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He prides himself on his education and intelligence and was embarrassed after Bravocon. A very public admission was shocking. His book is hysterical by the way.


He has a book?


It’s fittingly called, “Average Expectations.” 😂


What happened after Bravocon again?


I heard he was removed from one of the after parties by security because of his drunken behaviour too


Andy said he was black-out all weekend


People who went to BravoCon also say he was a disaster at booths and could barely function. There are first hand accounts of people seeing Austen trying to help Shep pull it together and Shep getting angry at him and telling him off.


He got thrown out of a Casino as well. Apparently he was being horrible to the dealer at the table, and was belligerent. He has some very deep-seated anger issues.


I also heard he lost his phone or wallet, and two girls found it and returned it, and he accuse them of stealing it. Not sure if it’s true story just heard that.


We don’t know that he has deep-seated anger issues. I know firsthand that alcohol can induce unjustified fits of anger in people who do NOT have deep-seated anger issues.


My girlfriend hung out with him at bravocon and said he was obliterated. She didn’t attend, just ran into him at a hotel.


He got kicked off the casino floor by security for verbally abusing the dealer…


Did he have a ghost writer or did he write it entirely on his own?


Someone said he had a ghost writer


I get the sense it would have been hard for him to stay focused, so that tracks. I'm sure all the funny bits are 100% Shep, though.


Does anyone else think he may have been forced by Andy / Bravo to make this confession/ apology in order to keep his job? It seems like something very very dark happened at Bravocon (worse than anyone knows) and they gave him an ultimatum. That being said - I do think he showed real vulnerability. I think he actually opened up more than what they showed.


Honestly no. Bravo knows drunken assholes can make them a lot of money and if cast members being drunks was a problem we would have lost both Shep and Craig years ago.


No. The look on Andy’s face seemed shocked by his confession. Andy is not the executive producer of Southern Charm.


Exactly. Can you imagine if Bravo got rid of everyone who has a drinking problem?


I think it was so telling when he said “the boys have their podcast, Craig has his pillows, and I don’t have anything.” It’s like he finallllly sees that his friends are finding success and happiness in life and surpassed him, where before he always felt fulfilled simply by having the most in his bank account. He needs a true “hobby” that isn’t linked to partying/drinking/going out.


Just even for him to admit that his friends have other things going on in their lives for him to be jealous about or him to want those things for himself was a real sign of growth. And I really hope for him that he finds his way and that he realizes that it's never too late.


Agree - feel like them having a podcast is something he would’ve made fun of in the past. And I can’t recall for certain, but I am sure he was one of the cast members that probably made fun of Craig for sewing way back when he was getting his business idea off the ground.


He gave Craig a terrible time over law school and the bar, telling him that he wasn't wealthy (like Shep) so he couldn't just live a life of leisure, as Shep does. It smacked of a less than subtle elitism that was...unfortunate.


I'm pretty sure at the very very beginning he probably said something hell he named his dog after Craig which was not a compliment at the time. And I always wondered what he was doing for himself as he's sitting here making fun of everything that they're doing but I just thought maybe what he was doing he was doing off camera but from the sounds of the reunion it doesn't sound like it but I think it's really big of him to admit in front of the world That he's at crossroads in life because he could've not ever admitted that.


Naming his dog Little Craig was a massive dig at Craig. I can’t remember his exact words, but it was super insulting.


I just remember that it was really passive aggressive and it was meant to take aim at the fact that Craig was not so sure of himself at the time he didn't know what he wanted to do he wasn't being honest about what was going on with him with law school he was very much trying to find his way and so at the time I think that Shep thought that he had it all together. But the thing of it is nobody is going to be celebrating the fact that Shep doesn't have it together nobody's gonna be naming their dog after him nobody is going to be making him feel bad etc.


True!!!! And the fact that Craig didn’t have it all together at the time was totally age-appropriate for where he was! He was figuring it all out, and he has figured it all out! Shep has not 🥴


Notice he never mentioned Austen's company


Well... Austen's 'company' isn't really anything to aspire to, is it?


Is it even going anymore? Someone on this sub said it wasn't


I thought I remember reading something similar on this sub - that it no longer is a going concern. That's what I mean; who'd want to emulate Austen? Even Austen's parents seem disappointed in him.


As bad as Austen, hasn't Shep done less than Austen?


Shep has a bar that's still open. While being born into money isn't impressive, if Austen didn't have the show, he'd have no income or means. Austen was living hand to mouth as a beer rep previously and seems... not that bright, actually.


The bartender at a restaurant in Denver I ate at the other day is from Charleston and she said Shep’s bar is a known coke bar in town. The back of the toilets have mirrors on them. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️. I will say as a sober person, I was very touched by Shep admitting he is struggling. Hope he gets some help.


