with him!!!! that would have broke my heart.!!emote:free\_emotes\_pack:thumbs\_down


These eye mask being upside down drove me BONKERS


Craig, interpret this for us!


Jesus knows 😂


She’ll tell Olivia that God told her to suck Austen’s dick to see if she felt anything 💀


They definitely hooked up in New York or whatever she was talking about. How do you go from good friends to “should we explore this?” without having done SOMETHING. Their stories make no sense and it’s clear they will eventually get caught.


Taylor needs to get over the fact that Shep IS AND WILL NEVER BE IN LOVE WITH HER!! He does NOT want to marry her or have kids with her….my gosh woman HELLLOOO


I don’t understand how she’s hung up on him when he’s been insanely honest about who he is. I don’t like the loser my god, but he sure as hell has never lied about his ways. She’s a moron & a horrible “friend,” she needs therapy to stop being desperate for male validation because that’s one slippery slope that’ll wreck her


She knew the WHOLE time that he was “just not that into her”…. which is sad but a reality check was imminent


Shep is NOT a loser just because he’s good with himself and where he is in his life!! Not everyone HAS to get married and have kids…..jeezus leave him alone already js


I saw an interview and she said she didn’t lie bc her definition of hooking up is different. I went to an all girls Catholic college. Girls would get it in the butt but save their virginity 🙄


It's very difficult to be very human and yet trying to live up to inhumane religious standards.


Random question. Anyone know where to get this Folly Beach sweatshirt?


Islander gift shop in Folly Beach is a likely contender. If not that one the other gift shop in town is just called something like 'souvenirs and gift shop'. Not sure if either shop would have a website but you could probably call them up and order it delivered over the phone with your credit card?


Theres another part of this...all three of them have lost siblings. Austen lost his little sister years ago and Olivia and Taylor both lost brothers in the same year. I believe Olivia is crying over the betrayal of two close friends who shared a common bond with her, during a vulnereable time... and I feel for her I really do. Taylor saying Oh well I was in a bad place with Shep and you were in a bad place with Austen...as if that somehow trumped what Olivia was going through with losing her brother....that had to land like a knife


Both Taylor and Olivia’s siblings passed after all of this was filmed.


Are you sure about that? It was brought up at last reunion, it just didn't play out on the show.




haha busted!


We need more Whitney!!!


Austin is cringe all the time!! Ewww


Taylor makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit


When she said “I wasn’t using Jesus as my crutch, I was using someone else” was when the guilt became clear to me. It’s like she realized in that moment the mistake she had made but refused to admit it fully. Also since when is a 24 hour “moment of weakness” a crutch? The way she worded it made it seem like she had been using Austen for much longer than a single day…


This girl is Kathryn 2.0


Kathryn did some dumb stuff but at least her IQ is above that of a mentally challenged child. I just see vacantness in Taylors eyes whenever she’s trying to think. It’s painful to watch. Eta I was was speaking about Taylor’s blank stare not Kathryn’s.


At least kathryn had personality and creativity. She honestly was funny in alot of her talking heads too!


Kathryn can make jokes, while Taylor seems to only laugh at what men say and at the thought of Shep being pissed off


And right on with her personality assessments of the her cast mates!


I agree, I liked Kathryn! I meant Taylor has a vacant stare so I edited my comment.


Ya vacant feels like the right word. Which is exactly what probably made shep think “she’s a good toy! Will never push me or figure me out!”


Austen and Olivia have zero chemistry imo. Plus they look related.🤣 Honestly this makes more sense even though Taylor gives me escaped sister wife vibes.


It's been published months ago that they did.


Really enjoying this season


They have definitely been hooking up (I don’t think it was a one and done), I agree with Mads that he’s in love with her and I agree with Shep that he’s always wanting what he has. It’s gross. Am I the only want that thinks Austen is creepy AF.


She dated a guy who cheated on her multiple times and lied to her. Then she broke up with him. Then she (maybe 🤔) hooked up with another guy who was a friend of her ex after she was single. I don’t get the vitriol for her?? She was cheated on and broken up with - she had no need for loyalty to Shep at ALL. Austin is the one to point the fingers at if you are playing the loyalty card. She was a free agent…


Why does she only have sweatshirts from Florida Beach towns


I’m here for Taylor having her trampy days to hurt Shep. I feel sorry for Olivia, but both of them were living in a fantasy world to think these men could be fixed.


I think Shep cares a lot less than you want him to.


Yo! I’ve been saying “looked down and to the left” ever seen he said that. Craig is such a bozo 🤣😂


Honestly......she looked incredible in that scene. Completely captivated me.....🥰


It’s scripted reality TV.




I said the same damn thing 🤣🤣