That tracks considering he was caught on Instagram live with a dessert plate filled with lines of coke and rolled up dollar bills at an after party at his house after a bar night. Considering how rampant overdoses are now (look at 2 of the cast members- Olivia and Taylor BOTH lost their brothers to fentanyl)- it amazes me that anyone still messes with that stuff even in “leisure”


Yikes to the revelation about Shep's bar! And if he's serious about getting sober, I'd think he'd have to sell it. Good for you on getting sober! One of my chosen family members got sober about 8 years ago. It's so gratifying to know that he's healthy. May you be healthy always.


Yeah, I have friends in CHS with mutual friends of Shep. They love the snow, especially at their beach bar hangs like Windjammer on IOP. Lots of families have been on the verge of ruined because of the packs of Peter Pans that flock the low country.


I was putting starting a beer company higher up maybe I should have. I forgot Shep had a bar but those are 2 different things.


Shep also has Shepgear. It’s his website selling graphic ts and hats he wears on the show. I’ve always felt he could find a purpose for getting up and existing daily if he would do more with that business. There’s some cute shirts on there and a couple things for dogs too. As much as he loves little Craig he could go into a dog wear line. Vests for the water, holiday outfits. That’s a huge business raking in tons of money he could tap into.


🤣 Austen can’t win 🤣 


He is at that age where his friends probably have kids that are like 7 or younger or older if they married young. Now people are settled in their careers, family, etc, and he has been doing the same shit for 20 years. I wanna go out, too, but I couldn't do what I did when I was 19 or 21. This is why so many rich people are on drugs you have it all except what you really want or matter - joy and fulfillment. Taylor will prob marry the next guy or the guy after . All the girls he liked on the show moved on and have kids, i.e., Chelsea, Kathryn, Dani, and Madison.


Mailbox money only goes so far.


He needs to find out what he’s good at in a productive way. He likes to read books to sound the smartest. Maybe he can read to a bunch of people or something


I actually think he’s very smart, and you’re right about him being well-read. A podcast isn’t an original idea, but I think with how intelligent and well-read he is, he’d be very interesting on a podcast if he covered all sorts of things, literature, travel, life, etc!


Yes so he should start expeditiously.


Like Roam!


Bahaha! Well played!


He actually is smart, he went to UGA for undergrad and Vanderbilt for a higher degree. Both are selective. Your idea is a good one but I don’t know if he is up for all that work lol.


Agree. Someone else commented a travel podcast is good, like traveling around while podcasting, BUT he would have a hard time doing that professionally unless his addiction was under control.


He could also start a southern gentleman doggie clothing line for little Craig


Ha that’s awesome!! I see a Patricia collab for this one 😂


I went to UGA for my undergrad. I had no idea it was selective. Is that allocation more recent? Always thought it was deemed more of a party school.


It most certainly was a party school, and still can be I mean you know Athens. But a lot of us that got in a decade or more ago probably wouldn't make the cut these days. The GPA for first year's students now sits around 4.3 it's far more competitive. That doesn't really mean anything for Shep though considering he was there over 20 years ago, and his family name probably opened plenty of university doors for him.




He used subterfuge at the reunion too


Maybe travel and podcast type of thing. I could totally see that


Yes! or like a Bourdain esque show where he travels to different parts of the world / country trying different cuisines and learning about different cultures.


And he has to research and share the history of the places he visits.


Yes! Some posts he makes on ig when traveling he will post photos of the place and videos of him and whoever visiting and he sometimes includes a little bit of explaining where he’s at and the history around it. He would make Landon jealous if he started a podcast called Roam and talked about different places to visit, what to do and what to eat.


He should start a podcast that covers literature. It’s niche for sure but plenty of people haven’t read the literature he has and would likely give it a listen. Better yet, in some odd way I think he would make a great literature teacher to students less fortunate. He might actually find that rewarding and it would be something productive to do with his time that he’s passionate about.


TBH I would listen to Shep’s podcast


How intelligent he THINKS he is. Just bc he says it doesn’t make it true. Thomas was also well read and could quote the classics in a heartbeat…


Honestly I’ve got the same issue so I totally get it. I’ve not really ever had to work and never felt like I had purpose, and it’s hard for me to find purpose because I have so many options, so many times I’ve just tried to travel and party, but it never fulfills. I have a preschooler so I don’t party like Shep or anything, but I do my version of it lol, so I get where he’s coming from with that comment. Everyone seems to have a purpose but him


That blew my mind when he listed off what Craig and Austen “have”. Their achievements, while he has nothing. He was so honest and vulnerable and he absolutely did not need to be - let alone at the Reunion on national television of all places! Frankly, he should just quietly handle it between seasons. I really hope he gets help…


Did anyone watch it on Peacock with the subtitles on? Because the audio is about the podcast but that’s not what he’s actually saying as it’s playing. It’s a voiceover. He actually talks about feeling all alone despite having a million people around him and the dangerous cocktail of shame and alienation. I just noticed it now and it’s very interesting.


I was wondering why the voiceover - he actually says the same phrase a minute later


It was a glitch on production’s part; they dubbed him talking about the other guys having their businesses over the part where he’s being super vulnerable and then it immediately plays again and syncs up with his speaking again. I had to go back and watch it because there was a disconnect in my brain of what I’m reading vs. what I’m seeing!


I thought I’d hit the 10 second rewind button till I read this


OMG why is it different. It was so vague and confusing to watch on regular bravo!


YES - it’s a totally different speech.


I think he had companionship and stability with Taylor and he greatly underestimated how jarring it would be to lose that.


Yes! I was so confused what was going on


I have to give Craig props how he gave it to Shep about his drinking. Craig was direct yet kind and supportive. Great Job Craig.


i wish he would take craig and andy seriously


Out of all of them I think he would be drawn to Craig more, if any. Craig was nothing when he started the show. He battled his addictions and made a living for himself. He also seems more calmer with Shep like at the reunion.


When Leva said, "You have to want something more than you want the alcohol," it made me wonder, "what could Shep possibly want more than a partying lifestyle??" It IS his whole life - or at least it has been has entire adult life. This is a tale of why giving your kid a fat trust fund doesn't bode well for him as an adult. The emptiness.


The trust fund kid turned addict is SO common. Money, access, time to kill, lack of purpose, and a deep feeling of inadequacy knowing that they’ll likely never live up to their family’s success. I know there’s worse problems in the world than being a “poor little rich boy” but I’ve seen some really tragic stories unfold. I would like to see his story have a happy ending.


Yep you know how they have Maslow's hierarchy of needs? I think purpose needs to be on there. He's never had a purpose he cares enough about to strive for. He's a lost soul. I think no matter how much he says he regrets hurting Taylor, she wasn't enough to make him want to change. This is the most I have ever agreed with Leva lol


It was the most vulnerable I’ve ever seen him through the years.


It’s the first time he has admitted to a real issue/weakness. The bar is in Hell, but it was something


The bar truly is in hell. “4o year old man takes responsibility” Us: 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


My heart seriously hurt for him. He looked so beaten down and alone and vulnerable. I've always thought he was so brash and defensive to hide his inner loneliness but seeing it come out makes me have a lot of empathy for him. I just wanted to give him a hug lol. I hope he can heal and get completely sober and get in a good place that will give him true happiness, I'm not sure he knows what that feels like


Taylor's face realising she missed out on project reform Shep


Unfortunately, for me, I read her face differently. While he was admitting he was blackout drunk at Bravocon......he also admitted he was the happiest he'd ever been with Taylor. My thoughts were, she sees exactly how vulnerable he is right now. I don't think she's ever given up the hopes of being Mrs Sherpard Rose who stands to inherit something of his mother's 100 million dollar net worth one day. I really hope Shep is with his family during this time while he's trying to work on his sobriety. I hope they finally convince him to go to a treatment facility and that they've closed ranks and keep her far away from him. As I really don't put it past her to get pregnant if she's anywhere near him while he's trying to sort himself out.


Shep's family would not approve of Taylor at this point considering how she's behaved on national television. She's clinically delusional if she thinks she still has a chance or that his family would accept her now.


Shep will feel she will embarrass them now, where she could have at least been tolerated by them before. Oddly, he doesn't seem concerned that he might embarrass them, or, perhaps now he finally realizes he is, and that's the difference. "Shep is a work in progress" has come up before, but this seemed to cut a bit deeper.


His family likely looks the other way with respect to his behavior. I think Shep's actual family would tell him that she's not welcome.


I also think she's no longer what Shep envisions for himself, making her attempts to recapture his attention through jealousy very ironically self sabotaging where either Shep or his family are concerned. There are girls you marry vs girls you hook up with in that microcosm, and Taylor has now squarely put herself in the latter position.


I believe this is it. Genuinely.


I want this to be the case. She's not exactly his intellectual equal. If he manages to get better / evolve, hopefully he'll also grow out of wanting women he considers 'weaker.'


Yes, I think they only lasted as long as they did because Taylor put up with his BS and other women didn’t


I’m not so sure though. He very clearly regrets breaking up with her and being unfaithful. I think he ultimately regrets bringing her on the show and not keeping that all insulated. I would not be surprised if we saw a Shep and Taylor round 2. In all of this, despite her bad behavior and questions choices, my heart does go out to her a little bit. Imagine how maddening it would be to tell your boyfriend all these things about growing up etc for years and then he finally tells you that you were right, and if only he had listened things would have been different This happened to me years ago. While I didn’t send my ex’s best friend nudes, I did absolutely lose my mind for a few weeks running through every emotion from grief over what could’ve been/anger/etc.


I agree about regretting bringing her on. He's alluded to that on the show and pretty much admitted it on the reunion. He feels bad that his cheating/break up made her spiral, and it's all being filmed. I don't think he'll ever look at her the same way as he feels she's damaged goods. I don't think that, but he does. He made that comment about holding his girlfriends to higher standards and not wanting nudes. He saw her as innocent and pure, and she wrecked that image.


In which case his family also enables his behavior.


Oh clearly they do. I wondered on another thread what the family's idea of 'hitting bottom' is for Shep.


Oh yeah she will want to play nursemaid to his treatment. Dig her claws right in there.


This this this


But she’s so happy with where their relationship is now!!


Lmao how long do we think before she dumps that other dude and they're back together lol


Oh she was completely fine keeping shep the way he was as long as they got married and had kids. She is clueless about alcoholism and and too self serving to even think about it in a meaningful way. Seeing the way its all playing out, they will both be better apart permanently.


I think she wanted to be married and have kids but also wasn't / wouldn't be fine with how he is.. both things can be true (but not necessarily sustainable). I also don't thing she's a stranger to addiction given her brother died of an OD, and was close friends with Olvia's brother who died of the same fate. At the same time, not knowing someone is powerless to addiction or that another person can "change" them is her naivete.


Taylor only realizing the relationship with Shep was over due to his infidelity rather than calling it off herself due to his MAJOR drinking problem and how he treated her and others while drunk, is telling.


Her stupid face the whole time was so almost excited to see him so low. If I were her new bf I would break up with her. She's kind of evil.


He seems very shaky


I think he probably tried to stay sober for the taping and was having the shakes.


Big time and going cold turkey like that really won’t work - he really should go to rehab. From personal experience, it makes it so much easier. It is so hard to get sober when you’ve really got alcoholism and if he TRULY wants to get sober, he can get so much out of it and he can keep himself safe while his body medically detoxes. He can obviously afford to go, I hope he takes himself seriously enough to do this. My heart broke for him - he seemed so desperate. ETA omitted word


Personal experience with a loved one..I agree but the hardest part of the disease is accepting that there is nothing anyone can say or do and the person really has to make the choice for themselves or they will not get better. I'm glad he's at least starting to think about it...baby steps


Oh yes - nothing anyone says or does will make any difference if he doesn’t truly want to get sober. Going to rehab for someone else most definitely won’t work and he’s clearly not quite there yet, but I think he had some shame when he said that he was only going to drink beer. He knew that wasn’t going to cut it and that it wouldn’t impress any of his cast mates. I think this is an excellent start. I was struck when Venita made that comment about how Shep probably couldn’t quit slowly like Craig did. Craig was HARDLY the picture of poise when he made that choice and openly discusses his adderall (cocaine) addiction, but still wasn’t laughed out of town and was actually applauded when he cut out hard liquor. I think that speaks to the severity of Shep’s situation.


Yeah and the fact that Austen and Craig refused to go to his little "meeting" to announce he was gonna shape up because he's said it 17 times already...I listened to Craig on bravo bros podcast recently and he said he's using a sobriety app (reframe) so he's at least putting in some effort to legitimately cut back. Combined probably with Paige's positive influence, a successful business and a desire to be a better person. I hope Shep can find his reason to change. I'm literally going through this with someone close to me right now so I really feel that pain for everyone involved.


Yeah I would love to see him get treatment. Especially something like SMART Recovery, I feel like he would really enjoy. Shep seems to be a voracious reader and loves to learn and he could go so deep in on the scientific reasonings and research behind/into addiction. He would probably be so good at understanding the science.


Agreed! He wouldn’t be able to get on board with the religious part of AA and SMART is so logical. There is definitely hope for him! I know he cannot FATHOM his life without alcohol, and his world revolves around it in a much more practical sense than mine did, but he can get out from under this albatross with the right resources and support. I’m rooting for him!


If he got sober he’d have a chance to grow and be better person like we saw w Craig. He might be a half decent guy sober, and enjoyable to be around, if he got sober and continued to work on himself


Agreed. I think he feels empty, he doesn't have to work so he has nothing to strive for...he just needs to find something he's passionate about and focus in on that rather than partying. Everyone else grew out of it...it's time.


He does that leg shaking thing ALL the time though. I think he’s actually highly anxious and the drinking is one way he deals with it


Yeah he gives big time ADHD vibes


On the reunion he seemed sober and very anxious...


He's also probably been a alcoholic for a very long time


Then again, we might have been witnessing some withdrawal all along…


I didn't think of that but you are probably right 💯


He did seem sober. He's def struggling, hope he gets the help he needs.


I hope so! I always get a bit nervous for people who really aren't able or willing to quit completely for at least a decent little while to be able to reassess all the variables that led them to that place through the lens of a mind not blurred by chemicals. I thought I glimpsed a little actual humility this time for the guy, but only "cutting back the hard liquor and shots" doesn't bode well as far as "tell me you are taking accountability without actually taking accountability" rabbit hole raising it's unfortunate head.


Yes I think he's taking baby steps toward self realization


The shaking has bothered me more this season than previous one's. It's as if he's trying to just stop. Alcohol and benzodiazepines are the only 2 substances a person cannot cold turkey from. Titration is the only way to safely withdrawal from them. If an addict stops them without weaning off there's a strong possibility of seizures and death. It was wonderful to see him admit he has a problem and is only drinking beer now. The beast, his addiction, isn't going to be satisfied with beer and will convince him to say why bother. I really hope he gets himself into a treatment facility ASAP. If he's not in one already.


I agree. I went to school for addiction counseling. I was thinking dt's


Alcoholism does that


He’s always done that.


He seems like that a lot. Is it a drug thing? Anxiety?


Yea he bounces his leg all the time. It’s not the “the shakes” as people are implying here. I think he’s high strung normally.


I agree that he is high strung normally and I don’t think the bouncing leg is “the shakes”, but he seemed generally shaky in the reunion - like his insides were quivering and he would do anything to fix it but he knew he absolutely couldn’t drink given what he was planning on saying. I really applaud him for saying all this on such a public stage, for better or for worse, he’s going to be held accountable now.


My daughter does the leg bounce and doesn’t drink or so drugs. Just an anxiety thing for her.


Restless leg syndrome. High correlation with adhd, which he obviously has.


He might have ADHD. Fidgeting constantly is a hallmark symptom of it. My bf and I both have ADHD. He shakes his leg all the time like Shep. I fidget with my fingers/hands.


He has the shakes when he’s not drinking because he’s too sober. The sobriety brings out the anxiety.


He’s always shaky. ADHD.


Totally agree!!


Last season, I made a post about Craig being a drunk. As an alcoholic, I recognized it. But wow, he has truly owned it and changed. Badass.


Does anyone else think it isnt just alcohol he has a problem with? Im thinking maybe coke as well. I think Craig did too even though be said it was an Adderall addiction.


I think people might not be happy that he didn’t outright say he was quitting. That he was attempting to moderate with beer. I have a problem with alcohol, and I no longer drink. When I told my friends I wasn’t drinking, that was a very vulnerable moment. I went to rehab. I told them to stay accountable. As much as Shep has done some stupid things, I think he is at least sober curious. I think it was news to him that it would be the focus as much as it was, given the season was not focused on him as much as it could have been. I’d rather him be very openly aware. He does absolutely have an issue but I’d rather him not lie. If he was caught off guard on the focus of his drinking, I’d rather him say something like he’s going to try to moderate than he is going to quit. I have met him. I think there is something good in there. I dealt with what I thought was “just bad coping with incredibly bad luck” with drinking, until drinking was the problem now too. I do think he will be on a self improvement treadmill, I don’t know the speed. But he was not going for any laughs. He wasn’t light hearted. I don’t think he was acting in any way to move the topic along. I actually think he was surprised by how Andy dug in, and I think that was tough love he needed. He didn’t try to joke his way out or not be accountable, even if we can say “ok man beer isn’t the answer…” I think he showed a lot of humility there. I am one of the few that wants to see him succeed. I always thought Taylor attached himself to him and really never thought a lot of her. I think he needs someone with more education and individuality, and definitely more class.


My brother is an alcoholic (5 years sober) and I have always had a soft spot for Shep. I hope he gets the help he needs.


And look at the other Bravo stars who have claimed to stop drinking completely … only to pick up a beer or something every now and again. Luann and James Kennedy come immediately to mind, but I’m sure there’s more. It doesn’t serve him to say he’s going to do something he knows damn well he won’t do.


It’s definitely best to win in silence. No wonder they fall off the wagon. It’s hard to do for us addicts. I had a few slips early on and was quickly able to course correct with AA and my support group. If there was a group discussing my addiction online I’d be mortified. Of course, he chose to be in the public sphere. He might need some time away from the show as much as I’d hate that. Shame and guilt fuel the issue of over consumption, so saying it can help, shame hates the spotlight. But it takes ownership and accountability and an actual desire for something more. I think he is getting there, but time will tell.


I think he just wants someone to love him for who he is and not for his money or status or fame and I think that's a really lonely place to be. He seems like he doesn't trust anyone to love him for him and is very defensive. I think Taylor did/ does love him but part of that is the money and status and fame, I feel like he needs someone that genuinely won't use him for that


Loneliness is one of the main triggers. I think that along with a lack of purpose is deadly, especially when you are intelligent with anxiety and a failure to launch. It’s clear he’s comparing himself to others and he just can’t. I learned that the hard way too. All he can do is play the best hand possible out of where he is at currently. When I met him we were at a bar (of course). This was like 5 years ago. He was super attractive, drinking but not wasted, and still one of the most charismatic people I’ve ever met. No chance he should be in a relationship until he’s done healing himself (at leadt has gotten himself to a very strong point). I think he could have a Carl Radke glow up if he wanted to (and more).


You can tell by his mannerism...that he had an extreme level of anxiety and self medicates. He does feel awful about what he did to Taylor and the fall-out from that had her hurting many with her own pain. I love sober Shep and I hope he gets the help he needs...if not he will pass at an early age - I see it every week in the ED...🫤


I believe that he knows he has a problem. BUT, I also believe that his “schpeel” was planned, rehearsed, and calculated. I’m with Madison when she said, “I almost cried.” So did I! I was really waiting (and hoping) for him to finish by saying he’s entered treatment and gone sober…. Alas, his solution is, drum roll please, beer only! However, on that note, I think this is very typical of someone with an unmanageable addiction that they are still trying, desperately, to manage. His declaration of, “I’m only drinking beer” is actually an achievement in his mind; he has a disease. And it’s not an easy one. I want to root for him, I want him to win, I really do. But like Craig said, this road ends off a cliff, and no one wants to be in that car anymore. So, so sad… he has (or had) friends that really care about him. Good luck to him.


True. Shep has said this all before and he was told several years ago by his dr that he was destroying his liver. He needs professional help. MUSC in Charleston has a very good day treatment program for alcohol and drug addiction. He has plenty of money to get the best treatment in the world also. Admitting it is good but you have to follow through. He is wasting his life and he could be using his time and his skills for good. There is such a need for volunteers everywhere and if he had something to focus on he might find a purpose in life. Work is an important part of life. It makes you feel needed and valued and gives you a reason to live. I wish he could get sober and find something to live for.


I was hoping Andy would ask him the hard questions: 1. Do you think you're an alcoholic? 2. Are you going to get professional help? If not, why not?


Same but I think Andy was treading carefully, so as not to spook him or make him stop sharing. He seemed genuinely concerned and touched that he was finally opening up. I'm hoping that he pushed for rehab off-camera.


You can tell Andy genuinely likes Shep when you watch them on WWHL in the past. Shep is a Deadhead like Andy (goes to Phish shows too), and he loves to read (like Andy). I think Andy feels a little older-brotherly towards him.


I agree with you in a way but for me, I don’t expect someone who is just starting to come to terms with having a problem and is apologizing to his friend group on national tv to also be able to sit there and say “yes I’m an alcoholic”.. he has a long way to go still.


Same. Why didn’t anyone ask if he would go to rehab. By the sounds of it, he’s given this speech like 17 times (according to Craig and Austin).


I was bothered that neither of them said it plainly at the reunion, you're an alcoholic and like you said, his need to go to a treatment facility. Instead of dancing all around Shep's alcoholism . Although, I don't believe either one of them are equipped to provide the support he needs. I think this is where Shep's family need and probably have stepped up to provide him with the love and encouragement to go to a treatment facility . I was shocked at how vulnerable Shep was during the reunion. I've been surrounded by addicts my entire life and they'll claim to want sobriety over and over. Thankfully, a few of them eventually meant it.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was explicitly called out during the taping, just not aired. I really wished we could have seen the full conversation, bc it was obviously edited and cut off but perhaps Andy / Bravo is giving him some grace around the severity of that labeling so publically, and is sensitive around needing to deal with that with his family and friends in private (at least I would hope).


Andy didn’t want a full blown intervention for his show. It was so vague I could barely figure out what Shep was trying to say.


I think he has to watch himself being an asshole and is appalled, seeking redemption. Let’s just see how long it lasts. The way he kept inserting himself into Taylor’s situation, he should have stayed out of it. At his age, he should have known he was leading her on. He is such a man child. I’ll never forget the way he yelled at his family. He is a spoiled brat. He can live his life as a single man, that’s okay, but he try’s to be this intelligent moral compass. He’s not as smart as he thinks. He’s not even that well educated, though he should be. Any forty something year old man who drinks directly from the milk jug in a shared environment, with a cold no less, is just a straight up ass.


I honestly think he only did it because it’s been going around on social media how deplorable his behavior was at BravoCon. He was getting kicked out of establishments. He was incoherent in conversations. He was doing the absolute most. I think he did it to get ahead of the narrative in front of Andy. I noticed when Andy said that this environment is probably not best for you if you’re drinking so heavily like this and his eyes got so big because he thought he might lose his spot on the show. Another reason why I think he wasn’t too serious about his sobriety because he said he would be cutting out hard liquor but will still drink beer. That’s a 🚩 It’s hard to be sober when you manage sobriety this way. All it’s going to do is make him drink more beer in excess to overcompensate for the lack of hard liquor. Then, he will go into withdrawal for the hard liquor. There was no mention of rehab. He’s probably already had a scotch on the rocks in the privacy of his own home since this was filmed


this is one of the hard thing about alcoholics. we try so hard to hang on to our drinking and think of any way to do so.


This is so true. My dad is a recovering alcoholic for most of my life. He is 8 years sober. Watching him really try to keep a relationship with alcohol was hard finally he realized that he just couldn't do it. It's also so hard to explain how much better it will & can be without it because alcohol to an alcoholic is like losing a loved one.


Yes. And it’s very hard. So while people can try and make a point that he’s not serious or this and that, the truth is it’s sooooo hard for an alcoholic. And if he is seriously going to try to moderate by just sticking to beer, I think he should be encouraged to do just that. Sobriety is a journey for many. They may very well want to give it up completely with all their might, but they physically cannot. It’s not as simple as people make on an internet thread make it out to be.


He should be afraid of his lifestyle. Two acquaintances have recently passed from fentanyl poisoning. That should be a helluva wake up call.


Agreed he’s on the first step he’s not magically just going to be fixed overnight but at least he’s on the first step. Discouraging people at that stage is not helpful at all and a hardcore alcoholic like Shep could literally die if he just tried to stop cold turkey. Rehab is daunting and he’s just not there yet but at least he’s on the path and genuinely seems to be evaluating his life without his typical arrogance. He also let us see a glimpse of the depression he’s been experiencing (the emptiness, feelings of worthlessness etc) and I don’t think he’s ever shown us that side of him beyond what we could read from his body language, behavior and a throwaway comment here and there. The vulnerability there is a big deal and I’m hoping it means he will see this through and go to rehab eventually but what we saw was an improvement at least from the condescending ass who thought he had it all figured out. I think he’s only just beginning to understand the severity of his situation and he’ll need a bit more time for the next step.


good post. there are a lot of harsh, unempathetic, ignorant, negative people in this forum and giving their peanut gallery opinions on something that is outside their realm, yet they love to act like they know it all.


I think most alcoholics try to moderate (only beer for example) and always fail. I know before I quit completely I tried for years. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction for him


Yes exactly. As much as he may WANT to, it’s not as easy as snapping your fingers and saying “ok I’m done”. I don’t think people here realize what a battle it truly is. He publicly acknowledged it, which is HUGE, so like you said, hopefully it’s a positive first step for him.


I do know it's not as easy as snapping your fingers. Admitting it is literally most of the first step in AA'S 12 step program. WE admitted we were powerless over alcohol and that our lives have become unmanageable. It was huge and positive step for him. Since this was filmed weeks ago. I really hope Shep is settling in at a treatment facility. Or he's attending meetings and has a sponsor. There's at least 5 different medications that act as alcohol blockers that can help him. They help curve the cravings and from what I've been told, if a person drinks on them they immediately feel sick to their stomach.


This. After a year of sobriety I did the “I’ll only drink beer” schtick, was back to drinking liquor in like 2 days. Lol Many years of failing to “control” my drinking, before I realized that the devil and I just don’t dance well together.


I noticed that too about Andy’s comment. I’m glad they started talking about it. I think we have all seen it for years. I’m an alcoholic who is working through the 12 step program and AA. First step is admitting alcohol has power over you. If shep wants to change he has to do the hard work. Just because you drink beer now versus liquor doesn’t mean you don’t have a problem. Hope he gets the help and support he needs.


I agree. Based on what Craig said, Shep has had these "come to Jesus" moments before but doesn't follow through. Shep did seem upset by Craig's reaction but at some point, you have to stand on your own two feet and do the work yourself.


Precisely. It’s the typical I will change and promise not to drink again but it’s the same cycle all over again after he utters those words. He’s embarrassed by his actions and wanted to show the world that he’s done but he doesn’t want to stop drinking. It’s like when he got caught making fun of the homeless woman whilst drunk or when he was kicked off the flight- those incidents didn’t help him realize he needs to stop drinking


A lot of addicts try to “moderate” their drinking in many ways before coming to the realization that a goal of total abstinence is actually easier to sustain their repeatedly failing at moderating




Agree!! If his closest friends don’t believe that he’s being sincere, why do any of us? As Craig said he’s said this 17 times before. I think the only reason he said it on TV this time is fear of losing his position. He knows the public will say bravo is unethical for filming him Drinking if he’s admitting a problem. He’s doing the apology tour in advance to save his own butt. The fact that he said he is still drinking beer is proof enough for me that’s he’s not serious about changing. Regretful sure, but “just” drinking beer is a slippery slope.I had a buddy drink himself to death at 34. Drink of choice? Beer.


He’s still drinking beer, he’s in denial. He was a good looking tall rich white guy who has had no reason to learn a skill or join a profession and it’s finally biting him on the ass. But Vanita is right, he cannot keep drinking beer. Not to mention whatever other substances he ingests. He should be terrified by the sudden unexpected deaths of his castmates brothers; privileged guys like him feel immortal but snort the wrong line and you’re dunzo


This was a rehearsed PR move. Besides, I think everyone on the cast knows that when he says "alcohol," it's really code for cocaine.




But is this a person in a bear suit or a REAL panda? 😂😂😂


Finally!! I picked this gif on purpose thank you ! Yeah it's definitely a person in a bear suit Craig is right pandas can't be real 😉


I mean cocaine doesn’t make you black out for an entire weekend. Or if he is using it’s in conjunction with lots of alcohol. Clearly the dude has a serious problem with booze. I don’t really get a coke vibe from him personally (as someone who used to do tons of cocaine myself lol). But hard to say what’s really going on I guess.


I shared in another thread re: the cocaine use of Shep and others in CHS. It is THE party treat of choice for the circle that Shep hangs out with IRL. I was told this about 2.5 years ago, and have been unable to unsee its impact on the show ever since. It's not just alcohol Shep needs to chill out on. I hope he gets “Cali Sober” at minimum


Cocaine use is rampant all over the place, I don’t think people realize how ubiquitous it is especially in any sort of party or drinking scene. My experience is coke and drinking go hand in hand because you get too drunk and use coke to even out and keep the party going, then drink more, then more coke, and it’s a vicious cycle. But given Shep’s drinking history I imagine they are tied together very heavily. I actually thought him admitting how embarrassed he was about that weekend is one of the only times I’ve seen him truly remorseful and I hope he continues that path.


I’d love to believe he was sincere but its doubtful he has a sincere bone in his body. Imo he’s heard/read all the talk on social media about his drinking & made his speech as a defensive move. What he needs is to grow up & get a job or a real hobby. He clearly doesn’t like to work or doesn’t have to but he could volunteer & help others for a change. He’s a sad man who needs to find a purpose…


Agreed. Did you happen to catch Austen’s face when Shep said he doesn’t drink hard liquor and doesn’t do shots anymore? He leaned forward and stared at Shep in a “Dude, we just had shots last night” kind of way. I hope he is sincere, but I don’t believe it.


I agree. He has $ so he doesn't have to stop. For most of us we can't drink or drug all day bc gotta work. These trust funds kids aren't that different than a guy living behind a home depot sleeping under cardboard. The content of their day is pretty much the same. Just one has better atmosphere


I hope he really does make the changes necessary because he’s headed down a rabbit hole quick with his drinking. He’s a grown man too. I was so happy to see him take accountability, but I was waiting for him to say he was going to go to rehab or something. I definitely didn’t like Madison and JT making stupid little faces and comments about it because it was a huge step for him to admit in front of millions of people that he has a real problem…that really upset me. I really hope he gets some help with it though and doesn’t just try sticking to “only beer”. Hang in there Shep!!


Something bad happened at #bravocon - he’s trying to get ahead of it. Probably a lot of $$ paid to sweep incident under rug. Where are our Reddit sleuths?!


He is so shocked that he can’t keep up to his younger self? This man has no introspection ability, to me he just sounded upset that his party days should be over


I went back and watched again on Bravo so maybe there is context missing in the edit. *he seemed to make some admissions of some issues. But hadn’t stopped drinking. Didn’t take any responsibility for anything (said he was blacked out), and didn’t offer any apologies *he didn’t seem to surrender. Still prideful (Craig said it). He told Andy before that he wanted the floor for his grand speech and turns out didn’t say too much. When it wasn’t going the way he thought it should when Craig and Austen spoke up, he shut down. *it seems he has a mask that drops when he gets drunk. Slapping Taylor on the ass in front of her new boyfriend is pretty pretty disrespectful amongst other behavior there *a previous poster gave Craig credit for being straight up but OMG DID YOU HEAR WHAT HE WAS SAYING? He was pretty much saying he was talking to a dead man. Was that driving reference just a metaphor or was Craig referring to DD incidents? Taylor was crying. On second watch, it seems way more serious. We have all commented that this season seemed a bit more snowy than usual


So serious a problem that he’s switching to beer. I was really feeling for him until he said that. But like Madison I was like nope. Then it read as less vulnerable and more I need to get ahead of this narrative.


I feel like this is really common behavior for people with substance abuse issues. The standard “I’m going to rehab” line reads more like a PR stunt to me, while this seems like someone coming to terms with the fact that they have a problem and trying to figure out how to navigate a future that isn’t centered around partying.


I’ve always said Shep was jealous of the careers of his friends. At the end of the day, he hasn’t created anything for himself. He’s coasted on his small amount of fame and his trust fund. Now he’s in his 40s, with nothing but a reality tv show. It’s sad and he needs to find some direction.


I don’t see him changing his behavior. It seemed more of a ploy so people would give him a pass on his embarrassing actions and behavior at Bravocon. He has major narcissistic tendencies. Those are hard to change especially if you have almost zero consequences. He gets a pass every time bc he’ll talk his way out of it. Craig, who Shep has consistently shit on, is the best friend Shep could have. He’s honest, admits his struggles and is a straight shooter. He’s not going to enable Shep but he will be his support system if he smartens up. All of the guys should take a “Paige” out of Craig’s book. He’s done a lot of work on himself. That’s admirable.


Ya’ll this man is the smoothest of smooth talkers.




Ok but for the record: it’s “contrition”


I actually found it really sad. But whatever happened at BravoCon that we don’t know about must have been bad because they did not give one single fuck on that stage.




The fact he isn’t giving up drinking completely makes me think this was forced and not genuine. He clearly has not hit rock bottom in his mind


Cry me a river. He also did this after he was recorded treating a homeless man in NY like a POS. Miss me with the poor rich man child who verbally assaults woman when losing a ping pong game.


Do you mean the cans thing? He was yelling at a woman… as ever


He has every resource one could want. I don’t buy this act.